Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 789: Duran Line Program

"Everyone likes good things. I don't know what kind of good things can happen to me?" Amin showed a very interested look. He took the wine glass in his hand and clinked with Shelov, and each looked at each other with meaningful eyes. At a glance, he drank the wine in his glass with a tacit understanding.

  Amin always felt that he had encountered an opportunity, there was no basis, it was just a feeling. This feeling is very strange, and even the trip to the Soviet Union, which was originally reluctant, seems to have become interesting because of the appearance of Serov.

  The Soviet Union is the most important issue in Afghanistan. The relationship between the two countries has been running for more than 50 years. Any ideals and aspirations that do not take the Soviet Union into account are unrealistic. But Amin's relationship with the Soviet Union is very general. On the contrary, because he once went to school in the United States and met some political figures in the Kingdom of Afghanistan trained by the US Central Intelligence Agency, Moscow is full of doubts.

  Amin also knows that many high-level leaders of the Afghan People's Party are more trusted than ever. He only met with the Soviet General Political Commissar of State Security in Kabul during the April Revolution. It seems that there are still opportunities for the two sides to continue cooperation in the future? If so, that's a really good thing.

The only thing that makes Amin suspicious is that Serov is the leader of the hard-line Soviet Union. Although the resignation of Shelepin, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, is not as prosperous as before, several leaders of the powerful departments of the Soviet Union still have a great say. , Afghanistan was noticed by people like Andropov, Ustinov, and Serov, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

  A good thing? Since this is the word of the General Political Commissar of the Soviet Union's National Security, then Amin should think that he is a good thing for now.

   In a short period of time, Amin's mind changed sharply, and the conversation between Shelov and Shelov became more and more familiar, although they were limited to understanding each other at the reception. But this sight is still noticed by some people.

"Comrade Andropov, do you think Serov is planning something." Under Ustinov's heavy glasses, he looked very interested. Based on what he knew about Serov, the chief political commissar took the initiative to use his considerate attitude. The attitude to approach a person is either to cooperate or to wait for the opportunity to kill. There is absolutely no third choice.

"I don't know, but he will tell us soon, the time will be after Amin leaves." Andropov, like Serov, basically did not reduce the wine in the glass, unlike Ustinov So massive.

   "Unfortunately, this is not a suitable day for traveling, otherwise, we would not have to do indoor activities." At the end of the reception, Serov sent Amin to the hotel where he was staying, and then said goodbye.

  Amin nodded, thanking Moscow for its hospitality, and both knew that the really important negotiations had not yet begun.

"As for you, little girl. I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to actually fulfill your dream, and you rarely entered the job of Lubyanka. I believe that my blank presidential decree has at least a certain effect, right? Vali Ya." On the stairs leaving the hotel, Serov asked deeply, "It's a coincidence, otherwise I'd be wondering if the CIA changed its routine."

   The young girl suddenly raised her delicate face and said in surprise, "Chairman, you can remember a person you met casually a few years ago."

"My memory is not bad, mainly because your name is relatively rare." Sheloff laughed and said, "I will send you to Lubyanka's collective dormitory first. According to the regulations, only those who have worked for one year in the anti-revolutionary work can do so. Allocated to independent collective apartments, but the collective dormitories have everything except a smaller area, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

  Valia, who was very worried, followed the chairman's special car back to Lubyanka, got off the car and took the girl to the door of the dormitory. Serov turned around and left, although the girl was very beautiful, this is nonsense, can she be chosen as a swallow if she is not beautiful.

"Valia, you've been seconded on a mission so soon? It seemed to be the chairman's car just now. That's the owner of Lubyanka, who brought you back in person..." Just now, when I returned to the dormitory, another woman in the same dormitory Just chattering, the girl who was obviously more curious saw the scene just now from the window.

"Aliyevna, stop arguing, I was going to be sent to Central Asia to study Afghan language." Valiya explained with a smile, "There was an Afghan delegation visiting, and I was dispatched due to lack of staff. ."

   Lying on the bed in the dormitory at night, Valya tossed and turned, and it took a long time before she was sleepy and fell asleep.

  The place where Serov used to entertain Amin was set in Sochi. The temperature here is suitable and it was a resort for the Soviet Union. Although it is obviously not as popular as the beaches of the Aegean Sea and Indonesia in recent years, it is more comfortable. More and more the Soviet Union chose to go abroad for vacation, which also made the Soviet Union's global expansion not in vain, and finally gave feedback to ordinary people.

