Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 568: Ho Chi Minh Trail

"Just calculated, what are you going to do with so much money?" Valiya said with a nice voice, hugging the man's neck from behind, "Doesn't our national welfare expenditure seem to be only more than 20 billion? "

   "Of course it's used to make money, American money!" Serov took out the calculation paper and burned it. In fact, this kind of work always makes his wife feel less distressed one by one, but he can't help it. Don't look at their house as a villa, but there is really no place to put a computer. The Soviet computer has just started to use transistors at this time, and is in the beginning stage of the third generation of computers, but even this is still very large in size and relatively high performance. generally.

The fourth-generation computer in the Soviet Union began to use large-scale integrated circuits. The fourth-generation computer is the name of a series of supercomputer systems developed by the Soviet "Lebedev Institute of Precision Instrument and Computer Engineering"; its model can be used at the same time. Generation comparable to the US SPARC system. In the process, Serov angered his sense of existence, installed an expert, and designed the Soviet Russian alphabet keyboard. It was a specification for Soviet computers.

  If it was possible, a shameless person like Serov would definitely install a computer in his home, how could it be possible for his wife to settle accounts with a calculator. Playing with Tetris without seeing that his daughter is fine?

   "Recovering pretty well, is it any better?" Sheloff, who had packed up his things, asked attentively, hugging Sister Mao.

"It's still a little tired, just take a day off! Who asked you to use such a lot of energy!" Valiya blushed, accusing with a tone of embarrassment, "My daughter has asked, these two days Why don't you go to work?"

"This doesn't conform to the objective facts, it's obviously you who said that you would split my pelvis." Sheloff blamed me. He didn't think he should blame himself for this. suffered the present fate.

   "You still said..." Valiya slapped her teeth and claws at random and threatened, "That bad thing, just cut it off..."

   "Okay, it's better to cut it off!" Sheloff, who felt cold in his crotch, calmly said, "You don't want to use it anyway, so cut it off!"

   "Shameless!" Valya stretched out her hand and tugged at the man's face, "There are a few women who will definitely fight for me!"

   Obviously you are reluctant to bear it, and Serov almost laughed out loud in his heart with a look of approval. He also rubbed the woman's smooth face with his stubble, causing a burst of coquettish anger.

The Soviet Union's foreign exchange reserves have always been small, because the Soviet Union basically has no channels to do business with the West. The only reserve that is a little more is because after Italy's discoloration, billions of Italian lira have been reserved, but from Parimirotoriati After the health situation deteriorated, the Soviet Union was trying to exchange the money. If the Italian Communist Party stepped down this time, I believe the Soviet Union would not hesitate to find a way to convert the lira into dollars.

  $20 billion is a lot of wealth. Even in the 1970s when oil prices were rising, it was a lot of wealth for the Soviet Union, let alone now. Kosygin contacted the allies of the Soviet Union through various channels, and even borrowed money from China. It will also be enough to make up this figure. Compared with the 40 to 50 billion dollar reserves of Britain, France and Germany, the Soviet Union really has no advantage in this battle. Based on this consideration, Serov drained the KGB’s funds around the world, and even Started refurbishment of two destroyers nearing age, sold to drug lords in South America, but through North Korea.

Foreign exchange reserves actually have advantages and disadvantages. In the 1980s, the United States saw that the foreign exchange reserves of the Soviet Union were mainly oil, which was then exchanged for grain, so it took several steps to seize every opportunity to restrict the export of Western technology trade to the Soviet Union and curb the And hit those areas where the Soviet Union could exchange foreign currency. Americans believe that the weakness of the Soviet Union lies in its dependence on oil exports. If international oil prices fall, the ability of the Soviet Union to exchange foreign currency for exports will decline.

  The Soviet Union's foreign exchange reserves fell, sovereign risk increased, and the national banks of Western Europe would think twice about extending loans to it. As the Soviet Union's use of Western Europe's loans declines, its ability to transform technology will decline. The advantage of sitting in this way is that it can at least make the Soviet Union fall behind in the arms race with the United States. Second, if the Soviet Union goes all out to engage in an arms race with the United States, it will exhaust its strength. After all, the dollar is the world currency, but the ruble is not, and the United States can drag it down as long as the United States prints money at full speed. Third, the United States and Saudi Arabia jointly suppressed oil prices.

  Once the price of oil fell, the foreign exchange exchanged for the energy exported by the Soviet Union would shrink sharply. Fourth, the United States also imposed an agreement on the International Energy Agency to limit the amount of natural gas Europe can buy from the Soviet Union, stipulating that Western Europe should not import more than 30 percent of its energy needs from the Soviet Union. Cut off the Soviet Union's access to hard currency from Western Europe.

   In the end, the United States fully started the money printing press and issued a large number of dollars. Reagan raised interest rates while printing dollars. The result of the aggressive printing of money was the devaluation of the dollar, which reduced the real value of the foreign exchange exchanged by the Soviet Union. A quarter of the dollar's depreciation reduces the real income of the Soviet Union's exports by a quarter.

