Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 1003: East Timor

   Inside the headquarters of the Sukarno Alliance Front, which is almost equivalent to the Indonesian Parliament. This 40-story building was built with the aid of the Soviet Union, including all Indonesian rulers since Sukarno's death, were born here.

"This is what Moscow gave us. Regarding the issue of East Timor, the Soviet Union supports us in principle. The Soviets believe that neither Australia nor the United States will go to war with Indonesia because of one East Timor. In fact, this is also the case. Our judgment!"

   In a meeting on the top floor, the top leaders of the Sukarno Union Front were discussing a letter from Moscow. The letter is about the attitude of the East Timor issue. The East Timor issue is a sensitive issue between Indonesia and Australia. Of course, the sensitive issue is far more than this one. There is also the issue of the ownership of New Guinea.

  In the real history, Sukarno suffered a coup, and Indonesia turned pro-American. Suharto has successively repaired relations with Malaysia, Australia and the United States, giving up New Guinea's claims. However, in this historical time and space, the coup was smashed by Serov, and a major purge was launched in Indonesia immediately, and all anti-Soviet forces were wiped out.

   Since then, the political and social environment in Indonesia has been completely different. Even today, slogans such as "Smash Malaysia and overthrow US imperialism" are still on the streets of Indonesia. The Sukarno alliance front controls the overall situation in Indonesia. It follows that Indonesia still sees Malaysia as part of the British division from Indonesia, and Australia is the lackey of the United States, occupying half of New Guinea in order to prevent Indonesia from becoming a great power.

The environment of   Indonesia made the Soviet Union's Southeast Asia strategy smooth sailing and firmly took the initiative in the entire Southeast Asia. In return, the Soviet Union spared no effort in arming Indonesia, especially its naval and air forces.

  Indonesia is no weaker than Australia in terms of mushroom food, and its population far exceeds that of Australia, which is sparsely populated.

"If it was just us and Australia, there would be no East Timor issue now. To be honest, the Soviet Union should have supported us ten years ago, not until today. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the internal functioning of the Soviet Union itself a few years ago. "

  As an ally of the Soviet Union, Indonesians also know that the Soviet Union has had successive deaths of state leaders a few years ago. It was only recently that it stabilized. In fact, the best opportunity was in the 1970s, but at that time, there were many places in the world waiting for the Soviet Union to snatch. East Timor was too small and benefited too little.

   "Anyway, we have officially received the support of the Soviet Union this time. It depends on whether we can solve this problem, improve social confidence, and resolve our domestic crisis."

   This sentence aroused the unanimous approval of the big people present. In recent years, with the collapse of oil, some countries that have a weak industrial base and are still relatively dependent on exporting raw materials have been greatly affected. The price of raw materials has plummeted, affecting many countries. The Soviet Union is not in the most difficult situation. Countries such as Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Brazil, and Indonesia are not strong enough in industry, and they rely on exporting raw materials to make profits.

   Diverting attention through a war, I don’t know how many times it has happened in recent decades. It is not surprising that Indonesia thinks this way, and Indonesia itself also believes that East Timor, a small place, may arouse Australia's hostility, but it will not attract the Americans.

   "Immediately send troops to East Timor, expel the Australians, and let them retreat."

  In the middle of the night in Moscow, Serov got the news of the mobilization of the Indonesian army. After all, the Indonesian Liberation Army was the army that he cleared out in the past. Naturally, there are still some people who keep in touch with the Soviet Union. The meaning of being called the People's Liberation Army is obvious. Indonesia still has a lot of territory in the hands of foreigners, which is similar to the meaning of China.

"If it was Carter, he would really acquiesce that East Timor would be annexed, but Reagan, who would dare to predict him?" Serov was also surprised by Indonesia's bold judgment, which is similar to Saddam's belief that the United States is afraid of death The idea is just as naive, but the geographical environment of Southeast Asia, whether it will arouse the fear of the Vietnam War in the United States is a matter of chance.

   But whether Reagan dared to launch a military operation again, we will know at that time. If not, Serov may have to think of other ways to transfer the Fifth Fleet away. If it doesn’t work, support the Malaysian Communist Party’s counter-offensive. Always the Fifth Fleet of Bahrain must leave. The Fifth Fleet is in Bahrain. Strength can't win.

   For Indonesia, a country where the entire country is on the equator, there is no concept of winter. It is summer all year round. After Portugal abandoned its colony, Indonesia thought it could follow China and wait for the return of East Timor. But then came Australia's control of East Timor.

