Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 766: lurker

Um? Um! Serov froze all over, and was overwhelmed for a short time. On the one hand, he was happy to get evidence of the layout in a few months, but on the other hand, how to catch the UN Under-Secretary-General is a huge problem. The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York, although it is an international territory in name, but in fact everyone knows that it is the place of the United States. Even if he has confidence in his department, he doesn't think he can run to the United States and the FBI.

   But the international territory is limited to that building. Once the building is out, the KGB may not be able to **** people back. Otherwise, the Soviet Union would not have chosen to trick Shevchenko back into this stupid way, and would have arrested people directly in China.

   swallowed what was almost in his mouth, and Serov drank beer while thinking about it. For a moment, Serov's idea was to startle the snake, let Shevchenko know that the KGB was investigating him, and let him escape. Anyway, the Soviet Union was not ready to really disarm, it was just used to fool the diplomatic actions of the United States.

   It is possible to buy the under-secretary-general of the United Nations of the Soviet Union just by taking advantage of the imperialism to kill me. The pretext of posing a huge security threat to the Soviet Union's national security indicates that the Soviet Union should continue to attack and confront the United States.

   But it does not conform to the spirit of the KGB. Shevchenko can slip through the net, but the KGB cannot let this person go.

"Let's see who he is connecting with first, and kill the American who is connecting with me." After a moment of silence, Serov gave a big order, took out a pen and wrote down an address and handed it to the assistant, "Let someone go to this address. Find someone, and they'll understand what I mean!" The address was actually the headquarters of the KGB's operations department, next to a Moscow elementary school.

   Just like the Palace of Culture in Lubyanka Square, the KGB’s assassination department is next to an elementary school. Even the teachers of that elementary school were taught by members of the Action Executive Department, which had to say Mendelev's bad taste, but I believed that the elementary school should be very safe.

"Second order, find an opportunity to talk to Shevchenko's wife and express our position. Either cooperate with us to capture Shevchenko, or the two of them can try to escape together." Shelov blinked. After drinking the beer, he said, "By the way, Shevchenko must have helped many Americans to lurk in our intelligence system. Let the special investigation department investigate it carefully, and another department will take over the interrogation."

   "Understood, Chairman, leave it to us." The assistant nodded and left the room. There was only Serov with the sea breeze in the room. His vacation was really useless, and he was still working.

   Every day, I read the information sent by various departments, as well as the assessments from various parts of the country. Speaking of 1975, there were indeed some problems in the Soviet Union, and the cadre's atmosphere was far from that of Khrushchev's period. However, Serov, who drafted the security assessment report every year, felt that these problems were not enough to cause serious damage to the Soviet Union. decisive hazard. It may also be because the area and population of the Soviet Union have exceeded the original history, and the room for turning is greater.

   is like the height of a basketball player. You will definitely not be suitable for him to live in the bed of ordinary people. Khrushchev's speeches and acting were used to create an atmosphere that was beneficial to him. The Soviet Union was actually inferior to the United States in all aspects during Hek's rule, but He was good at acting and created an atmosphere, which once made the Americans uncertain about the strength of the Soviet Union, making the Soviet Union unpredictable. In the ten years that the Soviet Union was able to seize the Americans' misjudgment of the Soviet Union's strength, it rapidly developed its own strength and strength, and became a pole that could truly compete with the United States.

   When it came to Brezhnev, although he was not a very noble communist, he always paid attention to practical strategies, and changed Khrushchev's way of winning with his mouth, and began to take advantage of the weakening of the United States' strength and began to **** some American interests. Just like his domestic policy, he continuously adopts the sausage cutting policy, not too much every time, but very persistent.

   "But the vast majority of state party secretaries seem to have never changed places since Brezhnev came to power." This situation was also seen by Serov. After reading the domestic information, I am looking at foreign countries. In fact, there is no particularly stable country in the Middle East. Syria, Egypt and Iraq all have certain opposition forces. Fortunately, this kind of opposition does not only exist in the allies of the Soviet Union, but also in Iran, the Middle East police supported by the United States.

  If there is a difference, he, the notorious head of the KGB spy, has been inciting the allies of the Soviet Union to kill all opponents. Iran seems to be addicted to the United States, and only deports important opponents. There was a man named Khomeini on the deportation list.

  If Iran were an ally of the Soviet Union, the KGB would have taken the lead for Pahlavi to solve this problem and get rid of the scourge of Khomeini.

