Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 333: first trial

The Il-28 bomber is not advanced. In fact, it was only because the Soviet Air Force could not catch up with the American heavy bomber group in a short time that it had to equip more of this type of aircraft in quantity. If there was a choice, the Soviet Union also wanted all equipment. Figure 95 bomber. But the Il-28 bomber can still carry nuclear bombs, and it can also bomb the southern United States when deployed to Cuba. At present, all deployments of the Soviet Union are based on nuclear weapons. Medium-range missiles must carry nuclear warheads, nuclear submarines must carry nuclear torpedoes, and bombers must carry nuclear bombs, because apart from nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union really did not make the United States frightened. strength.

   In fact, the most dangerous time has passed, and the nuclear missile has not been discovered. This kind of Il-28 bomber, which is considered a light bomber in the United States at best, should not stimulate the hearts of Americans too much. No normal person would think that the Soviet Union, under the disadvantage of nuclear weapons, dared to come under the nose of the United States and threaten them. This is the pride in the hearts of Americans. They feel that their navy is invincible and controls the two oceans. They have more nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union. Therefore, they feel that they can deploy nuclear missiles in the Federal Republic of Germany and Turkey to threaten the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union does not dare to use the same tricks against itself. , it turns out that the Soviet Union finally chose to play a big game with the Americans under the circumstance that the Soviet Union had been surrounded by circles.

"Bomber wings are not easy to hide, even after dismantling, so this work must never be shipped in ports on the Black Sea coast, the Dardanelles are too narrow for safety! Our KGB advice Yes, from a port in the Baltic Sea.” Although attention to detail may not change the result, a meticulous work attitude is always right.

"The security work will be handed over to the KGB. I have always been very at ease as a national security cadre!" Khrushchev tapped the table a few times with his pen with his hand, and when he felt that there was no loophole, he waved Serov and the others down. .

   In addition to the Il-28 bomber, the second stage of transportation is mainly to transport ordinary weapons and ammunition and some military production lines of its own capabilities. Guarantee the combat capability of the Cuban cluster. Regardless of the original intention of the Soviet Union in deciding to send nuclear missiles to Cuba, these preparations must be made. Even if we finally compromise with the United States, these conventional weapons will remain in Cuba and handed over to the Cuban People's Army for assistance.

"We just need to do a good job of assisting. I believe that both the Ministry of National Defense and the Cuban Group Command have already begun to formulate combat plans in detail. We don't need to worry about this." Under the brilliance, he watched a Soviet ship leave the port. The graceful hull is painted with black paint and has a heavy and different kind of beauty.

  It may be due to the difference in shipbuilding concepts. The Soviet freighter did not maximize the economic benefits. The reason why Serov felt that the hull was beautiful is entirely because the black freighter was similar to the warship from the external lines. The lines of warships look better than freighters. Go and don't think he knows much about this. After all, in Valya's mind, he only has junior high school level knowledge, an ignorant guy hidden in our party and our army.

   "I don't know what the result is?" Lieutenant General Sakhartowski sighed. He is the director of the First General Bureau. It is impossible to hide this kind of thing from him. He also knows that if it is leaked, it will be shocking.

   "We have done everything we can, and let fate decide the final result!" Normally, Serov would not say such words of leaving the result to fate, and get rid of the confused thoughts in his mind. Looking at Lieutenant General Sakhartowski in front of him. Even the anti-revolutionary workers who have been working in this way for nearly 30 years are not sure. It can be seen that the Cuban missile crisis is beyond the control of work experience.

   If there is something regrettable about Serov's work in the KGB, it is that he has never been the director of the First General Directorate. He always said that the topic of the Cuban Missile Crisis was too heavy, and he wanted something easier. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he turned his attention to a young couple who came out with a child. It was not how good-looking the couple was, but the car in which their child sat. electric?

   "This thing? What is it?" Serov, who was at a loss for words at the end, asked such a nonsense question. What about children's electric cars? Technically speaking, it is not difficult. But this thing is not widespread until the 21st century, at least in China. He has never been abroad in his previous life, so he doesn't know when this thing appeared.

"Oh? A stroller? It's from the Federal Republic of Germany!" Although Lieutenant General Sakhartowski didn't know much about German, he could still recognize it and explained, "It's a new thing that just appeared, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Applies. That factory isn't doing well!"

So this is not a new thing. Lieutenant General Sakhartowski is the director of the First General Administration. Obviously, he is not ignorant of this kind of stroller. He directly commented, "It's too impractical, spend more. The materials can be directly made into small cars, and there is no obvious cost-effective advantage of electric vehicles and cars.”

