Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 1115: we do not compromise

  When the representatives of various countries were notified to participate in the United Nations General Assembly, everyone was shocked when they thought of the news of the war in the Middle East. In fact, the war had just started one day, and the United States responded so quickly. It seems that a storm is coming.

   The smooth progress of the two Iraqi forces has nothing to do with their own combat effectiveness. It is entirely caused by the weakness of Kuwait and Bahrain and the absence of the Fifth Fleet. This is the unanimous view of military observers from various countries. In fact, many countries are also watching the jokes of the United States to see how the United States will react this time.

In the heart of this joke, Serov is the most clear. After the United States went through the Korean War and the Vietnam War, the United States, which could not win, was suspected by some countries. The countries that dared to challenge the United States are not one or two, many middle-class The country is dissatisfied with the United States and believes that it can repeat the Vietnam War to defeat the United States.

   I have to say that this illusion is terrible, and Gaddafi is in this ranks. Western European countries also want to see through a war how much military power the United States still has, and whether it is worth relying on.

"The United States cannot be allowed to do things in the name of the United Nations. If Bush wants to promote unilateralism, it will do things in the name of the United States!" Serov said to Ligachev, "If the United States attacks in the name of its own country or NATO, We can't stop it, but the name of the United Nations can't be used, tell our ambassador to the United Nations, we must oppose it."

   "I agree with the general secretary's opinion~!" Ligachev sat up straight and added, "It would be best if the US could accept the status quo. After all, the Iranians did not conduct hostilities against US bases."

   Shelov frowned, his second secretary's thoughts were really naive. However, he is not going to speak out to stop it. The next action of the United States will make Ligachev realize that his idea is wrong. This meeting on the Middle East issue is over. I believe this kind of meeting is currently being staged in many countries around the world.

  The United States will not compromise, the Iran-Iraq alliance cannot scare this Soviet opponent, and the United States will not retreat. In other words, the Soviet Union will not retreat. Once Iraq annexes Kuwait, it will have a shocking impact on the global pattern. Crude oil reserves will keep pace with Saudi Arabia, and Iran will completely surpass Saudi Arabia, which is in trouble with the United States. In other words, coupled with the Soviet Union's own oil reserves and status, half of the world's oil is under the control of the Soviet Union.

In other words, the status of Saudi Arabia is not guaranteed. If the Soviet Union controls these countries to stop production, no matter how much efficiency Saudi Arabia increases, it will not be possible to make up for this hole, and the Soviet Union itself plus Iran, Iraq after the merger of Kuwait, has already been to some extent. Locked up the Persian Gulf.

   Considering this consequence, it would be a ghost if the United States retreated, which is equivalent to watching the Soviet Union ascend to the throne of world hegemony.

  At present, the United States and the Soviet Union are equivalent to two athletes side by side, but they have to share the same track. When running, the shoulders of the two athletes will collide from time to time. Oil is equivalent to who can take a step closer. Now is the time to trip each other up.

At the UN General Assembly, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations strongly condemned the aggression between Iran and Iraq against another sovereign country with the support of a certain hegemonic country. Withdrawal, the United States cannot guarantee that war will not come.

"The Soviet Union did not know about it before this, but our attitude is that we must consider the historical factors, the relations between Bahrain and Iran, Kuwait and Iraq, unilateral accusations are not necessary, and we are against the United States in the name of the United Nations. Acting, no matter what the pressure, this will not change." The Soviet ambassador to the United Nations was neither humble nor arrogant, and he resolutely blocked the United States' efforts to obtain the authorization of the United Nations.

   This rhetoric is fierce throughout the UN General Assembly, Iraq and Kuwait, Iran and Bahrain, the United States and the Soviet Union, Indonesia and Australia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Syria and Israel. Representatives of different countries are clearly differentiated, expressing their own positions to criticize other countries.

"Japan agrees with the United States' proposition that the world's oil should not be under the control of a certain powerful country. It belongs to the local country and is very important to the industrial countries of the world." The representative of Japan reminded others at the economic cost. nation.

"Ensuring the security of world energy is a matter of the whole world. This is not a matter of unity and division. This war will damage the interests of major countries in the world!" The British representative pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, very blatantly The fundamental problem is pointed out, oil security, the world's oil is completely influenced by the Soviet Union, is this result acceptable to other countries?

