Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 678: changing world

  Poverty is naturally not socialism, but poverty will make people revolutionary. When all hope is lost, don’t forget that there is one last option left, which is to lose a fight to the death. Africa has the soil to lose a fight to the death, but what to do after the fight is over, this is a problem.

Zinev is here to solve this problem. The KGB is an intelligence organization. Once it finds a profit, it's like a cat that smells fishy. It doesn't need anyone to remind himself. That's why he came to Ethiopia. Purpose.

The conditions for    are there. There is another condition for the widespread diffusion of socialist thoughts in this country, that is, the long-term rule that prevails. This is another reason why many third world countries are interested in the Soviet Union. Of course the latter is not the purpose of the Soviet Union, but it does exist objectively.

   After the initial meeting with the other party, Zinev was still satisfied, and he did not show a domineering attitude, and then reported the situation here to Serov in Moscow, and reported the situation here in detail.

  Serov's reply was coming soon, and the eloquent words in it actually had only one core content, "When will the rebels be eliminated?" This is a very direct question, so direct that it is not concealed.

   What era is this? This is an era of intense collision. The Soviet Union is fighting against the United States all over the world. There is no environment to slowly transform a country. In fact, since the establishment of the Soviet Union, there has been no such environment. The whole world is waiting for the Soviet Union to compete. Who has the time to wait for an African country to slowly complete its transformation? Serov feels that as long as a country is settled, the capital of that country must be eradicated immediately, instead of being concerned about public opinion. What is the use of public opinion? Only an idiot like Ge Tutu would listen to public opinion and adopt a governing strategy.

   "Head, is it a little more direct?" Zinev said in a very helpless tone. Although this was also his idea, he did not make it so undisguised. Comrade General Political Comrade's instructions were always so straightforward.

   "Some things can't be done by one country, but it can be done with a few friends. This is the dilemma we face." In Serov's reply, he pointed out the current peace in the Soviet Union. The dilemma of the Soviet Union is that there are too few friends. It is not that the Soviet Union is inferior to the United States, but that the circle of friends in the United States is stronger than that of the Soviet Union.

  There are only so many countries on earth. If the Soviet Union wants to expand its own circle of friends, it must squeeze other people’s circle of friends. No time to farm? Moreover, the dry Soviet Union has no way to do it. Can the Soviet Union transport the Antarctic ice sheet to Ethiopia? The problem can only be solved through the support of other countries, and the importance of Sudan is self-evident. But the Soviet Union is not for charity. If you want the Soviet Union to provide assistance, you must make the changes that the Soviet Union wants, otherwise there will be no talks.

"This is a class contradiction. Some unscrupulous chiefs and Haile Selassie's cronies have caused Ethiopia's dilemma. The Soviet Union can help through its allies, but you still need to make achievements yourself." Zinev expressed through a translator, euphemistically Based on Lubyanka's idea of ​​how to turn the unexpected joy into his own credit, Zinev decided to make a fuss about eliminating the rebels, otherwise the situation in Ethiopia would become a natural development and would not be his own credit.

  Zinev wanted to turn the natural development into his own credit. The chairman also gave this opportunity. How to grasp it depends on him. Then he must complete his task of eliminating counter-revolutionaries and live up to Lubyanka's expectations.

"Slow adjustment can certainly achieve its own purpose, but the time it may take is unimaginable, Colonel Mengistu, you may see results in a few decades, and sometimes, we have to Stained with some blood." Zinev pointed at the other party, neither light nor heavy.

For Mengistu, who was originally just a middle and low-level officer, he has just been in power for less than a month, and he still needs time to digest the existing power. In many aspects, he is in the stage of ignorance. It doesn't matter, Zinev can to him. It always takes time for a novice to become a politician. Looking at the dark skin of the other party, Zinev already has a plan in mind.

   Then kill a group of people first. In order to break with the past, Mengistu decided to execute a group of powerful people who had already been controlled, and then distribute the wealth of these powerful people to Jimin, who needed to avoid death the most. At the same time, it was announced in the capital Addis Ababa that it had received assistance from the Soviet Union to stabilize the hearts of the people.

   "We can clearly see that the United States cannot give us the support we need, so we must overcome the difficulties ourselves." After Mengistu's statement, he set off a huge march, showing Ethiopia's determination to break with the past. Two hundred ministers of the time of Haile Selassie I were executed on the same day.

