Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 176: African Year of Independence

"Thank you Comrade Xielov for his interest in the friendship between Italy and the Soviet Union. This is what I want to say! We Italian Communist Party also want to find a communist road that suits Italy's national conditions. On this road, we are fortunate to have many Brother countries walk together, I and the Italian Communist Party cherish the friendship with the Soviet Union and other brother countries very much!" The Italian Communist Party General Secretary Parimi Rotoriatti also responded positively to Serov's gesture, which made the atmosphere of the auditorium once again. reached the apex.

"It doesn't matter, the line of the Italian comrades, the Soviet Union has never had the slightest doubt, the national conditions of each country are different, just like China has many peasants, the Soviet Union is the working class and the leader of the revolution, we have never said that the world revolution It’s all a template, and I don’t want to copy the Soviet model to the whole world as some countries claim!” Serov knew what Parimirotoriatti meant, the Italian Communist Party currently has a great influence in Western Europe, and the French Communist Party , the Communist Party of Greece has a good friendship.

If it was the Brezhnev period, if Serov sang the praises of Italy's way of expanding its influence, he would definitely be criticized when he went back. Considering that he was Serepin's follower, he might be hired by Brezhnev. The excuses go straight to the end. Fortunately, during the Khrushchev period, the control of this aspect was relaxed, but even so, Serov was playing a side ball. There is no problem with these words, and there are problems when there are problems.

Sure enough, Serov’s voice just fell, and Bellinger, who was sitting on the left, took the lead in applauding, expressing his approval of Serov’s reasonableness. The Italian Communist Party has been looking for a route that belongs to Europe. Although they are now in power, they are in power, but considering Italy’s role in the United States and the Soviet Union. living conditions. The Soviet Union can only be supported in terms of party and party relations, otherwise it will be attacked by Catholic Democrats.

   Even so. The cadres of the Italian Communist Party and the delegation led by Serov, who were flattering each other, still made many journalists present uncomfortable, especially the Italian journalists who were inclined to NATO. Seeing that the Italians and the Soviets were brothers and comrades , It's quite unpleasant to wear a pair of pants.

"There is one more question, I don't know if the Italian comrades have found it!" Serov laughed and started the welcome meeting in a way of talking to his friends, singing about the friendship between the proletariat and the friendship between the communist parties in the world. In fact, it should be Andropov himself responsible. He is the head of the Central Liaison Department, but Andropov is not here, so he is in charge, and it is not overstepping his authority. The Central Liaison Department and the KGB themselves are between the framers and the actors. Relationships serve a purpose.

   "What did you find?" Parimi Rotoriatti was actually more comfortable with this kind of relaxed welcome party. Compared to Serov, he read reports there in a serious manner at home. They don't have so many rules here.

Serov asked Isamotni to bring a telegram, and after waiting for everyone to be quiet, he said, "This year, a series of thoughts have appeared in our land in the south of Italy! Since January 1 this year, there have been Cameroon, Seven countries, Senegal, Togo, Madagascar, Zaire, Somalia and Benin have become independent! Today, we are delighted to see that the trend of independence has been launched throughout Africa, and the national consciousness of the African people has been awakened. This shows that on the African continent The evil colonial system has begun to collapse. This year is the year with the most independence for African countries so far, and this year is the year of African independence. The Soviet Union and all socialist countries, including all comrades in the Communist Party of the world who want to establish democracy and equality, are willing to help Independent African countries become equal members of the people of the world as soon as possible, long live the African independence, long live the African year of independence..." At last Serov shouted twice in Italian and Russian.

At the right place at the right time, it was not too late for Serov to say something very politically correct, so correct that no one dared to refute him even a little bit, because the destruction of the colonial system was a joint effort of the United States and the Soviet Union. goal, which was also the goal of Italy after losing all its colonies after the war.

No one dared to say that Serov's words were wrong, so when his words just fell, he won the cheers of all the Italian communists present, and even all the Italians present, including the reporters, all stood up and applauded Serov warmly. A correct statement, he successfully dispelled the dirty thoughts in their hearts of the reporters who had come in today to speculate on the relationship between the Soviet Union and the Italian Communist Party.

