Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 791: north-south attack

   It is also possible that India will make the first move and Afghanistan will assist. Who can say these things? Anyway, as long as one of Afghanistan and India makes a move, the other country is likely to cooperate. Serov seems to remember that when he first went to India, he had buried a nail in India, enough to make India angry.

  India in this time and space is far more pro-Soviet than in history because India annexed Bangladesh. And the power of the Communist Party in the country has increased a lot. For the pacifists in Bangladesh, the Hindus naturally want to disintegrate the other's beliefs, but given that the native Hinduism in India is relatively rare, a religion that is more backward than pacifism, there is no chance of success at all. Serov is very disdainful of peace religion, but there are always exceptions. For example, when he was in India, he felt that compared with Hinduism, peace believers were actually quite good.

  Since Hinduism did not have this ability, the ruling Communist Party in West Bengal finally rushed forward and carried out some methods used by the Soviet Union in Bangladesh, promoting atheism, public ownership of land, and state-owned enterprises.

  Also because Bangladesh was silently annexed by India, it caused a huge decline in India’s image, especially its relationship with the Peace Religion country plummeted. Under such circumstances, India’s move to move closer to the Soviet Union became more and more obvious.

   If you don’t consider the combat effectiveness of Indian soldiers, India’s weapons and equipment at this time should be second only to the United States and the Soviet Union in the world, and its advanced level is much higher than that of China today. The weapons commonly equipped by the Soviet Union in the MiG 27 and T72 have all entered the Indian army.

   Having said that, although the combat effectiveness of the Indian army is very poor, in a worse world, don’t forget that Pakistan’s combat effectiveness is even worse, and the Soviet Union has already surpassed the United States in the weapons of the ground troops. India still has a relatively obvious advantage over Pakistan. The only problem is that India has to guard against China and cannot do its best.

   As for a pacifist country to ally with a Hindu country and fight another pacifist country, this is a very normal thing. Religion cannot resolve all disputes, and the government must take national interests as its reference. In the seventeenth century, in order to resist the enemy, the Holy Roman Empire, France formed alliances with the Ottoman Empire several times, and attacked the Holy Roman Empire from east to west. For a long time, the French were regarded as traitors in the world of Christ. Later, the French became wider and could be washed away. .

  Amin, as the No. 2 figure in Afghanistan now, thinks the same way. Moreover, the Afghan central government really needs to expand its military to deal with disobedient local tribes. This is also an internal need in Afghanistan itself. So it seems that this is very good for Afghanistan.

"If India can stand with us, that would be the best thing." After thinking for a long time, Amin believes that as long as India starts, Afghanistan will shoulder the strategic offensive mission of the Soviet Union, and at the same time recover its lost ground is a good thing . It can not only reassure the Soviets, but also expand Afghanistan's own interests.

   This shows that the No. 2 figure in Afghanistan has agreed, and the No. 1 figure is more obedient. It won't get in the way of Serov's ideas. But what? Serov glanced at Amin and said, "Actually, I don't want to interfere in the struggle between the people's faction and the banner faction, Comrade Amin, but I suggest that the contradiction within the party should not be eliminated by physical means. I didn't find anything between the two factions. Different places. As for the fight outside the party, what do you want to do, I guarantee that the Soviet Union will never interfere. Some things are not allowed to be kind.”

The struggle between the People's faction and the Banner faction is far more incomprehensible than the battle between Stalin and the Trotsky faction in the Soviet Union. At least the struggle in the Soviet Union is the struggle of building socialism in one country first and the world revolutionaries. The two factions in Afghanistan do not differ in any way, and they are completely fighting for power and profit.

"I just kept the leaders of the Banner faction away from the political center, and I never meant to kill them." Amin patted his chest and assured, "The fight within the party will not be carried out by means of physical destruction, I can guarantee this. "

   You can guarantee? Shelov did not continue to ask questions, hoping that Amin could do what he said. The fate of the Afghan People's Party's banner faction, if it was in the Soviet Union ten years ago, was the fate of the Shelepin group, and important tasks were sent abroad to be ambassadors. Amin also treated the leaders of the Afghan Flag faction in the same way.

   But I believe that in a short period of time, if Amin wants to get the support of the Soviet Union to expand his army, he should not make a big move. Because Afghanistan without the support of the Soviet Union is absolutely incapable of regaining lost ground. As Amin said, Afghanistan cannot beat Pakistan.

The    Duran Line plan, on the one hand, is to give a vent to the main ethnic groups in Afghanistan, and to improve the legitimate status of the Afghan People's Party. Recovering lost ground is very important for every country, and it is an excellent thing to boost the prestige of the ruling party.

