Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 738: You are going to the Warsaw Covenant

  Fortseva died suddenly in history, he reminds what's wrong? From the bottom of his heart, Serov hopes that Fortseva will live a few more years. Yesterday's proposal, whether it is Fortseva or Shainin, are the cadres left by Khrushchev. After the change of leaders, because it is a natural replacement, Instead of being replaced as they have historically been, these cadres have been stagnant in their jobs, as both Fortseva and Shainin were.

   "Hehe, it doesn't seem good for a woman to drink." Furtseva laughed to herself. She was delegated to be the Minister of Culture. From the point of view of the party's fame, this was like exile. Especially in the era of Khrushchev, she was the most powerful woman in the Soviet Union, and it was believed that he was Catherine III. Now the title has been changed, and Valia has become the owner of this title as the Minister of Education. , but Serov despises the Soviet thinking, so he can't use a new nickname?

  The selection of the first secretary of Soviet Grad has temporarily come to an end, and the last batch of Turks have been driven away. Now Constantinople is preparing for a military parade, waiting for the inspection by Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. But before that, the Soviet Union will visit Greece first.

   This news has also spread all over the world through TASS. The United States and some Western countries have warned Greece through overt and covert channels not to formally secede from NATO. This is a very important matter. There may be a major downturn in the Greek economy.

It was in this environment that a very high-profile delegation, including Brezhnev, Ustinov, Serov, and Gromyko, boarded the train and departed from Moscow to start their journey to Greece, with first Visit Romania and Bulgaria, finally visit Greece, then go back to Soviet Grad for the military parade.

"I don't know if the Greek economy is in decline, but the entire capitalist economy is indeed in decline, and they are too embarrassed to say it?" Serov snorted, if not for the economic crisis in the entire Western world, Andropov recently The Soviet Union’s attitude towards Europe and other places is completely different. It is confrontation and infiltration towards Western Europe, which is very consistent with the attitude of the United States towards Eastern Europe. It treats other continents as violent revolution and the establishment of socialist countries.

Because of the continuation of the economic crisis, some small-scale armed groups have appeared in Europe, such as the Red Army in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Red Brigade in Italy. For the emergence of such groups, Andropov vehemently denied that it was related to the Warlords. But NATO countries failed to do their own internal affairs.

  Selov has also come forward specifically for this, which has nothing to do with the Soviet Union. If necessary, he is willing to talk to some organizations in these countries. In the current situation, the negative effects of these small-scale armed forces are greater than the positive ones.

To this end, Serov also specially asked Zweigon to sign on the Komsomolskaya Pravda and commented on these organizations, "It cannot be ruled out that this is a method used by capitalist countries when they encounter economic crisis to demonize socialism. "

"Even if it is an armed revolution, it should be to mobilize the masses, not to mutilate the masses." But this report was blocked as soon as it appeared in Western Europe. The Federal Republic of Germany accused the Soviet Union of cutting off from these organizations. Incitement against their own populations, thereby destabilizing societies.

   The KGB came to a conclusion that NATO countries are now in a state of less self-confidence. In conjunction with the Soviet Union's great victory on the battlefield, it disintegrated the self-confidence of the people of Western Europe.

   This is just a trail. Compared with the suicide of the Federal Republic of Germany, which once again accepted half a million Turkish laborers, this is not a serious means. After the establishment of the Berlin Wall, the blood-sucking behavior of the Federal Republic of Germany against the GDR was forced to stop. This is even better. This time, the Federal Republic of Germany once again accepted the intellectual class of Constantinople, and was directly distorted by Stas into half a million hooligans in the GDR. In terms of creating fake data, Markus Wolf's Tasi, even more powerful than the KGB. Through various means, people in the GDR believe that the population of peace religion in the Federal Republic of Germany has reached one tenth.

   Later, the group arrived in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Ceausescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, welcomed the Soviet delegation with a grand welcome ceremony in the Republic, and loudly praised the great friendship between Romania and the Soviet Union.

   "Of course this guy is happy for Yuki. He finally drove the southern cluster away. On the contrary, the Romanian People's Army has to garrison the military area in the east. This time Romania has made a lot of money." Serov said while drinking.

   "That's okay, at least the conflict between the two countries should have disappeared." Ustinov glanced at Serov's wine glass, frowned and said, "Yura, can't you be a little more manly when you drink?"

