Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 338: break up

  The support of the three major European countries is absolutely important. The British Prime Minister is Harold Macmillan of the Conservative Party. He has been seeking the understanding of the United States after the Suez Canal War, so there should be no problem. And the Federal German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer should not be a problem. Although this German Chancellor is very capable, nothing can offset the impact of the garrison. There is only one road before him, and that is to follow the United States.

   The most unpredictable thing for the United States is Charles de Gaulle of France. De Gaulle has a very strong European ideology and is difficult to control. Moreover, France has been insisting on fighting in Algeria, which puts the United States in a very embarrassing situation. The United States wants to bring France back into its own system, but it cannot agree with the problem of Algeria. If the supporters of Algeria's independence were not the socialist camp, the United States would have publicly criticized France's policies long ago.

   Now if it seeks support from France, it is likely that the French who have waited for the opportunity will sit on the ground and raise the price. If France allows the United States to take a stand on the Algeria issue, it is likely to let the United States violate its own foreign policy. Like the Soviet Union, the United States has always hoped to suppress the British and French colonial empires.

But now is the time to show solidarity. Kennedy immediately contacted the United Kingdom, France and the Federal Republic of Germany. Forget Italy. Italy is quite happy to be neutral in the two camps. Its foreign policy is more and more in line with the French. The Italian Communist Party is in power, and it would be nice not to hold back the United States.

   Without further ado, Kennedy decided to call the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom personally, and to contact the Federal Republic of Germany and France to Secretary of State Dean Rusk. At the same time, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maxwell Taylor, ordered the American mainland military forces to gather in Florida in the southeast. In the air force base close to Cuba, four U2 reconnaissance planes took off one after another. reconnaissance of Soviet military installations. Their task is to probe all the military power of the Soviet Union on the island of Cuba, so that the military can estimate the military strength of the Soviet Union.

"These buildings are Soviet military facilities. God, how many people can fit in these buildings?" Major Rudolf Anderson's American U-2 plane looked down at an altitude of 15,000 kilometers. In the Cuban land below, the U2 reconnaissance plane that is constantly circling can always find clues. Although the Soviet ballistic missiles were hidden, the firing positions of anti-aircraft missiles were still in the open air. Major Rudolf Anderson took pictures of all the Soviet anti-aircraft missile positions and flew directly back to the United States.

As soon as    landed on the ground, all the equipment on the reconnaissance plane bound for Cuba was unloaded. There are already people who can't wait to find out the military strength of the Soviet Union. Two hours later, Kennedy was informed of the large military presence in Cuba. This military force belongs to the Soviet Union, the world's largest territorial power. Although the hidden location of the ballistic missile has not been found, dozens of Il-28 bombers have been found, and after the estimation of this bomber, it can also conduct a nuclear attack on the United States.

The US National Security Council held consecutive meetings to discuss countermeasures. At that time, seven options were proposed: no action, diplomatic action, submitting the problem to the United Nations, sending a special envoy to the Soviet Union, solving the problem privately, using threats and inducements to alienate the relationship between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union, and blockade . Air strikes or a full-scale invasion.

   Failure to act is to take a tacit attitude towards Soviet offensive behavior. This kind of loss is unbearable to the United States, even Cuba, which is so close to the United States, can bear it, what else can't bear it. And Kennedy is even more incapable of stepping back than Khrushchev. The US Congress is being elected, and the whole country is watching him.

   Diplomatic actions are useful, but certainly not very useful. Submit a question to the United Nations? When will the United Nations manage the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union? What a joke. Sending a special envoy to the Soviet Union is tantamount to admitting defeat, but it just makes the loss look better. The United States made a compromise with the Soviet Union. What do NATO allies think? Threats and lures in Cuban-Soviet relations are also undesirable. Cuba would not allow the Soviet Union to deploy nuclear missiles if it worked. As for a full-scale invasion, the risk is too great. America wants to win, but it doesn't want to die.

   Various suggestions were put forward one after another, and finally the blockade and air strikes were included in the formal discussion. The opinions of the two factions have their own reasons, and their voices are very strong. It was at this time that CIA Director John Alex McCone received news that the Soviet Union had conducted a nuclear test on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

   "It is about 200 kilometers away from the coastline. It can be confirmed that the anti-ship missile developed by the Soviet Union was experimenting. At that time, a spy satellite flew over!" CIA Director John Alex McCon said in a heavy tone.

"Khrushchev's theory of nuclear war at sea is about to be implemented?" Admiral Maxwell Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suddenly stood up and said fiercely, "The Soviet Navy really thought that something that could deal with poor countries could deal with the U.S. Navy. , they will be smashed against the steel body of the U.S. Navy!"

