Big Manga

Chapter 771: Noisy

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Despite preparations in advance, the response from the "clannad" animation news surpassed Meng Huo's expectations.

In the morning, the phone call at home was not discussed for the time being, and the reaction of the media was also expected. However, a more significant problem soon appeared-fans of "clannad" were irritated by the animation news!

Soon after answering the phone that day, Alice hurried to the animation department and reported a message to Meng Huo.

"A group of "clannad" fans are gathering at Zhongxia Company?"

Meng Huo was surprised when he heard the news. After careful inquiry, he knew that Alice's intelligence came from the ‘He Xi Guards’. She was no longer a member of the Guards, but the news was still the same. The news of fan gatherings exploded by the Guards is naturally very accurate.

"Why! What are they going to do!?"

"Protest." Alice frowned slightly, but did not look too worried: "These fans disagree with the production of "clannad" by Zhongxia Company, so they protested in the past. They think Zhongxia Company used some illegal means to You took "clannad" here."

Meng Huo looked stunned: "Why, I have made a statement!"

"It's useless for you to make a statement. This is a part of the excited readers. The means or something can be an excuse. They may not want to hand over "clannad" to Zhongxia Company." A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Alice's mouth: "Who Tell them not to announce the director. Zhongxia may be in a hurry now. But you are really trusted..."

Ninghai. Outside the Phoenix Building, hundreds of radical fans and reporters holding protest signs suddenly appeared in the morning.

"Go away in the summer, "clannad" does not belong to you!", "Don't ruin our masterpiece!", "Except for Mr. He Xi's "clannad", we don't watch anyone!", "Despicable villain, Return "clannad" to teacher He Xi!"

Seeing these gathered people, Yang Liang's face looked down from above the Zhongxia Building, not to mention how bad it was.

"Why are these readers so unreasonable? Dong Zong, will someone encourage them behind?" He turned around and asked, Dong Ding was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper without turning his head back. He said indifferently: "He Xi agreed to this matter, he will not be black hands, so no one encourages these readers?"

"Then what's going on?" Jiang Tianshi, who was also in the office, drinking tea with his legs crossed became curious: "What are they arguing? Didn't they do research on "clannad" in advance? Some readers of this work are our readers, right? "

If Zhongxia Company wants to launch He Xi's comics, of course it will take certain risks. The most obvious is the risk of readers’ identification, so Zhongxia Company chose "clannad" after careful discussion, because its comics have been serialized in Zhongxia for a long time.

The comics are serialized in Zhongxia Company. Except for gamers, new fans of "clannad" will come from the readers of the comics. That is to say. Before the animation production, Zhongxia Company had already had a lot of "clannad" audiences, so it shouldn't cause any disturbance.

Dong Ding frowned. In fact, this disturbance also surprised him.

"There is only one reason." He sighed: "It seems that there is a very big gap between the trust of animation audiences in our company and He Xi. They just don't want us to make "clannad"..."

Yang Liang and Jiang Tianshi froze at the same time, and then both fell silent.


The reason for this is the point. The person with the best animation level in China is He Shi. He is almost unmatched, and even angels can't surpass it. Imagine that if they are loyal fans of "clannad" and the author is the most powerful animator, then naturally they don't want to see it taken by others.

In front of these fans, the news of the animation of "clannad" is definitely good news, but the production by Zhongxia Company is a tarnish to the work. In any case, it is not as good as let He Xi produce it in person.

"So I said there is no need to conceal He Xi as the director." Dong Ding glanced at Yang Liang. It was Yang Liang's idea to conceal He Xi's directorship. It was not in the initial decision of Dong Ding and Meng Huo. Ding didn't stop it because he knew there was no point.

Today's scene proves this. If it is not announced that He Xi is the director, it is easy to cause riots.