   For industrial nations, once the blood in the chariot is controlled, it is like the blood vessels in the human body are clamped by forceps. Under this prospect, it is easy for the G7 to feel a sense of common hatred and join forces to fight this threat.

   "The opposition is so strong, is it the unity of capitalism?" Seeing the information transmission of the United Nations General Assembly, Serov had to sigh, and finally came the time of greatest resistance. When the Soviet Union really has a tendency to dominate, these countries with vested interests under the American system still choose to unite closely around the United States.

   Of course, this is not unique to the United States. Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union also have this relationship. Therefore, once there is a problem in the Soviet Union itself, it will definitely lead to the collapse of the entire socialist camp. Eastern European countries followed the Soviet Union, of course, in order to obtain the current status of Western European countries after victory, otherwise what are they doing? For the spirit of internationalism?

   "They are unwilling to accept the future of the Soviet Union surpassing the United States, so they will firmly support the United States." Ligachev knew that he was wrong. The United States would not accept the breaking of the political balance in the Middle East at all, and the intention to use force was very obvious.

   Now the dispute over Timor is irrelevant, the U.S. Fifth and Seventh Fleet have left, and some sources claim that the U.S. appears to be drawing troops from the Pacific and Atlantic Fleet to supplement the Fifth Fleet. The US Congress is talking about restarting the mothballed aircraft carriers and amphibious landing ships. All kinds of news show that it seems that the United States is playing for real this time.

   "Let Comrade Gromyko work hard and negotiate with the United States on the Middle East issue." Serov said suddenly.

   "General Secretary, do we compromise, or do we want the US to accept the status quo?" Gromyko was rather surprised. He had always known Serov's views on the US. Simply put, it can make America die sooner rather than later. But such a person said that he would mediate now, and he didn't understand what Serov was thinking for a while.

"Compromise? Mediation is just to buy some time and let us make necessary preparations. Who wants to compromise with the United States?" Serov gritted his teeth and said, "At this point, we are no longer qualified to compromise, if we do not show firm support for our allies , the negative impact is very huge. Our operations in the Middle East for decades will be destroyed. Iraq and Iran are both countries with rich oil reserves, and they are also military powers in the Middle East. If the Soviet Union can even give up on them, it cannot give up. country? What will other countries think of us?”

Rubbing his forehead, Serov looked at everyone with a very solemn look and said word by word, "This confrontation is about the fate of the country, and no one can back down. On the Eurasian continent, in our eyes The underground neighbors, we have no conditions to retreat, we compromise a little bit, the consequences are disastrous. Comrade Minister of Defense stays, the meeting is dismissed..."

"I live in a country with a bitter and glorious history. Its capital was burned, and its vast territory and rich resources once aroused the prying eyes of powerful neighbors. When the people at the bottom lived numbly, like Working like the walking dead and not knowing where the hope is, the revolution begins."

   "The revolution is of course accompanied by bloodshed, in a sense it is very cruel. But the death of some people brings hope to the whole people, who finally live as a person and understand the value and meaning of a person."

"The great motherland has been in the hostility of the whole world since its birth. The multi-national coalition forces came to the door but failed in the end. To this day, I do not deny that the country has made many mistakes. But at least so far, the country is generally worthy of the original We have been working hard to realize our original ideal.”

"We try our best to give every people a fair educational opportunity. We don't use public schools to literacy, and private schools to cultivate social elites like the United States. Inevitably, some of us have forgotten our ideals, but we have always guaranteed that we will give people to the public. A satisfactory explanation. I firmly believe that we can win, defeat the United States, and build a perfect socialist country.”

"Marshal Ahromeyev, this is the reason why I want to confront. You are a soldier and I am a policeman. We all understand some things that are usually impossible to say, but very straightforward." Shelov pointed to the map of the Middle East. Said, "This confrontation is bound to happen. When we were weak, we had a reason to compromise because we were not strong enough. But this time, this reason can no longer be used. How can we compromise? Do you love world peace? "

"I will formulate a real battle plan. I have always believed that our military is the most powerful in the world!" Defense Minister Ahromeyev gave a military salute, "I have always believed that our military is the strongest in the world!" system is better.”

   On the same day, US President Bush denounced Iraq's actions as "a blatant aggression that poses a real threat to US national interests and announced a freeze on all Iraqi and Kuwait assets in the US."