Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 598: Brezhnev era

The entire congress was held in a solemn atmosphere. Khrushchev, Suslov, Brezhnev, Kosygin, Shelepin, Mazulov, Polyyansky, Sherest, and other members of the Central Presidium were in bed. sit. The statue of Lenin behind them and the flags of 16 Soviet Union and 15 republics made the whole venue look very solemn.

Below are members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union, representatives of the Supreme Soviet, advanced workers, heroes of socialist labor, ministers of various departments, and representatives of the Communist Party of other countries, including France, Italy, Indonesia, etc. General Secretary of the Communist Party.

This is the last time Khrushchev will hold a meeting as the first secretary of the Soviet Union and chairman of the Council of Ministers. Seeing the people who are waiting closely below, this kind of reluctance cannot be said to be completely put down, but Khrushchev also knows himself well. With such a large age, it is impossible to say when it will be gone, and retirement must be retired.

  The conference was announced by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Suslov, and thunderous applause broke out in the venue. It even suppressed the voice of Khrushchev's microphone already standing on the podium. Even though many people have reservations about Khrushchev's leadership, they still give the greatest support to the top leader who is about to retire.

Khrushchev pressed his hands together and waited for the applause to stop. He put on his glasses and held the speech to begin his last speech as the first secretary of the Soviet Union and chairman of the Council of Ministers, "The Soviet people in 1918 This great revolution was held in 2010. As the revolutionary mentor Lenin pointed out many times, it started a new era in the history of the whole world. There have been various revolutions in history. However, none of the past revolutions can be compared with October socialism. Compared with the revolution. Building a society where no one exploits people has been the dream of the working people and progressive human beings in the world for thousands of years. For the first time in history, the October Revolution took this dream on one-sixth of the world's land. It has become a reality. This revolution proves that without the landlords and the bourgeoisie, the people can build a new life of freedom and happiness in a planned way. At the same time, it proves that without the oppression of imperialism, the nations of the world can coexist in harmony.”

"The reason why the Soviet Union is invincible is because the Soviet Union is a country that has replaced the capitalist system with the socialist system, a country that has replaced the dictatorship and government of the exploiting classes with the dictatorship and government of the proletariat, and a country that has replaced the dictatorship and government of the exploiting classes with the dictatorship and government of the proletariat. A country that develops social productive forces at a rapid rate is a country that truly implements proletarian internationalism, truly opposes national oppression and assists the liberation of the oppressed nations. Such a country has the enthusiastic support of all its own people, and at the same time the enthusiasm of people from all over the world. Support. These two kinds of support have reached levels that have never been seen in the history of nations.”

   The face of the Soviet Union has completely changed in fifty years. Before the revolution, Russia's economic and technological strength had been relatively backward. Now the Soviet Union has become the world's first-class powerful industrial country. The standard of living of the Soviet people continued to improve. The scale of development of education, science and culture in the Soviet Union far exceeds that of capitalist countries. The Soviet Union built the world's first atomic power station, made the world's first jet airliners, made the world's first intercontinental ballistic rockets, and launched the world's first and second artificial satellites. Opened up the human race to conquer the natural world. All this is not only the pride of the Soviet people, but the pride of the proletariat all over the world, and the pride of all mankind. Only some reactionaries are unhappy about this.

"As the revolutionary mentor Comrade Lenin said, the ice has been broken, the road has been opened, and the route has already been pointed out." When it came to this, there was thunderous applause from the whole venue, "We must note that in the wide-ranging All over the world, the socialist movement is booming. In Southeast Asia, the local people are heroically taking out their weapons and fighting resolutely. In the Middle East, South America, and the oppressed people at the bottom have awakened their minds and began to fight for a human being. The basic needs are the needs of life, the needs of individuals, and the needs of society at the same time. The European comrades have won the rights of the people through peaceful means. No matter what means they have achieved this, I myself believe in one thing.”

Having said that, Khrushchev stopped talking and slowly took off his glasses with trembling hands. An old man in his seventies, his body was unprecedentedly straight at this time, his expression was so sincere and his eyes were So hot. This performance made the entire venue silent, waiting, wondering what Khrushchev wanted to say.

