Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 346: Go to Cuba

   "Yura, why don't you go back and say hello to Valya?" Sherepin and Serov came out of the Kremlin together and took a walk outside in the middle of the night. Inside, they were discussing what name to give Serov to go to America this time.

   "No, she will be worried. Now the whole world knows that we are facing off against the United States in Cuba. I don't want to see the woman with tears in her eyes." She took a deep breath and ejected the cigarette **** from her hand. This is the inside of the Kremlin, but no one came to ask Serov to pay the fine. Serov, who was smoking a cigarette and felt much clearer, looked at his boss and asked, "What about Semichasny? He is actually more qualified than me. front…"

"He has no diplomatic experience!" Shelepin also had a headache when he spoke. He wanted to give this opportunity to Semichasne, but when discussing it, even Semichasne himself had no confidence. If he had no confidence, he would have nothing. , when is this? The people dispatched at this time can't be a little timid. How can Semichas be acting like a leader of a powerful department?

   Shelepin felt for the first time that at an appropriate time, let Semichasny go to work in the government. It would be better for Serov to take charge of the KGB department, not to mention that this was what Khrushchev meant.

"The country's expectations of me are really high!" Serov said with a wry smile, "I went to Tashkent and even let me take a plane back. I don't know what the main purpose of this trip is? Let me go to the United Nations General Assembly to debate? I do I worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but didn't I make mistakes at that time, I was a security cadre from beginning to end..."

   "If you can successfully solve this problem, I believe there will be no obstacles to your progress!" Shelepin also saw that his assistant was somewhat lacking in confidence, and it seemed that Semichasny was not an isolated emotion. With the tense atmosphere in the Caribbean region at this time, it is indeed a little frightening.

How not? Didn't Brezhnev sit well in the position of the Central Presidium? Of course, his boss looked down on himself so much, and Serov had to comfort himself from the side. Drink chicken soup for the soul whenever you need it. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union directly confronted each other like this. It is also a blessing to be involved.

"According to the spirit of the meeting of the Central Presidium, Comrade Yuri Yefimovich Serov was appointed as the deputy commander of the Cuban group, and he and General Pliyev jointly command the operations of the Cuban group. Responsible for negotiating with the United States!"

   "I am willing to exert all my strength as much as possible to let the Soviets get what they want from this crisis!" Serov raised his head slightly and assured the members of the Soviet Central Presidium with a military salute. "I promise to complete this mission with a mortal attitude. When needed, I am willing to die in Cuba..."

"The central government will not let you die in Cuba. What we want is the completion of the mission. Once the United States invades Cuba, this is a global war!" Kozlov solemnly assured, "The capitalists are not afraid of death, there is no reason for us be scared!"

   "Understood!" Serov saluted all the members of the Central Presidium, raised his legs and left the Kremlin.

"Can Serov accomplish this task?" Kirilenko, the first secretary of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, asked with less confidence. As soon as he asked this sentence, Brezhnev gave him a stern look. .

"Based on Shelov's experience in handling related incidents over the past ten years, if he doesn't handle it well this time, we may not be able to find another security cadre who is more capable of handling it!" Shelepin glanced at Aristo indifferently. husband. Aristov is an alternate member of the Central Presidium. Sherepin is also an alternate member, but that doesn't mean that Sherepin cares about Aristov. With Sherepin's character, he thinks that he is on an equal footing with Brezhnev, let alone Aristov who is under Brezhnev's care? In his view, without Brezhnev's recommendation, how could the secretary of the state party committee work in the central government? Can you still be the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Russia?

   This is Xie Lepin's estimate wrong. In fact, Aristov and Brezhnev really had a purely subordinate relationship. The two are not a group that Sherepin thinks, and Kirilenko, whom Brezhnev trusted most, is not here.

   After the appointment of Serov as Deputy Commander of the Cuban Group. Khrushchev felt that he should be buying time, so he wrote a letter to US President Kennedy, ""Mr. President, you are not announcing a quarantine, but an ultimatum, threatening if we do not yield to your demands We will use force against us. Think about what you are talking about! So you still want to convince me to agree! What does it mean to agree to these requirements? This will mean dealing with other countries not by reasoning, but by submitting to domineering behavior. You don't ask why, but you just want to intimidate us. "

After sending this fairly normal letter, Khrushchev did not hesitate to sign his name on the next document, which was a first-level combat readiness application sent by the Ministry of Defense. Ten days after the Cuban missile crisis began, the Soviet Union was in the United States. After announcing the second level of combat readiness, it directly announced that the level of combat readiness would be raised to the first level. All the members of the Warsaw Pact Organization expressed their support and issued first-level combat readiness orders to their armed forces. For a time, Western European countries were all wary of the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern European countries. The action was astonished. Newspapers from various countries have expressed their views one after another, asking the United States not to take Europe in because of Cuba. There are also voices who advocate the issuance of a first-level combat readiness order, and more concerns about the demise of mankind.

