Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 592: Brezhnev's statement

   "It's nothing!" Serov stood up suddenly but felt his eyes darkened, and swayed back to his place. As if I have no strength, let's start! "Yelina, I'm a little uncomfortable to call in a few technical officers who came over." Serov, who was somewhat confused, shouted to the woman in the back room, and then heard a crisp sound of high-heeled shoes.

  In any case, the situation in France became much worse during the time of de Gaulle's visit to Romania. After returning from Romania, Charles de Gaulle supported his weak body and talked about it with several important ministers in his government, trying to find a way to restore peace in France. There is no doubt that with the participation of the two major groups of workers and farmers , this is no longer a problem of ordinary parades, but has evolved into de Gaulle's own ********* news is still in the block, but it is useless for our country, and the countries that have the conditions know it Our country is caught in an unprecedented wave of protests. "The person in charge of the French cable TV station said with a heavy heart.

  From the beginning of the protests, the actions of the de Gaulle government were no different from other countries, that is, the police were dispatched to restore order, and the TV station did not pay attention to the situation, so that the news of Paris would not spread to other places. But so far, neither of the two conventional solutions has worked. The police expulsion has no effect, and it even makes the opponents stronger and stronger. The TV station's move to block news is completely covert, and cannot prevent the storm from spreading to the whole country.

   Up to now, the strike has spread to more than 90 provinces across the country, and the wave has spread overseas, especially in Algeria, France's largest overseas province, and unstable factors have begun to appear again.

   Paralyzed railways, paralyzed roads, paralyzed public transport systems, paralyzed shipping, paralyzed all flights. Factories no longer produce goods, and farmers no longer manage their fields, as long as the strike lasts longer. There will be shortages of all kinds of products for life, and there will be **** piles on the streets, and de Gaulle knew that at that time it will become a real problem.

"It's okay to protest, but it's absolutely not okay to make trouble." De Gaulle emphasized with a cold face, "The protests are hurting France's body, which is as disgusting as the defecation on the bed at home. Let the protests first The source of that, the student deported, and see how people react."

   After finishing speaking, De Gaulle felt difficulty breathing, but he still said calmly on the surface, "I've just returned to China and feel a little unwell, you go down first, and let Pompidou come here to tell me if there is anything."

“The longer the strike lasts, the more France itself will be weakened, so it doesn’t really matter whether this plan is successful or not. In the worst case, we can support Algeria’s independence and kill more than 40,000 people. The blood of the French army is in vain." Serov, who had a white towel on his head, said weakly, "As long as the army can't be moved, de Gaulle can't make a comeback. Another reason is to be careful about the unity of the bourgeoisie. That is, de Gaulle's supporters. People, when they are united, the power that erupts is actually very strong. This power is not weak in France, but there is almost none in Algeria. Therefore, there are two factors that prevent the other side from overturning, the French army stationed abroad, and the rule of de Gaulle those who benefit from it.”

"Also, de Gaulle must have fallen ill now, spread the news to Paris, these few days are de Gaulle's weak period, and he came out to meet the citizens, this old man who is almost 80 years old can't bear it, he only needs to show a little bit. If he is sluggish, let the Fifth Division spread the news and oust him." After coughing twice, Serov stopped talking and came out of the KGB General Hospital. It was the first time he fell ill in recent years. At this time Need to lie down and do nothing.

Yelena took notes and then sent his words to Lubyanka by telegram. She can also use telegrams proficiently and has a KGB codebook. Like Valiya, this woman has also learned some things about the KGB. .

   An hour later, in the Moscow Kremlin, Suslov finished listening to the report and asked, "Why didn't Serov come back? De Gaulle has already returned to China, why didn't he go back to Moscow?"

   "The chairman has fallen ill and is recovering at the station in the southern cluster. Now he can't get out of bed at all." Sakhartowski replied in a low voice, "It's the first time I've seen him fall ill in recent years."

Sakhartowski did not mention how Serov fell ill, because he did not know, many departments of the KGB and even his first vice-chairman did not know what they were doing. The names were all normal. department. This method of drugging the leaders is very taboo, and Serov will not disclose it to others at all, because it is simply blocking himself. Since he can drug the French president to achieve his goals, why can't he attack the Kremlin. The Kremlin garrison was returned to the KGB, and the conditions were better than in Romania.

