Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 653: President Allende

  Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile. The name Santiago is very common in the Spanish colonies, and many important cities in Spanish-speaking countries have this name, as is the second largest city in Cuba. The special plane of the Soviet Union to participate in the conference first arrived in Havana, the capital of Cuba. Before the conference, the Soviet delegation first paid a visit to Cuba.

Brezhnev and Castro embraced affectionately and expressed their friendship, while Serov had more important things to do. Ustinov couldn't get out of the country because of the domestic military plan, so Serov came to this matter. Do. He found Raul Castro. Raul Castro was an important supporter of Castro in the military and has always been the leader of the Cuban army. If Serov remembers correctly, this Castro's The younger brother also holds a world record. He is the longest-serving person in the Ministry of Defense, which does not make Castro's assassination record any better than before.

What the two discussed was the issue of the Cuban revolutionary armed forces. The Soviet Union hoped that the Cuban army could make certain adjustments. Throughout Latin America, Cuba’s military strength only lags behind Brazil in number. If the factor of combat effectiveness is considered, the Brazilian army It may not be an opponent, only the United States can suppress Cuba.

As long as Cuba exists, the Soviet Union can get a lot of benefits from it. As long as this anti-American country in the belly of the United States exists, it is worthy of the continuous investment of the Soviet Union. "What we mean is to build a strong airborne force in Cuba. If you are a general, I hope that there will be 80,000 people, accounting for about one-third of the Cuban army." While Brezhnev and Castro communicated revolutionary feelings, Serov was also discussing with Raul Castro. question.

  The largest airborne troops in the world are in the Soviet Union, with more than 200,000 troops. This force is used to attack Europe. For the time being, the Red Navy of the Soviet Union is still lacking, which will take time to make up for, but this does not mean that Cuba has no means to threaten the United States, that is, the airborne troops. To support a strong airborne force in Cuba, even if it does nothing, the United States will always be vigilant and keep its eyes on Cuba.

   "But we don't have the economic ability to feed this army, which may require huge help from the Soviet Union." Raul Castro also did not shy away from Cuba's difficulties. Many countries in this era could not afford a huge army.

"Our general secretary respects the opinion of the military very much, and the Ministry of Defense approves of this matter." Serov did not directly say that there is no problem, but told Raul Castro from the side that the attitude of the Soviet Union was in the end. how is it.

  Large-scale paratrooper operations require the cooperation of ground troops, and it is easier to succeed in shallow depths. In the battles where large-scale paratroopers are on their own, the German Army’s Battle of Crete achieved the purpose of the campaign, but the paratroopers suffered heavy losses. The large-scale use of paratroopers must be in a favorable situation for one's own side, such as air dominance, and then used to speed up the war process. Generally, it must be used in conjunction with the main attack, and it is unlikely to undertake separate combat tasks. Due to their own limitations, paratroopers cannot carry heavy weapons and heavy armored vehicles, and logistical supplies are also a problem. Therefore, if the two sides are evenly matched, this is equivalent to sending experience. In the famous airborne battles in history, most of them succeeded because they had an absolute advantage, and those who failed basically had to take risks.

   Cuba certainly does not have air superiority over the United States, but it is not without favorable conditions. The favorable condition is the distance between Cuba and the United States. It must be known that the success of millions of people defecting to the United States is because the distance between the two sides is too short. After the successful landing to freedom, the United States quickly rescinded the policy of granting green cards to Cubans upon arrival in the United States.

   Cuba can be said to be a Cuban as long as they issue an identity certificate, so there is no guarantee that there will be no second smuggling operation. And as far as Serov knows, the situation in Florida seems to be very bad now. After the Soviet Union's law thief group landed, it brought a new force to the American gang culture. These opponents, who have been entangled with the Cheka for decades, began to Rooted in America.

The law and order in Florida plummeted, and native Americans began to flee the state. The situation continued for a few years, and the state was about to be destroyed. Because there were no black people in Eastern European countries, the discrimination against black people by those who landed was more serious. This large-scale conflict will inevitably involve the participation of Eastern European groups. As for many people who want to return to China and don't want to stay in the United States, I'm sorry, all Eastern European countries, including the Soviet Union, have not responded.

  Returning to the topic, among the people in Florida, it is not that there is no KGB presence, they continue to serve the Soviet Union in the group of stowaways. Once Cuba builds up a strong airborne force, these people can also deliver the message for Cuba.

