Big Country Sports

~: There have been too many things recently

It hasn't been updated recently, mainly because there are too many things.

I was temporarily discharged from the hospital before the National Day. Originally, I was going to buy medicine. After the holiday, I went back to continue my recovery, but I didn’t expect my mother’s condition to deteriorate, and the plan had to be disrupted.

My mother's pulmonary tuberculosis has been recovering very slowly. The key point is that after she has this disease, the cancer cannot be treated any more. The radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy have to be stopped because the drugs used to treat tuberculosis conflict with these. No further treatment will be given until TB has recovered.

This is the biggest problem at the moment. Originally, my mother has undergone chemotherapy five times, and the effect is actually good. After that, I am connected to the immune drugs. If I am lucky and the drug resistance appears later, it is very likely that my life will last for two or three years, or even longer. Time is not without opportunity.

But our luck was obviously not good. The continuous chemotherapy caused my mother's immunity to weaken. I don't know how she got tuberculosis, and the plan was completely disrupted.

For the past two months, my mother has been coughing badly. At the worst, she even had a problem lying down. After being hospitalized for a month, some of her symptoms were relieved, but her cough was still severe.

During the re-examination before the National Day, the local hospital felt that the cancer cells may have spread to the lungs. After all, she has not been treated for cancer for more than two months.

Last week, we went to the provincial cancer hospital for a detailed examination. The good news is that the cancer cells have not spread, nor have they spread to the lungs, and the sputum examination was negative, so there is no danger of infection. But the bad news is that the lung nodules have grown further, which means that the treatment of tuberculosis is not satisfactory, so my mother's cough has not improved.

This Monday, my mother was transferred to the Provincial Chest Hospital, which is more authoritative in treating tuberculosis than our local hospital. My mother and I were separated again and hospitalized alone.

I actually don't want my mother to always leave home and be hospitalized and go to the hospital alone.

I want to spend more time with her in the last period, but unfortunately this idea is not realistic.

I know that my mother's condition is progressing slowly, which should be related to too many disappointments in reality. In fact, we all know that mentality is more important than treatment at this time, but it is difficult for my mother to have a good mood. moan and groan. I want to talk to her more, but no matter what I say, it is easy to be transferred to negative topics. Her mood is also very easy to be negative and low, and it is common to cry after saying a few words. Even in the comedy movie I found for her, she would cry when she laughed, and then coughed constantly, so she was not in the mood to watch it.

This kind of mentality and emotions must have a great impact on her condition, but I really can't change anything, because many things are cruel reality, and it's hard not to think about it.

Now I can only take one step and see one step, at least in terms of treatment costs, the starting point is really helping us a lot, so that my mother will not sigh on this real problem.

We applied for the charitable aid of reading text before. The first 60,000 yuan helped my mother through the previous cancer treatment. The second 40,000 yuan in the past few days allowed my mother to treat tuberculosis in the hospital with peace of mind. It's the only thing that makes us smile these days.

I don't have any major problems here. Although I was discharged earlier than planned and the recovery effect did not meet expectations, I have already seen this kind of thing. As long as it is better than before the operation, it is not a failure!

It's hard for my knee to get back to 90 degrees, actually 60 degrees, because this thing bounces, it recedes, which I didn't expect before.

But I can still accept it. After more than ten years of rigidity, it is too long, and it is not realistic to want to return to 90 degrees.

Now I only hope that the annual home exercise can make my knees bend to 60 or 70 degrees in the future, so that I will not limp when walking. As for things like going downstairs and squatting, anyway, there is a sitting The toilets and elevators, and logistics are so developed, I will end up relying on technology when I am in trouble.

The biggest help for me from this operation, or the biggest hidden danger solved, is actually not the problem of bending the knee, but the large hematoma on the thigh.

This thing is called a blood tumor in the hospital, not to mention whether it will become malignant, the biggest hidden danger of this thing is the compression of nerves and corrosion of bones.

My luck has been calculated, the hematoma for more than ten years is always making one leg cramp and numb. Many hemophiliacs like me have their bones corroded and finally had to be cut off. Bone amputation, or even amputation, can save lives.

So I must be grateful for everyone's life-saving grace, because if my hematoma develops for a few years, 80% of it will endanger the bones.

This time, the cost of my mother's treatment depends on the assistance of the starting point.

And my surgery, as well as a large amount of coagulation factors before and after surgery, as well as the follow-up rehabilitation, are all donations by everyone on the water drop chip and WeChat.

It's no joke that I saved my life by a book friend.

So I feel very guilty now, and I don't dare to open the writer's assistant at all. When I see it on my mobile phone, I will hurriedly open it, because I have basically been in a state of disconnection for the past six months, and I have no face to face everyone.

Wait for a while, I have too many things to do now, mainly because my speed of doing things is also a little slow.

Now my knee doesn't hurt and the hematoma has cleared up, but both ankles still hurt like needles after walking for a long time.

There is no way to do this. The ankle cannot be replaced. The artificial joint in this part can only be used for three to five years, so doctors usually do not recommend replacement.

During this time, I was really gritting my teeth to accompany my mother to see a doctor, and pretending that there was no problem, I felt back to the school days when I had to hide my illness from my classmates.