The theory of nuclear war at sea believes that the aircraft carrier is just a huge coffin. This was originally Khrushchev's pretext to raise funds to develop the nuclear industry and aerospace industry and cut the military expenditure of the Soviet Red Navy, but for so many years Khrushchev always put this The words on the lips made the United States always have the mentality of making people want to harm me, and successfully accepted this point of view. And the news of the nuclear test at sea just now seems to prove that the Soviet Union is ready to come true.

Due to the tireless work of the Soviet intelligence agencies represented by the KGB, the success in the field of espionage and counter-espionage will lead to the following results. It is very difficult for the United States to develop a spy in the Soviet Union. The biggest source of information is often the people who actively cooperate with the Soviet Union. , such as Pinkovsky and Benikovsky. The KGB integrates the work of foreign intelligence and domestic espionage. Just like the iron curtain described by the United States, it firmly controls the information channels of the entire Soviet Union. What the Soviet Union is doing, and what stage of military development has reached, the Americans do not know at all, and even want to watch. The Red Square military parade is used to collect information, and the Red Square military parade has also been deceived by the KGB. The tactics of lengthening the missile and flying a few more laps have been used many times.

The military power of the Soviet Union is becoming more and more mysterious, and the US military and intelligence agencies have no choice but to infer the military power of the Soviet Union through brain supplements. The representative work is the US military construction in the late Cold War. Armament building. And the U.S. Department of Defense has published research reports everywhere that the Soviets surpassed the U.S. in almost every military field. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was discovered that the Pentagon was actually competing with a ghost army of its own fantasy. They also came up with a Star Wars plan, but the Soviet Union followed up immediately, and everyone knew it.

  The idea of ​​​​the US Department of Defense is not serious now, but it is enough to start affecting policy. The maritime nuclear test conducted by the Soviet Union in the Far East was immediately associated with the actions of the Soviet Union in Cuba at this time.

"We have also just obtained more evidence from the U2 reconnaissance plane that went to Cuba. The Soviet military power in Cuba seems to surprise us. Various military facilities are densely built on it, and many photos can be seen everywhere. Soviet soldiers are walking around, We can know that the Soviet Army, Navy and Air Force and the Soviet KGB's Internal Guard are operating in Cuba, and the estimated number of people is very surprising to us. If those buildings are filled with Soviet soldiers, the number can even reach 200,000!" CIA Director John? Alex? McConn has thrown out this heavy news.

"We also found dozens of Sam anti-aircraft missile positions. If the Soviet nuclear missiles are hidden next to the positions, I'm sorry, I don't want to say such a desperate number." McCone finally shook his head slowly. "Once the war begins, hundreds of cities may be wiped out. The price is terrible..."

"The Soviets must take the missiles away, this is a threat to the United States, and we can't stand this threat!" Kennedy, who had listened to all opinions, said loudly, "The round-the-clock non-stop campaign against Cuba Investigation, isn't the Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko coming to the UN meeting? I want to warn the Soviet Union's provocative behavior..."

  Two days after the Cuban nuclear missile was discovered, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko came to the United States to attend a United Nations meeting, where Gromyko and Kennedy met in the White House. The two of them took their seats, and the whole scene was very rigid, and there was neither glaring anger nor a trace of warmth on Gromiko's immortal face. He knew that the Soviet Union shipped nuclear missiles to Cuba. At the Central Bureau meeting, the KGB also analyzed the possibility of nuclear missiles being leaked, but he still would not admit it, sitting in front of Kennedy at this time.

"I have to remind Mr. Gromyko that the Soviet Union's deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Cuba will have the most serious consequences. Have you, the Soviet Union, assessed this? Are you going to go to war with us?" Kennedy said very seriously. asked Gromyko.

"When a new country is in danger and asks the Soviet Union for help to resist the aggression of the world's powers, the Soviet Union has no reason to refuse. As for the nuclear missile statement, Mr. Kennedy, do you have any evidence?" Gromyko's expression remained unchanged. Without blinking his eyelids, he asked, "Who would believe that Cuba would attack the United States? The Soviet Union's weapons were all used to prevent the United States from aggression against Cuba..."

   The conversation between Kennedy and Gromyko in the White House was very stiff, and finally broke up without reaching any understanding. Kennedy looked at Gromyko's robot-like back and clenched his fists tightly. (To be continued~^~)

  PS: Chapter 2 will be very late, everyone go to bed, it will be the same tomorrow