  The next day, a message began to spread among the people in Paris, that is, because of the protest, de Gaulle fell ill due to physical problems under emotional agitation. This is not a rumor, de Gaulle was indeed sick at this time. When he was cultivating, many people were helpless and did not know how this news spread.

At this time, Serov, who had been lying for a day, came out of the room, took a deep breath of the salty black sea breeze, and said with a relaxed expression, "Yelina, the environment here is not bad, isn't it, the commanders of these southern clusters are really Enjoy life.”

The house and the facilities used by the commander of the southern cluster obviously surpassed those in China, and the local military districts in the country clearly surpassed those in Moscow. Serov dared to conclude that as long as he wanted to investigate this issue, the Third General Administration would definitely be Once you check it out, the words of Emperor Shangao's long distance also exist in the Soviet Union, especially the foreign troops stationed in the Soviet Union. Without the KGB's staring, using their power to make soldiers build a high-quality living environment can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

"The body just came out to blow the air? I told you to take medicine, but you don't take it." Ye Liana put her hands over the man's arms from the back, put her head on Shelov's back and smelled the man's smell, and whispered, " I really want to hold you like this..."

In the splendid Elysee Palace, anyone who comes here will sigh. In terms of luxury goods, the French have always been leading the trend in Europe. This palace with a history of more than 200 years is made of marble. Brilliant. The walls of each living room are decorated with gilded joinery, with famous paintings and exquisite tapestries hanging on the walls, surrounded by gilded carved furniture and rare works of art, as well as gleaming table clocks and large chandeliers.

But at this time, the atmosphere inside the presidential palace was rather solemn. President Charles de Gaulle was indeed ill, and many ministers were waiting for the result, hoping that it would not be a big problem, because at this time, once the great prestige General de Gaulle could not perform his duties, They couldn't find anyone to replace him, to withstand the wave of protests outside.

At this moment, the door to the president's bedroom opened, which made everyone's heart sigh, and the doctor with the cyst came out and said, "For young people, these are just minor problems, but considering that the president is already seventy-eight years old. , I think the recovery time will be longer, and a week of rest is enough for his body to recover."

   "But the recent situation, hey!" A minister said half-heartedly and did not continue. Several other people's faces were also full of solemn expressions, and they felt that the situation was beyond their control.

   At this time, the somewhat weak de Gaulle pushed open the door and made his debut, "I want to make a televised speech to let people know that my own health is fine and solve this political crisis."

   But the director of the cable TV station showed a wry smile and said, "In the morning, the major TV stations have already gone on strike, and most of the staff have joined the protesters."

This news made de Gaulle's heart sink, and his already weak body almost fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Even if there is a strike, it is impossible for all of them to go on strike, gather the rest, and I have to give a televised speech. "

   He announced a referendum on civic participation, and if the referendum failed, he himself would step down. However, this speech not only failed to dampen the morale of the protesters, but made de Gaulle himself further into the protagonist of various satires. In a black-and-white background, a black-and-white shadow was painted, which was clearly the shadow of de Gaulle wearing a military cap, and it said that the troublemaker was him…

   That night, barricades appeared on the streets of Paris again, and there were fierce clashes between the protesting crowd and the French police. Cars were set on fire and people threw stones at police who came to drive them out. But the news that de Gaulle was ready to talk to the protesters instantly broke the psychological defense of the police, and the police union began to express dissatisfaction with the authorities: they were first used to suppress the protesters' riots, and then they learned that the authorities wanted to talk to the protesters, Is the next step to take care of the protesters' emotions and sell them directly to the police?

   The only remaining republic security team loyal to the authorities was enough to deal with the protesting students, but in the face of a large number of strikers, the authorities would never dare to risk a strong suppression.

"According to our estimates, this protest has swept the whole of France, in more than 90 departments, and all the overseas departments. There are 10 million people participating in the protest in France, and the Algerian Workers' Party has stated that they have the support of the whole of Algeria. Comrades, don't you know that with this level of strength, we can take action? Second secretary, you said, this is what you promised." Serov, who had just returned to Moscow, sought support in the Kremlin.

"It seems it's time, you can do what you want, I'll see the results." Brezhnev nodded slightly, he had decided to look at the political power of France, and it seems that he did see it now, de Gaulle's political life Come to the end. (To be continued~^~)