"My trip to the United States may open the door to peace, or I may find the key to hell. The final result depends entirely on the choice of the Americans!" At the press conference announcing Shelov's tenure report, facing these In front of reporters from all over the world, Serov said with a blank expression.

   "General Serov, isn't the Soviet Union's actions to provoke a world war? It's just an island country, is it worth it? The Soviet Union is ready to destroy the earth?" a British reporter asked.

"Whether the Soviet Union took the initiative to provoke them or protected them at the request of the Cuban people. This question is very important. Since you have doubts about this, do you dare to follow me to Cuba?" Serov stared at the reporter's eyes. With an aggressive look in his eyes, "Isn't your journalist industry always claiming to uphold the truth? Do you dare to take a risk and go to the front line of confrontation with me to see how the Cuban people view this matter?"

   "Are there any journalists who dare to go to Cuba? Stand up?" Serov stood up and shouted, patting the table.

   This attitude of treating the journalist industry as a **** angered many reporters present, who stood up and protested, "I'm asking if there are any reporters who dare to go to Cuba with me? You didn't understand the problem..."

   "Yes, in order to pursue the truth of the matter, we reporters of course dare to take risks!" Immediately, one reporter after another jumped out to respond to the arrogant Soviet general.

   "Okay, all the truth is up to you!" Serov waved his hand, "I see how many journalists in Europe are not afraid of death. You journalists who dare to go to Cuba, I admire you!"

   It was very successful. Shelov watched these enthusiastic reporters give a satisfactory evaluation of their actions. Appointing a commander of a cluster is still a deputy. Of course, there is no need to hold a press conference. But the problem is that Cuba is now blocked by the United States at sea and in the air. If you fly in the past, you may be killed by the United States Air Force. If Serov can't get in, he won't be able to take office. This problem also troubled all the members of the Central Bureau, including Khrushchev, so Serov held such a press conference, took the opportunity to scold these reporters for nothing, and provoked them to dare not go to Cuba. Looking for a batch of meat shields for myself, it seems to be very successful so far.

   For the journalist industry, especially Western war correspondents, the attitude of the KGB is to kill one if they can, especially in the areas where the Soviet Union and the United States compete fiercely, usually the areas with the highest casualties of Western war correspondents. But Serov, now the first vice-chairman of the KGB, has temporarily found value in these people. He wants to use these Western journalists to tie himself up and enter Cuba.

  The huge Tu-114 passenger plane took off in Moscow and landed in Rome shortly after. Italian Prime Minister Parimi Rotoriatti agreed to let the Tu-114 passenger plane land. Externally, it is claimed that the Italian government is willing to make its own efforts for the communication between the United States and the Soviet Union. Using the incident of the Cuban missile crisis, the Communist leader who has been in power for more than eight years continues to brush his presence. This kind of behavior is very annoying, especially Torres, the general secretary of the French Communist Party, hates this kind of behavior even more. They are also representatives of the European Communist Party. The Italian Communist Party is becoming more and more leaders, which makes the French very upset.

  The Tu-114 passenger plane that stopped in Rome for refueling, when it took off again, there were many more reporters in the cabin, and the dozens of agents brought by Serov had already filled the passenger plane that could fit 200 people. At this time, Serov has a sense of security, some protection of meat shields, I believe he can go to Cuba to take office safely.

"Unfortunately, this little guy is very alert, otherwise we can create an air crash to test the attitude of the Soviet Union, and at the same time force the Soviets to retreat!" At the meeting of the National Security Council held at the White House, FBI Director Hoover was very sorry He said to Kennedy and the people around him, "There are hundreds of reporters on it now. The shooting down of this passenger plane will put us under enormous pressure of public opinion, and the public opinion we have just regained will instantly turn into nothingness!"

   Later in the evening, Serov brought this group of thrill-seeking reporters to the airport in Havana, the capital of Cuba. (To be continued~^~)