   "Cuba, as a part of the camp, is of course willing to shoulder its collective responsibility." Raul Castro did not make his words too clear, it is enough for both sides to point to it.

   When the capital of Chile, Santiago, began to gather socialist parties from all over the world, the American media paid extraordinary attention to this World Congress of Communist and Workers’ Parties, which had been held in Moscow before. This was the first time it was held within the traditional sphere of influence of the United States in Latin America. The reports of some conservative media in the United States were full of hostility, and they almost directly said that an earthquake in San Diego would kill all the parties participating in the conference. As for the culprit, Serov again, who made Brezhnev have a meeting with Nixon just now.

  Compared to the excitement of the media, the White House took it coldly. The U.S. government can't fire at will at this time. Although they hate Allende more than anyone else, if something happens during the conference. It is estimated that the Communists of hundreds of parties will fight against the Americans, and people from countries all over the world have entered the United States to do things. From this point of view, the United States wants more than anyone else to be calm during the convention, and Nixon has publicly stated that this is Chile's own right.

   On September 25, the joint delegation of the Soviet Union and Cuba arrived in Santiago, the capital of Chile, and was warmly welcomed by Chilean President Allende. Allende and Brezhnev hugged tightly after shaking hands.

  The two took a car to the Chilean Presidential Palace. La Moneda Palace is located in the center of Santiago and is the presidential palace of Chile. La Moneda means money in Spanish because it used to be the Royal Mint.

  La Moneda Palace has been the office of the President of Chile and some government departments since the 1920s, and became a national historical site in Chile in the 1950s.

  The north gate of La Moneda Palace is opposite the Constitution Square. On the square stands the bronze statue of General Woijins, the pioneer of the Chilean liberation movement. The remains of the general are placed in the marble coffin of the Motherland Altar under the pedestal. Two heavily armed salute guard the general's heroic spirit day and night. General Woijkins was the founding father of Chile and dedicated his life to the independence and liberation of Chile.

Brezhnev, Andropov and Serov also looked at the bronze statue of General Woijins before entering the La Moneda Palace, where Allende had prepared a dinner to welcome the representatives of Chile and Cuba group.

"According to the newspaper, Allende has been in trouble, and strikes have occurred from time to time. In fact, this is unlikely. Have you ever seen such frequent strikes in a country that implements a socialist system?" Serov stood in the hotel at night. In front of the hotel, I asked Andropov next to him. It is not that there are no strikes in the Soviet Union, but that a socialist country must first ensure that people have jobs, and people will basically not have such frequent strikes when they are working. . There are no unemployed people in the Soviet Union...

"It's really strange that President Allende's approval rate is not low, why do we see a different situation? Many of the people who asked were satisfied with President Allende's policies, why are they in the eyes of others? Opponents?" Andropov also said strangely to himself.

   "Some people are doing things, something like the situation in France at the beginning, the solidarity of capitalists." Serov said to himself, "If some people are deliberately looking for trouble, it will be easy to explain. It is speculative and deliberately causing social instability."

"Then they found the wrong opponent. We and our allies support a little something, enough to defeat these native Chilean businessmen and factory owners." Andropov smiled confidently, "But Allende Will the president accept our help?"

"He must know that it is very difficult for a country to develop under a blockade, especially in Latin America, where the United States is too powerful, don't you think it is strange that the price of copper has dropped? The pricing power is in their hands. However, the fall in ore prices is good for us. Although we encountered a little difficulty on the Chilean side, preparations for the Congo side have already begun. When we sign the European Security Agreement, we will start in the Congo." Shelov finished drawing Yan and Andropov strolled around the square for a while before they returned to the hotel.

  Chile is the country with the most abundant copper ore resources in the world, and the country with the largest copper production and export in the world, enjoying the reputation of "the kingdom of copper mines". The Atacama Desert in the territory is the arid pole of the world. In addition, it is the only country in the world that produces saltpeter. But the pricing power of these two things is in the hands of the United Kingdom and the United States. However, the Soviet Union is a completely different system. If you want to **** it, it will be easier than China in later generations, because the allies of the Soviet Union also need resources, and it will be much better with the help of Chile. The Soviet Union plus all the allies to pull up a Chile is a piece of cake.

But for President Allende, the first gift of the Soviet Union's visit was nothing else, but the Chilean security assessment report given by Serov to Allende, including the risk of a coup d'état in Chile and many suspicious generals. gift. (To be continued~^~)