Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 344: recall to Moscow

   Can the retreating Indian soldiers get humanitarian supplies? Serov felt that the possibility of this was very low, and the possibility of being seized was a little higher, but since all the powerful powers have asked for help, the Soviet Union will always make an appearance, right? As for your soldiers who did not get supplies and supplies because they were being pursued, it can only show that this powerful force that has fought all over Europe and Asia is relatively incompetent.

   Without further ado, quickly draw up a plan. It is better to have a plan than to be unprepared. With the air force in Central Asia, it is not an impossible task to transport tens of thousands of tons of supplies. After the border war broke out, because the Soviet Union was in a confrontation with the United States in Cuba, the Soviet Union could only dryly shout a few words to express its deep concern over the matter and it was over.

"It's better to spend a little more money on gas than let our pilots take risks. Personnel is more important than anything else, especially our country! The life of every Soviet person is precious, and we must know that there is a shortage of people everywhere in the motherland!" Serov knows his subordinates very well. He often uses people as machines. This is true for all levels of KGB departments. Of course, this is also related to the planned economic environment of the Soviet Union. , Khrushchev, the first secretary and chairman of the Council of Ministers, was criticized for voluntarism after he stepped down.

   The key point is that the Soviet Union lacked people, not a single star, but a general lack of people. Bulgaria has a population of less than 10 million. Every year, 100,000 workers are sent to help the Soviet Union achieve the target of this year's plan. Many factories in the Soviet Union are filled with Poles, Bulgarians and even Yugoslavs. There are no shortages of people in the Caucasus and Central Asia. , Serov wished that there were fewer people in these places, and the formation of the province was a destabilizing factor. Up to now, he has replaced 80% of the advisers and soldiers in the Middle East with ethnic minorities in Central Asia because of the issue of respecting the beliefs of the countries where the garrison is located. It is hoped that the population growth of these ethnic groups can be slowed down. It's not a big deal, but doing a little is a little.

  Why capitalist countries have unemployed people. And not the Soviet Union? It is because the Soviet Union needs to maintain an industrial base that is no smaller than the combination of the United States and Western Europe. The population of the other party is more than half of the population controlled by the Soviet Union. In this way, there is still unemployment in the fight against the Soviet Union. Someone is unemployed.

   Still the same sentence, the Soviet Union must develop light industry in a country with a climate that is not as cold as its own, make up for its shortcomings in this area, and not panic when there is food in hand, so that it can continue to fight. Considering the great ambitions of the third brother and his children, Serov didn't dare to put this hope on them. At least India didn't even think about it until it wiped out Pakistan. The Soviet Union wants to fight against the United States itself, and also supports you India against China. Shelov will not do this lose-lose business.

"How is the training of the airborne troops?" After the meeting, Serov took time to wash his face and came back to ask Kudryash, "It has been almost a year for you to find ethnic minorities who can understand Chinese. The evaluation of the commander of the Dzerzhinsky division will be one level lower!" Kudryash turned out to be the commander of the Dzerzhinsky division, and Serov said this is also a very serious evaluation.

   "I've made up twenty squads that can be used for infiltration operations!" General Kudryash replied invariably.

   "Go and see!" Serov didn't talk nonsense at all, and directly asked Kudryash to take himself to the airborne troops' station.

   "First Vice-Chairman, take a rest first. It's still early. Don't worry!" General Kudryash looked at his boss with a look that I was worried about for your life.

   "Sleep in the car, sleep in the car, easy to fall asleep in the car!" Serov repeated twice with his head lowered. Ask General Kudryash to prepare the car and prepare to go to the border guard station to have a look. These airborne troops are in Tashkent at this time. Tashkent is the largest city of the Soviet Union in Central Asia with the largest population. It is the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Although it is not as clean and beautiful as Almaty, Tashkent with a strong sense of history is still the Soviet Union in Central Asia. most important city.

The border guard station is not far from the urban area of ​​Tashkent. The urban area of ​​the Soviet Union may be due to planning problems in the early stage. In theory, the most central place should be the most prosperous place. There are many factories. These factories occupy a huge area. Distributed around these factories, this kind of scene was not the first time I saw it in Serov's vague impression. His hometown was also like this when he was a child in his previous life. The standard planned economic city layout, eventually these factories will move to the suburbs sooner or later, but this is obviously not the case now.

