Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 708: imminent

So far the Soviet Union has not launched a war after the Great Patriotic War, but the United States has fought two wars in succession. Unfortunately, the United States has not won the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The former can only be said to have not won, and the latter did not even win South Vietnam. Keep it up, it's a complete defeat. And now there are economic problems in the United States, and the domestic anti-war wave is breaking through the sky.

   Therefore, no matter how much the United States advocates the Soviet threat, it is in an embarrassing situation with few responders. The Soviet Union has not acted, but the global power of the United States is retreating step by step, and the Soviet Union's proxy war is obviously more effective than the United States. The war in Sudan and Congo is the biggest proof.

  The war between Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo made the Pentagon think that this is a new expansion model chosen by the Soviet Union without confrontation. This is the case in Southeast Asia, and the same is true in Africa. At present they assess that the Soviet Union seems to want to use Syria to weaken or even dismember Turkey.

   "So what? Give Turkey immediate aid? Block the Soviet Union in the Black Sea?" President Ford drooped his eyelids and thought, if Nixon hadn't capsized because of Watergate, he shouldn't have led the country at all. Ford has been careful to mend the country's wounds from the Vietnam War, but the aggressiveness of the Soviet Union has always made him uneasy.

"If Hafez al-Assad must be a pioneer for the Soviet Union, even if Turkey's strength is stronger than Syria's, the war between the two countries will be hit hard once a war breaks out. If we don't give a supportive attitude, the Turks may We are disappointed in the United States." Defense Secretary Schlesinger said with a heavy heart.

When there is a choice, the United States of course hopes that Greece and Turkey can take care of it, but the Cyprus issue is indeed something that even the United States cannot solve. Finish.

  Things are changing so fast, so fast, that the Americans are unable to respond, and they are still making adjustments here in Geneva. Greece changed its mind instantly because of Syria’s attack on Turkey. For so many hours, Americans hoped that the Greek military government would come back as soon as possible, put those Greek people who were disregarding the overall situation in prison, forget that the Turks enslaved Greece, and continue to unite with the Turks and be our American dog.

Since it cannot take care of it, the United States must choose between Turkey and Greece. This choice is not difficult. Although Turkey is a peaceful country, this kind of country is very annoying, but the Soviet Union hates it even more. Turkey shoulders the heavy responsibility of blocking the Soviet Union. The United States Must support Turkey.

   Soon, everyone knew what kind of choice the United States had made. The transportation bridge of the US Air Force, from Israel to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is now structured to Turkey, and began to replenish weapons and ammunition for Turkey. The actions of the U.S. Air Force clearly showed the world that the U.S. is firmly on Turkey’s side in this proxy war. The Greeks, have been abandoned...

For this kind of God's main attack, Serov did not hesitate to accept it. He advocated that Greece has been abandoned in Greece, and the United States has chosen Turkey. , began to bomb the whole of Greece with information, but unfortunately the Internet of this era has not been completed. Otherwise, it will be more powerful. The Soviet Union does not lack leading parties.

   At the same time, there is no shortage of people in various countries who lead the way for the Soviet Union, otherwise Andropov's work for so many years would not have been in vain. This trend of thinking that Greece has been abandoned has just emerged, and some Greek public intellectuals have publicly expressed their views, some optimistic and some pessimistic. The Greeks enjoyed the despairing feeling that Swindle Island had a few years ago.

   If the island of deception is an orphan of Asia, then Greece is now an orphan of Europa. It has been abandoned by the Americans. However, the United States is not stupid enough to kick Greece out of NATO, which will only cheapen the Soviet Union. Secretly, the U.S. has warned the Soviet Union through diplomatic channels, and it is time for the Soviet Union to express its willingness to cooperate with the U.S. military alliance.

"Do these Americans know that because of this plan, the Central Presidium has already lost all face. What guarantees are all farts. Who says superpowers can't play sneak attacks?" Peace and mediation of disputes are all tricks to fool the Americans. The Soviet Union is not willing to fight proxy wars at all, but wants to participate in the war on its own.

   Even this determination is made, and there is nothing left to give up. The Soviet Union must also participate in the war on its own. If Greece and Syria can attack Turkey together, Serov feels that the Soviet Union can also win. After all, the Soviet Union is geographically very close to Turkey. Even if you don't fight proxy wars yourself, you can drag the United States to death.

   This is also the reason why the United States used the Soviet Union through diplomatic channels. The Soviet Union wants to fight a proxy war with the United States. If the war starts in the Near East, the Americans are definitely not the opponents of the Soviet Union. It is precisely because of this that the Americans expressed their stance at the first moment of the conflict between Syria and Turkey, before the Soviet Union did not express its attitude.

