Big Manga

Chapter 686: aircraft carrier

""Pokemon 2"? This game is a new game of "Pokemon"!"

"Fuck, I really want to have fun! I would have gone to the carnival if I knew it!"

"I regret it!"

On the Internet, as the new game was revealed, everyone was shocked and regretted, and regretted not attending the carnival. And many media and game companies are also paying attention to this matter, and some practitioners in the game industry even exclaimed "the wolf is coming"!

The Internet channels of Suhua and Tokyo TV stations attracted a large number of people because of this incident. The website of Suhua TV station collapsed for a while, and the website of TV TOKYO was also very chica, which kept the staff of the two TV stations busy for a while. .

In front of the computer, a boy stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him flipped to the ground with a ‘bang’.

""Pokemon 2"!?"

But the boy didn't care about the chair at all. He supported the desk and stared at the text on the computer screen with bright eyes, "Pokemon 2", yes, this is indeed "Pokemon 2" news.

He Xi’s new game, "Pokemon 2", was announced at the Carnival of Manga Island. The new game will officially go on sale after the conference, but the sales location is limited to Manga Island. If you want to buy it elsewhere, you can only get it in two more weeks.

"Two weeks, who is going to wait!" As a veteran "Pokemon" fan, the boy couldn't help but ran out of the room with excitement, and then ran towards the living room to read novels on his mobile phone. Mom, I'm going to Manga Island!"

This scene appeared in many families. When some children saw the news, they couldn't help asking their parents to go to Manga Island to buy games, even after some adults got the news. Also a little eager to try.

On the streets of Suhua City. A young couple is dating. The woman was drinking with a cup of milk tea and looking at the mobile phone in her hand. She wanted to find out if there was a movie theater nearby, but she didn't expect to see new messages from the chat room.

The woman's eyes lit up and she turned her head and said to her boyfriend: "Pokemon 2 is out, and it's still two weeks away from the official release, but the day lily will be cold in two weeks. Let's go to Manga Island and buy it first!"

""Pokemon 2"?" The young man was taken aback: "When I bought it for you, didn't you hate it?"

He bought "Pokemon" as a gift to his girlfriend a year ago. But after playing for only two days, she found him angrily and said that it was not fun, and she couldn't catch the beautiful elves who wanted to catch them. This was not the elves who traveled to the west.

In "Pokemon", if you want rare elves, you have to do everything possible to get them by walking into rugged places. The young man thinks that his girlfriend should not like this kind of game.

"Who said I hate it, I cleared it." The woman flushed. At first she did not like "Pokemon". But after playing with it, it becomes addictive. This kind of collecting game is difficult, but it is much better than other games on the market.

"Pokemon" has excellent graphics. Each elves is very cute, and integrates cultivation, exchange, collection, and battle. Although simple, it is endlessly fun. Children will like this game, and adults will be attracted by it as long as they play it.

More importantly, this game is fair. There are a lot of free games on the market now whether it is mobile games, handheld games or computer games, but most games have paid props, which is not fair at all.

"Pokemon" is fair and playable, although a bit difficult. But the conditions of each player in it are the same. The woman likes this. In fact, she has already collected the first generation of rare elves.

But because she had told her boyfriend that she didn't like it, she was too embarrassed to tell him the truth again. Now that "Pokemon 2" comes out, she can't control that much.

"Let's go, let's go, it's still too late to go to Manga Island, we will buy it today!" She took her boyfriend's hand and walked to the bus stop.

"Eh, what about the movie?" the young man asked in surprise.

"Don't look!" The woman glanced at the young man and smiled: "As long as you accompany me to buy "Pokemon 2", I won't pester you to go shopping in the afternoon."

The young man straightened his back immediately: "What are you waiting for, hurry up!" He walked faster than the woman at once, and it was tiring and expensive to go shopping with his girlfriend. One "Pokemon 2" can send her away, why not for.

Suhua City, because of the launch of "Pokemon 2", some people began to walk to the comic island.

On Manga Island, the number of people at the press conference was increasing. After Meng Huo and the others left, Xu Jing stood on the top of the building, smiling and looking at the place where the flow of people gathered. Under his sight, the tourists on Manga Island Like an ant, slowly walked towards the press conference site.

Of course, these tourists are also mixed with many staff to maintain order, and even the police station is dispatched.

"Although I expected the launch of "Pokemon 2" to cause a sensation, I really didn't expect it would interest the entire island." Xu Jing sighed, "Pokemon" is so influential, it is true. It also surprised him.

