Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 291: Undercurrent

   "I'm looking forward to our guests!" Khrushchev greeted his friends who were hunting with him today, and the cooked venison was placed on the table. The trend of hunting in the Soviet Union did not slowly die out until the 1970s. Before that, many species of animals, such as the Caspian tiger, had been wiped out.

Brezhnev, Aristov and Podgorny, two members of the Central Presidium, plus Aristov who was just replaced two months ago, which means here with Khrushchev There were actually three current or former members of the Central Presidium who were on vacation together. These people were surrounded by Khrushchev, and there was one person Shelov did not know. He was surprised to find out that this unfamiliar person turned out to be the first. Kirilenko, First Secretary of the Niepropetrovsk Oblast.

Because Serov left the Soviet Union immediately after the explosion of the Great Ivan, he did not pay much attention to the news of the 22nd National Congress, but Fuercaeva was not re-elected in the Central Presidium at the subsequent meeting of the Central Presidium, which means that the current Fortseva is no longer a high-ranking member of the Central Presidium, but has become a replacement member, and remains in the Central Presidium for the time being. According to memory, Fortseva should have been completely expelled from the Central Presidium after Brezhnev came to power. of.

   "Yuri, sit down quickly, the first secretary is very concerned about Cuba's affairs. Everyone is comrades, don't be so rigid!" Brezhnev's voice called Serov back from his imagination.

"If we are really comrades, we don't have to be so entangled now." Serov secretly said, his eyes fell on Aristov and Podgorny who were not far away, plus Brezhnev and Kirilenko . This is a proper anti-Hertz group. Unlike the Malenkov group a few years ago, Khrushchev, surrounded by these loyal subordinates, has no idea of ​​the danger around him. These loyal subordinates are ready to bite back at any time. .

   Serov smiled and wished the leaders here a long and healthy life, while also being vigilant in his heart. After the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Sino-Indian War, he must not leave Moscow casually in the future. Because things have changed since this year, the 22nd National Congress also reformed the party's cadre tenure system. In the party constitution adopted at the 22nd National Congress of the CPSU, provisions on the term of office of party cadres and the regular replacement of party leaders at all levels were added. The article stipulates that "when electing party organs, the principle of frequent replacement of their members while maintaining the succession of leadership" shall be observed.

According to the provisions, the members of the CPSU Central Committee and the district committee members shall not be elected for more than three consecutive terms, and the grass-roots party secretaries shall not be elected for more than two consecutive terms. In each routine election, the CPSU Central Committee and the members of the presidium shall be replaced at least. 1/4, to join the Republican Party, at least one-third of the members of the Central Committee, Border Region Committee, and State Committee are replaced, and at least half of the members of the party's special districts, cities, districts, grass-roots party organizations or branch committees are replaced. Through this reform, the party's leadership team is constantly updated, so that more knowledgeable and capable party members can take up leading positions.

   In other words, Khrushchev has already begun to die, and has begun to attack the life-long system of Soviet cadres. It's just that the first secretary and chairman of the Council of Ministers did not know that the biggest opponents were on his side, Brezhnev, Podgorny and Aristov here, and the unknown at this time. Kirilenko is the main force who is looking for opportunities to oppose. It's just that I don't know what Shelepin is thinking at the moment. Sheloff thinks that he should find a chance to touch Shelepin's bottom, otherwise this matter is always not very reassuring.

   In case their boss is also against his heart because he may be replaced, the anti-he group will gain an advantage. Judging from the few people present, their energy together to overthrow Khrushchev is still somewhat insufficient. Of course, the 22nd National Congress had just passed, and they thought that Khrushchev's opposition to the life-long cadre system was just a talk. When the next cadre was really replaced, they began to have the heart to oppose Khrushchev. A possibility is also unknown.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, just like Lieutenant General Sakhartowski said, the syndrome of the enemy of the anti-revolutionary workers broke out!" Meat is also unpalatable. From the point of view of eating, Shelov belongs to the kind of person who is very disgusting. He doesn't catch all kinds of game and things with too much taint. The venison in front of him is far less delicious than pork in Shelov's eyes.

