Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 266: first man in space

  There is a kind of national flag that can make your heart surge at a glance, and the Soviet flag is worthy of such a meaning. No one has ever dared to express this blatant face of communism, and no one has ever dared to put the whole earth on their national emblem. The founders of the Soviet Union chose this symbol to express their ideas and were destined to face unprecedented suffering.

   Like the Communist Manifesto says, Communists disdain to conceal their views and intentions. They openly declare that their aim can only be achieved by the violent overthrow of all existing social institutions. Let the ruling class tremble in the face of the communist revolution. All the proletarians have lost in this revolution are chains. What they get will be the whole world.

  The founders of the Soviet Union chose such an idea as the standard for the establishment of the Soviet Union, so no matter what difficulties they will face and what tests are waiting for the Soviet Union, they should stick to their ideals and keep going.

"The most important thing in this world is temporary difficulties! It can only be called temporary..." Shelov looked at the red flag opposite the control room building and said, not only to cheer himself up, but also to convince himself that you are doing the right thing. Believe that your position is not wrong. The outcome of the Cold War cannot show that the United States is more just. That is just one part of a spiral of development. They cannot eliminate the existence of communist ideology, unless the Americans can eliminate class.

Serov, who witnessed Gagarin’s heaven with his own eyes, couldn’t help but feel excited. Standing by the window in the corridor, he was lighting a cigarette in front of the Soviet flag. In principle, smoking is not allowed in Baikonur. Indoors, it can be accommodated. In fact, all the people in the control room, regardless of level or occupation, were immersed in jubilation.

   All the previous tensions were released, so that today’s cathartic eruption is possible. Even through a heavy iron gate. Serov could also feel the excitement in the control room. He raised his wrist and glanced at the time. Just as he was about to go in and remind him, he saw that the door had been pushed open. Lieutenant General Valenjing, director of the Sixth General Administration, was stunned when he saw Serov in the smoke, and hurriedly said, "Everything is going well now, it seems that we should make some preparations!"

"Prepare the transport plane immediately, and the inner guard at the landing site of Comrade Gagarin is ready to meet our space heroes!" Serov narrowed his eyes and said, "Has Commander Korolev already calculated that Gagarin landed? location?"

   "According to earlier calculations, the landing site should be in Saratov Oblast, southeast of Engels!" Lieutenant General Valentin replied.

"Immediately send electricity to the Saratov KGB office and the General Directorate of Internal Affairs to prepare the local forces. It seems to be the middle area between the border military district and the internal guard station, and inform the troops that are close to rush there immediately. It's time. Welcome, our space heroes!" Serov thought for a second and added after giving the order, "Bring your camera. This will be the most precious information, so far we are all perfect, don't make mistakes on this small problem …”

While speaking, Serov had already arrived at the door of the control room, opened the door and saw that the atmosphere had not calmed down, and reminded, "Dear comrades, comrades in command, and leaders, Lieutenant General Valentin is ready. Transport plane, we are going to the place where Gagarin will land in Saratov region. Are you ready to come together?"

"I'm going to see Yuri, and I have to ask him a lot of questions to figure it out!" Sergey Korolev and Krim Aliyevich Klimo spoke almost at the same time, saying the same thing, At the same time, he was stunned for a while, but he insisted on his own ideas.

   "Comrade Gagarin hasn't come back yet, and an expert needs to stay in the control room to command!" Shelov didn't want the two most valuable experts in the Soviet Union to be so exhausted, so he said rude words. The lives of two people are more important than him.

"Klim. You stay here and continue to command! I will follow General Serov to Saratov Region!" Sergei Korolev looked Serov's eyes very seriously and said, "I believe that our Soviet Union is the most professional security officer..."

"The KGB will never betray anyone's trust. Come with me!" The scientist's words touched a string in Serov's heart, but he didn't have time to be moved now. He immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact Lieutenant General Valentin outside. , the two are about to enter the military transport plane that has been prepared.

"First Vice-President, the local KGB and DG cadres in Saratov region have called back and are ready to meet our space heroes!" Lieutenant General Valentin, who was already waiting on the transport plane, saw Serov and Korolev Walking over, there was a squad of border guard soldiers behind them. These soldiers were fully armed and carried parachute bags behind them. It could be seen that the KGB had made emergency preparations for various possible situations.

The    veteran driver signaled that there was no problem, the transport plane accelerated and slowly left the airport in Baikonur.

