Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 409: Kozlov's stroke

The Ministry of Transport of the USSR is an administrative agency of the Union responsible for civil transport, with decision-making and supervisory functions for civil aviation, Soviet aviation and air navigation services, in charge of search and rescue in the Soviet Air Force space, and in charge of oceans including seaports, domestic water, Soviet railways, automobiles and urban e-mobility (including subways), industrial transport, and roads and highways. The railway sector is only a part of the management scope of the Ministry of Communications. Unlike China, the railway sector in the Soviet Union is not so strong.

Although it is incomparable with the KGB, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which are directly responsible to the Central Presidium, it is also a very important department, a very powerful first-level department. You must know that before the merger of the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs The status is nothing but a secondary sector.

"Actually, if there are only loopholes in the management link, and there are wastes, it is not difficult to deal with it. It should be done according to the rules and regulations, but in fact this time the problem is a headache." , 1510 said the problems encountered.

   It's really a headache! Serov was also confused after listening to it. In short, it has nothing to do with waste and management loopholes. Of course, this inventory found many such problems, and they have been dealt with. The friction with the railway department is not the problem. The Soviet railway transportation of grain is indeed calculated by weight, but the state where the incident happened happened to be an exception. The local calculation was based on woven bags, and it was approved by the state committee. Yes, This vulnerability-prone calculation is intentional.

  The local area is very dependent on agriculture, and there are no mineral resources and forestry resources. In other words, people there can only cultivate the land. The railway department, which was at odds with KGB investigators, did withhold part of the grain on purpose. The main purpose is to hope to obtain some subsidies. There is one more thing to say here, it is not agricultural subsidies, but subsidies from the state committee to the local railway department, which involves more complicated places.

   The main problem is that the local railway department is understaffed, and the state is an agricultural state, and the railway department is very busy. That's why this happened, and it got the acquiescence of the local state committee.

   "Is there any corruption issue?" Serov, who scratched his head, asked Kibanov with a pained face.

"No, the local railway department is indeed lacking in manpower and equipment, and there may be corruption problems, but it is definitely because it is impossible to survive!" After listening to Lieutenant General Kibanov's words, Serov felt even more pained. .

   In the previous life, Serov had heard of such an example. A certain county had financial difficulties, and it was really difficult. In an environment where the status quo could not be changed in a short period of time, the government had to maintain the operation. What should I do if there was a shortage of funds? It happens that a relatively important highway passes through the county, so the task of the local traffic department is to impose fines on the road and maintain the operation of the county government.

   That was something Serov had heard of when he was a child, and it was an example. The time should be the situation that occurred in China during a relatively difficult period, but he did not expect such a case to be seen again in the Soviet Union. The environment of things was a little different. China was in the early stage of the market economy at that time, and the Soviet Union is still functioning well. planned economy. What happened to the KGB this time was also a matter of a department of the local railway department.

   "Are you sure there is no corruption?" Serov asked Lieutenant General Kibanov again. Strictly speaking, this is also corruption, but Serov couldn't handle it, because it was excusable. From the analysis of the written report, the local railway department really has no way to do it, which is different from the general fraudulent account.

This kind of violation that is really difficult and forced is not easy to deal with. Serov, with a sore face, finally said, "After sending a team to the local railway department, tell them not to do this in the future, and say hello to the Ministry of Communications, the local railway department. We can give a part of the subsidy to the railway department, but it must be done secretly, and the KGB's funding is not blown by the wind..."

   can only be dealt with in this way, even if the KGB starts to arrest people, the problem of changing a group of railway workers still exists.

"What's so special..., in the end, the KGB has to pay the railway department to subsidize it?" Serov is deeply ashamed of this kind of behavior of paying for subsidies to other departments. Why is Semichasne not here at this time and he came back from India? They have been to Switzerland, and the chairman of the KGB is still wandering outside. Compared with the ease of Semichas, he now even has two female secretaries. How can this make sense?

I don’t know if the two women of Issemotny have been picked. Now Serov has reached the point where he can take care of Itvasov’s borrowing. After talking about the first secretary’s provisions on strengthening the Soviet Union’s civilian grain reserves, Serov said It is a good thing for the KGB and the Ministry of Communications to let Kibanov go out to coordinate this matter. If it is forced to deal with it, the Ministry of Communications may also think that the KGB is too impersonal.

