Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 683: Southeast Asia fighting

   This attack will be bigger, even more violent than in history, this is not something he can be responsible for alone. Even beyond the capabilities of the KGB department, after discussions, Brezhnev, Sherepin, Kosygin, and Suslov came up with a list of the charge, Andropov, Ustino The five people, Husband, Serov, Gromyko and Marshal Grechko, will adopt the mode of division of labor and cooperation to intervene externally.

"For at least ten years, the United States will be affected by the deficit of the Vietnam War. They are empty, and they will not use the knife at this time. I am sorry to the Soviets, comrades. This attack involves more than a dozen countries in Asia and Africa. In my ideal, of course, all the money will be harvested. However, given the different foundations, there must be a priority to invest, and there must be a sequence." Serov, who looked like he was about to hang up, tilted his head as if he hadn't woken up, and the standard Hawking lay down. , "It's a question of who comes first..."

"Ten years is enough for us to do a lot of things. If Comrade Serov's analysis is reasonable, a full-scale attack is of course good. The foundation in Southeast Asia is better, and there is help from a certain big country. We start first but invest a little less force. On the one hand, we are mainly attacking Africa and destroying the mining bases in Europe and the United States." Ustinov said leisurely, causing the people around him to nod frequently. In fact, they all have this attitude.

   "There is definitely time, but action must be fast." Shelov said that ample time and immediate action are not contradictory. We cannot underestimate the country of the United States. Although this country loves to step on the ground, it is endowed by nature, and it will definitely slow down if they are given time. The United States has a better foundation than the Soviet Union, and this is something that no confident Soviet cadre will deny. Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev understood this.

When   Reagan or someone similar to Reagan came to power, the United States would definitely be dissatisfied with the expansion of the Soviet Union. At that time, the United States will counterattack, and this is the general trend and no one can change it. But Reagan, Sheloff is not afraid. Reagan's achievements are all based on Ge map. It is difficult to prevent Reagan from appearing in the United States, and it is not too simple to let the Soviet Union's Ge map help it up. Not to mention the Ge map, even his golden partner, the Khitan comrade, cannot be promoted.

Yeltsin left his hometown without a letter of introduction when he was young. This incident was unfortunately sent out by Serov, so this person's security file was treated the same as Ge Tutu, and he was listed as a cautious promotion. 's officers.

Comrade Ge Tutu is still worried about himself. Some time ago, Serov visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs with his son, accusing the outbreak of social security problems in the Stavropol Krai. It is Ge Map. At the meeting of the KGB Presidium, Serov has asked the local State Security Bureau to take over the work of the General Administration of Internal Affairs and sent an investigation team to investigate local problems. Ge Map is being pressed on the ground by the Moscow investigation team. What about a state party secretary, it's easy to torture him.

   Sending all the guests away, Serov, who had his legs crossed, was not thinking about the current offensive plan. There was nothing to consider in the offensive plan. The United States would not oppose the Soviet Union in the face of prostration. At most, he pays money to fight with mercenaries. He can find more supporters in South Africa, Zimbabwe in Africa, Malaysia in Southeast Asia, and Japan and South Korea in East Asia.

   The important question is whether the Soviet Union can withstand the US counteroffensive. In the same sentence, Reagan is not afraid of him. Reagan's confrontation of killing chickens and taking eggs is only eaten by Ge Tutu. If he remembers correctly, Reagan came to power and implemented Reagan Economics, and even before the end of his term, the 1987 economic crisis broke out, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"There's Taylor on Thatcher's side, and Hepburn's on the Reagan's side. If you can really come up, wait for me to collect the corpses for your country." Glancing at the time, Serov went to the window, opened it, and put the corpses in the house. The smell of smoke was blown away, and Her Majesty the Queen was coming back soon. In front of Catherine III, the Chief Political Commissar should be more careful.

"This year will be a decisive year, Comrade Wen Jin Yong, I expect North Vietnam to complete the important task of reunifying the motherland and liberate the Vietnamese people who have been interfered by imperialism, and even the people of Southeast Asia. I hope the general will understand that Vietnam is also responsible for this. Yes, you and your Indonesian comrades have international obligations for the liberation of Southeast Asia." Tsweigun has recently appeared on important occasions in Hanoi. Since the US Defense Forces have withdrawn from South Vietnam, what value does the peace agreement have. Moreover, the domestic environment of the Soviet Union has changed, and supporting the reunification of Vietnam has become an inevitable choice.

  A week ago, an unusual meeting was held in Hanoi, and Tsweigun also participated. As a representative of the Soviet Union, he said it was unusual because it was not a meeting of the Vietnamese Communist Party. Participants came from Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia. This is completely the Soviet Union set up a stage for Vietnam.