"We are not in a hurry..." Yang Liang was not reconciled, gritted his teeth and said: "There are not many people protesting. As long as a little reassurance, it will definitely reassure the past. Many people trust the quality of "clannad" comics and they will recognize our company! "

Dong Ding nodded: "I hope so!"

Yang Liang’s starting point is to limit He Shi’s influence on "clannad". Regardless of whether it is successful or not, this starting point is beneficial to Zhongxia Company. It is also beneficial to delay a period of time. Shareholders also agree not to let He Shi appear. Dong Ding also It's not easy to say that this is'impossible'.

So he gave Yang Liang a neutral answer and continued to leave the matter to him.

"I'll make arrangements right away." Yang Liang got the authorization and immediately went to deal with the fans' affairs.

Jiang Tianshi watched Yang Liang leave with some curiosity, then turned to look at Dong Ding: "Can he succeed?"

"I don't know." Dong Ding shook his head. If Yang Liang does a better job, there is actually a chance of success, but the chance is very small: "Whether you can do it or not, a little disturbance is not a bad thing for "clannad". Increase its attention."

Jiang Tianshi smiled: "Does it still need attention? "Clannad" itself is a brand."

"But let's talk about it." The young Master Jiang turned the teacup in his hand: "If you leave the "clannad" studio to our angels, I don't think many people will object."

The reader advantage of "clannad" produced by Zhongxia Company is very big. As long as the gap is not particularly obvious, those fans will not be rioting at all. One of the main reasons for their trouble is that it is not He Shi or angels who made this animation, but other animation studios.

Other animation studios will naturally make many people uneasy, but if it is an angel, Jiang Tianshi is confident to suppress this uneasiness.

"How about it, why don't you go to discuss with Teacher He Xi? Give this animation to our angels as well?"

Jiang Tianshi said unhurriedly.

Dong Ding frowned, "Impossible. Your focus is not here. Didn’t the last shareholder meeting talk about it? The most important thing for the angels now is to maintain the popularity of "Flame Boy" and "Detective Sherlock", and then look for one. Comparable to the animations of "Things and Monsters" and "Detective Conan"!"

"But you can't find it?" Jiang Tianshi said flatly: "How can this kind of animation be so simple to find. If we can find it, we still have no suitable choice for several months. This does not mean that there is no hope. ?"

"Instead of this, let us intervene in "clannad" and defeat him through He Shi's animation! Even if we lose, it will take a few months, not to mention that we can continue to look for new animations in the past few months."

Dong Ding’s eyes suddenly became serious. He looked at Jiang Tianshi as if he felt

What happened: "I don't understand how you defeated He Shi through He Shi's animation. Who said this?"

Jiang Tianshi was a little surprised, and then laughed: "I didn't say a few words, you can see that this is not what I said...It's really no match for you foxes."

He nodded and admitted: "This sentence was not what I said, this is the advice my brother gave me."

Dong Ding squinted his eyes: "Young Master?"

"Yes, when I went home the other day, he told me." Jiang Tianshi put down the cup and said: "He doesn't pay much attention to Zhongxia, but he knows our situation very well. He suggested that the angel paint "clannad". "


Dong Ding quickly turned his mind while asking Young Master Jiang suddenly spoke. This is not a good sign, but the suggestion is okay, but if the young master is interested in Zhongxia Company, no one can resist him.

Among the shares of Zhongxia Company, the Jiang family has the most shares. Once Jiang Tianen attended the shareholders meeting, his decision surpassed Dong Ding's decision.

"My brother seems to have played the game of "clannad". He told me three sentences." Jiang Tianshi slowly stretched out his finger: "First, the animation of "clannad" can be a normal animation or a very special long story. Animation, if a growth chapter is produced, its influence may be comparable to "Detective Conan"."

"Secondly, we can use this work to compete with He Xi and have the opportunity to defeat He Xi in animation."

"Third, He Xi will accept angels to participate in the production of "clannad"." (A pie-dropping activity in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account- Just enter), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat official account immediately!) (to be continued...)