"I firmly believe that capitalism will be buried, and the final winner must be us. Maybe I can't see this day, but this day is bound to come. Whether some countries are willing or not, history will prove that, We want to bury the capitalist society, and the future of mankind will definitely belong to us!" Khrushchev still uttered his classic famous words when he presided over the conference for the last time, and this sentence has more weight than ten years ago.

All members of the Central Committee, representatives of the Supreme Soviet, including Serov below, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia Semychasny, First Secretary of the Moscow Municipal Committee Egolychev, Second Secretary of Lithuania Harazov, Minister of Petroleum Industry Tikuno All the people including TASS President Meshatsev, Azerbaijan First Secretary Kochemasov, Soviet Radio Chairman Goryunov, and Leningrad City Party First Secretary Torskykov all stood up and applauded. Show support for Khrushchev with slogans, but with silent actions.

   "Look at those people!" Chernenko also stood up at the same time and stabbed Sierbitsky beside him with a hidden movement.

"Huh?" Shcherbitsky glanced at Chernenko, then glanced past Chernenko, and looked at Serov's group. Around Serbitsky, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union Serokoff , Director of the General Office of the CPSU Central Committee Pavlov, Vice Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers Novikov, Vice Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers Tikhonov, and security cadres KGB Vice Chairman Zinev, KGB Vice Chairman Zweigon, Chebrikov, chairman of the Belarusian KGB.

   At this moment, Serov also saw Shcherbitsky after being reminded, and the two nodded to each other. The two groups of people sat down one step later than the other Central Committee members, but they did not appear too abrupt.

   looks very strong, this is what Serov and Sierbitsky thought after they sat down. From the perspective of the large number of members of the Central Committee, friends like Shelepin are almost the largest group in the Soviet Union at this stage. And Shcherbitsky had to face his opponent Sherest, although Podgorny had stepped down, she was also a member of the Central Presidium. But in fact, this kind of consideration is definitely wrong. Brezhnev has been a local cadre for many years. As long as the time comes, if he wants to find cadres who follow his own ideas, he can have as many cadres as he wants, but now those cadres are still Dormant.

  Khrushchev did not see the following situation, and he continued to make his own report, "We should have firm belief and use will to overcome the difficulties we face until the final victory."

After Khrushchev finished his speech, Mikoyan, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, walked to the front of the rostrum. Compared with Khrushchev's passionate speech, the nominal Soviet leader spoke softly and talked about some mistakes and mistakes made by the Soviet Union. question, but the tone is definitely not violent, and at the same time, it shows that he is too old to be fit for the highest position, should step down from the position of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, do some secondary work, and give up the main work to more Energetic leaders.

   In the strict sense, Mikoyan did not retire, but resigned as chairman of the Supreme Soviet and a member of the Central Presidium. He can continue to work, but he will not appear on the highest stage in the future.

"I propose that Comrade Brezhnev be the first secretary, while Comrade Kosygin is the chairman of the Council of Ministers, and Comrade Sherepin is the second secretary. Next, I invite comrades to vote on the appointment of the three comrades. Comrade Mikoyan and I recommended Comrade Andropov, Secretary of the Central Committee and Minister of the Liaison Department of the Central Committee, and Comrade Serov, the General Political Commissar of National Security and Chairman of the National Security Committee, to join the work of the Central Presidium and lead the work in their respective fields.” After Khrushchev finished speaking, he and Mikoyan returned to their respective positions.

   "Don't vote for me! Vote against..." Serov whispered to Yegolychev next to him.

"Why, what a great opportunity." Yegolychev also lowered his voice, but his voice was full of doubts. He felt that Serov had gone crazy. The members of the Central Presidium showed that he was already in the In terms of status, it was leveled with everything, but Serov didn't want to go up? What a joke.

"Just listen to me!" Shelov didn't say much. Khrushchev is still the first secretary. Basically, as long as he proposes, this matter can't run away. Anyway, it can be confirmed. He doesn't need to pursue 100% approval. ticket.

  In the end, all Khrushchev's proposals were passed, and Serov as a member of the Central Presidium had the most dissenting votes, but in fact it was Yegolychev and the others who voted. Serov also entered the Central Presidium.

Since this meeting, the Soviet Union has actually entered the Brezhnev era. Of course, the current Brezhnev is just a weak first secretary. After the vote, Brezhnev was as moderate as always, saying We must thoroughly implement collective leadership and devote all our capabilities to the development of the Soviet Union. (To be continued~^~)