Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 664: end of visit

"But we were originally from the Soviet Union and were only detained in Cuba. Castro sent us to the United States and arranged for us to be Cuban without our consent. At that time, Cuban soldiers had guns, and we had no choice." Another woman, who has evolved into a Russian aunt, said, "It's not reasonable, so it makes sense for us to go back to our country."

"The Soviet Union has international responsibilities towards Cuba. Since it was Comrade Castro's decision, the Soviet Union will bear any consequences. Take your case as an example. The Soviet Union has already been condemned by the American media at the time. That was the Soviet Union. At the price we paid, we chose to stand with our Cuban comrades, so we cannot accept your application to return home."

   Serov scratched his nails with a Damascus steel knife, and said in a slow tone, "When the General Secretary visited recently, you didn't hear what President Nixon said. We have allies and we must be responsible to them."

   Another president took out President Nixon’s remarks to block the mouths of these American reporters. The American reporters on one side looked at each other and shook their heads, feeling that they could not refute the matter.

   This Soviet general political commissar often speaks with the remarks of the US president. They can’t use their usual sharp teeth and sharp mouths. They can’t always say that what Kennedy and Nixon said is wrong. If it's the Soviets who say they can still mess around, but if it's the president of the United States, it's not good to slap yourself...

"President Serov, this involves not just the allies, but the fact that these people were sent to the United States against their will, and the Soviet Union, as the motherland of these people, should take them back." The female reporter said in a seductive voice. The face of this woman is average. Americans are considered to be the ugly ones among white people, but the size of her chest is a bit scary. I have never heard of how strong the United States is in this area. Isn't Russia the biggest **** in later generations? ?

Huh? Silica gel! Serov, who took a few glances at the female reporter, immediately concluded that the woman's ball was not real, it was too round. As the controller of several film and television bases, Serov is definitely a member. He has seen many films in this department and can tell the difference between natural and artificial at a glance.

Silicone women have no human rights, and Serov naturally did not change his face and continued with a dog-like sense of justice, and said with a look of international responsibility exceeding the sky, "This will make our Cuban friends dissatisfied, the Soviet Union can't do this, and these people will return to China. There is simply no way to continue to adapt to work, which will create unemployment in the Soviet Union, and we cannot do that.”

   "Isn't it just some unemployed people. Chairman Serov, we also have a lot of unemployed people in the United States, and some unemployed people contribute to the competitiveness of the Soviet Union." The female reporter continued to ask questions, feeling that the Soviet man in front of him was avoiding the important and taking the light.

"Seven percent of the unemployed people in the United States belong to your United States, and we have no unemployed people in the Soviet Union!" Speaking of which, Serov narrowed his eyes and said amusingly, "Don't you know that socialist countries do not allow unemployed people to exist? In Eastern European countries, including the Soviet Union, unemployment is zero in all countries…”

This sentence caused a burst of consternation. It was not inside the embassy, ​​but the Americans watching the excitement outside the embassy. Because Shelov knew English, he used English when talking with American reporters, which could make many Americans feel Can understand.

   "Hey, is what the Soviet man said true?" Some onlookers asked the Soviets who wanted to return home, many of whom were still dressed like human beings, and they eagerly asked questions that were closely related to themselves.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why should we return to the country? Look at your country's poor security, poor economy, far less stable than our motherland." The petitioner who was questioned looked reluctant and said: Put on a look like you don't bother me. This kind of angry attitude is more interesting to Americans. There is no unemployment rate in the Soviet Union? how is this possible?

  Many Americans don't know anything about the Soviet Union at all. What they know is what the American rulers let them know, such as the impression that they can't move freely like the United States, purges, and have no human rights. As for the virtues of the USSR, how could they possibly proclaim the virtues of their enemies? Even if you know your mistakes and learn from the Soviet Union to improve methods, you will not tell ordinary people that you got inspiration from the Soviet Union, but you will say that America has a clear destiny.

It's unfortunate that Serov knew about this situation. Serov, who loved the Internet in later generations, was surprised by the idiocy of Americans. He didn't even know a lot of common sense, especially the common sense of history and geography that even children knew. Americans He didn't even know all about it. At that time, he knew that American education must be very shameless.

It is 1973, and the United States is at the peak of its anti-war state. At this time, the Americans do not believe everything the US government says. In addition, the Soviet Union is getting stronger and stronger. This is the least confidence the American people have. If you don't sprinkle a few handfuls of salt at this time, when will you wait?