  The United States succeeded because the Soviet Union was indeed unable to be invulnerable in all aspects. One of the factors was that the Soviet Union did not have enough food, and it had to be exchanged through trade with major grain-producing countries. All major grain-producing countries only recognize the dollar, not the ruble, but it is different now. After ten years of friendly relations with Italy, almost all the clumsy products of the Soviet Union have been eliminated. No country is afraid of copying the Soviet Union. This decade has greatly improved The quality of Soviet products, from taste to packaging.

The biggest effect of   Italy's discoloration is to open a gap in the technological blockade for the Soviet Union. In this decade, the Soviet Union has learned everything that Italy had in the 1960s through technology exchange and trade. However, Italy is not at a disadvantage. The technical reserves of the Soviet Union far exceed that of any other country except the United States, but the Soviet Union is not very good at using it. Instead, much of the research has been used by Italy, whose economic growth has so far been closely following that of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In terms of food, after Sudan joined the Economic Mutual Council, the Soviet Union fully supported Sudan to become a powerful country in agriculture and animal husbandry. The simple and direct destructive development caused Sudan's grain production to increase year by year in a short period of time. In addition to the Soviet Union's own output, There is no need to import food from grain-producing areas controlled by the United States.

   In other words, there is no need for the Soviet Union to communicate with the United States at this time, the shortcomings have been made up, and there is no need to ask you for food. As for the military industry, there is no need to communicate. This is a strong project of the Soviet Union. There was no economic contact between the two sides, and the foreign exchange reserves of the Soviet Union have always been small.

"Now we are waiting for the proud French, under the leadership of the unruly de Gaulle, to be the first dragon slayer." Mathematicians drawn from the major secret service cities are already in place. For these people, this is just a simulation. They didn't even know that the exercise of financial attack on the United States was really done.

   At the same time, as the chairman of the KGB, Serov will also pay attention to Kosygin’s actions. Kosygin specially asked his assistant to evaluate this action. This is a single item of attention. Kosygin does not know that the KGB is also prepared to act together.

"In case of failure, do I need to commit suicide. In this way, the KGB's more than ten years of hard work will be wasted, and the capital chain of all industries will be broken." Serov thought about it carefully, and felt that he had estimated the consequences too seriously. Yes, the KGB still has a lot of shady industries, and the big deal can be recovered slowly.

   Just when Kosygin and Serov were secretly preparing to wait for the opportunity, a KGB officer with a secret mission arrived in Hanoi and met the military leader of Hanoi, Vo Nguyen Giap.

"Comrade Andropov, Secretary of the Central Committee, and General Serov, our Chairman, both appreciate Hanoi's determination. Domestic factories are working overtime to manufacture weapons that Vietnamese comrades need to help Vietnamese comrades get rid of imperialist-imposed weapons as soon as possible. War, this is a handwritten letter from the two leaders. Of course I can translate it for you.” After reading the letter, KGB officer Yegrov introduced himself, “I used to work in Southeast Asia, the last time I was in Indonesia, This time, I was in charge of the transportation of weapons from the Soviet Union to Hanoi and helped the Vietnamese comrades prepare for war."

   "Thanks to Comrade Andropov and General Serov for their help, we will always be grateful to the Soviet Union." Vo Nguyen Giap expressed his sincere gratitude, "The Soviet Union will provide us with the weapons and equipment that we urgently need, which makes us very grateful."

   "You're welcome!" Yegrov replied coldly but friendly. There was a stalemate on the Vietnam battlefield. Although the US military has absolute strength and technical advantages, it still feels helpless in the face of the harassment of the regular army of North Vietnam and the guerrillas of southern Vietnam. The protracted war has made the anti-war noise in the United States more and more loud, and President Lyndon Baines Johnson is facing the greatest political pressure since he was elected president; on the other hand, the Hanoi government is also feeling a lot of pressure, The superior force and modern weapons of the U.S. military have suffered serious losses and low morale. If this situation is not changed quickly, the outcome of the war against the United States will be unimaginable. To reverse this unfavorable situation, we must choose the right time to launch a severe blow to the U.S. military. It is against this background that General Vo Nguyen Giap, Minister of Defense of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, began to brew a plan in his mind.

Vo Nguyen Giap knew that the combat effectiveness of the US military in frontal combat was far higher than Vietnam, but he had no choice, but at this time the Soviet Union sent liaison personnel, expressing that the Soviet Union was willing to see the US military defeated, so he had an idea and more adequate preparations, Use better weapons to launch this decisive offensive.

   Since October, the Soviet Union's Trans-Siberian Railway has been very busy, crossing China to send the weapons that have just left the factory to Hanoi, and Hanoi has its own way to send them to the hands of the scheduled attacking troops. This is the Ho Chi Minh Trail. (To be continued~^~)