Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 485: oriole behind

"Minister Handajani, I believe you also have some understanding of the international situation. You should understand what the current situation is. The United States passed the resolution on the pretext of the Beibu Gulf incident and has officially intervened in the war in Southeast Asia." Shelov wanted to find Some intelligence proves their remarks, but think about it. The other party did not understand Russian, and the communication between the two parties was still through translation.

In the lineup involving this kind of international situation, Serov adheres to one point, that is, don’t talk about feelings. The personal relationship between Serov and Handajani is not an excuse for Indonesia to stand on the side of the Soviet Union, and replacing international interests with personal feelings Rushchev, the first secretary of the Soviet Union, got nothing but the title of Soviet revisionist.

Therefore, it is still the most practical to talk about the national strategy. Shelov also adheres to the principle of frankness and tells the other party what is the most beneficial choice. "The Indonesian Army accepts assistance from the United States every year. To be honest, this is very dangerous, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia. When relations have deteriorated to this point, President Sukarno will not think that the United States will choose Indonesia between Malaysia and the United Kingdom behind him, and Indonesia?”

  The United States played a disgraceful role in the Indonesian coup. In later generations, the United States directly commanded or responded quickly to take advantage of this matter. There are various sources and reasons for it, but Serov prefers the former. It is not that the KGB controls the key evidence, but that the former factor can make Serov formulate more decisively. s plan.

  The US ambassador to Indonesia at the time, Marshall Green, expressed his hope that the military could take advantage of the killing of the six generals to accuse the Indonesian Communist Party of conspiring to seize power and control Indonesia.

Although Greene was not sure whether the PKI was involved, his cable to Washington stressed the need for the army to act decisively: "Whatever the context...the army controls the situation, it has important Tool of power. It also holds the reasons for the killing of six top generals; the military can take advantage of this if it wants to. It has already begun to do so... Religious groups and others stand with the military aside from the Communist Party and their entourage On the one hand..." "The army now has a great opportunity to defeat the PKI if it moves quickly... The discovery of the body of the murdered general has brought the above turbulent momentum to its peak.

"President Serov, the United States will interfere in Indonesia's internal affairs, and we are also a big country." Handdayani is naturally wary of the United States. He has also witnessed the deterioration of relations between Indonesia and the West, but Handdayani still does not believe it. The US can interfere with Indonesia.

"Haha! Mr. Handajani, you don't think that the tens of millions of dollars in US aid every year is a discovery of conscience, in order to show friendship with Indonesia?" Serov laughed uncontrollably, and then told Handajani a Few people know the news, "My friend, for countries like the Soviet Union and the United States, a coup d'etat is actually not a difficult thing. For example, the coup d'etat in Sudan was planned by me."

  The coup d’etat in Sudan was only known to the Central Presidium and a few relevant departments in the Soviet Union, and less than 30 people knew the ins and outs, but today in front of Handayani, Serov simply admitted that he planned the coup d’etat in Sudan. This news shocked Handayani as much as the news that the United States had entered the Vietnam War.

"Think about it, think about the current situation in Southeast Asia, the United States has completely melded into the war. At this time, the largest country in Southeast Asia has the third largest Communist Party in the world, and it has a very good relationship with the Soviet Union and China. So do you think they can’t use their brains?” Serov turned around and pulled out a document from the table and handed it to Handajani, saying in a low voice, “This is the amount of aid the CIA sends to Indonesia each year, and the possibility of The list of generals who helped the United States at a critical moment, Minister Handayani, the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs has a strong Soviet color, and once the pro-American Indonesian army starts a coup, the situation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also very dangerous.”

  In addition to the local religious power in Indonesia, the Indonesian Army, the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Indonesian Communist Party each have their own colors that cannot be erased. The Indonesian Army is pro-American, the Indonesian Communist Party is pro-China, and the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs is pro-Soviet. Handajani would not be naive to think that the Indonesian Army can spare the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs after dealing with the Indonesian Communist Party? The Americans would not naively spare the Soviet Union. Therefore, once the coup d'etat begins, it must end with the fall of one side. Either the US forces are eliminated or the forces supported by China and the Soviet Union are eliminated, and there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

"Do we want the Ministry of Internal Affairs to purge the military? There is no evidence that the Ministry of Internal Affairs can't do this." He said so, but there was a solemn look on Handayani's face, which showed that he had listened to Serov's words. It was in his heart, and it had an impact. This could not be concealed from the perceptive chairman of the KGB. He knew that his goal had been achieved. The other party already felt that the Indonesian Army might have another coup. Having a rebellion is a criminal record.

