Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 369: proceed if you can

   Yesterday, along the way to the Soviet embassy, ​​Serov saw a crowd of Indians who were in a state of panic. From the report of the KGB personnel here, this kind of information from the written record is clearer. After all, Serov is only one person and cannot see the whole situation in New Delhi. The train station is crowded with people preparing to flee the capital, the wealthy class All dragged their families and prepared to escape, while the rest of the impoverished class had desperate faces, numbly waiting for the final news.

According to the reports of agents and informants from all over the country, panic fleeing has occurred throughout northern India. The army has planted explosives on public facilities such as power stations to prepare to implement the policy that Serov is familiar with, the scorched earth policy, which was used in Napoleon's attack on the Russian Empire. The Russians used it.

   With photos, it seems more real, and the SOX KGB has not disappointed him in gathering intelligence. It is more modest to say that it is barely the first on this earth! The photos taken are very useful to record the images of India's destruction. Serov has not forgotten his purpose. He is going to make the Non-Aligned Movement a joke. As the leader of the Third World, the leader of the non-aligned world, a powerful country, and India, it must become a joke.

"Send these photos to the country, find Comrade Goryunov, the president of TASS, and publish them in the full page of Pravda!" Serov said while thinking, "Remember not to exaggerate the impact of this war, use the The narrative of Chinese comrades, defined as an ordinary border conflict."

  It was originally a border conflict, and it is not good to exaggerate it too much. As for the elimination of ten brigades in India and the loss of more than 200,000 square kilometers of land, it is entirely the Indian army’s own problem. If the comrades of Pravda don't know the situation well, Serov can provide some information, after all, he just came to India a few months ago. I deeply know how the Indian Army was killed at that time.

After the materials were sent back, Serov was still a little unsure, and he was afraid that Goryunov would be more cautious and could not write the effect he wanted. According to Serov, this time was a good opportunity to attack India's reputation. The Non-Aligned Movement, it sounds like What a disgusting sport, it would be better if this kind of sport with the same effect was dismantled earlier.

  Unfortunately, after leaving the Soviet Union, Serov's channel to contact the country was somewhat blocked. There was no way to do this. The problem of the times was that there was no telephone for him to use. Obviously, the Soviet embassy in India did not have much value for the Soviet Union to set up a dedicated line. At least not now, but it can be put on the agenda in the future. It was not until the KGB Serov that telegraphs were often used for communication. In recent years, the KGB began to use telephones. This is still the case of the KGB. At this time, ordinary Soviet state-owned enterprises still need to use telegrams and telegrams to register, and they need to wait in line. The telegraph independently occupies a line, while the telegraph shares the same…

   Feedback his thoughts to Goryunov, Serov can now think about what to do next. In fact, he knew one thing from the bottom of his heart. China and the Soviet Union will definitely drift apart. It is unrealistic for China to be the Soviet Union's little brother. It is impossible for China to want the Soviet Union to support China unconditionally. The two countries have common goals, but it is far from enough to allow the Soviet Union to accommodate China, and China will not accommodate the Soviet Union. Neither country is a small country.

   Take his work in India now, even if it is a real success. Will his Serov's name be remembered? It was impossible. Why would Chinese history books record the name of a foreigner? Under certain circumstances, perhaps the name of the leader of the Soviet revisionists, Shelov, could be mentioned. The history book will definitely be like this. Under the arduous battle of our army, how will it be done! Foreigners appear in Chinese history books, especially Chinese history, isn't that Li De?

   "Go to sleep, go see the leader of a powerful country tomorrow!" Serov moved his stiff neck.

   For Nehru, Serov actually recognized it very much. At least from the perspective of the mental state of India before the outbreak of the war, Nehru is definitely more reliable than the Moody old fairy who blew the sky in India in later generations. As long as Nehru wins this war and completes the remaining steps with the prestige of the victory, it is difficult to say whether India will become a joke for later generations.

   Nehru's method can be seen from the industrialization. India officially intends to move towards industrialization. During the formulation of the second five-year plan, Nehru established a planning committee to implement the guarantee plan. These members of the Planning Commission have powers above the ministers, and are only accountable to Nehru, without the usual fetters. To ensure the implementation of the policy, the Planning Commission had to deal with the states. At that time, the states still bought into them. Moreover, they have financial power in their hands, that is, the grants stipulated in the constitution that the states can get, and the planning committee has the final say on the amount. The team was formed, and Nehru also gained confidence. At the end of May 4th, Nehru made a historic speech. This meeting was held at a very high level, and the governors of various states came from all over the country to participate.

