Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 565: i want a divorce

  Egolychev gave a helpless expression, smiled apologetically at Kochemasov and Harazov, and said that the General Political Commissar of National Security is this kind of virtue, don't mind. Some things are said more freely on these occasions. Kochemasov and Harazov are Shelepin's friends among local cadres, and they are relatively representative regimental cadres.

"It's still delicious from the Caspian Sea, and the ones used for export are not that good." After tasting it for a while, Serov put down the Caspian specialties, "Actually, there is nothing to say, planning to bomb Israel, Then it succeeded, it was as simple as that. Although the Mossad people are still capable in the Middle East, they also dare not do anything to me. There is no capital that is my enemy, that kind of organization that is only illusory. No need to pay too much attention.”

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on promoting the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Britain and France are very interested. The U.S.'s doubts lie in China!" Shelepin thought for a while and said, "Comrade Andropov is worrying about this matter, and he doesn't know what to do. "

   "Leave the news to China, don't go to China to discuss this matter, they won't agree, and the discussion is a waste of discussion!" Shelov replied without thinking, "The environment in China is now destined to be a country that cannot be touched!"

   The Soviet Union could not persuade China, and people thought that the Soviet Union had changed. From the standpoint of the Soviet Union, China today is equivalent to Vietnam in the eyes of China in the 1980s, or North Korea in the eyes of China in the 21st century. It's just that the Soviet Union encountered this situation first.

   "I can't believe that the two countries were in the honeymoon period ten years ago!" Kochemasov is now the first secretary of Azerbaijan. When he provided assistance to China, he witnessed the process with his own eyes. The relationship between the two countries has been so cold in less than ten years, and now he can't believe it.

"Now I can't do anything about China, but I'm not afraid of it! They can't pose a lethal threat to us. Its nuclear weapons are not too strong, and they don't constitute a deterrent to our European territories. When it comes to the topic, Serov's tone is serious. A lot, until the 1980s, China did not pose a threat to the Soviet Union.

   "Are you going to copy Israel's strike?" Harazov said with a thoughtful look, "If you copy Israel's military operations, what is the probability of success?"

   "The Chairman of the Kazakh KGB reported that China's border defense has been much tighter after Israel was attacked." Serov did not answer this question directly, but this sentence is enough. Israel's experience is the first, and it is strange that other countries do not raise their vigilance.

"China's problems will be adjusted by themselves. Even powerful people will die one day. This is the case with General Secretary Stalin, we just need to wait for a few years!" This sentence made everyone here nod. The cadres of the group have no shortage of time, but they lack the skills.

   The party didn't last long, and Serov said goodbye and left Shelepin's house. Of course, he didn't forget to pack the caviar and take it away. Good things must not be missed. In terms of eating this, he will not let anyone.

   "I always thought that our General Political Commissar of National Security was a serious and rigid person, but I didn't expect that, eh? Sincerely!" Harazov smiled bitterly, his body was full of outrageous problems.

"You don't know what the KGB's canteen looks like now, it's like a restaurant of all countries." Shelepin said as if you just met him, but I have known him for a long time, "When he is serious, he is limited to work. , you can't find him when he's not working."

"However, what is the medicine bottle that Yuri took out just now? Did he catch a cold?" Yegolychev suddenly asked this question, the atmosphere suffocated for a short time, and Shelepin didn't know why, "Maybe he just returned to the country. It's so adaptable!"

   Just after tasting the caviar, Serov habitually took out the medicine bottle, but immediately realized that he was used to pretending to be sick, and quickly put it away, but Yegolychev saw it. This is really a sin, it's completely instinctive, he didn't deliberately deceive these people.

   "It's a bit fishy, ​​but it still smells like that, take it back to my wife." The driver in front saw the sleazy expression of the General Political Commissar of National Security in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and there was a large can of stuff beside him. After thinking about the story, some law enforcement officers have unknown dark sides. Could it be that the largest security cadre in the Soviet Union likes to steal?

Well, maybe our comrade general political commissar is such a person. The driver made a smart turn, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his brain supplement made sense. It seemed that he had discovered a great secret. Going to clean the toilet.

   "Wife, take a rest first. You used to like to eat." That's called a diligence. Sheloff ran before and after with a spoon to feed Mao Mei who was doing calculations.

   "Yeah!" The red-eyed Valya opened her mouth to taste it and said, "It's a bit fishy, ​​it's not as tasty as before."

   "No, didn't you like it very much when you were in Baku?" Serov said he took a spoonful and found no problem.

   "Before, I used to be a girl. Back then in Azerbaijan, it was fresh. This is a finished product. It doesn't have that flavor anymore." Valiya said with some dissatisfaction, "I can't keep that flavor, it's not delicious."

