Big Manga

Chapter 304: :《clannad》

What will the new game do?

Meng Huo chose "ad" without hesitation. He wanted to make this game a long time ago. "ad" is the third love adventure game released by the famous game brand key agency, which represents the "seasonal suite" game of the key agency. "Spring" in China, the game was ranked No. 1 in the sales volume of beautiful girls in the second month after the game was launched. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

This game breaks through the limitations of ordinary thinking. The highest theme it shows is not love, but family affection. Because of its touching plot and rich connotation, it has been regarded as a masterpiece by many people. It is both a hit and a reputation. For games, "ad" is of course the best choice.

Decided to make "ad", and Meng Huo immediately started work. He first set up the characters to draw, and then faxed it to the painters in the game production department to familiarize themselves with the painting style. This job was very easy for Meng Huo, but it was a test for those painters. Fortunately, he had previous cooperation experience. In a few days, the painters divided their work into painting.

The first step went smoothly, and then the second step, the scripted plot. The amount of work in this step exceeded Meng Huo's expectations. The plot of "ad" was very long and complicated, far surpassing the script of "fate/stay", and could even be compared with the amount of text in an online novel.

Meng Huo made a preliminary calculation. It would take him a month to write the script completely, and he had to be very attentive.

"too long……"

First get the script ready and then make the game slowly. The time will definitely not keep up, and Meng Huo can't just write the script without working. So he called some programmers in the game production department to Tokyo before writing the script, and then told them the game framework needed for this story, and let them make the game framework first.

Although both "ad" and "fate/stay" are both, they have the same subject. But the details are quite different. In the story of "ad", we need to collect something called Guangyu, which is the key to unlocking the content behind, so we need to re-create the framework of the game.

However, compared to making the game system of "Pokemon" is simpler, a few game designers confidently agreed.

Painters paint. Designers make games. And Meng Huo prepared a script. He learned from the previous experience this time and did not write on paper with a pen. Instead, use the computer to input directly, saving a lot of time. Every few days, he will send a paragraph of text to the headquarters of Phoenix Company Suhua, and then the painters will draw according to the content of the script. After the picture is drawn, the designers will proceed to the next step.

Under this synchronous process. The production speed of the game is barely up to standard, but Meng Huo is very busy.

He still needs to carry a laptop when he goes to work, he needs codewords whenever he is free, and he has to draw cartoons with his assistants at night. He wondered why he was so anxious several times. Why do you want to make "ad" in a hurry, but it doesn't matter if the speed is slower? Why must it be made in three months?

And three months later, he will make an animated film again.

"There are no holidays at all!"

Meng Huo was a little tangled. He felt that he was trapped in a kind of obscurity, but since it started, he couldn't stop it. He had to finish the job.

At this time, an accident happened-the "ad" game leaked. This time it was leaked from the website of a game company. The company claims to have received news from within Phoenix, that "Pokemon" has been shelved indefinitely, and now He Xi has begun to produce the second text adventure game "ad" with the theme of family.

As soon as the news came out, a whirlwind blew up on the Internet.

"He Xi teacher develops a new game, is this true?"

""Ad", what does the name mean, teacher He Xi's game name is so weird, I can understand a little bit last time, but this time I don't understand it at all!"

The Hexi Home Forum was quickly occupied by this news. Readers asked whether the news of the new work was true or not. Jose had to tell Meng Huo about the incident and asked him what he should do next.

"Leaked again?"

Meng Huo feels a bit annoyed. In fact, "ad" is not leaked~ the impact of the leak will not be too great. This game will be launched soon, so he will soon announce it to the public. However, this kind of artificial disclosure made him feel very unhappy. Even if the "Pokemon" thing was still there, "ad" was also leaked in advance. After that, will other games he made will be leaked in advance?

"Josie, you can check the staff of the department, who has leaked it, find him out and fire me." Meng Huo's voice is very cold: "I don't need an employee who can't keep secrets, if there is a storyline in the future. It's all leaked, so what's the point of our game?"

After hanging up the phone and returning home at night, Meng Huo took the Internet to find out which company had learned the news.

The leaked news was a game company called "Shui Mu Nianhua". This company is not small in scale. Several of its online games are ranked first in the country, and Meng Huo also discovered that it has produced six games. It has only been one year since the launch of "fate/stay", and the company has produced six models. It has a keen eye.

What surprised Meng Huo even more is that the sales of these six models are all very high, even reaching the level of "fate/stay", and they are all-1~8~ banned games!

"Sure enough, someone discovered it?"

Meng Huo frowned slightly. He knew that this day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. In fact, it is a game for beautiful girls in love. The most popular element is 1~8~ banned content. Meng Huo did not develop in this area, but was still discovered and used by others. With such a large player scale in China, games with 1~8~ banned content have a natural selling power.

