Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 701: Improve efficiency

   Across China, after boarding and landing at Moscow Airport in Irkutsk, he didn’t have time to thank Soviet Airlines for not killing him. Serov, who was in a hurry, rushed directly to Lubyanka. Even if he was anxious, he had to act calmly.

   Really returned to his place, but Serov was not in a hurry. He is such a person, he is always unable to settle down in the process, repeating plans and deductions over and over again, but he is willing to resign himself to fate when things come to an end.

"You're going on a hunger strike, okay. I won't stop it. I guarantee that no one will know about those bastards. If you don't believe me, try it." Sheloff shouted as soon as he sat down, "It's so stinky. The problem, since they are not afraid of death, what am I afraid of?"

   All the senior security cadres present sat upright and followed orders with expressionless faces. From the moment the signs first appeared, they decided that their boss would come back as soon as possible.

"It hasn't started yet, Chairman." The First Vice-President Bobkov coughed softly. "There is a group of scholars who are resisting the reform of the Ministry of Education, threatening to go on a hunger strike if the Ministry of Education does not change their plans. But It hasn't started yet."

"Just that group of wine bags and rice bags, they still want to go on a hunger strike. Do you want me to provide them with a venue? First, prepare a thousand pairs of handcuffs, and bring all the scholars who jointly protested to Moscow. I want to watch them go on a hunger strike. Either they are hungry. Kill yourself or go to the rehabilitation center for treatment, I prefer the former.” Serov turned to look at Servanov and ordered, “Go to the Ministry of Education and get the documents about Russian education in schools in the Baltic countries and make a copy immediately. Send it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the three countries."

   "Chairman, if those people are really going to go on a hunger strike, what should we do?" Zinev was hesitant, he was afraid of taking responsibility.

"Then I will really watch them starve to death. No one will starve to death. There are seven or eight hundred scholars on the joint paper, and some of these people dare to starve themselves to death. Everyone is equal before starvation. , because there are many tragedies of hunger, I think it is more likely that people cannibalize people."

   Half an hour later, the document was sent to Lubyanka, and Serov signed it and sent it out immediately. The whole process was neat and tidy. First, I handed over the work I had set down from Vietnam. Finally, I went to the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Kosygin, with the conditions for the inspection from Vietnam, mainly the estimated data of Vietnam's arable land and grain output.

   In the past two years, there has been a food crisis in the world, and the Soviet Union has also been affected by the climate problem. Since the year before last, the Soviet Union's agriculture suffered severe crop failure due to two consecutive times of abnormal weather. In order to avoid the threat of the Cold War rival the United States, the Soviet Union skillfully and secretly purchased nearly 30% of the wheat harvest in the United States. On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, wheat futures hit a 125-year high.

   So Shelov went to Vietnam not to be a pick-up man, he really has important things. The arable land of Southeast Asian countries is urgently needed by the Soviet Union. After all, it is no longer the hundreds of thousands of people and 100 million gray animals in the imperial Russia period. The Soviet Union had to feed hundreds of millions of people, and it also had to lower the price of food on the market while taking care not to queue up.

"Vietnam agreed to export rice to us, which can alleviate our food shortage. In terms of taste, our people generally do not eat rice, and the demand is very small. But it can be used to feed livestock. But even so, the food gap still exists. , the year before last year, our grain plummeted by 40 million tons, and even Sudan could not make up for this shortfall, and made decisive progress in areas that were not in production. If the bad harvest of the previous year comes again, the supply sector will be under great pressure.” Serov in front of Kosygin It is well known that, apart from the chairman of the Council of Ministers in the Soviet Union, the one who knows the most about agricultural issues in the Soviet Union is Serov, the spy chief.

Since Brezhnev took over, the Soviet Union's annual investment in agriculture has increased, and now it has accumulated 60 to 70 billion rubles. According to this ratio, every three or four years, the investment in agriculture is enough for one year. military spending. This money is wasted. At the current price level of the Soviet Union, for every pound of meat eaten by everyone in the country, the country has to bear the cost of feed grain, transit time and distribution. Always losing money, never making a profit.

"It's hard work, Yura, the climate is our biggest enemy. Thanks to the efforts of the supply department, if we changed to a normal country, there would have been a big problem." Kosygin also saw the cultivated land in Southeast Asia before he began to support Brezhnev offensive strategy.

  The arid regions of the Soviet Union accounted for 40% of the arable land, and several major agricultural areas received very little rainfall. So drought has always been the main enemy of Soviet agriculture, but the Soviet authorities have been powerless to do anything about it. At present, the irrigated area in the Soviet Union only accounts for 8% of the cultivated land area, which basically depends on the weather. With the good or bad climate, food production fluctuates greatly, and there are few good years and many bad years. Once it catches up with the year with abnormal climate, the output will be reduced by tens of millions of tons at every turn.