The most important example of    was the conquest of Constantinople by the Soviet Union, which brought great prestige to all the members of the Central Presidium at that time. Since then, the Soviet Union has run rampant in the Mediterranean, and has established an absolute advantage in the Eastern Mediterranean, and has a greater impact on Syria, Egypt, and Libya, and Egypt's betrayal of the Soviet Union has not happened.

The Soviet Union, which occupied Constantinople and established Soviet Grad, had a greater impact on Eastern Europe, removed all geographical obstacles, and at the same time greatly changed the situation of the Warsaw Pact and established an absolute advantage over NATO. Started in a moment.

After Afghanistan regained its lost territory, there will definitely be some differences in the main ethnic groups separated from the two countries. For a long time, Amin's main job was to suppress the Pashtuns in Pakistan and establish his own authority. It will not be over, so Amin will naturally have no time to play with the Soviet Union.

  Shelov's proposal has huge benefits and sequelae to Afghanistan. These two consequences coexist. Even if Amin knows it, he must swallow it. This is not a conspiracy, but a very obvious conspiracy.

  Serov and Amin spent five days in Sochi on the Black Sea coast, and they talked about all aspects of Afghanistan. Including issues of local tribes, religions, and ethnic minorities. When should it be tough cleaning, when should it be treated fairly, and how to deal with various problems. As long as what happened in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Serov has given answers. What did not happen in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, he showed Amin some archives from the Middle East countries to check.

"For the Soviet Union, we certainly want all neighbors to be stable. If the country is unstable and pro-American at the same time, my job is to find a way to clean up the country. These two conditions cannot be in one neighbor at the same time. Appeared." While looking at the archives, Serov said to Amin, "Iran currently meets the conditions of pro-Americanism. I hope he will always have a stable political system and not cause trouble to our Soviet Union."

   This is also a warning to Afghanistan. Once Afghanistan falls into chaos and affects the minorities of the Soviet Union in Central Asia, it may lead to military intervention by the Soviet Union. This is not a wonderful thing. In just a few years, Turkey's economy has been regressing step by step, and its domestic environment has become more and more conservative. These are the consequences of the Soviet Union's attack. Believe that no one in the neighbors of the Soviet Union wants to come a second time.

  Iran's Pahlavi Dynasty, on the one hand, strengthened the Shah's military and police force, on the other hand, never took the initiative to provoke the Soviet Union. However, it seems that the situation in Iran has become more and more unstable in recent years. Historically, the United States has fooled the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Serov felt that he could fool the United States during the Khomeini revolution.

Because Iran is pro-American, Khomeini has always started the revolution with the idea of ​​anti-American protection of the values ​​of pacifism. If the Soviet Union can create the illusion that Iran will be pro-Soviet after the revolution, maybe the Americans will not be able to resist coming forward. Fighting a war, but after all, this is something that has not happened in history. No one knows whether it will succeed or not. Maybe the Americans will continue to pretend to be dead.

"Teacher, you really taught me a lot this time. Just being tough can't solve the problem. Diplomacy and the fate of the country are also very important." Amin is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart, otherwise he would not have been born at the bottom of the world. With the opportunity to study in the United States, he understands that the Soviet Union is the biggest problem facing Afghanistan, and this visit to Moscow probably also clarified the bottom line of the Soviet Union.

The goals of the two countries are not exactly the same, but it is not difficult to find a common goal. For the Soviet Union, Pakistan is a stumbling block to the south. For India, Pakistan is part of the British division of India. For Afghanistan, Basstan is occupying itself. territorial enemy. For Iran, it's okay to ignore religious factors. If you consider religious factors, Shiites in Pakistan and Iran are not friends, if not enemies.

   On the last day, Serov and Amin went to sea on a yacht to watch the beautiful scenery of the Black Sea. Serov, who grabbed the fence with both hands, faced the sea breeze and said, "Many people think that the Soviet Union is domineering, which is true, but at this stage we have only one way. If one day the United States admits defeat, the Soviet Union will disintegrate the biggest threat. Huge Naturally, there is no need for the military strength of the military, and now the garrison of many countries will also withdraw. At that time, we no longer need the garrison to consolidate our influence, and we will not find a way to check so many hot spots. "

   "I hope that day will come sooner, and there will be no confrontation in the world." Amin said this from the perspective of his own country. Afghanistan has a military base established by the Soviet Union.

  If the United States admits defeat in the Cold War, the shrinking of Soviet military power is inevitable. The week-long dialogue between Serov and Amin was regarded as the first important leader in the Soviet Union to offer an olive branch to the Afghan strongman.

   The next day Amin set off for his return home, while Serov continued to go to Sovietgrad. (To be continued~^~)