The entire Soviet Union is in the midst of the north wind, but everyone knows that the cold winter is leaving, and the daytime temperature here in Kuibyshev is no longer unbearable. Khrushchev is wearing a leather hat in this heavily guarded hunting ground. Walking, a gray figure behind him is Serov in a dark gray military coat. Most of the hunting grounds are docile animals, but there are also a few animals that can pose a threat to people, such as wild boars and black bears, Serov He didn't dare to put the life of the first secretary on the shotgun, and something happened enough to make him go to the North Pole to grow potatoes.

"Yuri, keep your troops far away. To be honest, those people are really annoying. I have been hunting since I was a child, and I have never missed a shotgun in my hand?" Khrushchev did not forget when he was looking for his prey. Boasting for himself, as for how reliable this is, Serov doesn't dare to really try it, and he can't afford it if something happens.

You must know that when Khrushchev was also hunting a year ago, Khrushchev and the first secretary of the Ukrainian Party Committee Kirichhenko had a dispute. After that, there was one less member of the Central Presidium, so I put my hope in the leader's words. , is a very stupid idea, and the lessons from the past are not far away.

Khrushchev also knew that his stable status had a lot to do with Ukraine, but he knew that, from Kilichenko to Podgorny to Sherest, Khrushchev never completely Take Ukraine in your own hands. These top Ukrainian leaders have always belonged to unruly people.

After a gunshot, a wild boar sprang from the snow fell to the ground, and at the same time as the shotgun in Khrushchev's hand rang, the pistol under the Serov leather glove behind him also raised at the same time," he shouted to the surroundings, look See if the wild boar is dead..."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers of the Inner Guard who were not far away came from all directions and turned to report the effectiveness of Khrushchev's gun.

   "I'll just say, Yuri, don't be so nervous! It's just a wild boar." Khrushchev motioned Serov to calm down and put down the pistol in his hand. He could clearly see that Serov was trying to grab a gun after him, not to make a big news. For some nervous young people, Khrushchev felt that he should use himself to go through the wind and waves from the perspective of an elder. experience, to provide Shelov with some life guidance.

"Safety comes first. As a security cadre, if there is an unsafe factor in front of me, it is my dereliction of duty!" Serov calmly put the pistol in the holster, and there is a kind of candid in his words. For Khrushchev to die, of course, this is just talk.

"Yeah, safety first. I have always had great expectations for you young cadres, Shelepin and Shemichasny, and you, your age is enviable, I am old, and the time is one year a year. Years have passed, I have to finish the things that should be dealt with before I die, so that your road will be much easier. Now the entire Soviet Union cadres at all levels are full of old people who should have gone to hold their grandchildren long ago. Those old people Their thinking has been solidified. They cannot be expected to bring the Soviet Union to a new height, we can go further, not only eat the foundation left by Stalin." When talking about Stalin, Khrushchev's tone has a kind of tone. A complicated look, but it disappeared in a flash. But it was clearly captured by Shelov.

  Khrushchev has always wanted to escape Stalin's shadow, but historically he has never been successful. Stalin was, after all, the man who led the Soviet Union to its peak, and Khrushchev chose for himself an opponent that was almost impossible to defeat.

"I can understand the urgency of the first secretary. You hope to solve all the problems that arise now, but if you solve all the problems, what will your successor solve?" Shelov waved his hand to his subordinates. Carry the boar away and say lightly, "Those of us will always support you because you are wise..."

"Yuri, you've also learned badly. You weren't so good at flattering before. Could it be that there is such a culture in Cuba? It's not good!" However, I know that there will be many people who oppose my policy, so the KGB must pay more attention to supervision in this regard. Struggle to be vigilant..."

"No one can oppose the first secretary in front of us!" Serov raised his hand in a military salute, and said in a slow and serious tone, "The KGB will always be in line with the center, our mission, to sniff out And root out the traitors!"

The idea of ​​Khrushchev to clean up the tenure system of cadres is not a day or two. It can be seen from the relaxation of the KGB supervision that Khrushchev is changing his earlier policy. After Beria, the KGB was separated into two parts. In this part, the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of various places were originally scattered to the republics and state committees. However, last year, the KGB re-merged the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took back the power that was delegated to the localities. It seems that Khrushchev wants to expand the KGB’s power. rights to prevent yourself from encountering resistance to this year's reforms. (To be continued~^~.)