Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 720: Ulla!

  The Soviet air bases in the cities of Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, Kirovgrad, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkov belonged to the 17th Air Force Army of the Red Banner. Ukraine is second only to Russia in importance to the Soviet Union. The Red Flag Kyiv Military Region is equipped with 70 Tu-95 strategic bombers. These strategic bombers are themselves prepared for Turkey. The Red Flag Kyiv Military Region is not in the plan to attack Turkey this time. But the air force it belongs to, still joined the war. As of this year, all military districts of the Soviet Union have been awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and all military districts have been prefixed with the red flag.

  At the major airports, the eye-catching propellers on the huge Tu-95 strategic bombers have been activated. The loud noise of the propellers provided surging power for the huge bombers, driving the strategic bombers to taxi on the runway until they took off and rushed into the blue sky. At this time, the Turkish Navy and Air Force had already been wiped out, all major radar stations had been destroyed, and with the **** of aviation divisions, 70 Tu-95 strategic bombers carrying 1,500 tons of heavy bombs flew over the Black Sea and quickly approached the emperor. Constantinople is approaching.

Admiral Ivanov received repeated assurances from Serov that the Tu-95 strategic bomber that had already set off did not carry nuclear bombs, so he ordered the soldiers of the southern group that had rushed into the urban area of ​​Constantinople to retreat. When dispatched, Admiral Ivanov also believed that as long as he gave himself a few more hours and suffered more casualties, the city could be conquered, but Serov thought more about the time, who knows what NATO is doing now, even if it is early. Conquering Constantinople in one minute can also use a powerful fait accompli to force NATO to admit it.

In fact, Admiral Ivanov doesn't need to say more. Serov has already contacted the Kyiv Military Region before he confirmed it. He is not a war madman. In case any ground crew gets drunk and forgets to unload the nuclear bomb, then this is a joke. open up. The world will soon enter the fallout plot.

"The Tu-95 bomber formation under the 17th Air Force Army of the Red Flag has confirmed that it has reached the sky over Constantinople, with good visibility. It is a good day for bombing missions." A Tu-95 strategic bomber airport reported to the ground command center in Bulgaria Said, "Constantinople seems to be calm and no danger is found."

   "All the prevention and control positions have been destroyed. Unless the Turkish soldiers hit you with rifles, there is absolutely no threat." It didn't take long, the ground command center confirmed the news of safety.

"This is very good. The cleanup work of the aviation division comrades is very complete. The flight altitude is 7,500 meters. In order to avoid accidental injury, we are planning to drop bombs at an altitude of 5,000 meters. Please be careful to avoid the comrades in the southern group. The power of the bombs we bring It's a big deal." Before the bombing began, the Tu-95 strategic bomber formation made a rare joke.

   "As long as it's not a nuclear bomb, there's no problem, pay attention to safety, comrades." The ground command center reminded carefully.

   "Attention everyone, flying at an altitude of 5,500 meters, drop bombs." Colonel Loskov commanded calmly with the walkie-talkie.

   "Understood, the bombing begins." The heavy bombs were dropped from the Tu-95 strategic bombers. It was not until this time that Serov was sure that he had misunderstood the Soviet ground crew that there were really no nuclear bombs on them.

  The soldiers of the Soviet Southern Group and the Airborne Corps who were evacuated to the safety zone could feel the shaking of the earth from a long distance. In my heart, I hope that the Air Force brothers must aim at one point. They do not want the biggest loss in the battle of Constantinople to come from their own country. If this is the case, is it considered death for the country or pure bad luck.

Serov, who was like a dead dog, finally found the headquarters of Admiral Ivanov and picked up the peaches before Constantinople was conquered. Once the Tu 95 strategic bomber was dispatched to bomb, Serov, the butcher's name, could not escape. Now, an army commander named Admiral Ivanov is absolutely unbearable and can only be borne by him. He didn't know how many people died in the bombing of Constantinople, but no matter how many people died, the outside world could only have an estimate that he was ready to destroy the corpses.

"The Greek Defense Forces have given us an opinion, hoping to attack Constantinople with us. I didn't agree. We can do it by ourselves. It's up to you now." Admiral Ivanov said, "Order, Comrade Admiral, Constantinople is right in front of your eyes."

Looking at Constantinople, which looked like a dead city not far away, Admiral Ivanov took a deep breath and ordered, "Now I follow the order of General Serov, commander of the Southern Theater Command, and order the soldiers of the Southern Group. , a general attack on Constantinople. Target, Constantinople, attack..."

