Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 1117: Rebuild the Southern Theater

The bridges built by the US strategic air force and marine transport continue to transport soldiers from the US mainland. Every day, the US military strength in Saudi Arabia soars, and the army of the two Iraqis is continuously sent to close to the country. The location of the war zone, the heavy pressure spreads on both sides of the Persian Gulf. In terms of current density, the military power of the Persian Gulf has surpassed the European region where the Warsaw Pact and NATO confronted each other, and has become the region with the most intensive military force in the world.

"The navy is enough, the army is not enough, what can 200,000 people do? Come to the house?" Serov snorted coldly while looking at the latest information, "Although the United States has far more military power than the two countries, it cannot The difference in numbers is too far. Bush is naive to think that piling up 200,000 soldiers will allow the Iran-Iraq alliance to compromise."

   As of today, three months after the Iran-Iraq raid, the United States has used its sea and air power to transport more than 200,000 troops from the mainland. But the ensuing military expansion in Iraq and Iran shows that the two countries are not deterred.

"These groups transferred from the United States should have been used on us." Grishin, the first secretary of the Moscow Municipal Party Committee, said sarcastically, "It seems to be less efficient in terms of efficiency. If you give us three In a few months, Europe has entered the era of communism!"

  According to the U.S. European combat plan, the beginning stage must be a retreat, and at the same time, domestic military mobilization is carried out, and a transoceanic operation is launched to drive the Soviet Union back to Eastern Europe. In fact, the various tasks of mobilizing troops to the Persian Gulf should actually be used in Europe, and the Central Presidium of the Soviet Union is also paying close attention.

   After paying attention, I was a little disappointed. It took only three months to transport 200,000 soldiers from the mainland. This efficiency was a little disappointing, which was far from the Soviet estimate. It's almost nothing in Europe.

   "If I were the United States, I would solve domestic problems and pretend that nothing happened." Ligachev said in a very serious tone, "The whole situation is already very unfavorable, and it may not be impossible to repeat the situation to preserve strength."

"The U.S. is geographically very awkward when Eurasia is all subordinate to one claim, so the U.S. has been preventing the emergence of a unified land hegemon in Eurasia. Now they have failed, and without us making mistakes, the U.S. This passiveness cannot be reversed. It is not that we are necessarily smarter than Americans, but the natural advantage of Eurasia as the center of human civilization, so they choose to win once.” Shelov said that he finally spread his hands, “The current situation is, If the United States acts as if nothing has happened, they will die slowly, and this process is irreversible. If there is a fight, there may be hope that the situation will be reversed, although it is small, but the hope will always exist.”

   "If possible, I don't want this. This makes us and the United States have no way out. We have been avoiding this situation for decades." Gromyko said with concern.

"Blindly avoiding is always not the way, well, let's talk about the next topic." Shelov took a deep breath, "The United States does not accept our ideas, and we do not accept the United States' ideas. Then give it a try, go back to On the topic just now, 200,000 soldiers are not enough, and the U.S. military in the Persian Gulf still has a shortfall of about 300,000."

   "But in the absence of mobilization in the continental United States, there is no extra army force." General Chebrikov knew this well and directly asserted.

   "Yes, why not! Where are the troops stationed in Europe? It depends on whether Bush dares to move." The corners of Serov's mouth grinned, and the smile on his face was unprecedentedly deep and meaningful.

  The U.S. government thought that the entry of 200,000 troops into the Persian Gulf would allow the two Iraqis to retreat, but it did not expect that Baghdad and Tehran were not frightened at all, and they expanded their troops accordingly. This situation greatly exceeded Washington's expectations.

  In the end, Bush put his idea on the troops stationed in Europe. Only by using these heavy troops to resist the Soviet Union can there be a possibility of defeating the Iran-Iraq alliance. At the same time, there is also the formation of alliances.

U.S. Secretary of State James Baker has spent most of his time on the plane, forming alliances to share the risk of military action, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Honduras, Kuwait, Morocco, the Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia Arab, Senegal, Korea, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Japan and United States.

"It's amazing, the Twenty-Two-Nation Alliance. Is there anyone other than the United Kingdom that might fight?" Sheloff whistled while holding the newspaper. It seemed that the United States raised its arms and called for followers to gather. In fact, it was no different from the United States and the United Kingdom. . More like the war that Bush and his son waged in the twenty-first century.

