Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 478: eavesdropping plan

  The European Cup is in full swing, and the Soviet football team is the favorite of the game as the last European Cup champion. There is nothing wrong with this game itself, the whistle is definitely biased towards Spain. According to history, the Soviet football team should have won the runner-up. The unfair treatment of the Soviet football team is mainly in the World Cup. The advantage is like rolling steel torrents, and you can see how the Soviet Union is overwhelmed by all kinds of tyrants.

In fact, the Soviet football team's passing is very similar to another more famous team, that is, the Federal German team, which is called the chariot of will, but the Soviet football team's achievements are far from that of the German team, so it is not as famous as Germany. Team Shengwei is prominent.

   "Let's do it, after all, it's a good opportunity to make money." As the head of a senior rogue organization, Serov is going to make conditions for a slightly inferior rogue organization this time, and that rogue organization is FIFA. You have to have a certain amount of strength to handle this matter. Otherwise, you won't even be able to show up in the preliminaries to the future China, and you will be a fart.

"Hey, pick a few people to go abroad and go to Spain, that's all. Who said murder? You can hurt him, but you don't have to kill him! Yes, the target is the Spanish team, Franco's Spain, and they are politically correct. "Sherov gave a hands-on order to Mendelev, Minister of Operational Execution. There is still a month before the European Cup final. Those **** always use black whistle to deal with the Soviet Union. Shelov is not so shameless, he doesn't need black whistle. , directly blacked people.

   "Football player? Chairman, are you making a big fuss." Mendelev's somewhat confused voice came from the phone. In fact, it seemed unreasonable to ask the KGB killer to go abroad to do such a thing.

"You haven't forgotten about our team being hacked by Chile at the World Cup two years ago? FIFA itself is dirty, we are just adapting to the rules, there are advantages I can't explain to you, so be it. "Sherov hung up the phone after he finished speaking. According to the previous discussion, the division of labor between the KGB and FIFA should be like this. FIFA is responsible for disseminating the unfavorable news of the Soviet football team, and the foreign affairs department of the KGB played a role in it. The role of the main is the news of the black whistle, while reducing the odds of the Soviet Union in the European Cup.

In fact, Serov wanted to completely close the odds of the Soviet Union earlier, but FIFA did not agree, because it was a bit obvious to do so, so he could only give up this very tempting plan, and could not put the European Cup this time. All the gambling funds are swallowed, and the next best thing is to make a little money.

"Think of a way to do this, I'm running out of money!" Serov, the chairman of the KGB, was full of worries at this time. The production line of synthetic diamonds had already been closed. The price of diamonds in the world diamond market has dropped to a record low, and at least half of the money made by man-made diamonds has been reinvested in the diamond market, because the KGB still needs to buy real diamonds when the price of diamonds has plummeted. In fact, the KGB did not make much cash when it entered and exited, and the profit was less than one billion. The diamond factory in Smolensk invested several million in the KGB, which seemed to be a loss.

  There are only a few ways to make quick money, nothing more than smuggling, arms, drug lords, mercenaries, and assassinations. The mercenary KGB has been handed over to the agency in Zurich. The assassination department cannot be outsourced, and the same goes for arms, and smuggling cannot be smuggled into their own country, so there are not many choices left for the KGB. However, smuggling is quite profitable, which made Serov not expect that business in Turkey and North Africa is very prosperous. Europeans do not need to thank him. As an internationalist, he also contributes to the diversity of Europe.

  The crooked way is not a long-term solution after all, not because Serov has a lofty sense of moral superiority, but the right way is ultimately profitable, and partiality cannot support the scale of the KGB. If the partial industry has such high profits, then the world will change, and partiality is the right way.

   This is his original intention to help Elizabeth Taylor. In London, the financial center of European capitalism, if there is a media group controlled by his own people, it will have a huge influence in the fashion industry and the film and television industry. I believe that no one will believe that a group of this size is the base camp of the Soviet KGB, so that the KGB can also send more spies there.

Isn't that what   Murdoch's News Corporation is? He couldn't remember the size of News Corp. and how much capital it had, but the influence of a News Corp., from the point of view of him as a spy chief, was a huge benefit.

