Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 358: go off fire

   This is a blatant threat. According to the calculations of American scientists, once the Yellowstone Park explodes, the best result is that the United States will become an uninhabitable place for human beings, and the entire NATO will be affected. In the worst case, human beings may perish, and almost no one would have thought of it, and almost dared to pay attention to the top of Yellowstone Park.

"I heard that Yellowstone Park is recovering. According to the estimates of our Soviet scientists, Yellowstone Park is now in an active period. It's a good time. Fortunately, we don't have this thing in the Soviet Union!" At this time, Serov seemed to seize the imperialist *** * Assassin, this feeling is as cool as it gets.

"Maybe nothing will happen, you have wasted nuclear bombs, and the next nuclear strike is not something you can afford to the Soviet Union!" US President Kennedy said calmly, "Compared to this, it may cause serious consequences. The threat of the United States to you is real, our nuclear missiles can blow up the Soviet Union over and over again, until all the Soviets disappear..."

  Yellowstone Park is a very dangerous place. No one can predict what will happen if he breaks out. At least the American scientists in the 1960s did not have a unified conclusion. Of course, Serov would not tell Kennedy that the Soviet Union did not research it, but he did know one thing. The bottom crust of Yellowstone Park may or may not be stable, which can be confirmed. Yes, this is the most active volcano on Earth right now, and it's in the midst of an eruption cycle. As for whether the nuclear bomb can detonate Yellowstone Park, there is no need for it...

   This problem belongs to the Americans themselves, and they are not in the Soviet Union. If there is a problem, the Americans will die first, and the Soviets may be able to live for a while longer. If the dose of the explosion is relatively small, only the United States will be bombed, and the Soviet Union will make money...

   "What the **** do you Soviet Union want?" Kennedy said impatiently, this question could no longer be dragged on. The United States did not want to drag on, and so did the Soviet Union.

"The U.S. military withdraws from Guantanamo and Turkey's missiles, and our Soviet Union can withdraw Cuban missiles!" Dobrynin put forward the conditions of the Soviet Union, which was Khrushchev's original intention after the Cuban missile crisis began. .

"Guantanamo is a matter of the United States and Cuba, and the U.S. military will not withdraw!" U.S. Defense Secretary McNamara refused, "We can withdraw the Turkish nuclear missiles secretly, but the Soviet nuclear missiles must all be withdrawn under the supervision of the United Nations. out."

"Let's leave the matter to the war to solve it!" Sheloff interrupted McNamara directly, raised his wrist to look at the time and said, "Our submarine force should have reached the range, and now the two sides are True equality, after the war begins, there will be no victor..."

   "You're lying to us!" Attorney General Robert Kennedy stared at Sheloff, "I hope we back off!"

"I'm only telling the truth, but I do hope you Americans will be more sincere!" Shelov replied calmly, "If Mr. Kennedy is more rational, you can also think so, that is I am asking you to recover your senses and fight. It's not good for us, like you said, there is no winner in a nuclear war. Then why must the dignity of the Soviet Union be trampled on, if you can think about the feelings of our Soviet Union when you deploy missiles in Turkey, it will not be today Now that this has happened, we can live together in peace!"

   put on a hysterical look, which is not what Serov wanted to do. But there is no better way for him to do this, and hope that the American conscience will find out that they have coexisted peacefully with the Soviet Union since then? Cut, how is this possible. Russia in the era of the Khitans knelt down enough, why didn't they see the Americans open up?

   In the final analysis, his strength was not enough, so he put on a desperate look. The United States has enough strength, so naturally it is more proactive in waiting for the request made by the Soviet Union, considering whether to accept it or not. This is the underlying reason why the United States will take the initiative in the Cuban missile crisis.

"The withdrawal of all Cuban missiles must operate under the supervision of the United Nations. We withdraw our missiles from Turkey, and at the same time publicly pledge not to attack Cuba." Kennedy proposed his own plan after a moment of contemplation. This is also the beginning of the US missile crisis in Cuba. after the original intention.

"The whole world knows that the Guantanamo base is an unequal treaty, do you still want to insist on it?" Dobrynin shook his head slightly, "We, the Soviet Union, can completely announce the content of this negotiation. If you want to keep this colony, you, the United States, will stop talking about national independence and world peace in the future, because you simply can’t do it!”

