Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 278: Khrushchev's inspection

"By the way, at the 22nd National Congress half a month ago, the First Secretary and Comrade Dongfang were not very happy!" Yegolychev glanced at a few people and said, "Our alliance is in danger of collapse, Yuri. I was still in Novaya Zemlya at the time, and I may not know the specific situation, but the dissatisfaction of our two parties is obvious!"

"Why don't I know that the migration of Stalin's cemetery was ordered by me!" Serov's face was quite ugly, and he was unwilling to say more on this issue. Compared with history, it may be that Serov strictly ordered that Stalin's crystal could not be opened. The coffin did not move the body inside. But the result is the same, stealing a grave to dig a grave is stealing a grave to dig a grave, this incident made him quite disgusted, he shook his head fiercely and said, "About the differences between us and Comrade Dongfang, I still say that, absolutely cannot be used. The way the debate is resolved, the tone of the 22nd National Congress this time is too high, and we may not be able to implement the plan of the first secretary."

"Then if we deploy a few troops in the border area to keep the threat, can we calm down the head of Comrade Dongfang!" Semichasne said, "Let the other party realize that the gap with the Soviet Union is very big, maybe just Not so aggressive!"

"That would require at least one million troops. With such a mobile force, I can plan to destroy Turkey!" Shelov shook his head and retorted, "We can't even do anything to Yugoslavia, and we still expect this kind of small means to make the Eastern comrades retreat? Maybe It will have diametrically opposite effects, and now the Communist Party of the world may know that we have obvious differences with the Eastern comrades, but from the perspective of outsiders, the differences between the two sides are still controllable!"

  Semichasny's method is similar to Brezhnev's method in history, that is, to directly expand the number of troops in Asia without fighting and running. Although the Soviet troops during the Sino-Soviet confrontation were all second-line troops. The equipment isn't great either, but that's for comparison with the four major Soviet clusters on the Soviet European front. It can still beat all countries except the United States. If the Sino-Soviet differences had just begun, it was still possible to use this method to carry out Weich, but by the time of Brezhnev, the differences between the two parties had been known to the whole world, and they had reached the point where there was no turning back.

   "It was the first secretary who raised the current unstable factors!" Egolychev's words are very obvious, the current differences between the Soviet Union and the Eastern comrades stem from Khrushchev's introduction of wolves into the house, which caused the current embarrassing situation.

"It's no longer important who is to be held accountable, comrades, don't make mistakes in this regard!" Shelepin said with a thoughtful look on his face, "One thing Yuri said is very reasonable, that is, it has not reached the point of irreversibility. It's just another Yugoslavia that wants to stand on its own. It's not a big deal!"

   "I hope so!" Yegolychev also did not continue on this topic. Although the relationship between the two parties has cooled down in recent years, it has only taken two short years for things to evolve to this point. Only cadres at their level have a little understanding of this. Many local cadres and people still think that the alliance between the two countries is unbreakable.

From intimacy to mutual accusation, it only took a little over two years from the symptoms. This time is a bit too fast. The average person can't react at all. Many cadres even think that this is a personal conflict between the leaders of the two countries and must not be Not to mention that some Soviets were naive in this regard. The solution to the problem is too rigid and inflexible. But the same is true for another country. In this matter, the eldest brother does not talk about the second brother.

"Last year, Comrade Andropov and I talked about this issue. At that time, Comrade Andropov organized a huge delegation involving all the allied countries and inspected many places in China that are generally unknown!" Serov slowly He opened his mouth and looked at Meshatsev and Goryunov and said, "If you need to use it in propaganda, I can give you the list of cadres involved. But in principle, I still think that countries like Poland and Romania should talk about it. We can report it in the form of reprinting, and keep our attitude high. It is enough to ignore the criticism of the Eastern comrades, so as to create the illusion of tolerance for dissent, but we must tighten control when dealing with Eastern European countries!”

"Let us leave the propaganda matters, but Yuri, what are you going to do with the KGB?" Meshatsev asked. At this time, even Sherepin, Yegolychev, and Semichasny were only interested in oil. Tikunov's attention was focused on Serov.