In the next few days, I'm going to do something really **** up.

As I told you before, in June, because I ran out of resident medical insurance, I had to change it to employee medical insurance for flexible employment at my own expense.

At the beginning, the Civic Center told me categorically that it would take half a year for a transitional period to take effect when a resident change to an employee would take effect.

Later, the community helped me ask various departments, and finally asked directly to the mayor's office, which finally confirmed that it would take effect in the next month, and gave me a white note to use it directly if I had a problem.

That white strip is useless, my employee medical insurance took effect the next month, and the minimum living allowance was also reserved under the community's struggle. Thinking about these eyes is a bit wet, at least the community here is really warm, every time I come to the door There will be good things.

As for the civic center, I really want to fuck.

Although my employee medical insurance took effect, there was something wrong when I was discharged from the hospital. There was a "payment of the original deferred balance" on the statement, which showed that there were several thousand yuan that had not been settled.

In fact, I discovered this in July when I used the employee medical insurance to buy medicine for the first time.

This time when I was discharged from the hospital, it was before the National Day. The hospital felt that there was a problem with the settlement, and they did not immediately settle the settlement for me. They asked me to call the Medical Insurance Bureau. Otherwise, it would be difficult to change the settlement after the settlement.

I hurriedly called the Medical Insurance Bureau, and after the inspection, they told me that there were two missing items after the employee medical insurance was changed, and they needed to be repaid. After that, it was normal.

I went to the civic center first, and when I went to pay the money, I asked them if they had paid it all up.

Then the office staff told me that I had already paid, but I was not sure whether it would take effect in the next month, and then scared me that there was a half-year transition period...

This time, I hurried to the Civic Center and asked them to check if there were any omissions, so I quickly handed over the money.

As a result, the clerk checked it for a long time, and told me that there were no missing items, so I could use it normally.

I repeatedly confirmed to him that this product went to the leader again, and then came back and told me that employee medical insurance is like this, so I can use it with confidence.

Well, I was really relieved at the time, I asked the hospital to settle the bill when I went back, and then the next day, before the holiday, I went to the designated hospital for chronic diseases to buy 60 medicines.

At that time, my mother's tuberculosis had not worsened. I bought so many medicines to continue to recover after the holiday. The 60 medicines were close to 150,000 before reimbursement, and more than 20,000 after reimbursement.

At that time, I felt something was wrong, because according to the previous experience of buying medicines, after 60 medicines were reimbursed, it should be about 15,000. After the employee medical insurance, the reimbursement ratio of these two purchases of medicines was less than before. what?

Then, when I saw the more than 7,000 "payment of the original deferred balance", I had a bad feeling in my heart. I called the Medical Insurance Bureau again, and then I got the answer of "I have missed items."

This time I went directly to the Medical Insurance Bureau, but I was told to pay at the Civic Center.

Now I can only go to the civic center, and then directly ask them to call the medical insurance bureau. Only then can I confirm that there is really a omission, and then the office staff go to the leader again.

At that time, I really wanted to connect with the leader...

But while I was waiting, I happened to hear the clerk at the other window and a citizen, arguing about something that went wrong earlier, saying: We have a recording here...

As soon as I listen to it, I feel refreshed. If you have a recording, it will be easier to handle!

The two times I came here, I have repeatedly asked whether there are any missing items, whether all the money has been paid, what is the "payment of the original deferred balance", and whether I can use it normally.

You told me that there was no problem, and told me that employee medical insurance is like this. Now that there is a problem, should I hold you accountable?

Of course, I didn't have such a rude face, but I still put forward the other party's first two replies, and let them solve my problem.

This time they really solved the problem seriously. After the leader came over, they called several times. First, they settled my settlement statement at the rehabilitation hospital, and asked me to make up the arrears. After it took effect, I went to the hospital to cancel the previous settlement statement, and then Open a new one.

However, the designated hospital where I prescribed the medicine is located in the High-tech Zone. There seems to be another team responsible for these problems. The leaders here have made several calls, but they still can't give me an accurate answer. Go to the hospital over there to see if you can cancel the previous outpatient orders, and if you can't, come back and negotiate with them.

I have to go to the rehabilitation hospital tomorrow, and then go to the designated chronic disease hospital. If the latter cannot cancel the order, I have to make another trip to the civic center.

Really, if the hospital doesn't cancel it for me, then I'm ready to blow up the mayor's hotline, and this time I must file a complaint against the Civic Center.

If everything goes well, I have to go to the community with all the bills and medical records of my mother and I this year, and they will help us apply for assistance and see if there are any policies or charitable projects that can be given to us. Pay some more.

Finally, I have to take all the statements for this year and make another trip to Qihuibao.

This is our local inclusive supplementary medical insurance. I didn't actually buy it last year, but the community told me that they automatically buy this insurance for people with minimum living allowances every year. do not forget.

Alas, they are all government departments, but why is there such a big gap between this civic center and the community?

This is what I am going to do in the near future. I can't say if I can do it well in a few days, because these are things that require repeated errands. My two feet have started to hurt just thinking about it.