   The reason why Kennedy was reluctant to speak on the issue of Guantanamo in Cuba is that among the small countries in Latin America, the issue of Guantanamo in Cuba is not an isolated issue. This situation also happened in Panama. Under the planning of the United States, some people in the Panama region of the Republic of Colombia staged a coup and declared the establishment of the Republic of Panama. The United States signed an unequal U.S.-Pakistan treaty with Panama, which stipulated that the United States would obtain the right to permanently use the Panama Canal Zone at the cost of a one-time payment of $10 million and an annual rent of $250,000 after nine years. In addition to this right, the United States was also given the right to build railroads and fortify garrisoned troops.

Similar to the situation in Cuba, the United States has never prepared to give up the rights around the Panama Canal since it was obtained. In the opinion of the U.S. government, once the United States gives up its ownership of the Guantanamo Base, it is likely to open a very dangerous situation in the face of the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union replicates the model of Guantanamo in the future, forcing the United States to withdraw from Panama and abolish the US-Pakistan Treaty, then according to the precedent of Guantanamo, will the United States also withdraw? This is a question that must be considered...

   But Kennedy also knew that because the Soviet Union was always hyping up this issue, the whole world now knew that Cuba’s largest port was still occupied by the United States, and had always refused Cuba’s efforts to return to Guantanamo. I have to mention China on this issue. Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, China has not only seized the opportunity to beat India, but has been using its greatest strength to support the Soviet Union’s confrontation, using the Guantanamo issue to continuously publish editorials, which has caused serious damage in Asia. great impact. Kennedy knew this, and Khrushchev also knew that, because of China's constant encouragement, the Guantanamo issue had changed from an excuse for the Soviet Union to intervene in Cuba at the beginning, to a problem that had to be resolved.

   "I want to discuss this with the officials of our government, and I will give you the exact answer tomorrow!" Kennedy had to gain some support, especially the understanding of the military.

"We also have to communicate with Moscow, but before that, I suggest that we remove the first-level combat readiness, because the military forces of both sides are now in tension." Dobrynin suggested, "It is already very dangerous, The soil for gunfire does exist!"

  The two sides stood up and shook hands cautiously, respectively telling others about their negotiation information. Serov and Dobrynin would report the progress to Moscow, while Kennedy would discuss the Guantanamo issue with his military generals.

   This morning, tropical rainstorms fell on Soviet positions. Major Gorchenov commanded the missile battalion to conduct combat duty in the Banes area, which is 180 kilometers away from the superior command. Antonets, the chief of staff of the missile battalion, is watching the situation in the sky nervously: because the United States and the Soviet Union have a first-level combat readiness: so all Soviet officers and soldiers are ready to participate in combat operations, and the Americans may want to invade. Radar has been activated and fire has been allowed into the air. Everyone thought that there might be a war. Soon, Major Gorchenov's radar unit learned that an American plane took off from the US military base at Guantanamo and flew in our direction. The target was set at No. 33. The radar spotted the target right away. It did not respond to the 'own-enemy' signal. The plane flew at an altitude of 22,000 kilometers. "

   "Down the enemy!" Major Gerchenov ordered the commander of the anti-aircraft missile battalion. The first missile flew out. There was silence again, and even the intermittent breathing of the officers could be heard. Immediately the anti-aircraft missile battalion launched a second missile. On the radar screen, it was seen that the missile and the target were approaching two small dots. Then merge into one.

   Kennedy, who was holding a meeting of the National Security Council at the White House, and everyone present knew about the situation at the same time. Admiral Maxwell Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suddenly stood up and said, "We should attack Cuba immediately..."

"Starting a global nuclear war?" Defense Secretary McNamara asked tiredly, clutching his forehead. "We all know that there is no winner after the war begins, and now, it seems that we are running out of time. Mr. President, are we Nuclear war with the Soviet Union?"

   "Are you ready for nuclear war?" Kennedy looked at Admiral Maxwell Taylor and asked, "Can it be won? If you can guarantee that we can eliminate the Cuban cluster, I can give you authorization for war!"

   The response to Kennedy was an embarrassing silence. In fact, no one could guarantee that he would be the victor of a nuclear war, not General Maxwell Taylor, nor Marshal Malinovsky, Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union.

"After talking for a long time, we still need to negotiate, because we can't guarantee that we can win the nuclear war unscathed!" Kennedy made a decision, "There is no need to retaliate, we agree with the Soviet Union's proposal to withdraw Turkey's missiles in exchange for the Soviet Union to withdraw from Cuba. The Soviet Union will never use similar issues to manipulate the situation in Latin America. But what the Soviet Union must promise us is that our missile withdrawal from Turkey is a covert operation, and the Soviet Union must now openly withdraw under the supervision of the United Nations Missile, if Khrushchev does not agree, the blockade will continue..." (To be continued~^~)