Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 706: Syria hands on

   "Lubyanka is contacting the KKE?" Brezhnev thought to himself, war was the last option. This time, he also wanted to see how his general political commissar was going to benefit the Soviet Union. So far, Serov has not failed, which makes him inexplicably have some expectations.

  If Constantinople could be incorporated into the Soviet Union when he led the Soviet Union, Brezhnev couldn't help but get excited at the thought of this possibility. The value of his life has been fulfilled. If there is any regret, it may only be that he did not defeat the United States in the Cold War. The latter depends entirely on luck, and the dawn of the former has come.

   To accomplish this feat under Brezhnev, he could even quickly surpass Khrushchev to become the leader of the Soviet Union alongside Stalin. And his reputation is much better than Stalin's, the perfect image of the ideal leader of the Soviet Union, and Brezhnev could even determine his place in Russian history.

"Ilyich, what made you support Serov at all costs? He has never drawn a line with Serepin." This was a question asked by his comrade-in-arms Kirilenko a few days ago. Brezhnev's The answer is also simple, Constantinople.

Constantinople faces the sea on three sides to the south, south and north, and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the same time, it sits on the flattest land bridge and the narrowest and most difficult waterway in the mountainous Black Sea Strait. Land Eurasian strategic center. If the Soviet Union gets Constantinople, it is like getting the key to the Black Sea Strait. The enemy can block the Black Sea at any time, and it can freely enter and exit the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, the Soviet Union's maritime strategy in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea will be fully revitalized, and its status as a European maritime power will be truly established.

"As long as Constantinople is brought back, the Soviet Union can integrate the Balkans historically and culturally, and no one can stop us, Yura is right, this is an adventure to change the balance of power between the enemy and the enemy. At the risk of nuclear weapons , I'm willing to take a risk." Not even a minute had passed, and he felt it was a torment.

  In the Geneva negotiations, Greece and Turkey accused each other one after another, and the two sides kept arguing against each other. The purpose of the first round of operations by the Turkish government was to conduct diplomatic deterrence against the Cypriot and Greek authorities, so as to achieve the separation of the Turkish and Greek ethnic groups on the island. However, this proposal was rejected by the Greeks.

  On the island of Cyprus, the Turkish army and the Cypriot army are still fighting fiercely. Under the bombing cover of the Turkish Air Force, the Turkish army, which has reached more than 40,000 people on the island, is pressing step by step. Time has passed by in a blink of an eye. On the two battlefields of negotiation and war, the tug-of-war between the two countries continues.

In an ordinary apartment in Athens, a man with an obvious Middle Eastern face knocked on the door. The owner of the apartment was Florakis, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Greece. Florakis quickly became president with prestige as soon as he was released from prison. secretary.

"Who are you?" Florakis asked with some doubts. He has just been released from prison and has been trying to expand the influence of the Communist Party of Greece. At the same time, he is also balancing the two factions of the party's armed struggle and parliamentary struggle. It can be said that he is very busy. , so just when he got home, a guest came to the door, which made Florakis very strange.

"Hello, Comrade Florakis, won't you let me in and talk to you?" The visitor was very polite and spoke a good amount of Greek. Florakis nodded immediately and invited the uninvited guest. go in.

The guest immediately introduced himself, and at the same time took out a letter, indicating that it was a handwritten letter from Khalid Baghdash, General Secretary of the Syrian Communist Party, "General Secretary Khalid Baghdash congratulated you on your regaining your freedom, and at the same time we want to Talking about cooperation between the two countries is a good thing for both Greece and Syria."

"Why are you looking for me?" Florakis resisted the excitement in his heart and said, knowing that Greece and Turkey are at war, if Syria, a military power in the Middle East, can stand on Greece's side at this time, the military strength of the two countries is completely Can be compared with Turkey.

"Because we are comrades, General Secretary Florakis, we in Syria were robbed of a province by the Turks. President Assad has always kept this in mind, so we contacted you through us. After all, we are comrades. "The visitor said calmly, "With the help of Syria, Greece can completely compete with Turkey. Cyprus is originally a Greek, isn't it?"

  The words of the Syrian Communist Party member are very clear that in the territorial dispute, Syria and Greece are both victims. Compared with Turkey, their own country has a certain gap in military strength. But when Greece and Syria are added together, the gap doesn't exist.

As a military power in the Middle East, Syria has a standing army of 350,000. Of course, it is impossible to use all of these troops to fight the Turks, but it is absolutely no problem to take out a third of them, and there are still many in the territories merged by Turkey. The presence of the Alawite crowd is a boost. This is the same as the numerical advantage of the Greeks in Cyprus.