With the order   , 100,000 Soviet soldiers launched a general offensive from the east and west lines, and the action went very smoothly. The Soviet airborne assault unit was able to successfully land with little effort under the cover of the Mi-24 gunship. The second step of the operation was not hindered much. The 21st Tank Regiment attacked in perfect textbook formation. There were hardly any resistance units along the way, only two BRDM armored reconnaissance vehicles and some Burnt wreckage. It appears that the Turkish soldiers have withdrawn into the urban area of ​​Constantinople during the preparation of the Soviet artillery fire, which is in the arms of the Soviet forces.

   The centripetal assault against Constantinople was being carried out with the support of strong artillery fire. The Soviet army was not in a hurry. Heavy self-propelled mortars and fighter-bombers continuously dropped bombs over Constantinople. The artillery was calibrated with the help of observation helicopters. Five hundred shells were fired, destroying all remaining major buildings and inflicting heavy casualties on the heavily deployed Turkish soldiers. The morale of the Turkish army is at rock bottom.

   First appeared was a platoon of T-55 tanks, part of the Soviet army that still maintained a combat formation. They did not turn on infrared headlights or white light searchlights. When the Turkish stronghold was found at a distance of 2,400 meters, the battalion was required to shoot at a distance of 1,200 meters, so the Soviet soldiers did not move. The Turks were chaotic, no flankers were sent, and there seemed to be no order at all. After the T-55 entered the required firing range, a brief order came over the radio: 'Fire! Fire! ’

   This is a microcosm of the entire battlefield. When the Soviet tank group advanced again this time, it was obviously much less resistant. The feedback from various battlefields clearly confirmed this. At least he has seen the Soviet soldiers who escorted the Turkish prisoners are coming back. Unfortunately, things are rushed. The Soviet army has no time to build prisoner of war camps. Help with care.

"We don't have to do the expulsion, we do it by ourselves. Of course, I only have one Cheka division in my hand, and I have just reached the Romanian border, which is still a long way from here, and then I will let the Greek Defense Forces as the main force to expel , Now I'm waiting for the news of the complete victory to report to the Kremlin." Serov said easily, "We only want such a city, and as for the eastern battlefield, it's just a bargaining chip with NATO."

  In any case, after this war, Turkey will not become a threat to the Soviet Union. For the United States, it is still unknown how much value Turkey will have. Turkey, which has lost the strait, has lost the capital to check and balance the Soviet Union. It is debatable whether the United States will allow Turkey to remain in NATO even if it loses part of its European territory.

The 100,000 Soviet troops successfully cleared out the Turkish soldiers who were still resisting, as well as the Turkish soldiers who came out with white flags to surrender. The regular army rarely attacked by suicide, but the Soviet soldiers still did not dare to neglect, and the KGB issued The Urban Warfare Manual taught them how to deal with it, and soon these stripped soldiers would be transported to the rear.

   At four o'clock in the afternoon, Constantinople time, the Soviet flag was planted on the city hall of Constantinople and the Sophia Cathedral. Small-scale exchanges of fire in local areas continue, but Serov has come to the city in tanks, and the Turkish soldiers around the Sophia Cathedral have been cleaned up and are now very safe.

The chief political commissar wearing military boots came out of the tank and stepped on the ground carefully. The world's largest Orthodox cathedral was lucky, and it was not destroyed by the Soviet Union's indiscriminate attack, or some commanders knew this Church, deliberately protecting?

   "Get me Moscow!" Let the assistant of the Seventh General Administration prepare for a while, and Serov, who was holding the phone, waited patiently, and directly contacted the Kremlin from the battlefield, even in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It was not easy. He has the time and the patience.

"NATO troops are gathering, but there is no attack posture yet. The Western group is already preparing for a possible attack. Once the threat is confirmed, the Western group will take the offensive first, let the war begin in the Federal Republic of Germany, and according to the earlier battle plan, NATO Drive into the sea." Defense Minister Marshal Grechko said solemnly.

Um! Brezhnev absentmindedly agreed that he had just received some not-so-good news. The US Navy is still gathering in the global waters, carrying the Marine Corps and the Army of the United States to the sea. This is for the Soviet Union. come. At this moment, the red phone on the table rang, and Brezhnev picked up the phone, "I'm Brezhnev, please say..."

"At 4:30 p.m. Constantinople time, our army has completely occupied Constantinople. Now, please listen to the cheers of the Red Army soldiers under the Sophia Cathedral." Serov's unhurried voice came , I heard the deafening cheers on the phone, "Ula..." (To be continued~^~)