Big Guys’ Little Milk Group is a Black Heart Lotus

Chapter 901: Standard Sven Scum xiNSHuHaiGe.CoM

When Feng Xin'er woke up, she looked at the simple, yet exquisite and clean room, and was puzzled for a while.

Who is she?

where is she?

However, her memory soon returned to her cage, and she remembered that before her grandfather died, she gave her a box and asked her to send it to Su's house in Yucheng.

According to the address given by her grandfather last night, when she finally found the Su family villa, it was already midnight, and she didn't know whether her wallet was dropped on the train or was stolen by a thief when she was leaving the station, she thought When I found the Su family, the Su family should keep her for one night for the sake of her gift.

But she didn't find the doorbell outside the huge gate of Su's house. It was too dark, and she didn't notice a security booth next to it.

She just found a place outside the fence that looked better and sat down, ready to wait until dawn.

But who knows, she was lucky and found a dog hole next to her when she sat down. She thought about getting in through the dog hole and ringing the doorbell when she got to the villa inside. It should be considered polite.

So dig in.

Who knew she would stare at a big dog as soon as she got in. She was so frightened that she jumped up and ran.

Later, two people came out of nowhere. She thought they were people at first, but later found out that they were two artificially retarded people.

They took her into the living room of the Su family villa, and then came down from the upstairs with a very good-looking man.

At that time, she was also bewitched by beauty, her mind was a little dazed, and she asked stupidly if she was the owner of this villa. Everyone lived here, could she not be the owner of the villa?

However, the man was handsome and handsome, and his personality was obviously not very good. It was okay to keep his face cold, and he didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence.

Feng Xiner shook her head and gave Su Yifan a big horse in her heart, no matter how good-looking a man with a stinky face was, she didn't want to face him.

Then she recalled, and she found that her memory was fragmented. She didn't know what happened later, and she didn't remember how she slept on this bed.

Combining the two factors of being broken and sleeping on the bed, Feng Xin'er felt tight, and quickly lifted the quilt and looked at her clothes. And it's the one she wore yesterday, and it hasn't been changed.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that the door of the room was pushed open a crack, and a small head with two cute and cute little **** stuck in through the crack of the door.

When Xiao Ruan Ruan saw Feng Xin'er sitting up on the bed, she immediately showed a cute and sweet smile.

After pushing the door open, with a pair of short legs upside down, he ran in, "Sister Xin'er, are you awake?"

Xiao Ruan Ruan looked at Feng Xin'er, her big watery eyes blinked and blinked, her long eyelashes were like two small fans, scratching Feng Xin'er's heart was itchy, Feng Xin'er's hand stretched out uncontrollably, gently He pinched the soft and tender little face, and said with an idiotic look: "Little boy, you are so cute, what's your name?"

Little Ruan Ruan:  …

Xiao Ruan Ruan looked at Feng Xin'er filled with resentment in an instant, with her pair of big, watery eyes.

Feng Xiner realized something after she became obsessed, smiled awkwardly "hehe", and retracted her paws, "Little friend, I'm sorry, I just saw that you were too cute, so I couldn't hold back..."

"By the way, am I still in the Su family? Are you from the Su family? Are there any adults in your family?" Feng Xiner threw a series of questions to Xiao Ruan Ruan.

When Xiao Ruan Ruan walked into the room, Su Yifan knew that Feng Xin'er had woken up.

Thinking of what he did last night, he silently typed out the lines of apology outside, and then walked into the room.

Hearing Feng Xin'er's question, he said, "This is the Su family, I am Su Yifan, and she is my sister Su Ruan Ruan."

Feng Xiner raised her head when she heard the voice, even though she had seen it once last night, when she was recalling just now, she still gave Su Yifan a big horse in her heart, but seeing it now, she was still instinctively impressed by his appearance Then a little bit.

Especially today Su Yifan was wearing gold-rimmed glasses. Compared with last night when he didn't wear glasses, he was a little less evil and a little more gentle.

This made Feng Xin'er's mind unconsciously flash a word, Sven Scum.

Thinking of the savage villains in the TV series, what happened to her being a little more careful?

In her mind, she even unconsciously made up the story of the crazily criticizing the villain being attacked by He Zhengqishuai.

Feng Xin'er only felt that the beast blood in her body was about to boil.

She also subconsciously stretched her neck and looked out the door, wanting to see if the CP who crazily criticized the villain would appear.

Just at this time, Yue Jun, who had just dealt with Zhao Ruhai's case, heard that they were going to stay in Yucheng for two days, came to find them, and asked the servant that Xiao Ruanruan was in this room, but he didn't wait for the servant to finish his sentence. , rushed into the room, "Little Ruan Ruan, brother Yue Jun is here to see you, do you think I don't have any!"

Yue Jun's loud voice appeared in the room before others.

He entered the door, and just when he rushed to Su Yifan's side, he saw Feng Xiner sitting on the bed. It was rare to see a strange woman in Su's house. He subconsciously stopped his steps and asked Su Yifan, "Who is this?"

Feng Xin'er looked at the police uniform on Yue Jun's body, her eyes brightened, is she really upright and handsome to attack?

And she's still a policeman. With this setting, Juezi, she has the material for her next comic...

Feng Xin'er was excited and came back to her senses. Just now, Shuai pressed the attack and seemed to ask the villain, who is she, so Shuai pressed the attack was a misunderstanding. Are you going to be jealous?

She can't be a vicious female supporting role that makes the handsome attack and the villain misunderstood, she has to clarify her own identity quickly, she cleared her throat and said, "Hello, my name is Feng Xiner, my grandfather used to be the old housekeeper of the Su family. , my grandfather gave me something and asked me to bring it to Su's house.

I came to Su's house to deliver something. "

After Feng Xin'er finished speaking, she silently added in her heart, don't worry, I definitely didn't come to grab a man from you.

Xiao Ruan Ruan stood aside and looked at Feng Xin'er with black grape-like eyes. Why did she find it strange that Sister Xin'er looked at her third brother.

Especially after brother Yue Jun appeared, the look in her eyes when she looked at the third brother and brother Yue Jun became even more strange.

And this look seems familiar, she seems to have seen it on someone.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruan Ruan suddenly felt agitated. She remembered that when she participated in the live broadcast of survival in the wild, her sister thought that Brother Gu Chen liked Lu Wei. At that time, her sister looked at Brother Gu Chen and Lu Wei's eyes, just like that. Just like Sister Xin'er, the third brother and brother Yue Jun are the same.

Su Yifan also noticed that Feng Xin'er's eyes were not quite right, and he subconsciously wondered if the girl's brain was not good.

Only Yue Jun didn't think there was anything wrong with Feng Xin'er's overzealous eyes, and said enthusiastically to Feng Xin'er: "You are Uncle Feng's granddaughter? Hello, hello, I know Uncle Feng, how is Uncle Feng? "