Big Manga

Chapter 695: Not optimistic

The next few hours are the closing ceremony of the carnival.

The closing ceremony invited representatives of many departments of Phoenix Company to get closer to each other through forums and conversations with the audience, allowing the audience to understand more about Phoenix Company, their recent trends, and changes in various business modules.

Of course, although he did not play the music for "Soul of the Game", Meng Huo still played a few popular songs for fans at the end of the game. Shen Jie and others also came out to help him.

Subsequently, the carnival ended smoothly.

After the closing ceremony, Phoenix Company held a dinner to celebrate its success in a hotel on Manga Island. After the dinner, Meng Huo sat in the car returning to the apartment. Alice seized the opportunity to travel with him: "This is no problem. ?"

Meng Huo knew that she was asking about the release of "Soul of the Game" two weeks later. Alice wanted to ask at the closing ceremony, but there was no time. Until now, people have dispersed and found a chance to ask.

"No problem." Meng Huo nodded. At his speed, there was no problem in launching it in a week, but he was also very busy after the carnival, and he didn't dare to be 100% sure that he could make it in time, so he said the two-week deadline.

Alice was very complicated, she wanted to say something, but found that Meng Huo's gaze was looking at the port. He looked at the port full of tourists through the car window and sighed: "No matter how lively activities are, there will be a day to an end."

The carnival is over, and the port is full of tourists who are preparing to leave. Maybe you want to see the people standing there again, but you can only wait for next year.

As the car drove through the port, Alice looked at the oncoming street and smiled slightly: "It's not over yet, the carnival will be lively for a while."

Someone did leave. But this carnival is not like last year and there are no tourists. There are many pedestrians on the street, and it is still so lively. Even if Phoenix Company announced the end of the carnival, many tourists still choose to stay and enjoy it for a few more days.

And it's not just these tourists. Judging from the hotel reservations on Manga Island, there will be a steady stream of tourists throughout the summer vacation. Maybe not as crowded as the carnival, but it will also be a thriving scene.

Meng Huo made the right decision to hold the carnival during the summer vacation, if it was held on a regular basis. Those students from the University Town came to visit, and Manga Island might not be able to bear it. The summer vacation avoids the university town, and also allows Comic Island to achieve its peak season throughout the year.

In addition to winter vacation, Manga Island can basically maintain daily tourists this year. This is an unimaginable achievement for a small island that has only been in development for two years. And this summer vacation after the carnival, the number of tourists will further increase, "Pokemon 2" is on sale in Manga Island, this news can provide a lot of people to Manga Island.

"The annual carnival will be held in the summer vacation, and finally a system has been determined."

Alice also said that at the closing ceremony, Phoenix has announced that the annual carnival will be held in the summer vacation in the future. This makes the tourists on the field very excited. It is undoubtedly the best news for young people to hold it during the summer vacation.

Meng Huo nodded. He was not particularly happy at this year's carnival. But he hopes that next year he can enjoy this grand ceremony with a better mood.

At the same time, most areas of China, like Manga Island, have fallen into the dark night, but today's dark night, many people are particularly restless because of the end of the Phoenix Carnival.

After several hours, the news of "Soul of the Game" has not only appeared on the forum. Instead, it was reposted through websites, social forums, fans, newspapers, and even TV news. Many people in China who follow He Xi know.

Some people are excited and some are puzzled. However, what is different from the past is that this time compared to the fans. The reaction of media reporters and people from all walks of life to "Soul of the Game" is obviously much greater, and the people who have paid the price for the new comic are the most agitated.

"What "Soul of Chess"? It's a laugh! What is in teacher He Xi's mind!"

"Count me blind, this is the first time I have seen such a dishonest cartoonist!"

After spending a huge amount of money, I didn’t get the rights to the theme of the new comics. At this moment, I suddenly saw an inexplicable "Go". These people are all on fire. You can see abusive words on Weibo, He Xi, and lack of insight-you have to choose They have no opinion on some popular topics, but what is Go?

"What is this theme!"

Many people think so, what is Go and how can it be compared with them? The economic benefits of the entire Go world may not be as promising as playing poker, at best a mid-level company!

The evening news of Ninghai TV station deliberately selected two CEOs of entrepreneurs who participated in the bid in Ninghai City and interviewed them, and these two presidents, who have never spoken bad words and have a good reputation, couldn't help complaining at this moment:

"I lost too badly, it's not that I look down on Go, but this time I have to say-why should I go to see an ophthalmologist!"

"The tougher the external performance, the more empty the heart is. The celebration party was held on the day of the release of Soul of the Go. Obviously someone had a guilty conscience and feared that Go comics would be unpopular, so they used the piano to entice readers to buy comics. !"

The vast majority of media reports are also very What is the temporary advancement of the release of "Goss", but this has not changed the views of mainstream people, whether they are entrepreneurs, critics, or journalists-no People are optimistic about "Soul of Chess".

Of course, there are also a few positive voices. For example, a reporter quickly found He Xi’s connection with the Go world, learned about the gift and then returned the chessboard, and then exclaimed: "He Xi’s choice of subject matter is really not based on money. what!"

This is a positive point of view, and some experts praised He Xixin's comics for not being led by profit, but a choice made by the heart. However, these positive views are insignificant in the huge negative information, and they have not been widely reported.

"This scene reminds me of a few years ago." Xing Boxiang said on Weibo. She did not comment on the good or bad of "Hire of the Game", only commenting on the media coverage scenes, and felt very nostalgic: "Zhongxia does not have It is the first time in a few years that everyone is still so optimistic about the release of a comic against the "Hire of Goss"."

Since He Shi's status stabilized, such a lopsided situation has rarely been seen in the media. Of course, it cannot be said that there is no such thing. However, like this, "God of the Game" is so under-appreciated without competitors. It is a scene that has never appeared. (To be continued)