It is because of this kind of criminal record that Serov's words are convincing. Once a department like the Ministry of Internal Affairs is purged, it should not be evaluated according to the normal situation of a third world country. Even in the Soviet Union, there are lessons to be learned. Ya, how could Handayani be careless in this situation, he will die?

   "I have a plan, my friend." Shelov has narrowed the distance between the two sides. Now is the time to complete a sincere cooperation in the spirit of internationalism. At least the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Indonesia, like itself, has a common opponent, the United States.

After the mantis catching the cicada oriole, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be the department that Sukarno has the most contact with in terms of the nature of its work. Neither the Indonesian Communist Party nor the Indonesian Army can compare to this. Serov originally exported such a big killer as the Ministry of Internal Affairs. , in order to wait for the opportunity to compete face-to-face with the United States, and now the opportunity is here.

"We can solve the pro-American forces in Indonesia once and for all, so we need an opportunity, an opportunity for the Indonesian Army to act, and play a decisive role when the two factions fight. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is such a department! Serov and Handajani had a long conversation, and when the pro-Soviet Indonesian heavyweight felt danger, he instinctively believed Serov's judgment.

The Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs has 50,000 internal troops, and more than half of the force is concentrated in the capital. As long as they do not defect, the army cannot force President Sukarno to abdicate. The big deal is a civil war. Sukarno only needs to explain that the Americans support the Indonesian army to engage in If Indonesia is chaotic, the military is bound to lose. Don't be the father of the country. The name is worthless. People like Nehru and Nasser are very famous, otherwise they will not be able to become the father of the country.

   Based on the protection of Sukarno, the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs is invincible. Even if the United States supports the Indonesian Army, Serov is confident that this time the United States has just won head-on. There may only be one possibility that the United States cannot win. The United States will do it by itself. With the U.S. hands-on, the big deal is that there will be one more aid country for the Soviet Union, and if two wars are started at the same time, the U.S. may decline faster.

"Actually, as long as you pay close attention to the international situation, there is nothing the army can do. I will also send forces to keep an eye on Indonesia's movements. If you have the advantage of reporting, the army generals will not be able to turn around. You have a year to prepare, and I will Prepare everything that Indonesia can use to support you..." Serov comforted Handayani.

In the next few days, Serov did his best as a landlord, entertained Handajani's trip in the Soviet Union, and promised to provide secret communication equipment, and Handayani also promised to cooperate with the Soviet Union to provide weapons and communications in Indonesia. The equipment arrived in Indonesia unknowingly, and the two officially joined forces to deal with the threat from the United States.

  Handanyani stayed in Moscow for a few days before returning to China in secret. This time it was a covert visit. If he stayed in Moscow for too long, it would be easy to be discovered by those who wanted to. But Andropov immediately returned to China to report to the Central Presidium. He brought good news. At least on the issue of the United States, China and the Soviet Union still have a common language, and there is no problem in jointly making a fuss about the Vietnam issue.

   "Serov, you're right, we have a common goal on the US issue." Andropov seemed delighted with the results and talked to Serov about the issue after he emerged from the Central Presidium.

   "Yeah, the common goal!" But he didn't know how long it would last. Serov sighed inwardly. There is one thing that the United States is definitely more willing to do than the Soviet Union. That is, the United States dares to open up its market to win over China, but the Soviet Union dare not do so. The United States, Western Europe plus Japan, Australia, and the Americas, the Soviet Union really can't compare. Even if a breakthrough is made in Southeast Asia, the strategic situation of the Soviet Union can only be said to be 55 to 50 percent from that of the United States. It is still based on the geographical advantage of the Soviet Union itself being a giant country on the Eurasian continent. Otherwise, it is impossible to talk about it.

  The Eurasian continent must be cut off on land, and the Soviet Union can be invincible by completely controlling land power. Otherwise, even if most of Southeast Asia is taken over, the Soviet Union will not be able to slap the United States to death. From this point of view, the opening of the US market is a good thing, which will lead to the outflow of US manufacturing, China will become stronger but the US will become weaker, and the resistance of the Soviet Union to defeat the US will become smaller.

"The capitalists really see the profit, and transferring the manufacturing industry to China will make their country weaker and weaker. I hope you will not regret it in the future." In the absence of the Soviet Union in the future, China naturally cannot use this opportunity to force the United States, but if The Soviet Union has always existed, and it is difficult for the United States to escape. (To be continued~^~)