  Wife, what you said makes sense! It seems that these things can only be destroyed by themselves, but things are not too bad. Doesn't he have several sons? There was a dangerous gleam in Daddy's eyes. When the son does not share for the father, how can it show the value of manhood.

   "Chairman, are your ears frozen again?" Shervanov was very surprised, it shouldn't be this month...

   "My son had a cough all night yesterday and just went to hang the bottle." Serov said another thing very indifferently. Servanov nodded and thought carefully, what does your son's illness have to do with your ears? Could the chairman's son send an ultrasound?

"This tigress dares to beat me. Even letting me sleep on the balcony is unbearable and unbearable. I want a divorce! Patriarchal women are more important..." After Servanov went out, Serov, who was sitting in the chairman's office, was indignant grumbled uneasily. Looking down at the watch, I should take time to go to the hospital at noon to see if my son is okay, and it shouldn't be too serious if I send it early.

Five minutes later, Serov thought for a while and thought that he should go out and hide. Maybe when he came back, Valiya would be relieved, and he would not have to hide in the corner and shiver. The army's weapons!" Picking up the phone and instructing a few words, Serov went to the hospital for a while at noon, then went straight to the train station, as if there were wolves behind him, and fled Moscow in a hurry.

   "Hey, the friendly army was surrounded like a mountain, and turned into a thousand miles like the wind. Tigress, you bite me!" Serov, who was on the coast of the Black Sea a day later, was refreshed and found the dignity of the General Political Commissar of National Security. Looking at the cadres of the Dahai Shipyard, he nodded and bowed to him, and he was tall and straight, and he grew a centimeter taller out of thin air.

"As for the research on hovercraft, we have to take the initiative to do it. You can't do it when the central government issues an order. Don't have this kind of thinking, you must do it now. You need to know the sea conditions around our country, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. , they all need to land in a short period of time, on the contrary, the sea area is not large and does not need long-lasting endurance, so the hovercraft is very developed!" In the office of the Party Committee of the Dahai Shipyard, Serov pointed out the country, and there was no embarrassment of fleeing in a hurry yesterday. Feeling, as long as he doesn't say it himself, who knows? Since no one knows, there is no such thing...

The Soviet Union's hovercraft developed rapidly, especially in the field of research and development and production of military hovercraft. It came from behind and achieved amazing development. It has become a world leader in the research and development of military hovercraft, but because of confidentiality, it was not known to the world. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union There has been research on military hovercraft, but it is not as scary as it was later.

   This thing is of course very useful, especially when Turkey exists. Ukraine and Turkey in the Soviet Union are separated by a Black Sea, but a straight-line distance of several hundred kilometers. Once the Soviet Union landed with a large hovercraft, it would definitely catch Turkey by surprise.

   "So we have to start researching now!" Before he finished his long speech, the door was pushed open, and an assistant in the uniform of a second lieutenant came in and said, "Chairman, there is a phone call!"

"Looking for me?" Serov got up and went out, and as soon as he got on the phone, he heard Yegolychev complain, "Yuri, your wife called you last night and asked where you were, where are you? No? I'll find a place to hang myself."

   "I was inspecting the work in the Black Sea. Why did I hang myself and talk so badly. This is my normal work schedule." Shelov smiled slightly, and did not admit the nature of his rush to escape at all.

"Really?" Yegolychev, who was holding the phone, looked at Valia sitting on the sofa speechlessly, cleared his throat and closed his eyes and lied, "Your son is seriously ill, I heard that there are It turns into a trend of pneumonia." Don't look for me when you come back, your wife is leading her daughter to stand guard at the city government, who suffers from this?

   "Ah? I'll go back right away!" Serov was shocked, and his tone was not calm. He hurriedly put down the phone and went back to the shipyard's office, "I have finished speaking, and Lubyanka will give you the relevant support later. I have something to go back to the capital now. Remember, what I said is very important. The relevant arguments will come soon. Start." After speaking, he hurriedly left the shipyard, and thought for a while, "Go to the airport..."

"I only have one condition, Valya, when Serov comes back, you must not let him come to me. I really can't control your family's affairs. As a cadre of the Ministry of Education, how do you educate your husband is your business, don't let it go Expand it to our municipal party committee." Yegolychev asked weakly, looking like I was tired, "I hope there will be no next time, he is afraid of you, but he is not afraid of me..."

   Serov, who rushed home in a hurry, felt the deep malice in this world, can he live this day? Wife always plays thirty-six tricks, who can stand this, "Come and eat!" Valiya said after serving all the food, "Remember to wash your hands!"

   The decision to divorce should wait until the next time. In the spirit of humility, I forgive her once. (To be continued~^~)