Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 173: buy rope

Almost no one agreed to the easing Khrushchev wanted, not to mention the unilateral abolition of so many troops. If it weren't for the unusual relationship between many generals of the Red Army and Brezhnev, Serov would not have worked so hard. Help him against the Red Army. The only thing is that this **** relaxation has finally ended. From the second year after Khrushchev killed the Malenkov group, the relaxation began to appear from the mouths of the Soviet propaganda organs, until last year, when Khrushchev finally visited the United States. With substantial progress, by May of this year, there will be less than a year of real relaxation!

   Even if the relaxation of the entire Khrushchev era is over, the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union has returned to a normal state!

Rach Thomas was the first to react that Serov was lying, but he immediately understood that it was impossible. There was no need for the entire KGB vice-chairman in front of him to lie to him, but in the leadership of the entire Soviet Union, only Khrushchev himself really pushed for easing, It shows how great the hostility of the Soviet Union to the United States is.

   Having said that, what is the purpose of Serov today? Rach Thomas, who was wearing a decent suit, cautiously looked at the person in charge of the discoloration in Italy. Rach Thomas was young and belonged to the kind of diplomat in the diplomatic system. I have to say that Serov caused a sequela, because after the Americans analyzed that Smith was defeated in the hands of Serov, a large part of the reason was because he was too old and lacked energy, so he replaced all Europeans over the age of 50 in one breath. Ambassador, even Serov did not expect this.

"This time I'm just taking my wife to Rome for a tour! Stop by and see where you beat you back then!" Serov looked around at the hall's furnishings in a daze, and said with nostalgia, "I went with the idea of ​​perishing together. Entering this embassy, ​​if your U.S. troops stationed in Italy send troops to suppress it, I decide to die in Italy..."

   "General Serov. Your remarks are too ridiculous. We in the United States respect the choice of the Italian people!" Rach Thomas' hypocritical attitude was the same as Smith's back then. It's like it was yesterday again.

There was a strange expression on Serov's face, which seemed to be disdain and disgust, "The CIA killed tens of thousands of Communists in South America, if I remember correctly, you seem to be more merciful in Europe, but this has nothing to do with you. , It is entirely because Europe is too close to our Soviet Union, and direct suppression is afraid of being discovered by our socialist camp! Furthermore, these European countries are not weak, and it is difficult to block news with sound systems, right?”

"My husband is always so direct. Don't mind Mr. Rach Thomas, he always tells the truth!" Valiya raised her head slightly, with a charming smile on her face, facing the surrounding US embassy staff Said, "Yuri means what the words mean, my husband is so honest..."

  The so-called wine will become full of gunpowder flavor. Serov helped the Americans without any scruples. He didn't care. Reconciliation is a thing of the past. Khrushchev coexisted peacefully with the Americans with sincerity, but was slapped in the face by the U2 reconnaissance plane. The leaders of the Soviet Union could not bear it, except for Gore and Bachev of course!

   "The Soviet Union is not as strong as the United States. What's more, our allies are far more powerful than the Soviet Union!" Rach Thomas has determined that Serov came here simply to challenge. As a Yankee Rach Thomas certainly couldn't back down from this challenge.

   "Oh?" Serov suddenly asked in Italian to the Italians present, "Is Italy an ally of the United States?" All the Italians in the hall were stunned. One side is the Americans and the other is the Soviets, it's not easy to mess with! The current Italian government is a Communist Party, but public opinion is neutral, but Italy is a member of NATO! So this question is not easy to answer. These well-dressed Italians talk about him and do not answer Serov's question directly.

"Mr. Rach Thomas, did you see it?" Without Serov's voice, Valya took over her husband's words with a smile, and the conversation became aggressive, "The strength of the Americans belongs to the accident of history, the center of the world. In Eurasia, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, from the glaciers of the Arctic to the South China Sea! The entire socialist camp occupies 70% of the area of ​​50 million square kilometers, which is more than the population and resources! All the people have been educated and are developing their respective countries step by step, when the so-called encirclement of the United States comes, it will be easily crushed..."

  Valia's red lips were charming and said scenes that the United States never dreamed of seeing, but in this era, especially before the split between China and the Soviet Union, the changes in his mouth at least have this trend in momentum! The United States is putting out the flames of communism in the world. If the CIA can solve it, the CIA will solve it. If the CIA can't solve it, the Americans will fight by themselves.