If the Soviet Union did not act under the strong pressure of the United States, it means that the United States is still the world's largest power. Because of the relationship between the United States and the United States, the Soviet Union is forced to be in a disadvantageous position of choice. The ball has been kicked back by the Americans. Look at the Soviet Union How did you take it, the Soviet Union is admitting that it does not support Syria with weapons.

The Soviet Union confessed, and Shelov contacted Hafez Assad through channels, saying that the Soviet Union would not carry out airlifts like the last Middle East war, but well, as long as Syria has the ability to bite the main force of Turkey, the Soviet Union will be appropriate. It's time to go to war, yes, to go to war directly.

   This statement is enough to make Hafez Assad ecstatic. Turkey's population is much larger than Syria's, and so is its national strength, but compared with whom, in front of the Soviet Union, Turkey is nothing. However, in order to confirm, Hafez Assad sent a confirmation again, and received a positive reply from Serov. In the telegram, Serov asked Hafez Assad to keep it secret, and at the same time, he made a good deal, and as long as Turkey ceded the territory, the war would cease Appearance, but the war cannot be stopped, it just means that we can talk.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Turkey. In other words, Turkey is also the third military power in NATO. Now Greece is only using the navy and air force to block the Turkish army in Cyprus, and it does not dare to attack Istanbul at all. It only needs to defeat Syria and recover the occupied area. .

  The Soviet Union did not respond to the US air transport, indicating that the Soviet Union has admitted to counseling. What is Turkey afraid of in this case?

The US military satellite stared at the southern region of the Soviet Union and determined that the Soviet Union did not conduct military mobilization and war preparations. This gave Turkey great confidence. They did not know that Serov had been preparing in the Caucasus for more than ten years and would never do it at this time. Stupid thing about cramming out. If the preparations for war were seen by the enemy, would that be okay?

   "Yura, when are you going to do it?" This question has been asked several times by both Brezhnev and Sherepin recently. The General Political Commissar analyzes every day that he will not do it, which makes the troika very embarrassed. They really can't stand the torment of this kind of waiting, and it may be easier after the war.

"Of course I want to pay the least price. The war is certain, otherwise even if Greece and Syria win, Constantinople will still belong to the Turks, but I need Syria to lead the Turkish army to the south, and use the smallest Picking peaches at the price, instead of letting us Soviets sacrifice, the best outcome in theory is that Greece and Syria will consume Turkey to death, and we will directly take control of Constantinople, but in practice it is impossible.” Serov shrugged, Although he even got the command of nuclear weapons, and he was going to release two atomic bombs to add to the fun, he was not ready to use nuclear weapons to fight against the United States.

   "Picking peaches is a very novel metaphor. Don't let the party and the country down." Shelepin, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, patted Serov on the shoulder and said, "You have a heavy responsibility, you must be careful."

   Shelov nodded, once the risk failed, he would definitely be pushed out as a scapegoat, without even thinking about it. He wouldn't think that Brezhnev valued himself very much. If this illusion appeared, it would be very fatal.

"The missile train has already headed to the predetermined location, the Baikonur Space Center has been prepared, and is ready to launch the satellite after the war begins, and Marshal Gorshkov, the commander of the Red Navy, has received the order, and the four major fleets will rush out of the base at that time. "

   "The Strategic Rocket Force has entered combat duty. The Air Force has been prepared, and the Homeland Defense Air Force has entered a state of combat readiness."

   "The Airborne Corps is ready and ready to fight. The Marine Infantry is ready..."

One after another, the orders were encrypted from the Ministry of Defense to the military command. At this time, the war between Syria and Turkey had begun for a week. Turkey mobilized the troops in the central part of the country to go to the southern border for support, except for the tens of thousands of soldiers on the border with the Soviet Union. In addition to the movement, domestic defenses are already very empty.

"Tomorrow at 10 o'clock, the three major military regions and the Romanian army group will open the battle plan, and at the same time issue it to the staff of the divisions. At 2 o'clock in the morning the next day, the Soviet Union battle plan will be implemented!" Serov in the Ministry of Defense stretched out his hand to face these The old marshal saluted and said in a low voice, "Now, we have to put an end to the Cuban missile crisis 12 years ago, and see if Turkey without nuclear missile protection poses a threat to us. The central government gave us 20 days, But I don't think it takes so long. There is only one discipline of warfare, and within seventy-two hours, take Constantinople." (To be continued~^~)