"Long live the Year of African Independence, Long Live World Equality!" Cheers after waves of cheers rang out in the auditorium, and many reporters joined the cheering communists. Serov was also excited, but he and these people were excited. The point is different. Through today's Italian journalists' campaign, the concept of African Independence Year, which was proposed a few years later, will begin to ferment this year, because the concept was first proposed, and this huge public opinion advantage is all from the Soviet Union. Communists belonging to the whole world, the honor of being the initiator belongs to himself...

   "The complete liberation of mankind will come. No matter what difficulties and obstacles are in front of us, they will eventually be overcome by the invincible communists!" Serov raised his right hand and clenched his fists, shouting with the universal communist oath gesture.

Parimi Rotoriatti first raised his hands in response. Immediately, all the members of the Italian Communist Party, including the Soviet delegation, raised their right hands into fists. Although the language of the slogans was inconsistent and a bit messy, the huge anger at this time was overwhelming. The scene shocked the reporters who appeared on this occasion for the first time. All kinds of flashing lights kept appearing. These reporters did not forget their work and put this historic scene on film. It will be a big news tomorrow...

It took a long time for the turbulent atmosphere here to calm down, and then Serov and Bellinger discussed it. There will be hundreds of thousands of people in the Soviet Union coming to Rome to watch the Olympic Games. I hope that the Italian side can help in this regard. .

"Many of our Soviet people are going abroad for the first time. They were impoverished proletarians. They may have a lot of bad habits. I hope Italian comrades can help!" Say it again, this is an action planned by him personally, and there are more than 4,000 KGB agents among these people.

   "It's all comrades who can't talk about help or help. We Italy are a nation of warm and hospitable people, and we will definitely make our Soviet comrades a happy trip!" Parimirotoriatti said very generously.

   This batch of 140,000 to 50,000 people came from all over the Soviet Union. To be honest, letters of introduction are required for domestic travel in the Soviet Union. It is definitely a good thing to be able to travel to Italy. Of course, there are also hidden dangers. If there are Soviets absconding in Italy, Serov may be criticized as an action planner, but I believe that he will escape the disaster because of the propaganda of the African Independence Year!

The reason why the Soviet Union strictly controls population movement is because many cities in the Soviet Union are not suitable for human habitation, such as the villages in Siberia. If it is not for the KGB of the Soviet Union who has been watching the flow of population in the country, it is difficult to move the population to Asia. It will give up halfway, no one wants to live there in that icy and snowy place, and will run back to Europe in a few years.

Not to mention the icy and snowy places like the Soviet Union, even if it is China across the border, without administrative orders to allow the population to circulate freely, the population of the entire Northeast will become less and less. The population has become 60,000 or 70,000, and many of the classmates who went to school are no longer in the local area. People love to live in a place that is warm and comfortable throughout the four seasons. There are people like Serov who are not used to places with high humidity, but not many .

  If there are people who do not return to China, Serov will definitely be criticized after returning to China, and his countermeasures are very simple. Tighten the policy in this area and expand the rights belonging to the KGB again. In short, it is a risky move. But for the sake of the KGB, the risk was worth taking.

   In private, Serov will also discuss with Bellinger and even Parimi Rotoriatti to let the Italian side pay attention to this aspect of the work. At this welcome meeting, Serov instantly threw two bombshells. The first was the propaganda of the African Year of Independence, and the second was the first large-scale tourist wave in the Soviet Union, although a lot of money was borne by the KGB itself. But it finally created an opportunity for communication. In the end, after thinking about it, Serov didn't know how many times he found out that he was really a friend of Italy, and he took the risk himself. Italians kept riding on him...

The next day, the pages of the entire Italian newspapers were all covering the propaganda of the African Independence Year. Every newspaper was doing its best to reflect its political correctness. Even some newspapers that were hostile to the Soviet Union did not hesitate to help the Soviet Union with propaganda. . No one wants to be left behind on something like this.

In the evening, Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, first gave a speech on African affairs, which was reported by TASS and recorded by Pravda. The leader of the public evaluation, and soon the trusted leader of the GDR ******? Ulbricht then expressed his position, and then Tito of Yugoslavia, before it was night, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia Leaders have expressed their views on the vision of the African Year of Independence. (To be continued~^~)