Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 241: I work

  Ivan Ivanov Christoforovich Bagramyan, the official name of the Taman Division is the 20th Guards Army, and the 23rd Guards Tamanskaya Motorized Infantry Division.

Major General Bagramyan is thirty-eight years old. He has no special impression of this eldest brother Serov. It is just a normal process of joining the army. He is the second son of Marshal Bagramyan. As for why Serov calls him eldest brother, that is because Aunt Tamara, the wife of Marshal Bagramyan, had such a long past before marrying the Marshal.

At that time, because Bagramyan was inclined to revolution, and the religious atmosphere in the Caucasus was very strong at that time, Tamara was convenient for a soldier to get married. Unfortunately, the soldier died on the front line in the subsequent war. After the establishment of the Soviet Union, Bagramian After Yang heard about it, he hurried back to the village to find his beloved girl. Although Tamara was pregnant at this time, Bagramyan married her. Soon after the marriage, Tamara gave birth to a son, named Movches, whom Bagramyan regarded as her own.

So the eldest brother in Serov's impression when he was a child is actually two people, the first is Aunt Tamara's original child Movshes, and the other is the current Taman Division Chief of Staff, Ivan Ivanov Christopher Major General Rovich Bagramyan, Serov had to admire the original owner of this body, so it happened, no wonder Bagramyan treated him so well after his parents died in the battle of Kyiv.

The General Administration of Military Administration screens the officers of the Red Army to ensure that all officers are as loyal and reliable as possible. This eldest brother has just been promoted to major general this year, which is also very related to the comments given by the General Administration of Military Administration. As the director of the General Administration of Military Administration , Whether to use his power, Serov can guarantee that there is absolutely no. Because he is the director and can testify for himself.

   One hand holds the big brother's file. The other hand tapped rhythmically on the thigh. If this eldest brother has been serving around Moscow, it is easy to be targeted by people with intentions. This will not only affect the reputation of Marshal Bagramyan, but also some people may make excuses. Attack Sheloff.

After a while, Serov, who had finished reading the archives, let out a long breath, pondered for a moment, and said to himself, "The capital is too big, and he should be sent to the western cluster of the GDR to be the commander of the tank division, and his ability is sufficient. Besides, even if it is disarmament, the Soviet Union will not cut the Western cluster!"

   As for other conveniences, there are more. For example, the relationship between Serov and Stasi, he has been working on rebuilding the nine-nation intelligence bureau, doesn't he hope that the secret service organizations will hug each other to keep warm and avoid the attack of their own government? Wasn't he raising Brezhnev's daughter just in case he never played with others in the future, and hoped that Brezhnev would let him go out of his way? As for Brezhnev's son, Serov had already picked someone from the Secret Service City and was going to lurk beside Brezhnev's son.

   The authority of the KGB's Third General Directorate was limited to inspections by mid-level officers. Officers above the major general are senior officers, and the Ministry of Defense will not let the General Administration of Military Administration manage, but Shelov can give suggestions and provide a suitable direction for officers to work. Greetings came in Isamotney to seal the file, he continued to look through the other people's files.

   After all, the Ministry of National Defense is also a powerful institution. To deal with the Ministry of National Defense, which is also a powerful institution, Serov must exert the greatest ability of the General Administration of Military Administration, and must establish a broad sense of presence among the middle-level officers of the Red Army. If you can get officers to serve the KGB at the same time. That's better. Alexey once said that the KGB is a scary place. It is to create a sense of separation between the Central Presidium and local cadres, and the KGB in the middle can cut off the connection between the Soviet leadership and local cadres.

  If the connection between local cadres and the central government is blocked by the KGB, it means that the KGB has really developed to a daunting moment. He hoped that Serov would not think about it in this regard, and even if it could be done, he would not show it. Once it was discovered that the KGB could hinder the connection between the central and grass-roots cadres, Beria's fate was imminent, because only Beria could do this after Stalin's death, and Beria could not do it when Stalin was alive.

   It is necessary to maintain the contact between the central and local cadres, so that the central presidium can establish contact with local cadres at any time, so that the KGB can let the central presidium see the truth that they think they see, these words of Alexey are very reasonable. The KGB during the Semichasny period had such an ability, which was obviously related to Khrushchev’s indulgent attitude, and it was precisely because of the KGB’s anti-government attack that Brezhnev began to attack the KGB again after he came to power. limit.

   As the first secretary who personally established the first vice-chairman to protect his own department, Serov thought these things at this time seemed not very good. But as Khrushchev's reforms deepened, he had to leave a way out for himself. Of course it would be best to keep Khrushchev, but what if he couldn't?