   Having said this, Serov understands that oil is still quite cheap in this era. Although the development of new energy is the general trend, but there have been few oil surges that will never develop so fast, and the current oil price has little room for development of electric vehicles. But this does not delay Serov's idea of ​​selling one as a gift for his children, and it is not that he can't afford it. From the perspective of the departments of the Soviet Union, the KGB is the department that is least short of money in the Soviet Union. The state appropriation plus the operation of this department will basically not worry about the budget. He Shelov’s salary is absolutely affordable, but it takes a little time to line up. .

"The First General Administration should act fast in Afghanistan. To be honest, I don't think Prime Minister Daoud can hold on for too long. We should make some moves in the gem market in Afghanistan as soon as possible. If the problem of women is solved, half of the problem is solved. !" After asking how much the electric car cost, Serov still didn't forget the KGB's gem industry.

   He also knows that the Soviet Union's diamond crater is near the Arctic Circle, and has already asked the border guards to start a search in Siberia. Who would be too much of this? Naturally, he would not take the initiative to touch the high price of diamonds. If possible, he would like to increase the price. These layouts for gems are aimed at the Soviet Union, and women need commodities to consume. This luxury is the best way to eliminate the ruble, and it is better to spend it than to empty the Soviet food supply chain regardless of whether you can use it or not.

   He hoped that the Soviet Union would not have the historical situation of buying bread with rubles to feed pigs. In such a situation, even the great cause of the Soviet Union cannot afford to pay. People always think that no matter how much they die, the government will always be able to withstand it. In fact, that is just an illusion.

   "Don't worry, I'm arranging related work. Many comrades are very motivated in this kind of work!" Lieutenant General Sakhartowski laughed. "Ideals are very important, so are funds. We can develop in an all-round way..."

   "Of course! Do what we're supposed to do!" Serov and Lieutenant General Sakhartowski trotted out of the port side by side.

   In terms of the nature of work and contact with the outside world, the Soviet Union will sooner or later fall into the hands of security cadres like the KGB. This is a high probability event, and it will not change with Brezhnev's restraint on the KGB, because the KGB security cadres who have been in contact with foreign countries for a long time are the Soviet group who understand the world best, compared to other departments that are also restrained. , The KGB has always been able to notice the changes in the world. Compared with other departments that have been rigid, the KGB can maintain its vitality. It's just that Andropov, the boss of the KGB, has a physical problem, so he can't do what he should do. When the security cadres are on the stage of history, the Soviet Union has become Russia.

  After the delivery of nuclear missiles, the Soviet Union's transportation speed began to speed up, and more and more news showed that the Soviet Union and Cuba were becoming more and more connected. U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was very skeptical of this situation, and today he was meeting with U.S. President Kennedy, complaining, "Our southern Soviet Union has a growing sense of presence, and now the Soviet Union's military power has reached a point where it can't be concealed. , recently Soviet cargo ships have been unloading in Cuba, I always wonder if there are offensive weapons inside..."

   Dean Rusk is a hard-line anti-communist vanguard. Regarding the attitude of the Soviet Union and China, Dean Rusk's position has always been very clear, that is, to suppress at the same time. Lax was appointed assistant secretary of state. When he was assistant secretary of state for Far Eastern affairs, when the Korean War broke out, he vigorously advocated the intervention of the American armed forces in the Korean war, and suggested that the president send the Seventh Fleet to block the strait and impose military threats on the new China. . He was "one of the toughest hawks" during the Johnson administration's Vietnam War era. Even when then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara advised Johnson to suspend the bombing of North Vietnam and attempt to make peace, Rusk objected. Serov admires such people very much. If the United States has more such people as secretary of state, he will not have to worry about the split between China and the Soviet Union. The friendship between China and the Soviet Union lasts forever depends on this kind of person...

   After his term expired, he became the chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, the largest monopoly consortium in the United States, the Rockefeller Foundation.

"Well, let's meet with the Soviet ambassador Dobrynin! Let's test each other." Kennedy also knew what the position of his secretary of state was. In his heart, he was not worried about the increasingly frequent contacts between the Soviet Union and Cuba. .

  An hour later, the Soviet ambassador Dobrynin got off the car in the parking lot of the White House. As a new ambassador, although he has been in office for less than a year, he has his own evaluation of Kennedy and other people in the US government. A group of arrogant and arrogant officials, Kennedy was not even the most untouchable of them all. (To be continued~^~)