Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 539: determined

   This is not the first time Khrushchev has spoken about his retirement. He has talked about when he should retire on various occasions, including receiving foreign ambassadors, taking vacations by the sea, and even talking with local officials. Since two years ago, Khrushchev has been talking more and more about retirement. While receiving congratulations from other members of the Central Presidium on his birthday, he has not forgotten to mention this.

   It can be said that among the members of the Central Presidium present, no one has heard of his topic of retirement and successor. But it was the first time that other members of the presidium were specifically called over and said in front of all the members that they would retire.

"Comrade Khrushchev, what are you talking about? Look at your own body, like a young guy, you have a lot of energy and can continue to lead us." Brezhnev seemed to be conditioned reflex Start saving.

  Beginning with Brezhnev, other members of the Central Presidium have opened their mouths to retain them, whether they are sincere or not. Anyway, it is not the first time they have faced this situation in the past few years.

Khrushchev's energy was indeed quite good, not like an old man in his twilight years. He was very happy with this kind of retention, but he still shook his head firmly and said, "I know that I am an old man in his seventies, two years later. I'm almost seventy-five years old, and I'm too old to be the leader of a country. The Soviet Union continues to be led by a seventy-five-year-old man, and it's a hindrance to the great image of our country, and I've been leading the country , will create the impression that the Soviet Union has no young cadres, which will make the Americans blame us."

"I never thought I'd lead the country until I died, I'm not Stalin. I wanted to establish a new standard, different from Stalin's brutal elimination mechanism. So I let Malenkov, Moloto go. Husband, I hope that our cause can be developed by cadres of different ages." At this time, Khrushchev was no longer arrogant in slapping the table at the United Nations General Assembly, nor was he usually arrogant when he reprimanded other members of the Central Presidium. It's more like an ordinary old man, "I see you all as my friends and comrades. Sometimes I get angry more easily, I'm sorry."

"During my tenure, there were many problems in the Soviet Union, but today I have to say that forceful control like Stalin did not work in peacetime, the people would not endure endlessly, and of course excessive leniency also appeared. I have encountered some problems, and I have also seen that my reforms have not all been successful, but they have not all failed." Khrushchev said sadly, "I may not see the day when we completely defeat the United States at my age, but I I am willing to lay a foundation for you, all my old friends are gone, I wonder if Comrade Togliatti will be able to get through this difficult time."

   However, this year was not all good news. Maurice Torres, general secretary of the French Communist Party Central Committee, died on the Lithuania ship. At this time, he was on vacation in the Mediterranean Sea; the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic, Grotivor, died. Togliatti, chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers and general secretary of the Communist Party, suddenly collapsed at an activity of the Young Pioneers and is now being rescued. The Soviet government has just expressed condolences in two days. These communists who had close ties with Khrushchev, Abandoning the world one by one will inevitably bring some sadness to him.

"Is the first secretary a little sad? We communists should not indulge in sadness. If it is because some comrades abroad have passed away, so I feel a little down, I can understand it very well, I think the first secretary can consider Take a month off to get rid of this emotion. After relaxing for a while, let’s talk about this issue.” Sheloff said, “Comrade Maurice Torres and Comrade Grotivor have finished the course of life, although we may It's a little sad, but it shouldn't be affected, First Secretary, let me accompany you around the Soviet Union and let you see the current country."

   "Okay, I believe that Comrade Brezhnev, Comrade Kosygin, and Comrade Shelepin can manage the whole country while I rest, so I will take a month off." Khrushchev nodded and agreed with Serov's proposal.

Brezhnev left as usual, and made a thoughtful look in the car, so that Kirilenko next to him didn't dare to breathe. He had never seen Brezhnev appear like this. .

   "Ilyich, what were you thinking just now?" After arriving home, Kirilenko asked the doubts in his heart.

"I'm wondering if I will retire myself when I'm in my seventies!" Brezhnev answered his comrades very seriously. The answer is no, unless he is like Khrushchev who promoted Sherepin. , to create a group of young people who support themselves. But this is impossible, this group of people will first support Shelepin.

  Brezhnev is now a weak second secretary, of course he is the successor chosen by Khrushchev, but among the members of the Central Presidium, Kosygin and his left and right assistants occupy three positions. Although Xie Lepin was only himself, he was the highest among the three in the support of the Central Committee members. Brezhnev doesn't seem to be taking advantage at any level, or even the one who suffers.