Nehru described the blueprint for India's development. The premise of the blueprint is that "for the benefit of the whole society, the means of production should be publicly owned and controlled by the society, and on this basis, private enterprises should be fully developed." Nehru's speech , From today's point of view, it is quite far-sighted. This idea was put forward by China after opening up.

   Serov, who was sitting in the special car of the Soviet embassy, ​​directly entered the Prime Minister's Office of India under the cover of the sickle and hammer flag. In order to prevent the Indian people who are currently at war from being allergic to this flag, Serov specially brought dozens of soldiers. If anyone dared to attack him, he would not mind turning into a Kshatriya priest.

   In the face of the airborne Soviet airborne troops, these Indians dare not say anything, but who knows what the consequences will be when the alone Soviets meet the Indians? Better to be cautious.

"Prime Minister Nehru, on the Sino-Indian border airlift weapons and light equipment, the US military to carry the transport plane, the United States and India joint air defense, to prevent the bombardment of major cities in India. The urban air defense is in charge of the US military, and India is free to use empty hands. Attacking China. This is the attitude of our United States. I believe that we, the United States, will definitely be able to help the great Indian people resist the aggression of the evil Chinese!" Shelov just came in when he heard a big-nosed American officer talking incessantly. Nehru spit.

   Hearing these words, Serov suddenly stopped on the spot, and seriously rubbed his chin and thought about it, should he inform China of this news, or should he sell kidneys to help China?

   "General Serov, hello! Welcome to India!" Nehru, who was still wearing a little white hat, saw Serov first and said, "Thank you and the Soviet Airborne Forces for restoring order!"

   "You're welcome, Prime Minister Nehru!" Shelov extended his hand and expressed friendship with Nehru, what a good man! If he hadn't chosen the wrong opponent this time, there might be two great powers in Asia in the future. …

India's international status was unquestionable before the war. In fact, when China was blocked from the United Nations by the United States, the five major countries in this era are not permanent members of the United Nations in the general sense. The so-called Republic of China is just a response to the United States. Even the veto has been delegated. When problems occurred in some countries, because China was blocked from the United Nations, the Soviet Union seemed very alone when dealing with some things, so they were isolated in the United Nations. Therefore, there is another set of mechanisms in this era. The Soviet Union pointed out that the Republic of China could not represent China in the United Nations, and China was blocked by the United States. The Soviet Union often used India as a substitute, and gave the United States very good reasons. Without China's participation, the balance of power would be unfair. And China is not a member of the United Nations, so the United States promised to form another five countries to negotiate the matter. The five countries given by the Soviet Union are the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, France, and India. This can very well reflect India's current status. Of course, after this defeat, India's halo is basically gone.

"General Serov, the Soviet airborne troops landed in New Delhi yesterday, which reflects the quality of a military power, just like China now. I forgot that China is a country supported by the Soviet Union. Seeing this situation happening now , I believe you Soviet people should be very relieved?" The speaker was Daniel, the US ambassador to India.

"We came to India to preside over the order within the framework of the United Nations, not here to listen to you say these indifferent things. If you like confrontation, I can only say that you have chosen the wrong place. This is Eurasia, not surrounded on all sides. Cuba in the sea, if you have to choose confrontation, you can only humiliate yourself!" Serov said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Since the Americans are so powerful, the Soviet Union can watch you how to solve the problem."

"General Serov, the position of your Soviet Union in this war is very questionable!" Daniel said calmly, "Why do you take a neutral attitude, you must know that the whole world is on India's side. You, the Soviet Union, It's against the whole world!"

   These words are very level, and by the way, they helped the Soviet Union to draw a wave of hatred. But Serov didn't take it back. Now he feels like he's being plywood. China accuses the Soviet Union of being neutral, and the United States also accuses the Soviet Union of being neutral.

   "What do you want the Soviet Union to do? Do you want to send a million troops to destroy China?" Serov stared aggressively at Daniel's eyes and said, "You Americans are the happiest people?"

   "Then you can't watch China do things so recklessly. Could it be that the socialist boss of the Soviet Union is just talking about it!" Daniel mocked, "It seems that the status of the Soviet Union is not strong!"

   "That's what I said, you don't agree?" Shelov was stunned for a moment, and then simply admitted, "We are afraid of China. If you say I can't do it, you can go ahead!" (To be continued~^~)