Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 226: Eighty-one Nations General Assembly

  Finland is a neutral pro-Soviet country, and Finland always followed the Soviet Union's lead until the collapse of the Soviet Union. This is a self-preservation method to avoid the Soviet Union from destroying them when they counterattack. After comprehensive consideration, the Soviet Union also decided not to annex Finland and treat it as a country with special relations.

  Many of the technologies that are strictly locked are also tried and obtained by the Soviet Union through Finland. Of course, this cannot be done independently by Finland. As Serov said, although capitalists fear the Communist Party, they will never dislike the stink of the Communist Party’s money. The Soviet Union can get what it wants when it finds the right breakthrough. In Serov's plan, Finland should become a place of origin for electronic equipment. If it can't do that, add the Democratic Republic of Germany and Czechoslovakia. In various discussions within the KGB, there are three countries that appear most frequently, that is, the Communist Party. Italy came to power, pro-Soviet Finland and Greece in the Balkans.

  Italy has already succeeded. It should not be difficult to achieve political party rotation. Greece and Turkey have a deep blood feud. As long as there is a conflict, there is a chance for the KGB to play. The only difficulty is this small Nordic country that is not very uplifting. The Soviet Union and Finland are carefully testing each other's bottom line and carefully adjusting each other's policies.

  In the Great Kremlin, Khrushchev listened to Serov's report while packing up. As the first secretary of the Soviet Union who formed the KGB, Khrushchev attached great importance to the work of the KGB, just as Lenin attached importance to Dzerzhinsky, and Stalin attached importance to Beria. The difference is that the KGB leader used by Khrushchev must be younger, so that Khrushchev believes that there will be no conflict between the ages of the two. But that's just how he feels about himself.

"The delegation of the Communist Party of Finland was the last of the European Communist comrades we invited to arrive, and now it includes Comrade Wadek Roger of France, Comrade Togliatti of the Italian Communist Party, and Comrade Grozos of the Communist Party of Greece. Qi. I have arranged for the comrades to go to the hotel where they are staying." Shelov took the time to glance at the list in his pocket, please forgive him for being unqualified as a spy chief. After all, he can't remember too many people.

  The direction of Europe has always been the main direction of the Soviet Union. From the perspective of the importance of the borders of the Soviet Union, it should be in the order of Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. The Far East is usually a region that is not in the spotlight, and even when Sino-Soviet relations are at their most tense, the Far Eastern border remains a secondary place. It probably involves less than 30% of the Soviet Union's military strength. Considering that the weapons and equipment in the Far East cannot be compared with the equipment on the European front lines, a quarter of the energy should be more accurate, and considering that the Central Asia and Turkestan military regions still have Responsible for monitoring the movement in Iran. The period of confrontation with China should have been completed by one-fifth of the Soviet military power.

  The backwardness of armaments in the Far East is also relative to the mutual preparations of the United States and the Soviet Union. Except for the United States, the Soviet Union’s seemingly backward weapons in the Far East can still smash all countries. The United States and the Soviet Union had become two monsters during the Cold War. Neither Vietnam nor Afghanistan could withstand the strength of the two countries. The United States and the Soviet Union were defeated by the international environment rather than defeating them on the battlefield. After all, the Soviet Union and the United States, which are stared at by so many countries in this era and carry the banner of democracy and freedom, really can't be shameless to play three lights.

   Therefore, for the Soviet Union, important things are divided into three levels, the first level is accidents in Europe, the second level is accidents in the Middle East, and the third level is accidents in other directions. Other directions include Asia, Southern Africa and the Americas.

   So even if only the leaders of the European Communist Party have arrived. Khrushchev also had to come forward, and the banquet was held in the Catherine Hall of the Great Kremlin. Because neither the Kremlin Great Hall nor the Auditorium have been completed, you can only smell the stucco when entering. The guards are in charge of the Kremlin garrison, Serov is in charge of maintaining the security here, Alexey, the head of the secret police, and Andropov, the head of the Central Liaison Department, are the assistants who accompanied Khrushchev to receive these comrades. Other Soviet leaders Mikoyan, Kozlov, Andropov, and Sherepin were among them.

   Not counting the leaders of the Eastern European socialist countries, including the European Communist Party and Workers' Party delegations, there are 20 delegations, covering almost all European countries. Why do you say almost? Because the Communist Party of the Federal Republic of Germany is currently banned.

The political parties that appear here are less than half of all the parties present at the convention, but when they are gathered together, even bystanders feel emotional at first glance. As for those who regard the Communist Party as a beast of a flood, they will feel fearful and anxious. Everyone present immediately disappeared from the world.