"I understand, but even if our two countries are added together, there is no guarantee that we will win, and the Americans have been putting pressure on us in Greece to live in peace with the Turks." As a communist, Florakis, Of course, he was dissatisfied, but after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union did not give support to the KKE because of its poor strength, so he did not dare to put his hopes on the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is still calling for peace, so he subconsciously ignores the Soviet Union directly.

"General Secretary Florakis, even if the Soviet Union does nothing, his presence can at least contain the 100,000-strong Turkish army, not to mention that if we make an appeal at the same time, the Soviet Union may help us. And?" The Syrian The communists took out a letter Shelov wrote to the general secretary of the Syrian Communist Party, Khalid Baghdash, saying, "You should know that the general political commissar in charge of the Soviet Union's strategy, he does not like Turkey very much."

This letter was written by Serov. Historically, the Greek military government was too cowardly and dared not ask the Soviet Union for help under the pressure of the United States, so that the Soviet Union had no excuse to intervene in the war. Even now, the Soviet Union can find a reason to intervene, provided that Syria To fight with Turkey, the Soviet Union and Syria used a military alliance treaty. At present, it seems that Assad is more courageous than the Greeks, and maybe he can embolden the Greeks.

   "Okay, I can do my best to help you." General Secretary Florakis finally nodded, he knew that now all hope is on the Soviet Union, Turkey's military strength is stronger than Greece's, and the Americans will definitely favor the Turks.

   Sure enough, at the Geneva Conference, the United Kingdom and the United States unanimously demanded that Greece recognize the status quo for a ceasefire and quell this NATO civil war. The false propaganda department of the KGB used the channels of the false intelligence department to quickly spread the news to the whole country of Greece. The new generation of the Munich Agreement, the betrayal of Greece's interests, and so on, began to spread throughout the country.

  The Greek people who just overthrew the military government once again set off a massive protest. People flocked to the streets, besieged the US Embassy in Greece, and kept throwing stones at it. Greece's dissatisfaction instantly spread to the world. The Soviet Union remained silent.

  Under this pressure, President Konstantin Karamanlis announced that he would withdraw from the military command system within the framework of NATO.

Although the Soviet Union was silent on the surface, it was secretly in contact with its allies in the Balkans, Bulgaria and Turkey bordered. Bulgarian General Secretary Zhivkov met Moscow's special envoy at his official residence and first learned about Moscow's real thoughts. Bulgaria The close relationship with the Soviet Union is recognized, and it is no accident that Moscow has agreed to cooperate.

   Bulgaria and Greece are also neighbors. Almost immediately, a batch of arms and ammunition was sent to the KKE at the border, and the pro-armed part of the KKE never forgot how to shoot.

On September 1st, a group of less than 100 members of the Greek Communist Armed Forces quietly approached the Turkish border posts around the Constantinople area with their breaths in the dark. Two o'clock in the morning was the sleepiest time of the day. , The Turkish soldiers standing guard in front of him did not rest, because the relationship between Turkey and Greece is very tense, and as a soldier, he must remain vigilant.

   However, this was of no use. All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire directly beat him into a sieve. These Greeks in military uniforms rushed out and attacked the post. A dozen Turkish soldiers were killed within a few minutes.

   Hours later, Turkey retaliated by shelling the Greek border, killing dozens of Greeks. Greece and Turkey accuse each other of firing first, and the United States hopes that the situation will not continue to expand, and that it will be investigated first. And that does not rule out the possibility of a certain country planning this.

   "He has a good sense of smell like a dog!" Sheloff is like being caught stealing something, but that's okay. With the KGB there, it was impossible to block the news. The conflict at the border immediately spread throughout Greece. At this time, Greece had fallen into a frenzy, because the land border was no longer safe.

  The entire Cyprus has been occupied by 40%. The greedy Turks are still not satisfied. Now there is no one who can stop the anger of the Greeks. The Greek Defense Forces began to gather towards the eastern border.

   "We should accept the UN's ceasefire request. Our purpose has been achieved. If it continues, it will be very detrimental to us." Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said to other Turkish ministers.

   At this moment, the phone on the table rang hurriedly, and Ecevit's face changed greatly when he picked up the phone. Two Syrian armored divisions crossed the border and attacked Hatay Province.

"We not only want Hatay, Kiris and Gakiantep provinces, but also ours, we have Soviet support. We want to take back all the Alawite lands." Hafez Assad impassioned to the generals shouted, causing a cheer.

   "Send the Soviet battle plan to the three major military regions and the staff of the Romanian Army Group, pay attention to confidentiality." Serov said with a long sigh of relief. (To be continued~^~)