Big Country Sports

Chapter 597: What is the real invincible team?

Latest website: Fan Zhiyi said that Brolin was not worthy of being his opponent, but he knew in his heart that he was a little bit close to guarding against this guy. Sweden's reputation as the number one genius is not in vain.

But at this time Brolin's mentality changed, and the rhythm came to General Fan's side.

Besides, General Fan had already thought about it in his heart, and he would call for support whenever he had the opportunity today, after all, there were two guys beside him who also hit the back.

So everyone saw that Brolin seemed to have completely lost his spirituality today. Not only was he always obsessed with the one-on-one with Fan Zhiyi, but he was always caught in the encirclement of the Chinese team like a headless chicken.

This is fatal to the Swedish team. Most of their players are tall, but their movement speed is not fast. Usually, Brolin's spirituality makes up for it to a certain extent.

So if he fails, the Swedish team's midfield operation will fall into a quagmire, especially in the face of the Chinese team's conscious oppression and pressing. There will be a panic when passing the ball, for fear of being forced to steal the ball or make a wrong pass, it will be a disaster.

The Chinese team is stronger and has restrained tactics. They created several scoring opportunities in the first 20 minutes.

It's a pity that the next few times were close to the goal. After all, it is impossible for the Chinese team to convert every opportunity into a goal.

But with such a blind sling, the goal will appear again sooner or later.

In the 22nd minute of the first half, Brolin finally took advantage of a rash shot by Fan Zhiyi to complete a breakthrough.

This made him and the Swedish fans happy, but it was a pity that before he was happy, Brolin encountered Zhou Yurong's timely supplementary defense.

The youngest genius in this World Cup has better defensive awareness than Fan Zhiyi, a teammate who has played in League One for two years.

This is not a question of experience, it is purely a manifestation of talent.

Brolin didn't hit the ball immediately, but relied on his short stature and faster speed, trying to get rid of it with a quick pull and change of direction.

But Zhou Yurong's defense was not as angry as Fan Zhiyi's. He never thought about stealing the ball directly from the opponent's feet.

With Fan Zhiyi's reckless kick, as long as he doesn't touch the ball, the opponent can either break through and face a large open field, or have to rely on his teammates to defend.

Of course, Fan Zhiyi knew that someone behind him would fill his seat, so he dared to be so proactive.

He was not so reckless at Arsenal. This is the cost of trial and error after having good teammates.

Seeing that Brolin wanted to use speed and change of direction to pass him, Zhou Yurong immediately chose to press with his body, but never rushed to steal the ball. And as long as Brolin speeds up, he will also speed up to keep up, and at the same time continue to use his tall body to oppress the opponent.

This kind of oppressive defense that followed like a shadow blocked Brolin's route to the middle, forcing the opponent to go to the side.

Brolin's face became ugly. He tried to break through several times and found that he couldn't get rid of Zhou Yurong. Although the speed of the latter was not as fast as him, his explosive power was not bad at all. Coupled with his clear defensive prediction, he completely sealed the situation. The line that he continued to cut inside.

At this time, seeing Shang Yun also surrounded him, Brolin hurriedly pulled the ball and turned around to pass the ball.

But it was obviously too late to pass the ball at this time. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that even Fan Zhiyi had outflanked him, and all the passing routes seemed to be blocked.

At this time, Zhou Yurong decisively took advantage of Brolin's panic after turning around to steal the ball, and kicked the ball directly to the smiling Fan Zhiyi with a bucket.

Fan Zhiyi was indeed grinning. After receiving the ball, he took a few steps and found that there was no chance, so he returned the ball to Zhou Yurong.

Zhou Yurong was also observing after getting the ball, and then accelerated towards the opponent's right.


Fan Zhiyi suddenly shouted!

Zhou Yurong actually sensed that something was wrong with the movement behind him. It was probably because Brolin, who had been intercepted just now, was so angry that he wanted to come over and fight back.

So he slowed down a little and pulled the ball to the side, preparing to use his body to protect the ball first.

But he didn't expect that Brolin's counterattack didn't go at anyone at all, but rushed up madly, which was a malicious foul that could destroy a professional player-scissor kick.

Although Zhou Yurong was extremely talented, he never expected someone to jump over the wall in such a hurry.

His ball protection would be enough to deal with normal panic, but facing the scissor kicks that were completely aimed at people, he still couldn't dodge and was shoveled to the ground.

"Lying grass mud horse!"

General Fan looked at the panorama not far away. With his eyes wide open, he rushed up a few steps and kicked Brolin who had just got up a few meters away. out!


Brolin could even hear a crisp sound of bone breaking from the calf kicked by the shoe spikes, but he didn't feel too much pain at the first time, because the soaring adrenaline in his body when the leg was broken temporarily made everything Pain is not felt.

But this malicious retaliatory flying kick also made the unreasonable Swedish team forget about other things. Two players who were close to each other rushed up to Fan Zhiyi at the same time to fight back with the same flying kick.

"Drafting? I'm going to get a red card anyway, so kill one to get back the money, and kill two to earn money!"

General Fan was not afraid of this at all, relying on himself to eat porridge in the martial arts gym of the Luo brothers and sisters for several nights, he immediately turned sideways to avoid a flying kick from a Swedish player, and turned around with a Bruce Lee-style twist on the waist Kicked and kicked another Swedish player into the air.

After the Swedish player who was slammed on the waist screamed and flew out, he could no longer get up and could only hold his waist and howl on the ground.

"Doo doo doo doo doo doo...!"

General Fan was in high spirits, but the on-duty referee was so frightened that he blew his whistle long before Brolin broke his leg!