  More countries will not send troops, but are prepared to exchange financial aid. In order to support the demand, the United States also agreed to a number of tax-free plans, and finally pulled out this set of plans. But what? Has the Soviet Union's role been a little less recently? It is not a good thing that the country does not have a sense of presence in the world.

   put down the newspaper, Serov brewed a more righteous excuse, and then walked out of his office.

On this day, the Soviet Communist Youth League Pravda published General Secretary Shelov's views on the situation in the Persian Gulf, "The wars between Iraq and Kuwait, Iran and Bahrain belong to the Arabs and the Persians themselves. It can be completely controlled by Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. A series of local powers have been resolved through negotiation, and the US can't wait to intervene, which may focus more on local oil interests, and the degree of enthusiasm has to be doubtful."

  Moscow's first statement on the situation in the Persian Gulf region immediately aroused huge repercussions around the world. Newspapers around the world are reprinting the Soviet speech and interpreting the speech as a warning from the Soviet Union to the United States. Soon the ten Eastern European countries including the Democratic Republic of Germany, Yugoslavia, and Albania, as well as Arab countries including Egypt, agreed.

  People often think that this kind of turbulent situation can only occur on the front lines of the confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact in Europe. This time, the interests of the Persian Gulf have overshadowed Europe, and many countries have stepped in.

   The first one to make efforts was not the allies of the Soviet Union, but France in Western Europe. France is often in a position to gain influence in hot spots and use its important position between the United States and the Soviet Union as a balancer, but this time? France failed, the French foreign minister didn't get what he wanted from Washington, and Bush was tougher than ever. Either Iraq and Iran will drop out, or the US will knock them out. There is no third way.

   After the Soviet Union made its statement, there was no follow-up for a long time, but it was also in frequent contact with many countries. Some unknown preparations are also being carried out in secret. On this day, after get off work, Serov knocked on the door of an apartment. After opening the door, the owner of the room showed a sincere smile and let him in.

"There are some things I don't want to talk to Ahromeyev directly, and you know that he has no problem with his personal conduct. It is precisely because of this that in front of such an upright person, there are some things I can't say. "Sherov sat down without looking at the outside world, and then he thought of his own home, in fact, it was almost the same, it could be regarded as his own home.

"Akhromeyev's integrity is known to the whole army. You rejected his preemptive proposal. In addition to taking care of the overall situation and preventing the scale of the war from becoming uncontrollable, there should be other considerations. I don't know you yet?" General Bagramyan laughed and said, "How can you be so great? It's just that Marshal Ahromeyev can't understand it."

"You still know me, eldest brother!" Shelov narrowed his eyes and said quietly, "Iraq who annexed Kuwait and Iran that occupied Bahrain. If the preemptive strike causes losses to the United States, why don't these two countries go to heaven? It's better to say if you lose, really. If the loss to the United States is huge, it is estimated that they will not have much respect for the Soviet Union."

   Controlling the scale of the war is only one aspect of rejecting Marshal Ahromeyev's battle plan, and the other aspect is the containment of the two countries. The United States and the Soviet Union have always been regarded as superior countries by other countries. After the Vietnam War, many countries showed little respect for the United States, believing that if the Vietnamese could win, they could also win. This is also a negative factor that the Vietnam War brought to the United States. If the two-Iraq alliance really wants to taste the benefits, another problem must be considered in the future. The knife is too fast and easy to cut. They can disrespect the United States, and when they feel good about themselves, they can also disrespect the Soviet Union.

"Did I just say it? This is you!" General Bagramyan laughed, stood up a while later and took a bottle of vodka, which Serov poured and asked, "It seems that you are going to let the two countries eat a little bit. Suffering, we are going to save them."

"That's right, that's what I came here for! I need a commander of the Southern Theater Command. The other marshals are too old. After thinking about it, you are the most suitable candidate." Shelov said with bright eyes, "Brother, how dare you Do you have a real contest with the United States? I will fully support you!" Shelov was the commander of the Southern Theater to fight against the thunder, but now this position is not suitable for him. How can the general secretary personally go into battle, and the micro-manipulation master is not enough.

General Bagramyan took the glass of his body for a meal, then tilted his neck and drank the whole glass of vodka, his chest heaving continuously, one can imagine how agitated his mood was at this time, it took a long time before he said, "Why not? I am a soldier... "

   The next day, Serov presided over a military meeting as the chairman of the National Defense Committee. The chairman of the front ordered to secretly appoint General Bagramyan, the commander of the Moscow Military District, to rebuild the southern theater and serve as the commander of the southern theater.