"I'm not you!" Serov continued to sip his wine slowly, completely ignoring the vodka in Ustinov's hand, which was only red wine, and said after a while, "But from this joint combat performance, Judging by the fact that Romania is participating, you still have some truth in what you said."

In fact, to talk about contradictions, the contradiction between Romania and Hungary seems to be even bigger. This contradiction has been from the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until now. In the course of the Romanian Incident, in addition to the Soviet Union, Hungary, which had already changed its color, supported the Romanian opposition, hoping to change the living conditions of the Hungarian population in Romania. Come and let Hungary steal chickens without losing rice.

   After staying from Bulgaria for a few more days, everyone set off for Athens, the capital of Greece. The reason why the Soviet Union dispatched such a high-level lineup of four members of the Central Presidium is obvious, to take the opportunity to draw Greece into the Warsaw Pact. It happens to be a good opportunity for Greece to launch the NATO joint combat system. If it can achieve its goal, this is a great victory of the Warsaw Pact over NATO.

  In Athens, the capital of Greece, as soon as the Soviet delegation got off the bus, they were greeted by the people of Athens. On both sides of the delegation’s motorcade, there were huge crowds of Greek welcome people. This kind of scene didn’t seem to happen here, but it did.

Arriving at the Presidential Palace, General Secretary Brezhnev took out the prepared speech, which emphasized the cultural similarity between the Soviet Union and Greece, as well as the common tradition, which naturally came from Constantine. Fort.

"The history of imperial Russia is undoubtedly oppressive. If there is a few positive points, it is the period of imperial Russia. The people of Russia have never forgotten to liberate all the Balkan nations from the rule of aliens. Come out, let the local nation become an independent country, free from mental and physical suffering." Brezhnev said slowly, "Today, although the Soviet Union does not advocate the role of religion, it also recognizes the role of religion in Eastern Europe. The cultural origin comes from the Eastern Roman Empire, the most civilized and splendid culture in the Middle Ages. The Soviet Union does not deny this.”

"In the future, the Soviet Union will join hands with Greece to build a more equal world, thank you!" Brezhnev's speech was conveyed to the Greeks in the square through a translator, causing waves of cheers after waves of cheers for a long time. non stop...

"It's really embarrassing for our general secretary, he is not suitable for speeches." After the speech, Serov, Ustinov and Gromyko entered the Greek Presidential Palace. When Brezhnev was speaking, Konstantin ?President Karamanlis was already waiting on the sidelines. After the speech, he shook hands with the visiting members of the Soviet Central Presidium one by one. Leading the crowd into the Greek Presidential Palace.

   After the two sides took their seats at the Presidential Palace, they began to get to the point. In the official meeting, it was definitely not the meaningless language that the two sides had a friendly conversation in the news, but to achieve their own goals while listening to the opinions of others.

   "Our purpose is actually not too hard to guess. In short, we hope that Greece will not become an enemy of the Soviet Union." Ustinov, who had just been promoted to marshal, went straight to the topic after a brief chat.

"Mr. Marshal, doesn't it seem necessary?" President Karamanlis asked evasively, "Isn't the friendship between the two countries not enough to reassure the Soviet Union?" President Karamanlis actually understood the Soviet Union. The subtext, it is not as simple as not being hostile, but wanting to bring Greece closer to the Soviet camp.

"Some countries on the edge of the world have no meaning in them, and naturally they can choose not to align themselves, but Greece's geographical location does not have this condition." Serov lowered his head and used the voice that President Karamanlis could hear. He said, "Greece remains in NATO for one day, and it may become the enemy of the Soviet Union at any time, and the Soviet Union is an opponent that Greece will never defeat, which is not good for all Greeks."

"If Greece does not withdraw from NATO, the Warsaw Pact countries around Greece will always need to guard against Greece. This mutual vigilance will consume the national strength of both sides in vain, which can be used for economic development." Ustinov The marshal did not speak loudly to emphasize the meaning of this.

"And joining the Warsaw Pact, Greece is a brother country of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has responsibilities to all allies. What we must say is that in this world, no force can threaten the Soviet Union from land. Greece will be permanently punished. In peace!" Serov went a step further, "The southern front of the Warsaw Pact has been broken through this Turkish war. Is Greece going to continue to serve as the defense line of the United States and contain the Soviet Union? With Turkey, you can barely do it. Now?" (~^~)