Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 130: Buckle the feces

  The overall strength of the KGB and the Ministry of Defense is naturally incomparable, but the Ministry of Defense is the department that protects the country and the KGB is the law enforcement department, which has the power of investigation in the country. Usually, only the KGB investigates whether other departments have problems, and no one can investigate the KGB. Give Serov a few years to bite Marshal Grechko and hold on, although it won't be like Marshal Grechko, but it is impossible for him to succeed the Minister of Defense.

At the end of 1959, the situation in Eastern Europe suddenly changed. The issue of Algeria became a topic of debate among Eastern European countries. At first, it was just an unknown small newspaper that published photos of France's suppression of the Algerian people, but then it expanded to the whole country. In the GDR, it has only been half a year since the Children's Day tragedy in West Berlin. The people who have not forgotten the sadness saw this kind of newspaper published in the GDR, and immediately a resonance called empathy rose in their hearts.

   has produced something called sympathy for the Algerian people thousands of miles away. If it is normal, this kind of heart of the Virgin who does not forget to tickle others when he has lice is definitely the target of Shelov's attack. But now it's different, and it's time to take advantage of that mindset.

Under the silent gaze of the Soviet Union, the Algerian War of Independence, which has been fought for several years, has completely entered the people's field of vision, at least in the field of vision of the people of the socialist camp. Reports about Algeria quickly changed from a German city to the entire Democratic Germany. , followed by rapid spread across Eastern Europe across borders. With the intensity of the dissemination, more and more material of the Algerian war in North Africa has become more and more, and various tragic scenes have been conveyed to the eyes of the people through photos.

   With the help of Serov, we ensured that all the photos were real, and all kinds of photos that showed the brutality and inhumanity of the war took up a large part of the newspaper page. Crimes such as murder and **** and **** were even specified in the troop numbers of the French occupying forces, in order to reflect the power of the KGB. At the same time, for the sake of professional ethics, Serov made sure that the dung pots must be fastened to the heads of the French. In half a month, the atrocities of the French occupation forces in Algeria were widely reported in Eastern Europe, which completely shocked the people who had forgotten about the war.

The socialist camp's sudden attention to the Algeria issue caught the Americans by surprise on the other side of the ocean. The CIA adjusted the direction of its investigation, ready to find out where this wave of attention to Algeria came from, until the Soviet newspapers The war in Algeria also began to be reported, and the CIA made a judgment that it seemed that the Soviet Union became interested in Algeria. Because the photos on some newspapers are not accessible to normal reporters at all, especially the **** and body photos of French soldiers and Algerian girls, as well as many photos of the killing scene that appeared in Eastern European newspapers. Like what an intelligence agency would do.

   KGB? With such a great ability to get so much material to be published in the newspapers, Dulles of the CIA instantly locked his target on his old rival. Except for the KGB organization, which is hostile to the free world, no intelligence organization has such power. Even if there is, it is a friend of the United States.

To this end, Dulles specifically communicated with President Eisenhower, "At present, it seems that the entire Eastern Europe, except the Soviet Union, is fully focused on Algeria, but with what we know about the Soviet Union! The Soviet Union did not do it just because it just Visited us. So there was no fanfare…”

   "A polar bear will never sit quietly in a corner. As long as there is a chance, it will come out and bite!" Eisenhower took a deep breath and gave his opponent a fair evaluation. "But the place chosen by the Soviet Union is very easy to accept. Algeria is a French colony. Even if we know that the polar bears are not well-intentioned, we cannot use public opinion to stop it!"

This is because the United States is also in favor of colonial independence. From this point of view, the United States, like the Soviet Union, is the first purpose to kill the old imperialism first. As for the vacated territory, how to divide the United States and the Soviet Union will not be because of Uneven distribution of spoils will come later. Let the United States stand on the side of France. After that, the United States will not be able to face so many colonies without independence. This is contrary to the principle of American self-determination. This is not only unable to occupy the moral high ground, but also violates the international interests of the United States. These markets are also needed.

   Just a few days after Khrushchev finished reviewing the Strategic Rocket Force, the New York Times also published a live report on the Algerian war, citing photos from many Eastern European newspapers, and used a tactful tone to draw the French government’s attention to human rights issues in Algeria.