"Our KGB took office as a new chairman, and in this name we convened the Warsaw Pact Security Conference to unify the pace of this matter and block the news about the differences between our two parties!" Serov thought for a while and added, "In order to do a good job in the best possible way. Bad preparations, so that all allied internal affairs ministries plus we mobilize a batch of funds to purchase light industrial products. Especially those things that other countries do not produce except China, buy as many as you want…”

   This sentence surprised everyone, and Xie Lepin asked calmly, "Yuri, didn't you say that things won't be too serious? Why make a fuss?"

"It's not too serious for party affairs and government departments, but as a security cadre, I have to prepare for the worst and make adjustments immediately if the estimates are wrong. We must not let the differences between our two parties affect other countries. As far as we can see, our strategy is to live in peace without incident, and to suppress possible unstable factors on the secret front first!" Serov said with a gloomy expression, "The KGB that is fully activated is a precise road roller, who would dare Stop the crush that will be crushed..."

   is a loser! Shelepin's bland look concealed the ignorance in his heart. It involved the unstable factors of this security range. Shelepin was reluctant to discuss with Shelov in depth, because his assistant would never compromise in this regard, so he After he officially resigned as chairman of the KGB, he also heard that Serov sent a troop to Africa, and no one knew what it was going for.

A group of high-ranking cadres gathered together, and all they could talk about was the political situation. After the discussion about the 22nd National Congress, Tikunov’s work became the subject of discussion again. Appreciation for the work in the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.

"From what has been discovered so far, the oil reserves in the 3rd Baku area may be larger than the 1st and 2nd Baku combined, and this time we seem to have found something amazing!" Tikuno The husband's words caught everyone's attention. For the Soviet Union, oil trading was an important part of the economic cycle.

   If you want to talk about how much foreign exchange you earn, the Soviet Union will not be able to do it without oil. Not many people in the cadre class believe it. The Soviet Union used most of its own oil, and the rest had to be supplied to the Warsaw Pact allies at a price lower than the market price. In the end, less than a quarter of the oil was exported at the market price. Although the profit of this last part is huge, it cannot be said that the Soviet Union cannot survive without the profit of this part. It is not wrong to say that the future Russia is a gas station disguised as a country, but to say that the Soviet Union is like this now is a bit biased. Even the United States cannot say that the Soviet industry is not good enough, and other countries are even less qualified.

   The discovery of a major oil field was absolutely beneficial to the economic cycle of the Soviet Union, no doubt about that. For Tikunov, who is not very happy in the field of security, the experience of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry has made him relaxed and comfortable. The work that was not going well was also forgotten by him to the sky.

   In the second half of this year, Serov was busy with Big Ivan’s affairs from beginning to end, and Itwasov was doing many things. Except for one thing, there are several vegetable greenhouse bases around Moscow. This project concerns the face of the KGB and the supply of vegetables for Moscow citizens in winter. When winter comes, Moscow has only a limited supply of vegetables such as cabbage, onions, potatoes and carrots. The rest of the vegetables need to be brought in from other places. Due to the latitude of the Soviet Union, a variety of vegetables are even the capital in winter. It can't be too much. It's not that Serov has never experienced this kind of life. In the small town where he lived in his last life, it was almost like this before the age of ten in his memory.

   After nearly half a year of construction, with the Red Army's engineering corps in person and the supervision of a group of paralyzed faces from the KGB, the vegetable greenhouse base project in Moscow, as a political task, will be fully put into operation before the end of the year. The first batch of greenhouses has been completed for nearly two months and will be put into use before September. Now is the time to test the fruits of your labor...

On November 1st, the outside of this glass vegetable greenhouse had already entered below zero degrees. In the glass vegetable greenhouse with a length of 200 meters and a width of 30 meters, most of the leaders of the Soviet Union were here. Rushchev, Kozlov, Suslov, Mikoyan, Brezhnev, Podgorny and Forcaeva, etc.

"This vegetable greenhouse base covers an area of ​​70 square kilometers, and the other two smaller bases will be used as vegetable supply bases for our Soviet capital!" Serov, who led many Soviet leaders into the glass greenhouse, took his hands off The black leather gloves introduced in a very solemn tone, "The materials we obtained from the Netherlands, the Federal Republic of Germany, France and even the United States plus some original things of our own, and of course, thanks to some scientists who study solar energy, we finally made the With this base that embodies the wisdom of the people, leaders, this piece of green that represents life shows that the problem of winter vegetable supply for the 6 million people in Moscow will no longer be a problem in the future..." (To be continued~^~)