"Okay, Mr. Rach Thomas, our husband and wife are not here to debate with you who will win the US or the Soviet Union, because that is too narrow, we will definitely win, and your US will definitely be buried! At present, there are many Second Internationals in Western European countries. What if you secretly restrict the Communist Party in a country that is slowly reforming the country? Although the Second International of the Socialist Party Alliance does not focus on armed struggle and is slow to bear fruit, as long as fifty years have passed, These countries will become socialist countries!" Serov seemed to have forgotten what he said that the Second International was a natural traitor, and also deliberately talked about the relationship between the Communist Party and the Socialist Party too well, but he was not lying, Italy Isn't the current coalition government an alliance of the Communist Party and the Socialist Party?

"One month from now is the Rome Olympics. At that time, the Soviet delegation will take the first place in the gold medal table with an undisputed advantage! This is my challenge to you!" Serov poured a bottle of red wine to Rach Thomas With 120,000 points of confidence, he said, "The whole world will witness, which side is the future of mankind?"

   During the Cold War, the Olympic Games were also a stage for the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Shelov remembered that the general rule should be that the Soviet Union dominated from the 1950s to the 1960s, and the last Melbourne Soviet Union was also the first in the gold medal list. This time, he brought a lot of electronic cameras to film the situation of the arena and prepared to keep it as a souvenir.

   In the future, many Soviet people in the Soviet Union who were assigned tickets will come from the country by train. It is foreseeable that in the next month, the Soviet flag will definitely not be uncommon on the streets of Rome! Taking advantage of this Olympics, Serov will also continue to help the Italian Communist Party stabilize its advantages, and at the same time show the image of the Soviet Union as a sports power in the Olympics.

   After disgusting the successor of Smith, Serov still did not mean to leave. On the contrary, he led his beautiful and moving wife into the crowd of capitalists, ready to buy some rope from the hands of these capitalists...

"Italian red wine can now be regarded as a well-known brand in the Soviet Union, but the comrades of the French Communist Party believe that French red wine is not only sweet, but also has a long history! In view of the historical relationship between the Russian Empire and France, the Eastern European market should be opened to France. !" Serov's serious nonsense, opening it to Italy is already cutting meat and bloodletting, and adding a French, it is estimated that the country can't eat it. The French have indeed raised trade issues in this regard, but unlike Italy, France is not governed by the French Communist Party, and Serov does not need to consider political correctness. No need to accommodate the Gallic rooster...

"Vice-Chairman Serov, you are wrong. What France can provide, Italy has it all. The French always brag about themselves. In fact, our Italian red wine is not worse than France at all, and the price is more fair!" The top ten in Italy The wine merchant said hurriedly, "Furthermore, the economic situation in France is not good, and the domestic situation is not stable! Can the quality of the products be guaranteed in this situation? Besides, the French are fighting in North Africa, which is completely inconsistent with the Soviet Union. The original intention of supporting the third world revolution is not good for the Soviet Union and the entire socialist camp, and people will think that the Soviet Union and the imperialists have compromised!"

   Does the whole dead fat man's speech seem to understand the style of socialist countries? Such a knowledgeable capitalist is really not seen, and Serov asked in a surprised tone, "This gentleman, are you a Communist Party?"

"Although I'm a businessman, I've always been very interested in the socialist movement!" Fatty was righteous, and a rare thing appeared on his face, which was called the brilliance of faith, which almost deceived Serov. !

"However, in the past two or three years, Italian ceramics, jewelry, and clothing have been very popular in Eastern Europe!" Serov did not deny this situation. These industries were specially adjusted and imported by the Soviet Union. Heavy industry won't have much of an impact.

   "Vice Chairman Serov, I have to say that the Soviets really understand the trends in the world today! Our Italian clothing is very famous all over the world. I really want to go to the Soviet Union if I have the chance!"

  I understand when I hear this, the man who squeezed in with nearly glasses looks gentle, he should be the owner of a clothing factory, maybe the scale is not small! Serov hasn't spoken yet, and Valya has spoken first, and the conversation with the other party is quite good!

   As a counter-revolutionary worker, who said Serov couldn't have a good time with these Italian capitalists? For the capitalists who are willing to sell their own ropes, they are friends of the Soviet Union, and enemies who refuse to sell their ropes should be hanged first.

  Looking at Serov surrounded by Italians, Rach Thomas took a sip of his wine, feeling rather uncomfortable. (To be continued~^~)

  PS: Push the book and take charge of the fantasy! /Book/3684391. aspx

   By the way, ask for a monthly pass on the last day!