Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 712: Kurds leading the way

All kinds of hovercraft slowly docked on the coastline. The Red Navy soldiers who drove these hovercraft stopped, and saluted the naval infantry in the cabin, "Comrades, look at you, we are going back to transport the second batch of people, Long live the motherland."

The hatches opened wide, and the heavily armed Soviet naval infantry disembarked one after another. Not far in front of them, the entire city of Ordu was in smoke. They didn’t need any equipment to see the target. The flames in some places were the most intense. good coordinates.

"Attack!" Thousands of Red Navy soldiers who landed ran forward, kept up with the amphibious tanks not far ahead, and rushed towards Ordu, conquering the city and establishing a stable position for the subsequent landing troops. Because of the radar, The large Soviet landing ships were not dispatched this time, because they did not believe in the destruction capability of the Soviet Air Force. After all, they sailed carefully for ten thousand years. As a soldier who sacrificed his life at any time, he understood this better than anyone.

   Almost without a moment’s rest, the landed amphibious tank units and Soviet naval infantry were thrown into the battle. Directly rushed into the city of Ordu for street fighting, the whole city was full of gunshots, and the Soviet tank troops plunged into the city like a javelin, seemingly not afraid of the brutal battle that followed.

Because the command of the southern theater of war this time is very simple, that is speed, the speed of occupation is the first goal, as for the casualty rate, after the **** battle of the scale of the Great Patriotic War, the remaining generals of the Soviet Ministry of Defense seem to be very concerned about any I am not very interested in the casualty figures. Not to mention that the total number of casualties in the Soviet Union is only 600 or 700. Even if this number is increased by a hundred times, it will not cause any fluctuations in the Soviet Ministry of Defense. As long as the war can be won, death What's the point of a person? How can there be a war without the dead?

   The machine gunner who was lying on the corner of the opposite street fired two long bursts in a row. The non-shockable chain on the side of the machine gun's feeding port had fallen to the ground, and a bright bullet casing was scattered on the sidewalk. The machine gunner temporarily suppressed the opponent's firing, but the Soviet soldiers knew that this situation could not last long. The machine gunners had knocked out four fifty-round drums in previous firefights and were now using ammunition carried by the sub-shooter.

   "Platoon commander, I'll take two comrades to rush over." The speaker was Corporal Rudolph, the squad leader of the second squad, a brave soldier and a staunch Communist.

  Mechanized infantry is also called motorized infantry. They are still pure infantry in essence, but rely on mechanized vehicles to move. After reaching the battlefield, they still have to get out of the car and enter the battle on foot. The definition of motorized infantry in the Soviet Union is completely different from that of other countries. Whether it is marching or fighting, there is not much difference between the Soviet motorized infantry and the tank division. What the Soviet tank division can do, the motorized infantry division can also do. Yes, in the Soviet military establishment, there is not much difference in the weapons that the two units are equipped with.

  Because the night has not yet dissipated, the Soviet naval infantry who are not very capable of night fighting are more cautious. After all, no one wants to see Marx in advance. Bad luck and actively seeking death are not the same thing. They need a certain amount of time to remove the few remaining strongholds. After all, the Soviet army's night combat capability is not too strong. Of course, this not too strong means that compared with the US military, it is still a piece of cake to clean up the Turkish army.

  The sound of gunfire alerted the nearby Turkish troops, and the Soviet naval infantry soon started a fierce gun battle with the Turkish soldiers in the streets. Maybe it's because of their non-dominant relationship. The Turks in the city showed no signs of gathering, but in accordance with the original platoon units, one after another, they were put into combat with the Soviet naval infantry.

  Compared to the battle here, ten divisions of the Soviet Union's main force on the Eastern Front have crossed the border between Armenia and Turkey. Just less than sixty years ago, the name of this place was West Armenia, after the capture of the city of Kars. The Turkish army has lost its organization, and the scattered soldiers have fled everywhere. The Soviet Union's first attacking tank divisions left one as a finishing touch, leading the motorized infantry divisions that later crossed the border to start marching in the direction of Erzurum. Driving the remnants of the Turkish troops toward the established area, the rest of the finishing work was left to the Soviet motorized infantry divisions on the flanks.

At 2:30 in the morning, Serov followed the troops to Kars. This will be the front-line headquarters. Of course, he is not preparing to learn the great profession of Comrade Chang Kaishen as a micro-manipulation master. He still knows how much he has. What kind of military I can't read maps at all, and I have never attended a regular military school. The purpose of arranging the frontline headquarters in Kars City is to show the attitude of the Soviet Union, an offensive attitude.