"There's no way, who told us to live in this latitude." He gave Kosygin the investigation report from Vietnam. He hurriedly dealt with the next thing, and only after finishing all these trivial matters could he do it easily. business.

That is the crowd who applied to immigrate to the Soviet Union. Of course, Serov did not want foreigners to appear too much in the Soviet Union, but he also knew that many state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union were not as powerful as private enterprises in terms of operation efficiency, and the secretaries of major state-owned enterprises in the Soviet Union could not point at workers. The nose said that you always get rid of foreign workers, and private companies can fire these people.

   There are not many Europeans and Americans applying to immigrate to the Soviet Union. On the one hand, the two sides are now hostile, and many people do not believe in the current development of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the KGB is also very resistant to the large-scale introduction of immigrants, which will make it more difficult for them to monitor society. From the beginning of the economic crisis, there are only more than 7,000 people in total. These people usually have good diplomas themselves, as well as have excellent management experience and work experience, but their companies and factories collapsed in the financial crisis, and they came to the Soviet Union to try their luck.

   These immigrants are not credible from the perspective of anti-revolutionary workers. Serov and the others have their own unique understanding of people as belonging to the anti-revolutionary workers group. Life experience is a part that the KGB attaches great importance to. This also has historical reasons. It can be traced back to the very beginning of the Soviet Union.

  There is also theoretical support for the Cheka's massacre to clean up Belarus. For example, a shoemaker who was relatively well-off, he used to be a shoemaker, but later lost everything because of the war, and theoretically became a proletariat. In theory, the proletariat should be the object of Cheka protection, but in practice it is not, because he was originally a part of the bourgeoisie. Although his identity is proletarian, his ideology is still petty-bourgeois. Willing to go back to the previous life.

This shoemaker was Stalin's father, and Stalin said at the time, "It can be seen that although the status of this shoemaker is already that of the proletariat, his consciousness is not the consciousness of the proletariat, but the consciousness of the petty bourgeoisie. In other words, this The petty-bourgeois status of the shoemaker has disappeared and will not exist anymore, yet his petty-bourgeois consciousness has not disappeared, his consciousness lags behind his actual status... He intends to save some money and open his own shoe shop."

  Stalin felt that his father was ashamed all his life, which was the main reason why the Ministry of Internal Affairs followed Stalin's will to kill the rich peasant class in Ukraine. As the successor of the Cheka, the KGB distrusted such people who lived in a capitalist society. Serov could understand that, he had worked in this department for nearly 20 years and knew this kind of thinking very well.

But the Soviet Union really needs these people. On the first day back in Moscow, he will identify these people. It took a morning to solve the Ministry of Education and the food problem. Not in Lubyanka, he met in the KGB club. These are the managers of private companies who were originally in Europe and the United States. There are five or six hundred of these managers, they have been successful, but now they are all losers.

"My name is Shelov, the head of the secret police in your country's mouth, I must refute, that is only one of our duties, and it is far from important." This is the opening remarks of Shelov's first game here, "I introduced myself. No need, I'm not sure how long you will stay in the Soviet Union. Once the economy in Europe and the United States improves, you people may go back. Like you who have been successful, you are born to think you are superior. You came to the Soviet Union just for the people. One of them may not be able to accept it in his heart, but there is no way, in the current economic crisis in Europe and the United States, there is no such opportunity for you to exert yourself, so you come to the Soviet Union temporarily to try your luck.”

Shelov took a deep breath and nodded and said, "Actually, this is very good. I have already made good preparations for gathering and dispersing. In all fairness, I am not at ease with you, but I know that doing this is good for the country, so I will give it to you. A few years to restore confidence in the Soviet Union, and when you want to leave, I will never stop you. Arrange you to enter the enterprise, in which your salary is determined according to the profit you create, if you choose to settle in the Soviet Union, then this I will not give you the money, because this will create a wealthy class in the Soviet Union. If you choose to leave, I will not withhold the money, and I will give it to you to return to China to fight. I don’t know if you are willing or not. "

   Answered Serov with a round of applause. These people did not expect a secret police chief to be more humane.

"The Soviet Union is different from Europe and the United States. As long as you don't challenge the KGB's bottom line in your life in the Soviet Union, maybe after careful living, you will find that you will enjoy greater freedom in certain aspects, which needs to be understood by yourself, remember, Don't attack our system, the rest is nothing." Then he had a private conversation with some managers, and a group of factories that are not very important but related to living standards will hire them as managers, which Serov has already Greeted the second secretary of each factory. (To be continued~^~)