   Most of the cost of health resorts in the Soviet Union is still borne by the state, but even if the Soviet Union is promoting social imperialism, countries such as Greece and Indonesia cannot be bought out for the tourism needs of the Soviet people. If you choose the beautiful scenery and high-quality beaches in foreign countries, you will be responsible for consumption, and other countries are not Lei Feng. Just in time to clean up the over-issued rubles in the Soviet Union.

   "Comrade Amin, what do you think of the scenery of the Black Sea?" Serov, who put his hands on the window, squinted his eyes and blew the unique black wind in front of him. His tone was not proud, as if he had asked such a question casually.

"Very beautiful scenery, which is what we lack in Afghanistan. We have no coastline and are a landlocked country." Amin said with some envy, Afghanistan is a landlocked country, dry and rainy throughout the year, with annual temperature differences and daily The temperature difference is large, the winter is severe, and the minimum temperature in the northern and northeastern regions is below minus 30 ℃.

   In this case, let alone the real coastline, Afghanistan cannot even reach the coastline of the Caspian Sea. Amin's sigh is also inspired. Traffic inconvenience is a big problem, but this is just one of the many big problems facing Afghanistan.

"I remember that Afghanistan long ago had territorial waters, and the British colonists were always making trouble all over the world." Although the problem of Afghanistan was the result of the joint struggle between imperial Russia and Great Britain, this did not delay Serov from standing on the moral high ground. Pull out the British colonial policy and criticize it.

Oh? Amin think? I seem to have heard something called an overtone. In this way, an Afghan strongman and a veteran Soviet anti-revolutionary worker, in the sea breeze of the Black Sea, began to have an unreserved dialogue on the issue of Afghanistan.

"Afghanistan is a backward and broken country. Among the countries of peace religion, Afghanistan is considered a low-ranking country. Although we in the Soviet Union have always tried our best to help Afghanistan's cities to absorb more people, the urban population is now only five points. One, the vast other areas of Afghanistan, because of the backward transportation, are all in the hands of all kinds, and there are various anti-government armed forces in a quarter of the provinces. Comrade Amin, the country you are facing is far behind. More than the Russian Empire more than 60 years ago, the stubbornness of the Church of Peace is even more terrible than the Orthodox Church." In the face-to-face dialogue, with only two people, Serov expressed his views on Afghanistan very bluntly.

"I've always wanted to get rid of the local tribes in Afghanistan, and those religious shackles, but it doesn't matter if the United States hinders me, why should the Soviet Union stop me, Comrade Serov, you didn't answer my last question, and To save the life of the Daoud family, the Soviet Union should understand how important it is for us to kill Daoud, a symbol of kingship." Amin also raised his own questions.

"Daoud is just one of the forces in the broken Afghanistan, but he is the head of the former government, making the outside world look like a symbol of Afghanistan. You are an Afghan, you should know the difference. As for the Soviet Union's toughness against you The policy has always been criticized, because we are afraid that you will lose, because if you lose, Afghanistan will collapse, it will definitely affect the Soviet Union, and it will cause great trouble for us." Shelov laughed, "You can understand. As long as the situation in Afghanistan doesn’t deteriorate, the Soviet Union wants to have a good time, as long as the situation in Afghanistan does not deteriorate, as for your doomed very drastic reform, we don’t know if it will succeed.”

   In a word, the Soviet Union only needs Afghanistan to maintain the minimum goal of stability. As for Amin's hope of establishing a central government to overthrow local tribes, land reforms to purge religion. Every failure can cause a huge counterattack. If Amin has to break free from the shackles of the Soviet Union and step on landmines, the Soviet Union is likely to kill him.

Historically, the original intention of sending troops to Afghanistan was to remove Hafizullah Amin, who took a relatively tough stance on the domestic feudal hostages who engaged in riots, not to go to the sea without knowing whether they could succeed, but this time, Serov was very serious. Considering that, if possible, it is not impossible to push hard against the Indian Ocean outlet.

  Since Amin is already the most iron-handed existence in the Afghan government, it is not impossible to cooperate with such an iron-handed person. Anyway, other people are more useless.

"Even if you have this skill, how many supporters do you have? One-fifth of the urban population? The tribe you were born in? That's only more than one million people. If you want to solve this problem in Afghanistan, it is very difficult. Yes." Shelov took out a map of Afghanistan like a conjuration, which was drawn by the Soviet military advisers. All countries where the Soviet Union has sent military advisers will draw maps of this country, no exceptions.

   "I named this plan, the Duran Line Plan." Armin, who was looking down at the map, suddenly roared in his mind. (To be continued~^~)