This kind of hit can be seen in many places. When Meng Huo watched readers’ reactions to the leaked news on the He Shi’s Home Forum, he found that the most replies were—“Guiqiu He Xi must put the "ad "Make 1~8~ ban games!"

Regardless of whether male readers or female readers, they all seem to beg for more adult content.

"José, the government has established review standards for text adventure games?" Meng Huo took out the phone to ask Jose, he read online comments. Players now are completely different from a year ago, so he thinks, at least in terms of game review, the government should have introduced a standard that allows 18 bans.

"Yes, our games have to be reviewed by the Ministry of Culture before they are launched on the market." Jose replied: "The review content is similar to other literary works and games. However, there is now a grading system. Other manufacturers are developing a human version. ——Now 1~8~ban is the mainstream of the word adventure game market, accounting for more than 90% of sales..."

She explained to Meng Huo the development history of this year. Since "fate/stay" created a precedent and became popular, China's game makers have started a large-scale follow-up wave. However, this wave suffered a major setback within a few months-the game could not be sold. To be precise, the quality of the scripts of the works that followed the trend was generally low. The music and graphics are also completely incomparable with "fate/stay", so players don't buy it.

Under such circumstances, manufacturers have started a whirlwind of 1~8~ban. Pure games rely on plots and scripts, but as long as 1~8~ban is selling meat, there is no need to worry about the cost. Moreover, the Ministry of Culture has introduced a grading system for word adventures, which has caused a wolf howling among manufacturers, even if the sales group of minors is lost. The current text adventure market is also very hot.

"No wonder the readers on the forum want me to make 1~8~ banned versions!"

Meng Huo understands that he regrets that the market is the market and cannot be changed because of him. It has only returned to its original appearance in the past year.

"Teacher He Xi, you can think about this. I think the 1~8~ banned version is more popular..." Hexi paused and said slowly: "I think you may not know, the most popular 1~ 8~The banned text adventure game is "fate/stay". During the time you left, several fan authors added a bed to your "fate/stay"~ scene, which was very popular."

"What?" Meng Huo was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"Someone adapted "fate/stay" into a banned version of 1~8, without dubbing, and the pictures were very poor...but that version of "fate/stay" was very popular and even more popular than the original version." He Xi replied: "Of course, we have picked out those people and asked them to compensate for the loss, but the banned version of 1~8~ has been spread and cannot be banned, so we took the opportunity to conduct an investigation."

"From the data point of view, if "fate/stay" is made into 1~8~ banned games from the beginning, its sales will increase by at least five times. What do you think of it, teacher? I think the new work "ad" will be made 1~8~The banned version will be more popular!"

Jose wants to persuade Meng Huo to change his mind, because Meng Huo intends to make "ad" an all-age version.

"No..." However, Meng Huo thought for a while and shook his head: "I believe in the script of "ad", it doesn't require pornography."

In the original world, "ad" was also a full-age version when it was released. Meng Huo does not intend to change this, and his target is not for people over 18 years old. He also hopes that young people can also play this game. This is an educational game. Hormones can't be turned away.

"I knew you would say that, so why not..." Jose had expected Meng Huo's answer, and she smiled and suggested: "How about we develop two versions? One for all ages and one for 18 forbidden. ...This way it can be open to all players, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"..." Meng Huo dumbly: "Do you think 1~8~ ban is so important?"

"Teacher He Xi..." Jose sighed and said slowly: "Actually, I wanted to talk about it last year, but you were too young at that time... Now you should have your eighteenth birthday, so I'll just go straight. A little bit white...We are businessmen, so we can make money. It's good luck, so what do you care about it!"

Meng Huo was speechless in an instant. He thought about it. In fact, what Jose said is not does he mind so much?

"Are the all-ages version and the 18 banned version..." he finally asked: "We can sell these two versions at the same time, right?"

"Absolutely!" Jose said affirmatively: "Other manufacturers are doing this too, but their all-ages version can't be sold..."

"That's good." Meng Huo nodded and agreed: "Two versions are only two versions... By the way, did the leaker find out?"

"Well... he took the initiative to resign..." Jose sighed, "It turns out that Shuimunianhua Company wanted to poach him a long time ago. This time he was very straightforward, and the liquidated damages were handed over to us... Teacher He Xi, sorry, Unexpectedly, there would be such an accident. He also knew the content of some scripts, so if he said it, would it be very serious..."

She asked anxiously.

Meng Huo clicked on the official website of Shuimunianhua, looked at its leaked articles, and shook his head: "No problem, this spoiler is not bad."

In the leaked article, "ad" has two tags, one is family, and the other is... funny! ?