Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 273: various preparations

Serov, who inadvertently witnessed the marriage of the two newlyweds, looked at them with warm and blessed eyes. Such smiling faces were so real. Beneath the towering monument, two newlyweds formed a family here to let this This kind of warmth also has a solemn meaning, and the Soviet tradition is really touching.

   "Congratulations, there are two more loving couples in the motherland!" After the photo was taken, Serov sincerely blessed them. This scene reminded Serov of the sweet memories of Valia and Baku. Because the bad mood brought by the Ural Tractor Factory was slightly relieved.

   "Thank you, it's really nice to have a group of officers to witness our union!" the young man asked happily, "Are you all Communists?"

   "Yes, we are all!" Shelov asked with a smile, "What about you? Have you joined the Communist Party?"

"Not yet, the application for joining the party is still being filled out, and it is in the inspection period!" The young man replied embarrassedly, and then said with a positive answer, "But I will join in sooner or later, and I am willing to witness our country getting better and better... "

  Khrushchev's reform did not reduce the prestige of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, because of the relaxed political atmosphere, many young people were looking forward to the future. Serov felt the positive energy in front of the two young couples.

"Now that membership in the party is relaxed, there may be many people who are not firm in thinking to come to our team. If you come to this group in the future, please believe one thing, don't be disappointed by our organization, all difficulties are only temporary! "Shelov was quite telling the truth, and regardless of whether the two newcomers in front of him could understand it, he turned and left the square.

   Serov at Lake Lodge after a week here. Bored lying on the grass, a woman in a major's uniform sat beside her with her legs folded. The two are in the same state as husband and wife.

"How are the Chechens over there?" Serov, squinting, was lying on the woman's lap, smelling a good smell. Lukani just came back from Azerbaijan, and has been dealing with some things over there for the past few days. matter.

   "No problem under normal circumstances, and the General Administration of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan is also very strict!" Lukani whispered.

   Serov's eyebrows flickered and he didn't say anything. The reason why Aliyev has always attached great importance to the question of the Chechens is not because he is always asking? He continued to lie down in a comfortable position, and said lazily, "If the Chechens think that life in the Soviet Union is oppressive, there is no solution. They can leave the Soviet Union. Azerbaijan borders Iran, if the Chechens really don't Willing to live a modern life, can I live in Iran? But it seems that the Shah of Pahlavi doesn't have much respect for religion, or go a little further to Iraq, if they don't care that Iraq is fighting a civil war..."

  The gathering area of ​​Chechens was directly migrated to the border area between the Soviet Union and Iran because of Serov’s intervention, and became a border nation. If these people are not honest and insist on wrestling with the Soviet Union, then Serov will only need to move his fingers to expel them to Iran to block the border. I believe that the Chechens will not be a problem for the Soviet Union, and they will fend for themselves at will.

"My compatriots seem to know the situation they are facing, so they always want to return to their original place of residence!" Lukani is also a Chechen, but she grew up in Ghazna. A neutral attitude posed the question to Serov.

"Go back? I will put the factors of social instability back? Just tell them clearly. If you don't want to stay in the Soviet Union, go to Iran to become a believer. You want the modern life of the Soviet Union, and you want your own religious beliefs. There is such a good thing!" Shelov said from the grass, "Since you are back, we will go back!"

   After a long journey back to Moscow, Serov succeeded Itvasov who was about to go to Leningrad. Itvasov was going to sit in Leningrad to command the migration of the residents of Novaya Zemlya. Serov went directly to the Kremlin to report the progress of the Great Ivan to the First Secretary Khrushchev.

"According to the calculations of mathematicians, if the nuclear test is carried out according to the original 100 million ton yield, it is likely to have a huge impact on many areas of our Soviet Union. In fact, even if the yield is halved, the possible impact will be huge!" Serov Report to Khrushchev with a report of calculations made by mathematicians of Moscow State University.

  If the power is halved, it is equivalent to 2.1×10^17 joules of energy, released in 39 nanoseconds, and the power reaches 5.4×10^24 watts. This is equivalent to 1.4% of the sun's power.

"This is a satisfactory power, and Korolev did a good job!" Khrushchev was quite satisfied with the forecast data in this report, and said, "If it is put into actual combat, I believe it will make the Americans Be honest!"

