Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 211: There are also vegetables

"The national support I need can only be supported by the entire Soviet Union, because only the heads of the Central Presidium have this ability. If the KGB alone is used, news may be leaked. The support I need is to block all agricultural production cuts this year. The news will take at least three months." Shelov asked very solemnly, "This kind of problem involving the national food can only be handled by the Central Presidium..."

  Since it is a scam, first of all, as a liar, you must show that the Soviet Union does not need food, and even show disdain for Sudan, restrain your impulses, and never show any interest in Sudanese corn warehouses. Even if there is, it cannot be admitted. It is best to push it to Bulgaria or some other country.

"You can guarantee that you can solve the food supply of the Soviet Union. As the first secretary of the Soviet Union, why should I not give the support that a young cadre should need? Those local cadres who have made mistakes can be postponed." Thinking about time, Khrushchev is also thinking about time. There is still a whole year before the next Congress, and there are still three months before the next Central Committee and the opening of the meeting. If the time is controlled within three months Khrushchev was in no hurry.

"In exchange for upgrading the food industry and increasing the added value of agriculture, it shouldn't be a problem. After all, Sudan also needs a certain industry. If General Aboud does not agree? I will kill him. No one can make the Soviet people go hungry, and neither can he. !" When Shelov said these words, there was a terrifying look in his eyes, and he was obviously prepared for the worst.

   It was only at this time that Serov showed what a KGB should be. What if he felt that the people had too many problems? A; Get rid of all the people in question. The rich Ukrainian peasants who resisted the Soviets' purchase of grain would rather burn the grain than hand over the surplus grain to the state to complete industrialization. Stalin's solution was to eliminate the Ukrainian rich peasants who were against the state as a whole class. Western Ukraine has always been an unstable region of the Soviet Union, and has always maintained its own maverick in official careers. If these Ukraines are always dishonest, when that day comes, Serov can let Ukraine have nothing but farming.

Perhaps it was because he saw the dawn of solving the agricultural problem, Khrushchev didn't care about Serov's unpleasant expression, and he trusted the young cadres very much. Judging from the age structure, these young cadres should not be interested in him. There are threats, and no leader of the entire Soviet Union is more willing to give young people a greater role than himself. So whether it is Shelepin, Semichasny or Serov, there is no reason to oppose him. Khrushchev is sixty-seven years old this year, and he is not sure how long he can live. He can be handed over in a few years...

   "But the speed is still faster. You must get Sudan's corn before the autumn harvest next year. I will give you half a year to operate to ensure the greatest success." Khrushchev is finally relieved. Finally, avoiding the embarrassment of using foreign exchange to buy food, he sang in a breath, "Winter is coming soon, and vegetable supply and storage are also a problem, but the problem of no food is serious, the promotion of corn is not smooth, our food problem It's really worrying."

vegetable? Is this also a problem? So be it. A strange look appeared on Shelov's face. Let Brezhnev, who has been observing Serov, notice and ask. "Yuri, you are the most outstanding security cadre of the KGB in the past ten years. I believe that there is no one in the KGB who knows all the information in the world better than you. Since you can solve the food supply, what about vegetables?"

vegetable? Isn't that a problem with the fruit and vegetable department? The name of the Ministry of Fruits and Vegetables is very dirty, but it is a department at the same level as the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, and is subordinate to the department under the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. Of course, this is still not unsolvable for Serov. There are many people in his era. I have seen many things, such as a solution to the cultivation of vegetables in the Soviet Union in winter. This method is applied in northern China.

"Yes, there is no way, but it is already November this year, and it will take some time since my idea is implemented! But I can talk about the specific plan now. The Netherlands began to use vegetable greenhouses for planting at the beginning of this century, using temperature regulation and The way to grow vegetables in the sunshine way, our Soviet Union's land is very cold, many places can't grow vegetables in the rest of the harvest time, only a limited variety of vegetables can be planted." Serov thought for a while, and decided to scare him. The most suitable target is the United States. In his impression, the promotion of vegetable greenhouses in the United States was in the 1960s. He directly said, "The United States is currently promoting this technology in agriculture..."

   felt that it was a bit incomprehensible to just say it. Shelov asked Khrushchev to prepare pen and paper. His art class was not for nothing. Although he only learned to sketch, it was enough. Vegetable greenhouses are everywhere on the black soil. The food self-sufficiency rate of Serov’s hometown in his previous life was 37%, the highest in the country, which means that the province has a population of nearly 40 million and can feed 150 million people. , well, even if the Soviets didn't have the Chinese to spend so much effort on food, the black land in Ukraine is bigger than his hometown, 300% should be reached, the fact is that Ukraine's potential is far from Digging out, it is a shame for this good place. If the Soviet Union fails to operate in Ukraine, then Ukraine after independence has once again refreshed the lower limit. Democracy has been winning, and Ukraine is ushering in new defeats every year...

