Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 136: play the residual heat

There is also an annotation with a pen below, and by looking at the handwriting, Varya knows that it is her husband's handwriting, "The real enemy is never outside, and the most terrifying thing is that someone has huge state-owned property in their hearts, and our cadres have such rights! How can I stop them..."

   Valya knew something about her husband's internal evaluation in the KGB, but she didn't want to think about it. She originally thought that Serov wanted to be Beria, but today she found out that her husband's goal was Dzerzhinsky...

"That's why you've been working?" Valya closed the Dzerzhinsky anthology with her eyes like water, and took off Serov's slippers with a slight snoring sound, but it was this tiny movement that still woke Serov up come over.

It's not very accurate to say that he woke up, because Serov's eyes were still closed, so he took off his clothes in front of Valya, and directly pulled the quilt over himself and said, "Venus, rest early! "

After hanging all the clothes she took off, Valia, who got under the quilt, turned on the lamp, and after a while, she felt that her man was in her arms, knowing that it was her husband's sleeping problem, and the woman did not stop her. After a while, a slight snoring was heard.

Every year at the end of the year, it is quite busy. It is only before the Russian New Year that I have free time. I sat in front of the TV with his wife and son and watched the blurry picture. Khrushchev gave a New Year's speech in it, This is also a Soviet tradition.

   "Yuri, let's buy a TV, shall we?" Valya asked with her head tilted while holding her son.

"Whatever you say, it's not that you don't know me, there's nothing but dust in your pocket!" Sheloff said absentmindedly, before waiting for the woman's dissatisfaction to come out and said, "But I don't recommend buying it. You wait for me to come from Italy. To get something new, not only do I have to replace this TV. I want to replace all the TVs in the Soviet Union to save the TVs that snow for a long time!"

   There is only one place in the TV produced in the Soviet Union that he misses, and that is the wooden casings on the left and right sides, which were seen by Serov from his grandmother’s house in his previous life, but he didn’t know where to throw them.

   "I'm waiting!" Valya gave her husband all the encouragement at this time, and even teased her son to stand on her side.

   This woman always knows when to take care of a man's face, and a small violent tendency can be completely forgiven.

   Unlike previous years, Serov’s house was very lively this year, probably because of his higher and higher positions, there was an endless stream of cadres who came to the house as guests. He filled up his small home for several days in a row, but until there was no gift giving, otherwise it would be over his own power. The benefits of the KGB were all distributed by Serov himself.

A force that often appeared in his home this year may not be noticed by many people, that is, many cadres between the former KGB chairman, these veteran cadres have been driven to the GRU after Shelepin came to power, and they were about to start old age. But since Serov started to transfer back Lieutenant General Roman, the former first deputy director of the First General Bureau, these veteran cadres who had been pushed out suddenly discovered that the fate of these anti-rebel workers had not yet been determined.

   They were transferred out of the new chairman of the KGB, Shelepin, and the most trusted young cadre Shelov actually respected them, instead of being as domineering as those other young cadres who were parachuted from the Communist Youth League. This has to be said to be a huge discovery. So at the beginning of the new year, many KGB and Communist Youth League cadres who came to Serov's house to be guests found out. Except for them. There is always a group of old men who are guests at the vice-chairman's house.

   "Poland likes to get ahead so much, it doesn't matter if they try it!" Looking quickly turned to the Polish newspaper. Serov said to Roman and a group of old men who were guests at his home, "Our struggle must not become a struggle between our Soviet Union and the entire capitalist camp! Like our Warsaw Pact ally, although it is indeed not very useful, but Anyway, it can help us do something, and Poland can't turn the tide, let them make trouble..."

  Poland jumped out to criticize France. It was just what they talked about when they were chatting. Naturally, these old cadres who had been far away from the KGB did not know that all this was planned by Serov, and many things could not be said.

"That's right, we old people really don't trust those allies in the west. You young cadres are obviously much faster than us to accept this, which may be the reason why we are no longer needed!" Roman nodded, talking to Serov. At the same time, he is explaining to his old friends and dispelling the dissatisfaction of his own group of people.

"Who said that we don't need the guidance of old comrades? The world is so big, isn't there still room for our precious old cadres to work?" Serov tilted his head with one hand on his head and said, "We are in the period of economic construction. But there are still many countries undergoing armed revolutions! This time, I not only want you veteran cadres to show off their residual energy, but I need cadres who are most sensitive to the struggle against the enemy and ourselves. You understand how difficult the Soviet Union was in those days, and how it was in a state of hostility. Growing up in the environment of the Soviet Union, you have fought against all kinds of enemies all your life, you are the most valuable asset that the Soviet has grown up to now..."