  At that time, the Soviet Union was attacking all over the world and ignored Indonesia's demands. Of course, this was intentional. At that time, the chairman of the KGB, the chief spy, deliberately advised Brezhnev to ignore it, otherwise the country's wings would be hardened, and it would be impossible to guarantee that it would not learn from China.

  Forests are very important to Indonesia, and timber exports account for a large share of the Indonesian country. Just like the importance of timber exports from the Far East, in a sense, the Far East and Indonesia are in a competitive relationship, both exporting timber to Japan. So the relationship between Indonesia and Japan is very good, but the relationship with the United States is also very poor. Until now, Indonesia and the United States still have no diplomatic relations. After China returned to the permanent seat, Indonesia did not return to the United Nations.

The tropical rain forest is definitely not a good thing for the march. For this operation, Indonesia secretly mobilized the field troops of the Fourth Military Region to supplement East Timor with your side. For covert operations, this support force rushed out day and night. West Timor, the mode of transportation is by sea, the same day and night.

   Over the years, Indonesia and China and the Soviet Union have learned what is called discipline when they approached. The Soviet Union focused on strengthening the Indonesian navy and air force because of Indonesia’s geographical conditions. This is also because the Indonesian Army has historical stains. And Indonesia's navy and air force have the result of a revolutionary tradition.

  The entire Timor Island is relatively isolated and under the control of Indonesia and Australia. Once the fire is fought, it is not known who will win. The favorable and unfavorable conditions are the same for Indonesia and Australia.

   At the end of February, the entire Timor Island was still in a comfortable environment. There was an invisible line between West Timor controlled by Indonesia and East Timor controlled by Australia, but the movement of basic island residents was not restricted.

  The cordon between Australia and Indonesia is not like the borders of some countries. There are many machine gun bunkers, because Australia did not expect that half of the island in its hand would have much effect. Australia does not understand how a socialist Indonesia would feel about a piece of territory it considers itself to be occupied by another country.

  Socialist countries regard national honor as more important than life. This is a set of values ​​brought by the Soviet Union. It is incomprehensible in the hearts of Australia who follow human rights. The long-term peace is only because the Soviet Union did not express support for Indonesia. And once this support is in place, Indonesia is not at all afraid of a nationally arid Australia. They are all countries that buy resources, and no one is stronger than the other. Indonesians won't admit that Australians are racially strong.

  In the middle of the night, there was a small-scale noise in the Indonesian military camp in West Timor, but it disappeared immediately. All soldiers were ordered not to disclose secrets, and several officers who were captured were taken away and disappeared from the world since then.

   Timor Island is very calm after the sun goes down. The residents who have lived here for thousands of years still live a very backward life. Neither the Indonesian side nor the Australian side has brought much modern atmosphere. After all, no one in the world is paying attention to this. Almost all countries think that this is a fight between Indonesia and Australia, and it is not worthy of attention.

   At 9 o'clock in the evening, the soldiers of the Indonesian military camp were called up one after another, the isolation of the bullets was lifted, and every soldier was fully armed and loaded with bullets. Start gathering in the army camp.

   At ten o'clock, military trucks full of soldiers drove out of various military camps in Indonesia. Then the towed artillery and armored vehicles drove out of the barracks and headed east. The soldiers in the military vehicles were silent, and many people had sweat on their faces. I don't know if it was due to the sultry atmosphere or nervousness about the upcoming action.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, a large number of military vehicles carrying Indonesian soldiers crossed the cordon of the two countries and entered the East Timor area controlled by the Australian army. Immediately, the soldiers in the Australian outposts around the cordon discovered this situation, and the dignitaries are ready to stop it. When a large number of Indonesian soldiers got out of the car, the black muzzle in their hands was aimed at themselves.

   Faced with this life-or-death situation, Australian soldiers with human rights values, after a simple comparison, quickly made the wisest choice and raised their hands in surrender. However, before that, the duty of the soldiers was to let the Australian soldiers at the blockade post inform the Australian troops in the rear that the Indonesian army had crossed the blockade recognized by the two countries and entered East Timor.

   More than 5,000 soldiers divided into several routes into East Timor until an hour and a half later, when the exchange of fire officially began around a village near which there was a platoon of Australian troops. The sudden sound of gunfire made the soldiers and civilians in the village tremble.

   On the one hand, there is a fierce war, but the village not far away is deadly silent. This kind of scene is very strange.