Big Manga

Chapter 720: grateful

Just when Li Qin and the old lady called, Meng Huo was also warmly welcomed by the Go Association in Tokyo. , The latest chapter visit: ..

"Soul of Gossip is amazing!" As soon as Meng Huo got off the plane, Curator Muto pulled him into the car and kept talking about the awesomeness of new comics. According to him, in the past two weeks, downtown Tokyo Of Go books have surpassed the sales of the past six months.

Of course, what he is talking about here are books about the introduction of Go and entering the ‘door’, not professional chess books, but mainly learning books purchased by readers who don’t know anything about Go. Although it seems that the proportion of ‘more than half a year’ is staggering, in fact the number has not increased much.

The total number of Go books sold in Tokyo last half year was less than 1,000, which is bleak and pitiful, so in fact, there is no benefit.

However, this is a very good sign. Buying books means that someone is already interested in Go. With the serialization of "The Soul of the Game", there will be more and more such people ● Ha, m. More people search for information about Go, buy ‘door’ books, or learn through other channels, which will naturally drive the board’s sales in the future.

It is impossible for you to learn chess without playing chess. As long as someone starts to play chess, there is hope in the world of Go.

And more importantly, the positioning of the age of the protagonist of "Soul of Go" makes it very popular at younger ages, which is extremely likely to arouse the interest of children everywhere in Go, and these children are the hope of the future of Go.

The important ‘sex’ for the success of "Soul of the Chess" is already self-evident, Muto and the curators of chess museums in several areas, including curator Yenching. Together they came to Tokyo to express their gratitude to Meng Huo. Gifts are indispensable for dinner. The chessboard was brought up again.

"Teacher He Xi, take this..." Muto said very politely: "Now you are taking it away as a name. If you don't take anything, some people outside think we are too rude."

Now the trend of the society has changed. Except for some people who have lost face, most people regard "God of Go" as a long classic comic for why they cherish another book, and this has also led some reporters to describe it as "stepped on **** luck". Go Association.

There is no doubt that the Go Association has taken a big advantage, and as time goes by. This bargain will get bigger and bigger, and it will cause a lot of jealousy and sourness. Maybe it will offend some people who shouldn’t offend.

For example, the Basketball Association. The Basketball Association bid 400 million yuan and failed to obtain the right to specify the subject matter of the new comics. If the Go Association didn't say anything to He Shi, how could they feel this sense of gap in their hearts? There are other chess and card industries, and they are even more troublesome.

They were originally competing opponents, and some chess and poker dealers also showed good intentions to He Xi. They have absolutely no good face to the Go Association, and "Soul of Chess" is very popular. It is possible for them to grasp some details and attack the Go Association.

In order to avoid trouble and imbalance in others. Also to thank He Xi——

"You have to accept this chessboard teacher anyway." Muto shoved the chessboard to Meng Huo, and no one else gave him a chance to refuse. The curator of Yanjing said bluntly: "Teacher, don't refuse. We all know that your chess skills have reached a professional level, and this chess board will not bury it in your hands."

Meng Huo did not announce to the public about his chess skills, and the chess game in "The Soul of the Game" was also covered up with the excuse of ‘there are other chess players to help’, but the actual situation is clear to these curators.

Although the chess game in "Soul of Chess" is assisted by chess players, the leader is still Meng Huo. His personal chess skills are already quite good, and there is no problem with the chessboard ‘handed’ by him.

In the end, however, Meng Huo refused: "Let's wait a while."

Under the persuasion of everyone, Meng Huo couldn't directly refuse. He could only say in a tactful way: ""The Soul of the Game" has just been serialized, and it is still too early to say anything. In a few months, if it can go further, you can give it to It’s not too late for my chessboard."

When he said this, his attitude was so strong that the curators could only temporarily put their minds off.

Of course, in addition to ‘grateful’ to Meng Huo this time, they also have a more important purpose to provide Meng Huo with better cooperation for the sake of "The Soul of the Game." This time the Go associations in various parts of China have formed an agreement, as long as Meng is named, all players can come and help him.

As long as Meng Huo wanted to read the various materials, game records, information, and Go news kept by the Go Association, he could read it as much as he wanted. Even as long as he needs it, he can be warmly received in chess halls in any region of China.

"If you are interested in the competition, teacher? We can also arrange for you to watch it live."

Muto also said that the weight of this sentence is not small. The game of Go, especially the game of sharp players, is generally not easy to go to the scene to watch. Outsiders can only see their game on TV, and Meng Huo got the scene. The privilege of watching.

The Go Association judged that "Soul of Go" will definitely have various professional tournaments and some sharp chess players in the future, and allowing Meng Huo to freely visit these occasions will help him draw the comics!

Meng Huo naturally agreed to these arrangements immediately, which was exactly what he needed.

He has investigated the current situation of China Go, and has some understanding of Go games and some systems, but after all, he has not seen those games with his own eyes. It is easy to make Comics are very detailed things, as large as the game system. And the rules, as small as the description of the equipment on the game site, must be close to reality.

This seems unnecessary, but these things are the key to the success or failure of "Goss Soul".

Take one thing as an example. In the original book "The Soul of Chess", there will be a timer next to the table of the game. During each official game, the chess player clicks the timer after the game to announce the end of the round. However, Huaxia does not have such a thing. The chessboard used in ordinary games maintains the ancient appearance while installing a modern tactile chip inside. The chessboard itself can accurately calculate the time spent on both sides and the total time spent in the game.

It's amazing, but if you don't know it, and move the timer up according to the original work, it will be a joke. Others have to ask you why you don’t use high technology, and you want to use the original ‘alarm clock’.

Therefore, in many aspects, Soul of Go cannot imitate the original work. In fact, apart from the story structure and some dialogue, it is already a new comic in every aspect.

China’s unique system, environment, and character settings all determine that the original work must be overturned and every detail must be paid attention to. Meng Huo hopes to understand China’s real world of Go and provide a better development for "Soul of the Game". ;--61351+dsuaahhh+26986687-->