"You Americans should know that the situation in the Soviet Union is different from yours. A large part of our state expenditure is welfare expenditure. In this case, water and electricity are free, housing is free, there are bonuses for childbirth, and commodity prices are low. How can I Can these people be returned to China? This will cause a huge burden.” Shelov has always believed that if there are financial reasons for the Soviet Union’s inability to hold on in the end, the high military expenditure can only account for half of it, and the other half is public welfare expenditure.

   In fact, in the era when the Soviet Union implemented the policy of giving priority to heavy industry, low income and low consumption, the economy did not collapse. Under the socialist system, it is very dangerous to maintain an economic structure with heavy industry and military industry as the focus, and to maintain high welfare. Cut off welfare expenditure and continue the arms race. In another fifty years, the Soviet Union will not be able to will collapse.

"Of course, my words are not dead, the Soviet Union will not take them back, but they can apply at the Soviet embassy, ​​just like many foreigners immigrating to the Soviet Union, to prove their worth and join our construction. In the wave, we will naturally approve him to enter the Soviet Union." In the end, Serov still did not completely cut off the hope of these petitioners, but it was basically the same. Only one percent of these people may be able to return to their own country, and the rest will see you again. .

Before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its socialist economic construction had reached a very high level, perhaps because of the high oil prices as it is now, or perhaps because of a relatively loose economic environment, which has created a prosperous economy for more than 20 years and high national welfare. , the almost non-existent unemployment rate, the strong ruble, the happy people's life, the shortage of materials is there, but it is far less serious than the general country.

As for now, the Soviet Union is stronger than in history, has more countries to help, and has solved many problems that can only be solved with tropical countries as allies. At least after Indonesia's discoloration, the Soviet Union has never lacked rubber, and steel itself has There is no shortage, so there has been a huge development in the automotive industry.

   In the end, Serov did not disappoint the Eastern European countries who were cheering for him, and rejected the request of these people to return to the country. It is possible to join the Soviet Union, but it must be assessed by the embassies of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Other than that, there is no way to go back. If you want to smuggle, you can ask the Soviet KGB border guards to agree or not.

"Americans are so deceitful. There is absolutely a problem with education in this country. Do you really think we are fighting against them by eating grass naked? We have no common sense!" After the meeting, Serov looked down on the IQ of the United States. , said this to Dobrynin, "Also, don't show me American newspapers, especially those that write about me, I don't want to see Americans scolding me..."

He didn't know that although the scolding still persisted, the Soviet embassy has really ushered in a wave of immigration applications from now on. Originally, within a year, the vast majority of people were Soviets who wanted to return to China. There was a wave of American immigration to the Soviet Union, as if the Great Depression had been repeated.

Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko signed with the United States the "Basic Principles of Negotiations on Further Limiting Strategic Offensive Arms", the "U.S.-Soviet Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War", the "Soviet-U.S. General Agreement on Contact, Exchange and Cooperation," The Soviet-US Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy, the Soviet-US Agricultural Agreement, the US-Soviet Agreement on World Ocean Research, the US-Soviet Transport Agreement, the Soviet-US Income Tax Treaty, and the Soviet-US Trade Agreement Nine Agreements and Protocols including the Protocol of Negotiations.

On the 24th, the last day of Brezhnev's visit to the United States, the United States and the Soviet Union issued a joint communiqué, saying some nonsense that is not nutritious. There is only one thing of real value. The relationship between the two countries is based on peaceful coexistence and equality. on a safe basis. This sentence shows that the United States has recognized the Soviet Union for the first time since the end of the war as a country that is completely equal to itself.

In the Stalin period, the United States gave in step by step in the face of the US containment, and the Khrushchev period held high the stick of nuclear blackmail to threaten the US to respect the Soviet Union. Great country.

"We want to be on an equal footing with them? Why should Americans be on an equal footing with us? Give me ten years, and I will let the world know who is the country that truly walks with justice." On the special plane back home, Serov recovered again. With his big mouth, he doesn't need to pretend to be harmless at this time.

   "Have this opportunity, don't worry." Brezhnev said happily, he was very satisfied with this visit. Although the incident at the Soviet embassy was somewhat unpleasant, the general political commissar's ability to deal with the aftermath was not bad, quelling the impact of this incident.

But after returning to China, Brezhnev couldn't laugh anymore, and after hearing Kirilenko's report, he took a long time to say, "Shurik's trick is very difficult to do. Suppress the other two departments." (To be continued~^~)