"If we have five such nuclear bombs and detonate them at the same time at a distance of 300 to 400 kilometers from the eastern coastline of the United States, the monstrous waves may drown all major cities in the eastern United States!" Xiaofu said, "Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get there. Unless you use civilian ships as a cover to kill yourself with the Americans, this nuclear bomb is still too heavy..."

"It's a good idea, let's take a look at the results of this test first, and see that the power is evaluating whether the idea you said is possible!" Khrushchev immediately asked, "Korolev said there are more How long can it be put into the test?"

"It still takes two months to prepare, and at the same time, some modifications and enhancements are required for the bomb-loaded Tu-95." Serov told the truth in front of the first secretary that the Ministry of Defense is also planning how to deal with such a big guy. complete this test. As an air-dropped bomb, Big Ivan's weight and volume are too large.

  It is also known as "Ivan" among the developers. This "Ivan" was huge: forty tons in weight and eight meters in length. It is not difficult to make this behemoth out of uranium raw materials, but it is difficult to send it to the test site.

The designers of this giant hydrogen bomb chose its delivery vehicle - "Tu-95" after repeated consideration, which is the largest strategic bomber of the Soviet Union, but neither the designer nor anyone else could deliver this giant bomb. The "Tu-95" above must reduce the weight of Big Ivan by 14 tons in order to achieve actual combat carrying.

   As for launching with a missile, it is even more impossible. The diameter of the Big Ivan has exceeded the diameter of the current Soviet intercontinental missile, and it cannot be stuffed at all. In general, this nuclear bomb was used by Khrushchev to scare the Americans.

   "Okay, let's wait for the day of the experiment, I believe Americans will be shocked!" Khrushchev laughed.

   "I trust the judgment of the first secretary!" Serov was particularly surprised to be able to flatter so seriously.

   For the various departments of the Soviet Union involved in the military, investing in the intense preparations of the Great Ivan has been the most important thing in the past two or three months. This is the case for the Ministry of Defense, the KGB and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even related departments are no exception.

"I always seem to come here lately?" Serov, who was standing at the door of the Ministry of Defense building, was a little helpless. If he had a choice, of course he would not want to come here. One powerful institution is always in front of another powerful institution. There is always a sense of demonstration in the sense of presence, but he has to come.

"I hope the marshals understand one thing, the nuclear bomb of the 2022 plan far exceeds the nuclear bombs we have tested in previous experiments. The power of its explosion and the pressure on our communication network are far greater than the previous nuclear bombs. The experiment is not a one-time thing, the power increase to a certain level is not only an increase in the equivalent, but the destructiveness of the electronic equipment is unpredictable!" Standing in front of the Marshal of the Ministry of National Defense, Serov said his fears very righteously. come out.

The 2020 Plan is the official name of the big Ivan nuclear bomb. As for Serov's eyes, he has always been firmly on Marshal Negerin, the commander of the Strategic Rocket Army, hoping that Marshal Negerin can stand on his side in this matter. .

"Yuri, did you exaggerate the strength of the big Ivan's explosion? Could he still be able to rush beyond Novaya Zemlya?" Marshal Negerin looked at the report brought by Serov in surprise, and was noncommittal about the conclusions in the report. .

"Yes, it's not an exaggeration at all! I suggest closing our radar stations near the Arctic on the day of the experiment, and the circuit network near Novaya Zemlya should also stop running. At this point, I still believe what scientists say!" Shelov said Marshal Negerin suggested this.

The field marshals present were also a little skeptical about Shelov's conclusion. In the end, Marshal Bagramyan glanced at his colleagues and said, "Old guys, I grew up watching Yura, so I won't know about this matter. Alarmist, just listen to his opinion once, just like what Yura said, this experiment cannot be compared with previous experiments!"

  Yura is Serov's nickname, and Marshal Bagramyan persuaded his old guys in such a way.

Marshal Malinovsky thought for a while and said, "Well, we can't shut down all the radar stations that day, but for the country's experimental data, the radar stations around Novaya Zemlya are open as usual, that's it!" Malinov Marshal Skye has indicated that the Ministry of Defense is willing to temporarily shut down some radar stations near the North Pole.

   "Thank you, uncles!" Shelov thanked. After all, it was risky. In the Cold War era, if the radar station was closed for one day, anything could happen.

Then Serov began to prepare how to transport the big Ivan to the experimental site. Direct air transport is impossible, and it still depends on railway transportation. He appointed the person in charge of a special train group and accepted the hydrogen bomb that weighed more than 30 tons. lorry. (To be continued~^~)