   But since Iran is an enemy country, watch it die. Hepburn, who had finished socializing in the evening, came back and told Shelov that he hoped the Soviet Union could do him a favor, finalize some projects, and make more money by himself, so that he would not be exposed if he had more capital.

"You are a filmmaker, making some movies with the main theme, such as the three hundred warriors of Sparta, the battle of Constantinople, etc., this is what you are good at, don't tell me that you have no money, you spend money The speed is not as fast as you make money." Sheloff touched the woman's firmness and said, "You Hollywood are good at this, don't be afraid of losing money when you shoot it, and the Warsaw Pact countries will not block good movies from the country, of course. Edit it for sure."

"The Central Intelligence Agency? The so-called agents are just ordinary people. Americans will never believe it. We dare to come to the United States to kill people!" A person who will not leave any impression in the crowd. Unlike the killer in the general sense, he is a yellow race and usually performs tasks in the Asian region.

God knows how Mendelev would think of letting a yellow race perform a mission in the United States. Even the killer didn't know that he was originally born in Central Asia, was absorbed into school, and stayed in Japan after performing the mission. Coming to America to kill people, life is really interesting.

   This is entirely because of Mendelev himself, who believes that different races have a natural face blindness when they look at each other. Therefore, he arbitrarily sent a killer who was stationed in Japan and came to the United States to perform a mission. Jin Hao could only accept the task and came to the United States via a Japanese flight. Schools in the Soviet Union generally do not teach English, because the Soviet Union itself leads a group of countries, but in order to hide, the KGB has very rich experience in teaching foreign languages, which does not make Jin Hao appear smeared in the United States.

Throughout the headquarters of the Operational Department, Mendelev walked silently in front of the cell. All the people recommended by Shevchenko in the past six months are now being held in this cell. He does not know how many people are wronged. Yes, this kind of trivial matter will no longer be in his eyes, all he can do is execute orders.

Turning a deaf ear to all kinds of complaints, Menderev is like a moving sculpture, walking back and forth in the corridor in front of the cell, or taking a walk. The KGB anti-rebel workers here are not surprised. This is unique to their boss. pastime.

   "Minister, the chairman has arrived." At this moment, an assistant who came in whispered in Mendelev's ear. Mendelev nodded to indicate that he knew, and stood there waiting for his boss to come.

A series of heavy footsteps sounded from far to near, Mendelev's eyebrows moved slightly, as if he was listening, and he secretly said in his heart, "There are seven people in total, and two of them have relatively light footsteps, and the frequency of walking is very fast. The voice is crisp, high heels, women. The rest of the voices are military boots." Soon the guards opened the iron door at the corner, and seven people, including Serov, appeared in front of Mendelev.

  Windmill Pupu Serov, who had just returned from Greece, saw the KGB killer, looked at the cells on the left and right, and asked, "Are they all here?" Menderev nodded lightly.

   "Isn't there anything that slipped through the net? Are you sure you caught it?" Serov asked again, Mendelev shook his head and said no.

   "When you were in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you didn't want to talk so much now." Sheloff shook his head. Sometimes he wondered if he knew a person. How could a person have such a big change? Is Mendelev's tongue sick? He turned around and said, "I will personally interrogate and find out the suspicious elements one by one for me. I will be working here today."

After    ordered Serov to go directly into the interrogation room, everyone waited outside and could not come in. Thirty-two people were arrested, including people from the diplomatic system and staff from the security department. Serov spent two days talking to these people at the headquarters of the Operational Execution Department. One by one, four people were identified, three in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and one in the Moscow State Security Agency.

  Maybe because of time constraints, these people arranged by Shevchenko were not of high status. Now he felt that the two sides could talk, "Your Russian is good, the descendants of Belarus, right?" Then his eyes fell on a man in his thirties who looked upright and said, "But you are not, you are the real American People, this is the person in charge of the spies who sneaked in through Shevchenko. The three of them don't know each other, and they don't know you either, but you know them well."

   "Chairman, as a counter-revolutionary worker, I think the evidence is very important." The person in charge wearing a KGB uniform said, "I was born in Berezniki, Perm, this can be checked."

   "Don't fool me with this kind of lie. For the KGB and the CIA, it's just a matter of difficulty in changing the files, especially with the help of the inner ghost." Shelov snorted coldly. (To be continued~^~)