However, relying on the whistle at this time can no longer stop the players' hormones from erupting!

Seeing that Fan Zhiyi was about to fall into siege, Gao Zhongxun rushed forward to help him pick up one person without saying a word.

The Yanbian God of War of the Korean ethnicity is even more hated than Fan Zhiyi. When he goes up, he inserts his right foot into the crotch of the opponent, so that the opponent does not dare to continue to raise his leg to attack, and then he lunges forward with a right lunge. The tip of the right elbow hits the opponent's heart violently forward!

I don't know if it's Bajiquan or Taekwondo. This poor Swedish player has no power to resist. Under the heavy blow of the elbow on the chest, he feels that even his heart has been shattered by the blow, and his whole body is instantly weak. He collapsed on the ground, and even breathing became difficult for a while.


"Jeet Kune Do...Bajiquan..."

"Killed! Killed!"

"Good fight! Sajia is here to help!"


At this time, whether it was the fans at the scene, the players on the sidelines, or the audience in front of the TV, everyone was shocked by this sudden violent incident and seemed to be dumbfounded!

But there is only one thought in the hearts of the players on the field: I have to help!

However, as soon as the idea of ​​the Swedish players came up, they were shocked by the ferocity of General Fan and Yanbian God of War.

Then, I saw a steel giant who really looked like a **** of war, striding from the backcourt at the speed of a sprinter, and there was even a frightening grin on his face.

This person instantly destroyed the remaining will to fight in the hearts of the Swedish players.

Just kidding, the three of them were knocked out instantly when they saw their family, and they were already a little timid and didn't dare to go to Fan Zhiyi and Gao Zhongxun to fight again.

Seeing Luda's orc-like physique and fists the size of sandbags at this time, it is already very brave to run away without turning around at this time, okay?

Such a peerless and strong macho, except for some young women who might have the idea of ​​fighting, who would dare to fight with him?

"I'm fine! I'm fine!"

At this time, Zhou Yurong limped and hurriedly stood up, and loudly reported to his teammates that he was safe.

Although the scissor kick was aimed at the disabled person, he dodged it at the last moment. This kind of flawed injury can only rest for three to five days at most.

But he didn't expect that such a tragic fight would break out because of his crime!

"Fuck them to death!"

"Damn rabbits, I'm going to kill you!"

"Stupid Swedes, your grandpa is here, come and fight if you have the guts!"

"Swedish birdman, you can't do it on the court, and you can't do it off the court! Kill you!"

"Chinese team, play well! Play even better!"

"Captain of Manchester City, invincible!"

"Arsenal iron waist, you are Bruce Lee alive!"

"Zhou, let us see your Chinese Kung Fu too!"

"Come on, keep going! Don't stop!"


At this time, the fans of the two teams, plus some neutral fans who stood up for the team, and more neutral fans who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, were on the scene or yelled, or added fuel to the fire!

The security guards at the scene also reacted quickly at this time, filing in from several passages at once, and quickly contained the tragic fight that had actually come to an abrupt end.

That's right, Ruda hadn't even crossed the midfield yet. The tragedy was enough to rank among the top three in the World Cup, but it didn't last as long as the fight between Isabella's old father and brother, and it was terminated on its own.

"What's the matter, don't you guys want to fight? Let's go together! I'll just tear you in half!"

At this time, Ruda was in a position of unrelenting power. Facing a group of Swedish players who looked like little quails in his eyes, Ruda immediately pushed away the referee who was in the way, and with a vicious look, raised his eyebrows and stared at him. The other party sprayed directly!

The referee was also very unlucky, being pushed by Ruda and fell directly on the lawn like a little chicken.

But he didn't have any angry thoughts, instead he quickly got up and stopped in front of Lu Da again, almost yelling: "Master, don't get angry anymore, can I give you a bite!" ?

At this time, Wu Jie and the others naturally remained calm on the sidelines. Since the fighting has been stopped by the fighting power of the Chinese players, they naturally don't need to roll up their sleeves to fight!

The Swedish players are naturally the most aggrieved at this time, but no one has the courage to let them go up to the Chinese players one-on-one.

In the past few years, the global wave of Kungfu created by the Luo brothers and sisters has naturally swept across Europe.

Many Europeans and Americans really think that most Chinese people know how to do kung fu with one or two hands. At this time, when they saw the amazing and brutal fighting power of Fan Zhiyi and Gao Zhongxun, and Lu Da, who knew that a punch and a kick would definitely kill someone without looking, who If you dare to go up, you really want to be a martyr.

At this time, hundreds of security personnel had also rushed onto the field and quickly separated the players from the two teams.

Although the Swedish players felt extremely aggrieved, it was more of a feeling of gratitude at this time, not an idea of ​​taking advantage of the **** to go down the donkey.

This is because They were actually more worried about the rise of the Chinese players just now, and when they rushed forward, they all fell to the ground in one go!

"My leg! My leg! Broken! Broken!"

At this time, the Swedish players breathed a sigh of relief, and finally heard Brolin who was being carried over and began to howl in pain.

Fan Zhiyi's kick had even caused his broken bones to pierce the flesh and leak out. The severe pain that penetrated into the bone marrow in a physical sense made him almost on the verge of fainting, but he couldn't faint at all. past.

So all physical pain can only be transformed into a constant wail!

But this **** scene made the Swedish players feel even more rejoicing, secretly sighing that fortunately the injured person was not himself!

Those Chinese are simply too cruel!

Could it be that their ancestors also robbed houses?

(end of this chapter)