  News Corporation was involved in a scandal. One day in March 2002, a 13-year-old girl named Milly Dowler disappeared on her way from school, triggering a large-scale search operation by the British police. Six months later, Durer's body was found in a forest. It was reported in July 2011 that a private detective then employed by the News of the World had tapped Dürer's cellphone voicemail. The detective deleted some of the wiretapped messages, giving the family and police the illusion that Dürer was still alive.

The incident caused a public outcry and sparked a storm of wiretapping scandals at the News of the World. Within a short time, Murdoch, the owner of News Corporation (the parent company of the News of the World), was involved in the scandal. storm core,

  The final outcome, as if in Shelov's mind, Murdoch himself seemed to be unaffected. Thinking about this matter from the perspective of the chairman of the KGB, it proves one thing, as long as you have money and power, problems can be suppressed, and the news industry is a perfect eavesdropping department, even better than The Seventh and Eighth Directorate Generals of the KGB should be more comfortable, and the most important thing is that they do not have such big goals.

Take the Seventh and Eighth General Administrations as an example, the cadres of the Soviet Union knew what departments the two General Administrations were, while the British did not know that some private media did the same thing. Free media freedom of speech.

   Of course, I have to listen to professional people to answer, and call the two chiefs of the general bureau. Shelov is going to study the deceptiveness of the news media.

"If there is such a department for our use, then even fate is on our side!" Shevalev, the director of the General Bureau of Surveillance and Investigation, was brightened when he heard this idea, and he began to talk incessantly. the benefits of this.

   Shelov nodded like a chicken pecking rice. The professional is different. He just proposed a concept and let the expert talk endlessly. But yes, the enemy often knows where your own weaknesses are. This set of tricks can be used in Britain, but not in the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union has news control, no amount of money can be involved in this field, not to mention Suslov controls everything, if anyone I thought that the bishop in gray was easy to bully, so you can try it. In history, even Andropov couldn't bear it. Serov couldn't think of others. Could he be stronger than Andropov?

  In the Soviet Union, intellectuals were always available but had to be guarded against. Intellectuals in the Soviet Union specifically refer to literati, and those who are engaged in scientific research are called scientific and technological elements, which are completely different from intellectuals. This is not just a question of title. There are exceptions to everything, Ge Tutu is a standard intellectual origin, he is a doctor of law from Moscow University. His grandfather and grandfather were executed during Stalin's time for the Great Purge. He also liked to speak ill of the government when he was young, and he understood that the best way to please intellectuals was to make them talk, and the Soviet Union was gone.

   "Got it, Chief Shevalev, the conversation with you made me realize a lot of things!" Putting the things he recorded in the drawer, Shevalev looked taught and asked Lieutenant General Shevalev to go back.

  The special relationship between Britain and the United States makes Britain the most trusted European country in the United States, but there is a word called darkness under the light. People often think that the most solid place is the most likely to be a traitor.

   "I can't bear to have a child without a wolf, I will help you with whatever you want!" Thinking of this, Serov began to write a plan on how to develop a media company, but it was mainly due to Lieutenant General Shevalev's credit, and the KGB would cooperate with this plan. First of all, in order to make Elizabeth Taylor famous, Serov has to help this woman in some aspects. The Soviet football team should not think about it, but football teams such as Yugoslavia and Hungary can open up.

   In this era, Yugoslavia and Hungary are still the best teams in the world. If you don’t take advantage of them, you will be sorry for yourself. Especially Yugoslavia, which is neutral between the West and the Soviet Union, should make a breakthrough easier. Maybe the Brits will think this is a great victory for Elizabeth Taylor, allowing her company to successfully enter the other side of the Iron Curtain. To know that the first to achieve such a breakthrough should be PepsiCo.

Serov wrote the whole plan in one go, let out a long sigh, called Servanov in, sent the encrypted file out, and said fiercely, "British, don't be complacent, one day you will know that the old Soviet Union Big brother is looking at you is definitely not empty words." There is a famous saying "big brother is watching you". As the leader of Oceania and Ingsoc, Big Brother does not appear throughout the 1984 novel. Big Brother is actually a symbol of power everywhere. Very well, the wishes of the British will surely come true. (To be continued~^~)