Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 610: Brezhnev's plan

"From our point of view, we can only support you, and we can only support you. This is also the reason why we have asked you not to get too close to any other forces for a long time, and you must win the trust of the people in the areas under your influence. I hope Comrades in Iraq understand that no one can be trusted except their own comrades, and I believe I don’t need to say more about this. You can find any country, including the Soviet Union and China, and you can come to this conclusion.” On a separate occasion, Serov had an in-depth conversation with Abdullah Rahman, "Putting your hopes on others can only lead to betrayal, the most recent example being Indonesia, the setback of Indonesia's success. The coup d’etat, otherwise the Indonesian Communist Party is now history…”

Looking through the history of the Iraqi Communist Party, it is the same as the general situation in the world, that is, it has been continuously suppressed since its establishment, and it has been continuously attacked until it finally disappeared. The Iraqi Communist Party was the first to support Qassem's Free Officers to organize a coup, and the organization was the first. Republic, which in turn disbanded several outlying organizations. After Kassem died in battle, he fled with Arif, an accomplice of the Ba'ath Party. As a result of the second coup d'état, Arif threw himself into the streets again. Then, in the 1970s, it cooperated with the Baath Party, and finally it was completely purged in 1979.

Because until this result, Shelov was helping members of the Iraqi Communist Party to train secret agents many years ago, and let the most powerful Communist Party organization in the Middle East go underground, hoping to preserve its strength and be able to use it one day. In terms of protecting the survival of the Iraqi Communist Party, it was successful.

If it weren't for the fact that the military government was dealing with various rebel forces, the fate of the Iraqi Communist Party would have been the same as history, with the heads of people who were killed rolling down, "I hope you still remember how the General Secretary Comrade Fahd died, if Comrade Rahman died. I feel that only the Communist Party can save Iraq, so I hope you can listen to me, that is, you must implement the iron and blood policy, either you are ready to be a force that is constantly being attacked, or you must use all your strength at the beginning to kill All opponents, including anyone, whether military officers, Baathists, or religious organizations, as long as you can do it, the Soviet Union will give you full support."

"Finally, I would like to say hello to Comrade Hussein Alradi, the first secretary, on my behalf. I hope that the Iraqi Communist Party and himself can achieve the final victory! I hope you will start preparing to covert up from now on, and we must beware of it at any time. The reactionary dog ​​jumps over the wall!" Shelov finally shook hands with Abdullah Rahman, reminding the other party very seriously to be careful of the appearance of traitors, and finally prepare a hidden location early.

   This is the second time Serov has met with the Central Committee member of the Iraqi Communist Party. Like the first time, the two stayed in Baku for a few days, and then went to some other cities in Azerbaijan to see what the rest of Azerbaijan was like.

   Abdullah Rahman then left Baku, and he also needed to secretly return to Iraq. Explain in detail your situation in the Soviet Union and Serov's attitude. Once you decide to seize power by arms, you must make relevant preparations.

"At the National Security Conference to be held next month, the Albanian Ministry of Internal Affairs is invited to participate." After returning to Moscow, Serov got the plan report of Zinev and Tsvigon. The plan was sent to the Central Presidium for approval. In fact, the strategic offensive has been decided at the top, and these plans will definitely be passed.

   With economic incentives and military support, we must resolutely stand firm in key countries, even in wars.

   "How many of them went to the Kremlin?" Serov, who was holding a red encrypted phone, was referring to several security cadres of the Dnipro gang, Zinev, Tsvigon, and Serokoff.

"Yes, it should be looking for the first secretary. I think the documents you issued should make them feel inappropriate!" The voice on the phone said, "But it seems that Brezhnev and the Kosygin's tone of de-escalation does not match! You must know that the Federal Republic of Germany has already responded."

   After the Soviet Union issued a détente speech, the Federal Republic of Germany first responded. Serov remembered that this was the later Eastern Policy. On the basis of independent development, the Federal Republic of Germany got rid of the control of the United States, pursued independent diplomacy, and improved its international status. The relaxation of relations between the East and the West played an important role, but it was essentially based on the status and interests of the Federal Republic of Germany and aimed at achieving German reunification. . Although the New Oriental Policy is based in the West, it has independently developed relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. This is the beginning and sign of the Federal Republic of Germany playing an important role on the international political stage.