   At this time, Gagarin began to cross the South Pacific. Gagarin replied in the high frequency signal: "I am sending a regular report message: flight OK. ... Descent state indication is moving. Air pressure 1, humidity 65, temperature 20, cabin air pressure 1.2, manual system 150, first automatic system 155, second automatic system 155, return rocket pressure 320 atmospheres, I feel good..."

   Forty-one minutes later Gagarin reported that he was on the dark side of the earth.

  Forty-four minutes after liftoff, Gagarin reported that the sun search and altitude control systems had been turned on. This system is used to orient Vostok-1 when it returns. There are two redundant systems for the automatic return system: an automatic sun positioning system and an artificial vision positioning system, any of which can operate two redundant propulsion systems containing 10 kg of nitrogen.

Forty-six minutes after liftoff, the Khabarovsk ground station sent the following message to Gagarin via high-frequency signal: "According to General Kamanin's order, the transmitter has been turned on, and we are sending the following message: Flight as planned. Go ahead, the orbit is not deviating from the plan." They told Gagarin that Vostok-1 was in a stable orbit. Gagarin accepted the message.

   Fifty minutes after launch, Gagarin's Vostok-1 crossed the Strait of Magellan. The news of Dongfang No. 1 was broadcast on Moscow Radio. Like many of Sherepin's friends, the chairman of the Soviet Radio and Television Committee, Meshatsev, was a high-profile young man. Usually news would not make him so excited. But today's news from Baikonur also made him unable to hide his excitement. For this reason, Meshatsev chose a female announcer with the sweetest voice to broadcast to the whole Soviet Union and broadcast the world's first space The news of the heavens informs the people of the whole alliance.

"This is Radio Moscow! Now there is an exciting news for the whole league to announce!" The sweet voice of the female announcer attracted the people of the entire capital. "At 9:07 Moscow time, at the Baikonur Space Center, Our astronaut Yuri Gagarin called the Vostok 1 spacecraft successfully into outer space, and maybe it is flying over your heads. Today is a day worthy of the deep memory of the whole alliance. Comrade Gagarin's sky above this time reflects the The powerful scientific and technological capabilities of the Soviets. Four years ago, we sent the first artificial satellite of mankind into space. Today, Comrade Gagarin has become the first astronaut of mankind. This proves that socialist countries are more creative than capitalist countries. …”

The border guard camp of Saratov region, the gate of the camp was rudely opened, and one military vehicle after another carried border guard soldiers with KGB epaulettes to leave the camp. In fact, these soldiers also knew little about the upcoming mission, but Under the request of the superior, he still maintains a high-spirited state to execute orders. The people next to the entire Saratov state military camp suddenly found that almost all the military camps were moving at the same time, just when people didn't know what happened. The radio station on the street sounded timely, "This is the Saratov State Party Committee and the State Council of Ministers. Today Saratov State will welcome a guest, Gagarin, the first astronaut in human history. Comrade, it will land in our Saratov region after completing a complete flight around the earth. If anyone encounters the landing of the spaceship, please do not panic, immediately report to the KGB office and the General Directorate of Internal Affairs, and we will rush to the scene immediately..."

   At the same time, the spacecraft passed through Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, over the west coast of Cyprus and central Turkey. During the process of lowering the altitude, the Vostok-1 capsule entered the Soviet Union from near Krasnodar on the Black Sea coast. Gagarin experienced the 8G overload but stayed awake. Because Gagarin's parachute opened higher than the spaceship's parachute opened, Gagarin landed ten minutes after the spaceship landed. Both Gagarin and the spacecraft landed in Saratov, southeast of the city of Engels.

   A farmer and his daughter who saw the spacecraft descending saw a huge spherical object descend, and a few minutes later Gagarin, wearing an orange spacesuit, came out of it. A few hours later, when Serov and Korolev landed at the Saratov region airport, they were immediately led to the location where Gagarin landed. "Have you prepared the cameras yet?"

"It's ready, just like you said, this will be first-hand information!" said the director of the Saratov State Directorate of Internal Affairs. To be honest, Serov did not know this person, but the director participated in the past At the security cadre meeting in 2018, he naturally knew his overly young boss.

The place was surrounded by the border guards. Except for those who wanted to land Gagarin on the spot, everyone who was going to watch the fun was isolated. Looking at Gagarin who was in good spirits, Shelov stepped forward and gave the space fighter. One hug per person, in fact, the idea in his heart at this time is very simple, he just hopes to leave a place for himself in this precious video data. (To be continued~^~)