Maurice Gouvedemville has been the busiest person in the Fifth Republic of France these days. As a diplomatic spokesman, this is the first time he has been attacked by such a neat lineup. There are two camps led by the United States and the Soviet Union. To criticize France with a unified caliber is like France becoming an outcast of the world in an instant. Even a few countries in the European Community, although they have not made a formal statement, can see that they are still quite critical of France.

"We cannot attack France's overall strategy in Algeria because of the quality of a small number of French soldiers. We will not give up our Algerian brothers. Algeria is not a colony, but an overseas province of France! Some people use this to attack France, obviously It's ignoring France's efforts to build Africa!" Maurice Couvedemville has always defended this, "France is Algeria, and Algeria is France! The plot of some conspirators will not succeed..."

  Ah! The conspirator far away in Moscow sneezed unconsciously! A small sneeze will not stop Shelov from continuing to work. He has a photo in his hand, and while looking at the photo, Shelov sighs, "It turns out that the body hidden under the black robe is also so wonderful, but it is a pity that it is grown inside the head. The **** of the French are arched! God should have shaped the head of the French into a JB!" In his hand was a **** and body photo of an Algerian girl, but unfortunately it was a corpse photo. The woman is already dead.

   As a strict KGB chief, Serov is entirely for the sake of France. The harder the slap is, the more sincere the KGB has the greatest sincerity in cooperating on this matter.

   Two days ago, Serov welcomed a guest from the French embassy and was a military attaché in the embassy! This military attache seriously protested the Soviet Union's use of public opinion to interfere in the internal affairs of France, and demanded that the Soviet Union immediately stop this slander. The military attache's expression is very consistent with the sentence, I will take a solemn protest against the Soviet Union's behavior on behalf of France...

   In fact, this military attache doesn't know why he came back to China to find Serov. Isn't it better that the ambassador should do this kind of thing? Even if it is a serious protest, it should go to the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How could he be allowed to come to an intelligence agency like the KGB! Although this military attache may not know the intention of the French government, Serov understands that this is to say that the behavior of the KGB should stop. Considering the recent reputation of France, France should be a bit unbearable.

   can no longer continue, at least not to provide fresh material in the newspaper, so the corpse photo of a woman with a unique charm in Serov's hand is not of much use for the time being. It will not become fresh material on the pages of major newspapers.

Pity! what a shame! The material for justice was thus blocked. As an imperialist...socialist internationalist fighter, Serov finally decided that he must be worthy of his conscience. He called TASS directly to publish this photo first, and then published the rest of the photos. Sold to Italy!

  The rest of the photos will be sent to Italy. Italy, which has always been brooding about the fact that France does not hurry up from North Africa, will continue to do justice. These photos are like giving pillows to sleepy Italians.

   "After I woke up, the people who benefited the most were Italians!" Serov sighed for the first time.

Call someone in to send the photo to the 1st General Directorate, Lieutenant General Sakhartowski can definitely send the photo to the place where it is needed through the department in charge of Italy, the Soviet Union paid such a big price and took such a big risk to help Those French people should always get their **** out of the pot first.

   As for the specific issue, the brewing time should start after the year, the two sides are negotiating, and the place is Egypt.

The work of the General Administration of Military Administration is presided over by the first deputy director Roman. The major disarmament and the establishment of the strategic rocket army have been completed, so Serov was rarely in a relatively idle state before the new year. This is simply incredible, he Hope this situation can be maintained.

  Isemotny pushed the door in and whispered in Serov's ear, "Director, our guest is here?"

   "Guests? Who?" Why can't Serov remember when he invited guests? Is it Kuznetsov, Medved, or Alexey? The glamorous female secretary's endless words confused him.

"Messin!" Issey Motney kissed her chief and said mischievously, "This man is downstairs, he said he wants to see you!" After taking two shots, Issey Motney felt amazing. As a warning from the beautiful buttocks, Serov threatened in a low voice, "Be careful in the unit, go down and call Comrade Messing up..."

   "Got it!" Issemotny smiled coquettishly, gave her boss a wink, and left the office with a twisted waist. She didn't take Serov's threat seriously at all.

"I don't believe it anymore, at most a master of psychology, can he really have Yuri's ability?" As a staunch atheist, he absolutely does not believe that such a thing will happen. There may be extraordinary human beings in the world. He's a genius in a certain way, but there shouldn't be such a perverted thing as a superpower. (To be continued~^~)