After Shelepin took charge of the KGB, including a large number of cadres of the Communist Youth League who entered the KGB, they always thought that these cadres were nothing but repression. In recent years, these veteran cadres heard for the first time in recent years young people who viewed themselves positively, and this young People are still Shelepin's sharpest knife in the KGB.

   "Yuri, we have always believed that you are the most suitable person to do security work among these young cadres!"

   "That's right, today's young people have no idea how dangerous the Allied forces were back then! We never dare to say that no one has been wronged, but we don't have time to identify them carefully! The enemies come from all directions, and we have no choice at all..."

   "People say that our methods are cruel. If we are a little more merciful, there is no need for the Soviet Union today..."

After clapping his hands to silence the veteran cadres, Serov nodded in approval, and then said, "The difference between me and other cadres of the Communist Youth League is that I entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs very early! I have a profound understanding of our work! In the struggle between the enemy and us, China itself cannot be merciful, the achievements of the Soviet Union today are closely related to your work, and I have nothing to say other than express my gratitude!"

   Shelov's words made these veteran cadres burst into laughter. Since Sherepin took charge of the KGB, the criticism of these cadres seems to have disappeared in an instant. It is difficult to express their feelings without experiencing such a gap.

To understand the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time, we must understand the international situation at that time. The Soviet Union was the first socialist country in the world. From the moment it was just founded, it was kicked in the face by the Allied forces. The ideological forces became a pot of porridge. At that time, if Dzerzhinsky did not propose the establishment of the Cheka, he could not handle such a complicated situation. Maybe the lack of the Cheka would make the reputation of the Soviet Communist Party a little better, but there are still many people. If they die, the White Army will kill just as much, maybe even more.

It didn't take long for Poland to invade Russia. Tukhachevsky counterattacked to Warsaw but was defeated by Piłsudski. There was no red Napoleon's momentum at all. After returning to the Soviet Union, he put all the blame on Stalin, the political commissar. At that time, the people who attacked Stalin were Trotsky and Kamenev. It is well known that these people were later killed by Stalin. Tukhachevsky was very lucky to live to three or seven years. Stalin can be called The above is a kind-hearted house.

   Given the situation in the world at that time, the Russian army could not defeat the Japanese army at the beginning of the century, the Russian army in World War I could not defeat the German army, the Red Army in the Soviet-Polish War could not even defeat the Polish army. Since the foreign powers will definitely come to beat us, it is completely irresistible to rely on such an army. After analyzing the international situation, Stalin found that there were hungry wolves all around, and the fate of China, the largest country in the south of the Soviet Union, made it impossible for us to resist. The Soviet leader was in a cold sweat. Therefore, a decision was made to carry out the eradication of counter-revolutionaries and industrialization at the same time, to kill anyone who might be a traitor, and at the same time to concentrate all resources on industry to ensure the strength of the Red Army. There can never be three people like the Russian army in World War I. A gun situation.

   That's why Serov doesn't appear to be an ordinary young cadre. To accuse an old cadre, just look at the history book and the world map, and analyze it, you can understand why Stalin always sees everyone as an enemy, because they are indeed enemies.

"Old comrades, we all know that we have reached the time of building our country! So maybe your room for play may be limited! Some foreign comrades need your help very much! Our Arab comrades are very weak, so they need your help. Shelov said straight to the point, "I hope the old comrades can help them and establish a steel organization that no force can defeat. You know how to fight and how to deal with traitors! Turn the loose Arabs into a steel organization, Only you can do it..."

   These words naturally refer to the Iraqi communists who are training in Azerbaijan. The 200,000 party members of the Iraqi communist party cannot be said to be powerful, and can be said to be at an absolute disadvantage. As long as other forces free their hands, they can slap him to death. If someone had to die, then naturally Serov hoped that the Communist Party would survive and others would die.

Give this group of veteran cadres on the verge of retirement a chance to show off their residual energy, that is, the Iraqi Communist Party in a weak state. If the tragic massacre of the Iraqi Communist Party in history is not repeated, Shelov can only raise the seven wounded fists of revolting, or After the great achievement, the combat effectiveness of the Iraqi Communist Party has swept the world, or it will simply die as a virtue in history, but this time it is not at the hands of the military government. (To be continued~^~)