"In this country, some nobles call people with dark skin, thick lips, and curly hair slaves... Now, I've made it clear to everyone that I'm going to knock down these ignorant people and make them smashed to pieces!" Mengistu said to his friends, "There will be no nobles in this country in the future. We have to tell everyone that one cannot use one's birth to determine one's life. This is why I am willing to maintain friendship with the Soviet Union."

   Mengistu's words caused a burst of warm applause, and these middle and low-level officers burst into a burst of enthusiastic cheers. The Military Consultative Council, which controlled the country, established a pro-Soviet policy through this meeting.

"Zinev has done a good job. Now our power restraint in Sudan has been lifted. If it is not the rainy season, we can actually attack the Democratic Republic of the Congo right now. How much power can we use now?" , the fruit of Ethiopia is ripe, it is really dozing off someone sent a pillow. Good luck can't stop it.

  The price of oil has risen sharply and the price of minerals has fallen. It all depends on what perspective. The drop in mineral prices has impacted countries such as Chile and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The sharp rise in oil prices has led to the rise of countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. In fact, Serov is very suspicious that there is international capital making waves here, but he has no evidence.

The problem will always be solved. The Soviet Union took advantage of Chile, and at the same time took advantage of the decline in mineral prices to take advantage of the Congo, which can turn the disadvantage into a positive. The earlier work in Iraq made the oil price rise not in vain. , so even if there were international capital involved in it, the Soviet Union did not let them take advantage of it. The biggest losses were Western Europe and Japan, who had nothing.

"Sudan mainly sent 120,000 troops to attack on the grounds that the Sudanese-speaking groups in the north were persecuted. This is the main direction of attack, attacking the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a head-to-head battle. As for the other direction, we need to plan carefully. The strength ratio is too far from the variance, so the relevant plan has not been launched." General Morrigin, director of the First General Bureau, said, "The plan is expected to start after the rainy season."

Congo Bu is the first socialist country in Africa, earlier than any Sudan. At that time, the KGB was still under the leadership of Sherepin. It should be a good springboard for attack. Geographically, it is indeed the case. The Congolese cloth blocked the sea and turned the Democratic Republic of the Congo into a landlocked country. But the problem is that this country is too weak, too weak, with a population of less than 2 million, it is difficult to recruit a single army. It is not easy for the Congolese Labour Party to maintain the stability of the Congolese cloth in the face of confrontation with the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is unrealistic for the country to play a greater role.

   Both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have armed opposition supported by the other side. At this time, it is impossible to send troops to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you think about it carefully, you will know that it is impossible. However, it is a pity that this excellent geographical condition is not used.

"In this way, after the war between Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the main responsibility of the DRC is to defend and ensure that the aid from the DRC is not transported to the DRC through its own country. Airlift 5,000 paratroopers into the Congo, attack from the west, and if possible, directly attack Kinshasa." Serov snapped his fingers, and now he can only put his hope on Cuba. Cuba is undergoing military reform, and a paratrooper force, the second largest in the world, is being created.

   Cuba’s act of establishing a huge paratrooper has caused a backlash in the United States. Some people say that Cuba should be attacked first to kill the Soviet Union’s springboard in Latin America, but it was abandoned because of the unity of Cuba. The United States does not want another Vietnam War, and Cuba is no worse than Vietnam in combat effectiveness in that respect. If it weren't for the fear of discoloration in Southeast Asia, the US military would want to withdraw now.

"I'll get in touch with Comrade Raul Castro right away. It shouldn't be a problem." Morigin saluted, and he was left alone in the empty office. Moscow is currently very busy. Brezhnev and Sherepin are both Events such as welcoming delegations from various Arab countries and signing bilateral agreements are held every day.

   A country like the Soviet Union welcomes foreign visits every day, even if it is not at the level of the head of state, it is the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Defense. After the Middle East War, this lively scene has been non-stop.

  Foreign Minister Gromyko has been the busiest person besides Brezhnev recently, or that is the reason, the consequence of the skyrocketing oil price, the land in Western European countries is generally only cultivated, as for oil, there is basically no. Therefore, when the price of oil rises, the first impact is on such countries, as well as Japan and South Korea in East Asia. It's not that the Soviet Union is begging these Western European countries to let them invest, these countries are sending them to their doorsteps. In the midst of the economic crisis, what kind of Paris is coordinating the organization, and hurry up and move further away. The economic crisis is already over, and what technology is still blocked. Besides, I don’t think the Soviet Union’s technology is better than ours. (To be continued~^~)