At the meeting, Zweigong stood up for Vietnam, emphasized the significance of the war of liberation in Southeast Asia, and painted a huge pie for Vietnam, saying that some countries that have established a socialist system are responsible to the fraternal political parties in neighboring countries and should help They overthrew the current government and established a fraternal country. In fact, he recounted Serov's theory of limited sovereignty at the National Security Conference.

   Does anyone eat this set? Yes, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Le Duan, believes that this theory of the Soviet Union is very valuable. Historically, Vietnam has followed the Brezhnev Doctrine and tightened its control over Laos and Cambodia. As a result, the idea of ​​a three-nation federation once proposed by Ho Chi Minh in order to unite against the United States and save the country has become the theoretical basis for Le Duan's foreign expansion.

   Shelov knew that Le Duan liked this set, but he thought that Vietnam’s idea was still a little small, and it was possible to make the cake bigger. It didn’t matter if it included Thailand, or Myanmar. Anyway, Vietnam is impossible to succeed at all. Did it have the overwhelming Soviet advantage over Eastern Europe? No, Vietnam can't even figure out Indonesia. Since it won't succeed, there is no need to worry. But the Soviet Union needed Vietnam to charge forward, so it was still necessary to encourage Vietnam to succeed. Zweigong recently poured chicken soup into the hearts of the Vietnamese in Hanoi, hoping that Vietnam would overcome difficulties and become a sharp sword in the hands of the Soviet Union.

  Vietnam was ready to destroy South Vietnam a year earlier, there is no doubt about that. The domestic military production in the Soviet Union has reached its historical peak after the war. The four major tank factories are working overtime, because the Soviet Union has more allies than in history. In the first month of 1974, the four major tank manufacturers in the Soviet Union The factory has produced 460 tanks. At this rate, the annual output of tanks this year will reach 5,000.

   A quarter of the tanks that left the factory were transported to Vietnam to help the Vietnamese People's Army regain its strength faster. The Soviet Union did not stop North Vietnam from attacking, but adopted a tacit attitude, which is exactly what the Vietnamese hoped.

"Tsvigon said that in another month, North Vietnam will start to attack again? It's good not to waste our tanks and missiles, and also, when the communist parties of various countries are uprising at the same time, I hope it will cause a chain reaction." Serovna He made a gesture and said that all the preparations for the Soviet Union have been completed. The only thing that is still lacking is the issue of Turkey. I don’t know if the Kurdish Communist Party will be able to exert its strength at that time, and whether the Cyprus issue will break out as it should. .

All these must be considered. Not only has he been very busy recently, but Andropov has also been very busy. He is looking for a party to support. Although the Central Liaison Department has ample funds, it cannot take advantage of it. The offensive plans involving more than a dozen countries cannot have any A little snub.

   Southeast Asia in February is far from the cold Moscow. After the Spring Festival, it seems to be no different from previous years. The spring offensive a few years ago has been forgotten in people's memory, and farmers are working in the fields as usual. One year ago, on January 27, 1973, the Paris Conference Quartet (Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the United States, the South Vietnamese rebels (South Vietnam National Liberation Front), the Republic of Vietnam) officially signed the "On Ending the War and Restoring the War in Vietnam" in Paris, the capital of France. Agreement for Peace (Paris Peace Treaty). Within two months, all U.S. Defense Forces were withdrawn from Vietnam.

There was no large-scale conflict between the two sides for a whole year. Although there were small-scale frictions, many people felt that the war seemed to be far away. An old farmer went to the field with his child. His son and daughter-in-law had died in the war. , and the remaining grandson is his last hope. The two are doing farm work by the field. At this time, a plane is sent from far to near in the sky.

"It's a fighter jet from the north, is the war about to start again?" The old farmer looked up at the sky and muttered to himself. He suddenly lowered his head and pulled his child's hand home nervously. Of course farming is important, but not as important as his grandson. .

On this day, North Vietnam united with the South Vietnam National Liberation Front and started a formal offensive. In the vast rural areas of South Vietnam, the guerrillas of the South Vietnam National Liberation Front quickly integrated and began to besiege major cities. At the same time, North Vietnam sent 160,000 soldiers to the south. With the help of a hundred tanks, they besieged Chun Loc, the gateway to Saigon.

Under the cover of tanks and artillery, North Vietnam attacked Xuan Loc from all directions to besiege. Nguyen Van Thao, the head of the South Vietnamese government at the time, quickly reinforced Xuan Loc with a paratrooper brigade, two marine brigades, a special movement regiment, and eight artillery battalions. and two armored tank regiments. The north and the south fought a desperate struggle around Chunlu. The war between the two sides immediately led the United States to question the North's violation of the armistice, hoping that the Soviet Union and China would put pressure on it. (To be continued~^~)