As a statesman, Khrushchev is not very qualified among the leaders of the Soviet Union. Of course, he is definitely stronger than the map of Ge, but as an ordinary person, Khrushchev has a unique character that can easily make people feel conflict. The latter Brezhnev adhered to the principle of doing things silently. Whether it was to deal with Sherepin internally or to confront the United States externally, to contain China should be prepared first, not like Khrushchev said first and then prepared, of course. This may also be the lesson of Khrushchev's confrontation with the United States in Cuba when he was not ready, which made Brezhnev's memory.

Khrushchev very enthusiastically wished these guests from afar to have a good time in Moscow. In combination with his always angry expression, his speech was actually very contagious, and there was also a kind of simplicity that belonged to a peasant, which was easy to use. acceptable. Then Mikoyan announced the start of the banquet, and Serov looked at Khrushchev, who was about to exchange cups with the leaders of the Communist parties of various countries, and nodded lightly to the waiter in the hall, and got the response he deserved.

The waiter in a red vest and bow tie brought a wine glass to Khrushchev's side. Given Khrushchev's age, excessive alcohol is obviously not suitable for this old man, so once such a banquet occurs On occasions, the agents of the Ninth General Administration will replace Khrushchev's wine glass. The new wine glass is specially made by the General Administration of Technology. A hazy feeling, even face to face can block the other party's sight, no one can see that there is a problem with Khrushchev's wine glass.

"Italy's success has provided us with a sample of peaceful transition to socialism!" Khrushchev joked with Italian Prime Minister Parimi Rotoriatti without hesitation. This is not the first time the two have met. The two had already met at the 51st National Communist Party Congress.

  Parimirotoriatti with red wine is also a star in the hall. The Italian Communist Party was the first Communist Party to come to power through parliamentary struggle, and undoubtedly set an example for these European communists.

   "This is obviously my credit!" Shelov was not far from them. At this time, there was a feeling that your name was unknown and that your exploits would last forever. How soon did you become as great as the martyrs on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Soviet Union?

   After all, he is a spy chief, and naturally he cannot tell what he did in Italy. Since everyone thinks that it is the credit of Parimirotoriatti, so be it! Shaking his head, Serov was stunned, and looked at all the communists in the hall with a thoughtful gaze. He felt as if he had overlooked an issue. This conference was a perfect opportunity.

From the KGB's point of view, there will be no more opportunities to get in touch with political parties all over the world. It's a godsend. Serov decided to take advantage of this opportunity in an instant. Can't blame him just thinking of this, the last time Assembly he happened to eat sand in Egypt, missed the opportunity to develop spies. Is there anyone who knows more about the development of the world socialist movement than the parties participating in this conference? You must know that no one has come except Antarctica, and the places involved have covered five continents.

   Almost returned to the First General Bureau at a rapid speed, Serov quickly found Lieutenant General Sakhartowski who was about to get off work and settled the matter. Sakhartowski was very interested, and he quickly settled on the specific details. He decided to take advantage of this 81-nation Communist Party Congress to absorb a group of people into the KGB's global network, perhaps not from among the participants. Looking for, but they can use the power of these political parties to enter the local area. As long as there is this channel, sooner or later, there will be an opportunity that the KGB is waiting for. As an intelligence agency, they will never lack time. Doing something in a lifetime is not something that hasn't happened.

On November 10th, all the parties participating in this 81-nation Communist Party and Workers' Party Congress have all arrived in Moscow. During the international anthem full of fighting spirit, representatives of various countries stood beside the national flags of the thirteen socialist countries in front of the venue. Slowly entering the venue, more than 2,000 delegates entered the venue, involving political parties from 81 countries and regions. In terms of scale, it far surpassed the last conference, with 30 more members attending. According to this development trend, no matter whoever looks at it, it seems that the whole earth will turn red is just around the corner.

"Be careful not to let people get close to the venue, especially not to let the Americans hear a little bit of wind. Don't think I don't know they are inquiring about the news here." Serov, who was standing beside Alexey, watched all the delegates enter the venue with disdain. of their American counterparts.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to inquire about anything!" Alexey was also infected by this grand scale, and he was very prudent when he spoke at this time, but he couldn't hold back the joy in his heart. Enemies are all around, and by today's 81-nation Communist Party Congress, he understands more than Serov how difficult the journey is.

"Let's go, the conference can't be finished in one day!" Shelov said, and then saluted a row of national flags at the entrance of the conference venue. The two red flags side by side were always in his sight. After a long time, the two got into a jeep and left. venue. (To be continued~^~)

  PS: The last chapter is really water, there is nothing to justify, I didn't mention China, don't lead me into the pit