   "Haven't we received a protest from NATO? It shouldn't be." The entire Kremlin was brightly lit, and the members of the Soviet Central Presidium were all here. At this time, no one fell asleep. They approved the Soviet Grad plan with great determination, and everyone understood that it was a huge risk, and that it would be uneasy to actually implement it.

   The previous exercise plans of the Soviet Ministry of Defense believed that once the huge Soviet tank army was launched, it would be able to drink horses in the Atlantic Ocean in at most two weeks and stand on the coast of France waiting for the large army assembled in the United States. The most optimistic estimate is that it will sweep NATO in a week and turn the entire Europe into the back garden of the Soviet Union.

The exercise was an exercise after all. Although it gave Brezhnev great confidence, it was a planned war after all, and now the real war is coming. If the Soviet Union swept NATO in only two weeks, it should take a week to win Turkey. That's it, in order to be safe, Brezhnev gave Serov twenty days, not the three days that Serov estimated himself.

"Under normal circumstances, we really should have received a protest from NATO, but there is no such thing at the moment, which is very disturbing." Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko also has a question mark in his head. He has already prepared how to deal with it. , but the expected protest did not appear, and he suddenly felt at a loss.

  If NATO protests fiercely, he can judge the severity of the matter by the other party's words, but the quietness of the other party is scary. This heavy psychological pressure is all on them. To be more serious, could US nuclear missiles be heading here? No no no... our radar will find out...

   "Perhaps NATO hasn't discovered it yet." Kosygin, the chairman of the Council of Ministers, gave an apparently consoling reason, then shook his head and said, "Maybe the United States doesn't care about Turkey's life or death, to be honest, I don't believe that either."

"In any case, our military strength is no worse than that of the Americans. The Americans on land are afraid of us. What should really be worried about is the Americans, because the battlefield is on land. We should think about whether the Americans are as distressed as we are at this time. Even more sad face." Shelepin, chairman of the Supreme Soviet, cheered, "Since we have made a decision, we must bear the consequences. I firmly believe that the winner..."

   "It must be us!" Serov clenched his fists and ordered to the surrounding staff, "Send a report to Moscow, everything is going well, and we have an absolute advantage on all fronts. It's as simple as hitting an egg with a hammer."

   "Comrade General, we have just broken through the border, aren't we too optimistic?" asked the staff officer next to us.

"Do you know who I am? I am the leader of an intelligence department. Do as I say, and soon we will win reinforcements from all over the mountains and plains. I will not deceive you, go ahead." Sheloff smiled. "We'll be greeted in the same way as we were when we liberated Eastern Europe."

Like other cities, Erzurum, the fourth largest city in Turkey, was also attacked by the Soviet strategic rocket army and air force, but in this city, the Soviet air force was obviously more restrained, because most of the people here are Kurds . Broadly speaking, Kurdistan occupies at least one-fifth of Turkey's interior.

   But Erzurum Shelov is not going to give it to the Kurds, because according to history, the city should be part of Western Armenia, and the Kurds think so too, and the place they ask for independence does not include the city.

"In the future, this will be a prosperous border city, a good place for us to do business with Kurdistan and Syria." Shelov said to himself in front of the map on the table, and suddenly pulled out the Damascus steel knife around his waist and nailed it hard. Erzurum's location.

Erzurum is very lively. No one knows that Abdullah Ocalan, the general secretary of the Kurdish Communist Party, has secretly returned to this city. The fourth largest city in Turkey has entered the Kurdish Communist Party a few days ago. of the armed forces.

Erzurum was hit by precise air strikes, and thanks to these Kurds for providing the Soviet Union with accurate information, Ocalan, holding a Soviet assault rifle after the air strike, shouted to supporters, "Fight for our national independence. The time has come when we will create a nascent Kurdish state and now we are fighting for independence."

"Long live Kurdish, long live socialism..." The Kurdish fighters who were in high spirits then threw themselves into the battle. Important targets that had not been attacked in Erzurum were attacked by the Kurdish Communist armed forces. At the same time, two Soviet tank divisions Coming at a fast marching speed.

  The Kurdish soldiers' attack on Turkish targets instantly made the entire Erzurum boil, and the Kurds, who accounted for the majority of the population, soon joined the battle, knowing that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for independence was right in front of them. (To be continued~^~)