"It won't work, Brezhnev knows about it. But it's better for these people to be in our sight all the time, and nothing will happen under our noses, and we just need to investigate, these people are We are not forming a surveillance team for us, with the cautious personality of our first secretary, this is very likely to happen." Serov hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

The    detente strategy should be based on strength, but during the Khrushchev period, the balance of power between the Soviet Union and the United States did not change, nor did the distribution of power in the world change, and the pattern of international relations remained the same. Khrushchev's moderation was constrained by the times. The Soviet Union was intentional, while the West was ruthless. There was no strategic implication. The West has an absolute advantage and naturally will not be deceived by the Soviet Union. But it is different now. The US’s own strength and control are declining, while the independence of Western Europe is rising. Of course, Western European countries are not very willing to be cannon fodder on the front line, especially the Federal Republic of Germany, which is on the front line of cannon fodder.

   Moderation can deceive success, fueled Western European appeasement against the Soviet Union, and fostered differences between Western Europe and the United States. The obvious difference between Western Europe and the United States in their approach to the Soviet Union partly reflects the unique personality of Western Europe as a world power.

"You said that Chairman Serov's document is obviously not in line with the central government's detente?" Brezhnev looked at his old friend and said calmly, "Whatever he wants to do, you can cooperate, it's up to you. In the KGB, I believe there will be no problems, and we in the Soviet Union also need a tougher person to speak up, which you all don’t understand.”

   "However, before receiving the response from the Federal Republic of Germany, these documents did have an aggressive taste." Interior Minister Serokoff said in shock, "Will it make people feel that we have a hegemonic color?"

"According to Serov's status, of course he will, but he is only a member of the Central Presidium and can express his own voice, but he cannot represent the attitude of the entire country. At the same time, I also want to see what the cadres are thinking. Brezhnev looked at his friends with the same attitude and said, "cooperate with him, he is your chairman after all."

After a few people left, Brezhnev breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Andrei, after the National Security Conference, I decided to elect Sherepin as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, and at the same time clarify the policy of stabilizing the cadre class, what do you think? ?"

"Of course I welcome the stability of the cadre class. It will also help you to consolidate your position, but the election of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet turned out to be Shelepin. Will this make Shelepin more difficult to deal with?" Kirilenko immediately objected, if not Brezhnev has always been thoughtful, and he wondered if his boss was a little confused.

"Being the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, is nominally the head of state of our country. Do you think Sherepin's authority is so important that others will be satisfied? At least Kosygin is not satisfied. I know him very well." Brezhnev is not in a hurry He stated his purpose and said, "The chairman of the Supreme Soviet is also the second secretary. Even if I agree, Kosygin will not agree. Besides, the second secretary is theoretically my successor, and I don't feel that my body has What's the problem, I need a successor now..."

"When the time comes, you will create rumors and ask others to propose to remove the organizational rights of the second secretary? It seems that you don't know the gain or loss. Although the threat of being a successor has been lifted, Xie Lepin has become the nominal head of state. Whether it’s a loss or a loss, there’s no way to judge now.” Kirilenko thought about it for a long time, but still felt his head was muddled.

   "Let's take one step at a time. After all, the other party has been in business for so many years." Brezhnev comforted his old friend. He couldn't have dismissed the second secretary immediately after pushing Sherepin to the position of chairman of the Supreme Soviet. Because the color of this transaction is too obvious, the sausage-cutting tactic cannot cut too much for the first time. When Sherepin is also the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, the second secretary, the chairman of the Party and State Supervisory Committee, the member of the Central Presidium, and the vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers. The position has aroused the vigilance of some cadres. With public opinion, Brezhnev can follow the call and remove the position of the second secretary.

In the past few days, Serov has been preparing for the National Security Conference. This year's National Security Conference will be held a month earlier than previous years. It will be held in November. After the notification document is issued, Serov will also discuss the issue of military assistance with Ustinov. .

Given the situation in Iraq at this time, a few hundred T54 tanks should be enough to settle all problems. As for the route, it can be transported from Syria to Iraq, but preparations must be started now. First, it will be handed over to the Syrian army. Others will think that this is the Soviet Union Syria's support will not arouse suspicion. (To be continued~^~)