"Why did Semichasne act like a traitor in the later period? All the tricks are stupid?" If Serov remembers correctly, he also planned the escape of the border residents in northwest China, just like a hidden one in the Shelepin group. traitor.

   In the afternoon, Serov went to the headquarters of the Second General Administration to correct the report. Regarding the issue of the representative status of the KGB in the enterprise, he mainly faced Kosygin, who was usually in charge of government work. In the afternoon, Serov accompanied his boss to the building of the Soviet Council of Ministers.

   This matter has already been approved by Khrushchev, so the KGB mainly discussed the details with Kosygin, that is, who is the second secretary in charge of security and supervision work.

"The second secretary of the company is naturally directly accountable to Comrade Khrushchev, Comrade Kosygin. After all, they are the security cadres of the KGB. It is always strange to let other departments manage! Our department, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have always been It is responsible for the general secretary, and it has been like this since the time of Comrade Stalin. Of course, this is not disrespect for the work of the government. After all, the deception that started two years ago has been very serious, and Comrade First Secretary is very concerned about this matter. Pay attention to..." Considering Shelepin's arrogance, Serov started the negotiation with Kosygin first. Shelepin is the kind of person who is very at ease with his subordinates. After he has a better goal, he usually doesn't care about this kind of thing. The boring question of who comes first.

   If it weren’t for the Ryazan state incident in the Soviet Union, Khrushchev would not have known when he would have thought of establishing a supervisory agency. The KGB agency was directly responsible to the first secretary. This is a tradition. Kosygin also did not insist on this matter, because it was something that Khrushchev determined. For example, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the KGB are first-level departments, while the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry under the Soviet Council of Ministers is a second-level department. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was merged with the KGB, was suppressed during the Khrushchev era. The level prior to the merger was also a secondary division. After the merger, the KGB has faintly had the style of the super department of the Beria era, but before the KGB showed its fangs, it was no different from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in name.

Of course, there are also first-level ministries under the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. For example, Kosygin is now the chairman of the huge State Planning and Economic Commission. As Khrushchev's assistant, Kosygin has always worked in the economic sector, and the Soviet government itself is relatively weak. , so I didn't argue with Shelepin on this issue. During the whole process, there was no contradiction between the opinions of the two parties, which made Shelov secretly relieved.

   "Old secretary, what do you think of Kosygin?" After leaving the Kremlin, Serov, who left with Sherepin, asked. He wanted to know what Sherepin thought about these people.

   "Technocrats, from an economic point of view, there is no person who is more suitable for managing the economy than Comrade Kosygin." Shelepin thought for a while and said, "Kosygin seems to be very talkative, a bit similar to Comrade Brezhnev..."

  “…” His evaluation of Kosygin is correct in terms of history, but where did the confidence in Brezhnev come from? What kind of boss can teach what kind of subordinates, no wonder Semichasny dared to send the first vice-president sent by Brezhnev to take charge of the security work in Armenia, which finally made Brezhnev intolerable. .

This year's New Year, the Serov family did not stay at home, but went to Bagramyan's house for the New Year. The family's visit made the Bagramyan couple very happy. It happened that two eldest brothers and a sister were also there. Bagramyan's villa It has not been so lively in a long time, "Yuri, Ekaterina, you haven't been here for a long time!" Tamara Bagramyan was very happy to see two people coming as guests.

"Yuri works in the KGB and always has friction with people from the Ministry of Defense, so he can't always come here, because he is afraid that Uncle Bagramyan will be affected!" Valiya made a gesture for her husband with a gentle smile. explain.

"You have indeed treated Georgy a bit too much. He has already retired, so don't send people to continue harassing him!" Georgy in Bagramyan's mouth naturally refers to Zhukov. The few marshals who still dared to associate with him regardless of the pressure, often visited Zhukov's house as a guest, and only Bagramyan, Vasilevsky and Rokossovsky took risks to maintain a deep friendship with Zhukov.

"I know it's unfair to Marshal Zhukov, Uncle Bagramyan, but that's my job! I have to obey the orders of the center," Serov sighed and looked at the family in front of him and whispered, "I can Guaranteed not to interfere with the marshal's private life, that's all I can do with my ability..."

   Marshal Bagramian sighed heavily. He and Zhukov are classmates, and the deep friendship among them is difficult for anyone to understand, but as Shelov said, no one can help in this matter. (To be continued~^~)

  PS: Updates will resume slowly