   The advantage of this layout is that it can shorten the time spent by factory employees when they go to work when the material is not very abundant. The disadvantage is that it is not a good thing for your home to be too close to the factory. Simply this ownership of factories in the country can be relocated through executive orders, and the land after the relocation of these factories can be used to build truly prosperous neighborhoods at an appropriate time. But that has to wait until all kinds of hardware in the city have reached the standard, including data on infrastructure and per capita car ownership, which is very troublesome, but it must be done.

"Not bad!" Serov, who arrived at the border guard station, didn't have time to read the slogan printed at the gate. He had seen this stuff a lot. The safety of production in various factories, forest protection and fire prevention in forestry areas is everyone's responsibility, and people on the side of the street are responsible for the safety of production. The slogans that encourage fertility and the border guards painted on the wall are not new. They are nothing more than words such as protecting the home and the country and being vigilant against the enemy.

   "Do these people speak Chinese? If they are deployed to the combat site, can't they hide?" Serov asked as he walked.

   "These people are all selected comrades, there is absolutely no problem!" General Kudryash, who followed Serov's side, patted his chest and assured, "Even if they are allowed to infiltrate China, there is no problem..."

  You are also really confident, I don't even have this confidence, Serov's heart is cold. Of course, the Soviet Union has an agent city to deal with East Asia, but Serov has never been to that city. He has always kept in mind that he must not make the decision to infiltrate an independent socialist country on a large scale, because it is very stupid, socialist The strength of the state at the grassroots level is far from those of the countries in the free world. Once large-scale infiltration, let alone China, even countries like Yugoslavia and Albania will soon be discovered. On the contrary, the free world countries are much more lovely. First of all, the first point is that it is not easy to leak. This is the basic condition for an intelligence officer to achieve results. This assertion is based on the conditions of independence and autonomy of this socialist country. Eastern European countries themselves are under the influence of the Soviet Union and are not within this scope.

   That's why Serov has been promoting the joint meeting of the ministries of internal affairs of various countries. Instead of sneakily attacking the small partners, it is better to work together directly, so that the KGB can more easily monitor nearby, and it will not cause dissatisfaction.

   In front of these airborne soldiers, Serov pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "You were a Gaha before you came to the Soviet Union. How many people do you have in Gada, and what is your attitude towards us old men?"

   A fairly standard Mandarin outside the customs instantly made these Asian faces explode. If it wasn't for the Asians who have lived in the Soviet Union for a long time and are used to the life here, they would be a little overwhelmed.

Under General Kudryash's ghostly expression, Serov naturally chatted with these airborne soldiers in Chinese, and personally tested the Chinese ability of these people. Although there are many Chinese dialects, I believe that as long as they do not encounter Southeast Asia These airborne soldiers can handle Chinese from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Chinese soldiers on the Indian border should be mostly northerners, so there should be no problem.

   "Head, do you speak Chinese?" After a while, it was time for the Airborne Corps' airborne training. After these Asian faces boarded the transport plane, Kudryash took time to ask carefully.

"How can I be an intelligence officer if I don't know a few foreign languages?" Serov, who was looking at the transport plane sprinting off with a telescope, replied with a pretentious expression, "If you include Ukrainian, I know about five languages, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, English and Chinese…”

   As a KGB with attitude, Serov has never thought that the sky does not belong to him, but when he sees umbrella flowers falling one after another, he still feels a burst of envy. Of course, the danger of airborne on the roof of the world is also much greater, far from being comparable now.

"Let these people wear Chinese military uniforms when the operation starts. By the way, I will take a photo later. Some soldiers from our border guards will come over. I will tell you what to do!" Shelov waved and asked General Kudryash to call. people.

Bayonet confrontation, this is a famous photo in the original Sino-Indian war. Shelov is going to forge one. When the time comes, he will perfunctory the Indians. The forgery location is in the Central Asian border guard station. Military uniforms, and then a group of Soviet soldiers in woolen coats were transferred, and the two sides stared at each other's chests with bayonets.

"Have a murderous look on your face!" Sheloff shouted, who was 50 meters away from both sides, and then instructed the photographer next to you, "Give me a black and white photo, or it will be seen!" In terms of counterfeiting Sheloff is also an expert and gave pertinent advice to the photographer next to him.

  Soviet reconnaissance planes were watching the war on the battlefield around the clock. The next day, when Serov slept quite calmly, Kudryash called, "First Vice-Chairman, the Indian soldiers seem to have retreated."

"Okay, it's too early for the collapse, wait for Nehru to beg us!" Shelov got up with the phone, put down the phone and was getting dressed when the phone on the table rang again, so he could only pick up the phone helplessly and just listen Inside Shelepin's voice said, "Go back to Moscow!" (To be continued~^~)