However, this situation is still within the scope of tolerance. The "Pokemon 2" incident was actually promoted by the Phoenix company's executives and the game department. Meng Huo didn't pay much attention to this matter, mainly because he was quite busy in the first two months, and he was running around with Suhua in Tokyo. Xu Jing didn't want to add his burden.

A few months ago, Xu Jing told the company, including the management of Manga Island, to pay special attention to "Pokemon 2" matters, especially matters of confidentiality. This game means more than just a game to them. simple.

This is the second game of "Pokemon", and it is also from He Xi’s planning, but with the production experience of the first part, He Xi put the framework and design of the second part in the game a long time ago Department, after that, there was no attention.

The two games are similar, and people in the game department can complete them independently. This game is a sign of "Pokemon" moving towards a series of works. The meaning of this "series" is not simple, it means that this will be a long-term brand and strategy, and the animation of "Pokemon" will continue to be produced.

The launch of this game can give the outside world a clear and accurate message: Phoenix intends to maintain the "Ghost Elf" brand for a long time, this maintenance is stronger than "Detective Conan", and it can make countless Phoenix companies feel excited. .

This is also another sign of a breakthrough in the development of the comics industry. Although "Detective Conan" is also a long story, it is more limited after all. However, animation and games like "Ghost" may have movies in the future, and the cultivating method of series by series will bring amazing benefits that will subvert the cognition of many people.

So far, there has never been a novel that can do this. The endless possibilities in the comics industry will surpass the old-fashioned elder brother novels and stimulate the comic industry to move forward. Perhaps even Zhongxia Company has to consider the game when it sees this situation.

If it cannot be combined with games, what background does Zhongxia use against Phoenix? Even if they all win in various businesses, "Ghost Elf" will stand in their heads, and then bring endless influence to Phoenix Company.

"Fortunately I didn't reject Meng Huo back then..."

Xu Jing shook her head, but a smile appeared on her mouth. "Pokemon" came out because of "Ghost Pokemon", and "Ghost Pokemon" came out because Xu Jing did not strongly refuse Meng Huo's animation. Claim.

At that time, "Ghost Elf" was cut off by CCTV, and Xu Jing was not optimistic, but in the end he did not completely reject Meng Huo, but made a bet with him.

Looking back a few years later, Xu Jing got too many things because of that bet. Although he had lost his status as a major shareholder, without Meng Huo, even if he held Phoenix's 100% shares all his life, he would not be today. Such a spirited spirit.

Apart from other things, the economic benefits that the work "Ghost Little Elf" will bring to the Phoenix Company in the future and even share Xu Jing's body in the future may exceed his original lifetime achievements.

This work can continue to move forward. It only features animations and games. There are still many possibilities. No one knows how huge a monster it can become in the future, even the producer. Meng Huo, he certainly could not have expected it.

"That kid doesn't take it seriously now..."

Thinking of this, Xu Jing is a little funny. Perhaps after a few years, Meng Huo has become numb to the achievements of "The Little Elf", and now it doesn't matter. Obviously, there is no longer the self-confident original intention of the year, and the situation has just turned around.

Now it is Xu Jing who is optimistic about "The Little Elf", but Meng Huo is indifferent. But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Meng Huo only needs to maintain his enthusiasm for the new works. The foundation of "Ghost Elf" has been stabilized. From then on, as long as it does not make a mistake, it will continue to be popular.

The current "Ghost Elf" has an animation department, a peripheral department, a game department behind and other related workers from all walks of life outside. There are more than tens of thousands of people who are building this A brand.

It is already an aircraft carrier, and it is the only aircraft carrier in the comics industry, no one can rival.

"When will the next aircraft carrier appear?" Xu Jing was surging. The two works "Detective Conan" and "One Piece" are not aircraft carriers yet. The game of the former is very unlikely, and the copyright of the latter has not yet been opened.

However, they all hope to become the next aircraft carrier, especially "One Piece". Its status in the comics industry can be described as the best. I really can't imagine how powerful it should be when making games, animations or movies.

Many people at the top of the Phoenix company believe that the value of "One Piece" is expected to surpass that of "Pokemon", and as soon as its animation is released, animations such as "Sherlock" will be hit hard.

But Meng Huo didn't seem to be in time. He didn't speak, and the animation of "One Piece" could only be suppressed.

However, the new aircraft carrier may also be He Xi's new work, and Xu Jing believes that once it appears, Phoenix will be able to surpass Zhongxia. (To be continued...) R12)