   For domestic problems in the Soviet Union, it is better not to use direct and straightforward means to solve them. Unless it is an obvious crime, such as the Ryazan state, we will talk about it when we need to talk about it.

"When did Semichasny come back, did you go to Bulgaria to watch stripping and dancing?" Serov left the conference room while thinking about it. He and Itvasov had just presided over the meeting of the KGB Presidium, and now they are Need to go back to his office and hear some questions from Roman, the director of the General Administration of Military Administration.

   This Tucao is not slandering Bulgaria, is Bulgaria a socialist country? Yes, is there a strip and dance bar? Have! This is not a contradiction. The national conditions of each country are different. Those countries in Eastern Europe are only politically similar to the Soviet Union, but not all places are in line with the Soviet Union. Take Poland as an example, the country has more private land than public land. This is in a socialist country. It's simply unimaginable, but it's true.

"This year, the thickness of the ice in the lower reaches of the Volga River is still very thick, and the melting rate is much slower than in previous years, so the river water will definitely rise. The Ministry of National Defense has noticed this problem and asked the surveying and mapping department to investigate. Because it involves both sides of the lower reaches of the river. The safety of the residents is why we let the KGB evaluate it." Lieutenant General Roman Roman said, "The weather forecast for the lower reaches in recent years is still very low, and it seems that we need to take action!"

  The uncivilized river water is actually a very serious matter in high-latitude countries. Many floods in the Soviet Union did not occur because of too much precipitation, but because the ice layer was too thick to block the flow of river water, causing the water level to rise. In fact, the solution is not difficult, dispatch the air force to blast the ice, let the water flow again and finally wash away the frozen water.

   "The Ministry of Defense is preparing to dispatch the Air Force? Well, let's send someone to investigate where it is easier to talk about!" Shelov nodded and did not express any objection. The investigation is necessary, and the explosion should also choose a river with a lower risk to start.

   After sending Lieutenant General Roman away, Serov let out a long sigh of relief. Two days after he came back, he encountered all kinds of things. The chairman of the KGB went to Bulgaria again. Who is the leader?

After all these things were finally done, Serov, who was about to rest, was suddenly startled by the door that was pushed open. Before he could educate this rash fellow, he heard, "Head, Kozlov's guard report, the second Comrade Secretary suffered a stroke..."

  Wow! Serov stood up abruptly and shouted, "Quickly take it to the hospital, and let the doctors from the General Hospital come to see it together, I'll be there soon!" As he spoke, Serov walked to the hanger, took off his hat, dressed and walked out!

problem occurs! Serov understands this, Kozlov's time bomb-like body still has problems. Once the second secretary falls, the question of who is the successor will become a matter of concern to many people.

Serov hurriedly drove to the hospital, and asked on the road what happened today. The guards of the national leaders were arranged by the people of the Ninth General Administration. Serov was regarded as the boss of this group of people, and Serov was not in the KGB. The number one leader, so Kozlov's guards knew everything about their boss's inquiries.

"Secretary 2 has always been in good health. We don't know why the sudden stroke happened, but today the 2nd clerk was really angry. I heard that there was a big fight in the office of the 1st secretary. When I got home, I didn't know what to do. Stroke!"

   Shelov listened intently to the report of the Kozlov guards, and found nothing suspicious. The character of this second secretary is known to be more intense. In fact, in terms of his behavior, Kozlov is Brezhnev with more intense theories and attitudes. In the entire Central Presidium, almost everyone had been reprimanded by Khrushchev, but almost no one dared to confront Khrushchev face-to-face, why almost, because Kozlov was not in this scope. It is common for Khrushchev and Kozlov to disagree and quarrel, and even Serov has heard of it.

"Go and write a report. Of course, the comrades at the headquarters will also question you. Go down first!" Shelov patted the guard on the shoulder. The investigation of the guard is definitely necessary, because Kozlov's status is so important .

"We must do our best to rescue, this is our second secretary!" Turning his head, Serov said to Kozlov's attending physician, and at the same time let the doctors from the KGB General Hospital enter together. On the one hand, there are many people making judgments , the other aspect is surveillance. It is better to be careful when it comes to the safety of the second secretary.

This is a very sudden thing. Once Kozlov falls, the Central Presidium will be lively. I believe Khrushchev does not want to see his successor fall. After all, he is very old, and There is no time to train successors is not necessarily. (To be continued~^~)