It took a few minutes to draw a vegetable greenhouse in front of several chiefs, and Serov still introduced the main role, "The chiefs understand that the demand for vegetables is far less urgent than that of food, because vegetables cannot replace the food's role in feeding. So There is absolutely no problem in establishing a vegetable greenhouse base to supply Moscow and other big cities, this is the strength brought to us by the progress of science, this is the human beings have overcome the limitations of natural conditions with their own hands..."

"For the supply of vegetables for the 6.2 million residents of the capital, I think that 3,000 square hectares of vegetable greenhouses are needed, that is, 30 square kilometers of vegetable greenhouses." Serov originally wanted to say 50 square kilometers, so that it can be fully satisfied. The whole Moscow supply of winter vegetables, but the words are still taken back. If he fails, it will be bad to hold him accountable.

   To be honest, Serov’s words are already very conservative. In his previous life, the area of ​​the greenhouses in their province was more than fifty times the entire figure.

"No, General Serov, according to the minimum consumption of 6.2 million people, at least 70 square kilometers of vegetable greenhouses are needed!" As the vice chairman in charge of the defense industry, Ustinov is very sensitive to various figures. , I understand that there is a problem with Serov's calculation. Serov is based on the appetite of the Chinese, while Ustinov is based on the appetite of Lao Maozi, so this deviation occurs.

"We already have channels for vegetable supply, and we don't need so many. Of course, the main problem is that we will be experimental in the first year, and then promote it in cities from different dimensions, and then the whole country. This is my opinion. , Comrade Ustinov!" Serov commented very cautiously, he didn't want to take too big a step and it happened to him, the temperature in the Soviet Union was even colder than his hometown, in case the first time It hasn't been done for a year, and Khrushchev hasn't peeled off his skin?

Khrushchev nodded in approval, discussed it with Brezhnev, and finally looked at Serov and said, "Very good, it sounds very feasible, Yuri is not a person who likes to brag, judging from his past work experience I am very cautious in doing things, and I can agree to your proposal in the name of the Central Presidium meeting, promote vegetable greenhouses, and work hard not to disappoint the party and the country..."

"Yi, um, as a Communist Party member, I will do my best to ensure that there will be no failures! The KGB will never disappoint the first secretary!" Shelov almost said that the only way to sniff out and eradicate traitors is to respond quickly. , there is no chest pat regardless of the occasion.

   Food will be there, cheat! Vegetables will be there too, build! During a trip to the Kremlin, as a spy chief, he brought back two tasks that did not belong to his own authority. Serov is not a person who cares. After returning to the KGB, he immediately convened the biologists left by Academician Sukachev in the General Administration of Military Administration to discuss related issues.

It is much simpler to discuss the vegetable greenhouse with these biologists. Shelov just described the basic operation, which immediately aroused the interest of many scientists. There is no need to draw a sketch to tell them that this is what Lisenko did. Drive out scientists from their own jobs, and there is no need for a half-assed person to teach them here. Shelov just put forward ideas, the rest is that these people are talking, Shelov is listening, and the more you listen, the more reasonable it becomes.

"Rest assured, Vice-Chairman Serov, we will help you complete the construction of this vegetable greenhouse base. We agricultural scientists promise to contribute our due contribution to the vegetable supply of the people in the capital!" For this kind of remarks, looking at the gray hair The scientists, Serov must give them applause.

Early the next morning, Brezhnev, who was still at home, received a notice from Serov from the Second General Directorate of the KGB, asking Galina Brezhneva to go to work at the seventh office of the KGB Second General Directorate. The job is to deal with foreign tour groups in the entire Soviet Union, which of course cannot be handed over to Brezhneva, but it gives this woman the opportunity to travel across the country. (To be continued~^~)