At this time, Shelov fits a sentence, or not a sentence but a few sentences, such as holding the emperor to make the princes, or the fox fake tiger or something, and he came out with the first secretary to relax, there is a feeling that he is leading you to pretend to force you to fly .

   "It's a good choice to go out for a walk. The old man should combine work and rest. Is it better now?" Serov accompanied Khrushchev in the resort town of Sochi next to the Black Sea, enjoying the good climate here. Sochi was defined in the Soviet Union as a resort city that hosted people from all over the Soviet Union every year, no matter what time of year it was.

   Of course, the KGB is currently working on establishing a tourist route in Indonesia. The environment in Indonesia is more suitable for vacations. Unfortunately, Serov was on guard every day in Indonesia last time to prevent someone from killing him, and even the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not go out a few times. It is now possible to bring the results of that time back to the Soviet Union.

"If Comrade Togliatti can't stand it this time, will Italy return to the embrace of the United States?" Khrushchev, who looked relaxed, seemed to have gotten rid of his sadness, and he didn't have personal feelings when he asked this question .

"Maybe, but the Communist Party's rule for so many years is not ineffective. First of all, half of the Italians believe in Catholicism, and the remaining half of Italians are not very sincere. More believe that religion is a carrier of traditional culture, and Italy Yugoslavization has been rapidly changing for more than ten years, and neutralism is very obvious. Italy has almost established a political structure of two major parties, and it is not a short time that the United States wants to eliminate this influence.” Serov knew that these The country's Communist Party ultimately depends on who is the winner of the Soviet Union and the United States.

   It is impossible for a force supported by the Soviet Union to come to power, and it will never go down. How can a country make no mistakes at all? Even if he had the memory to take the lead, he still couldn't avoid all mistakes. Otherwise Lumumba in Congo would not have died, today Congo should be a pro-Soviet country. But the key point was that he forgot about this country at that time, so why not...

  Under the eyes of the four major clusters of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the Communist parties in Western European countries lived very comfortably. This is a treatment that socialists in other countries do not have. The millions of troops of the United States and the Soviet Union in Europe forced the two countries to talk and laugh there and be hypocrites, calling for peace in their mouths.

"Father, Lubyanka has sent a message." Khrushchev's son Sergey came in and said, and the two immediately followed Khrushchev in. This is the Soviet Union's special line confidential telephone. This kind of telephone is in the same society. There are also doctrinaires in China, which are used for the communication of secret matters. Because they are all red, they are commonly known as "Red Machines". Only important leaders above the ministerial level can be equipped at home. Khrushchev's son Sergey, who was at home, picked up the phone, and the other party was a voice he was not very familiar with, looking for Serov.

   Of course, this kind of phone is not completely complete, as long as Serov thinks, he can completely know the content of the red phone communication.

   "Comrade Togliatti is still dead, hey!" Khrushchev said with a sigh, "I don't know how the relationship between Italy and our Soviet Union will develop in the future."

   "We have already figured out what we need to figure out. In the future, our strength will surpass that of the United States, and those so-called allies will naturally turn around!" Serov was referring to the light industrial product technology acquired by the Soviet Union through the establishment of factories in Italy. At least there is no significant difference in technology between the two countries now.

  Khrushchev No.1, who cultivated in Sochi, expressed his condolences on the passing of Comrade Parimi Rotoriatti, Chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers and General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party, as the First Secretary of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Council of Ministers. In recent months, Khrushchev has bid farewell to several foreign Communist Party leaders, and it may be that these foreign Communist Party leaders died one after another, which made Khrushchev think of retirement.

   Serov, who followed Khrushchev back from Sochi, was instantly asked if Khrushchev had changed his mind. Shelov's answer was always to shake his head, indicating that he did not ask Khrushchev if he really wanted to retire.

This question was answered by Khrushchev himself. He did not change his attention. He said that he still decided to retire after two years. He hoped that in the remaining two years, other members of the Central Presidium could unite and break out the biggest one. Energy, he himself seems to see whether the Soviet leadership after his retirement will lead the country well. (To be continued~^~)